def test_mask_pad(basic_image_2x2, basic_image_file, basic_geometry): """Output should be cropped to extent of data""" geometries = [basic_geometry] with as src: masked, transform = mask(src, geometries, crop=True, pad=True) assert masked.shape == (1, 4, 4) assert np.array_equal(masked[0], basic_image_2x2[1:5, 1:5])
def test_mask_invert(basic_image, basic_image_file, basic_geometry): """Pixels inside the geometry are masked to nodata (0)""" geometries = [basic_geometry] basic_image[2:4, 2:4] = 0 with as src: masked, transform = mask(src, geometries, invert=True) assert np.array_equal(masked[0], basic_image)
def test_mask(basic_image_2x2, basic_image_file, basic_geometry): """Pixels outside the geometry are masked to nodata (0)""" geometries = [basic_geometry] with as src: masked, transform = mask(src, geometries) assert np.array_equal(masked[0], basic_image_2x2) assert (type(masked) == np.ndarray)
def test_mask_all_touched(basic_image, basic_image_file, basic_geometry): """All pixels touched by geometry should be masked out as 3""" nodata = 3 geometries = [basic_geometry] with as src: masked, transform = mask(src, geometries, nodata=nodata, invert=True, all_touched=True) assert np.array_equal(masked[0], basic_image * nodata)
def test_mask_crop_all_touched(basic_image, basic_image_file, basic_geometry): """Output should be cropped to extent of data""" geometries = [basic_geometry] with as src: masked, transform = mask(src, geometries, crop=True, all_touched=True) assert masked.shape == (1, 3, 3) assert np.array_equal(masked[0], basic_image[2:5, 2:5])
def test_mask_nodata(basic_image_2x2, basic_image_file, basic_geometry): """All pixels outside geometry should be masked out as 3""" nodata = 3 geometries = [basic_geometry] basic_image_2x2[basic_image_2x2 == 0] = nodata with as src: masked, transform = mask(src, geometries, nodata=nodata) assert np.array_equal(masked[0], basic_image_2x2)
def test_mask_filled(basic_image, basic_image_2x2, basic_image_file, basic_geometry): """Should be returned as if filled is False""" geometries = [basic_geometry] with as src: masked, transform = mask(src, geometries, filled=False) image =, mask=basic_image_2x2==0) assert (type(masked) == assert np.array_equal(masked[0].mask, image.mask) assert np.array_equal(masked[0], image)
def clip_raster( rst_fn, shp_fn, out_fn ): ''' take input raster and shapefile in the same CRS (strict) and output a raster clipped / cropped to the shapefile shape domain. The idea is to use a shapefile with only a single extent shape, but may work for multiples... ARGUMENTS: ---------- rst_fn: [str] path to the GeoTiff to clip shp_fn: [str] path to the shapefile containing masking polygon(s) out_fn: [str] path to dump the clipped raster (will be overwritten) RETURNS: -------- out_fn with the side-effect of writing a clipped GeoTiff file to disk with LZW compression. ''' import fiona import rasterio from rasterio.mask import mask from rasterio.warp import reproject, Resampling # shapefile work with shp_fn, "r") as shapefile: features = [ feature["geometry"] for feature in shapefile ] # input raster work with rst_fn ) as src: out_image, out_transform = mask( src, features, crop=True ) out_meta = src.meta.copy() # output raster work out_meta.update({"driver": "GTiff", "height": out_image.shape[1], "width": out_image.shape[2], "transform": out_transform, "compress": "lzw"}) with, "w", **out_meta) as dst: dst.write( out_image ) return out_fn
def _clip_raster(inraster, features, outraster, **kwargs): # convert the features to geojson geoms = _to_geojson(features) rasterio = import_rasterio() # check for rasterio from rasterio.mask import mask with as src: print('clipping {}...'.format(inraster)) defaults = {'crop': True, 'nodata': src.nodata} defaults.update(kwargs) out_image, out_transform = mask(src, geoms, **defaults) out_meta = src.meta.copy() out_meta.update({"driver": "GTiff", "height": out_image.shape[1], "width": out_image.shape[2], "transform": out_transform}) with, "w", **out_meta) as dest: dest.write(out_image) print('wrote {}'.format(outraster))
tiff_path, "w", driver="GTiff", height=HEIGHT, width=WIDTH, count=1, #???? dtype=var_ch07.dtype, crs=p_crs, transform=new_affine, nodata=fill_value, ) as dst: dst.write(np.reshape(var_ch07,(1,HEIGHT,WIDTH))) src =, mode='r+') geodf = geopandas.read_file(LAND_POLYGON_SHAPE) land_masking, other_affine = mask.mask(src, geodf[['geometry']].values.flatten(), invert=True, filled=False) land_masking = land_masking = np.reshape(land_masking, (HEIGHT,WIDTH)) src.close() # Free memory src = None geodf = None ############################################################ # Init multi-tracker trackers = MultiTrackerImproved(cv2.TrackerCSRT_create) image_list = [] BTD_list = [] refl_ch2_list = [] refl_ch6_list = [] golden_arch_list = [] #TODO: Both of these next two are temp!!!
def extract_deforestation(inputs, def_value, dst_crs, pixel_size): # Creates output folder outputs_folder = os.path.join(inputs,"fixed") if not os.path.exists(outputs_folder): os.mkdir(outputs_folder) detail_folder = os.path.join(outputs_folder,"raster_detail") if not os.path.exists(detail_folder): os.mkdir(detail_folder) # Listing files pattern = inputs + os.path.sep + "content" + os.path.sep + '**' + os.path.sep + '**.tif' files = glob.glob(pattern, recursive=True) # Parameters minx, miny, maxx, maxy = 0, 0, 0, 0 crs = None epsg_code = None # loop for getting parameters of all raster files (*.tif) print("Calculating parameters for new files") for idx,rf in enumerate(files): print("file: " + rf) with as raster: raster_meta = raster.meta.copy() # Copying the first metadata if idx == 0: crs = minx, miny, maxx, maxy = raster.bounds[0], raster.bounds[1], raster.bounds[2], raster.bounds[3] # Checking which is the min left corner if raster.bounds[0] > minx: minx = raster.bounds[0] if raster.bounds[1] > miny: miny = raster.bounds[1] # Checking which is the min right corner if raster.bounds[2] < maxx: maxx = raster.bounds[2] if raster.bounds[3] < maxy: maxy = raster.bounds[3] # Creating polygon to crop the rasters files. bbox = box(minx, miny, maxx, maxy) print("Bounds: " + str(bbox)) print("CRS: " + str(crs)) geo = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geometry': bbox}, index=[0], geo = geo.to_crs(crs = from_epsg(dst_crs)) coords = getFeatures(geo) # loop for extracting, cropping and resampling raster files (*.tif) for rf in files: print("Working: " + rf) # Reproject the original raster and creates a tmp file rf_paths = rf.split(os.path.sep) rf_tmp = rf_paths[len(rf_paths)-1].replace(".tif","_tmp.tif") rf_tmp = outputs_folder + os.path.sep + rf_tmp print("Reprojecting: " + rf_tmp) reproject_raster(rf, rf_tmp, 'EPSG:' + str(dst_crs), pixel_size) print("Opening: " + rf_tmp) with as raster: # Copy meta data from tmp file reprojected meta_dst = raster.meta.copy() print("Cropping raster") out_img, out_transform = mask(dataset=raster, shapes=coords, crop=True) print("Dimention: H=" + str(out_img.shape[1]) + " W=" + str(out_img.shape[2])) # Extract values deforestation out_img[out_img != def_value] = 0 meta_dst.update({"driver": "GTiff", "height": out_img.shape[1], "width": out_img.shape[2], "transform": out_transform, 'compress': 'lzw', 'nodata': 0}) file_name = rf_paths[len(rf_paths)-1] file_len = len(file_name) file_name = file_name[file_len-13:file_len-9] dest_file = os.path.join(detail_folder, file_name + ".tif") print("Saving: " + dest_file) with, 'w', **meta_dst) as dst: dst.write(out_img) # Delete the tmp file print("Deleting tmp: " + rf_tmp) os.remove(rf_tmp)
def mask_ras(raster, buffer): out_img, out_transform = mask.mask(raster, shapes=buffer['geometry'], crop=True, nodata=-1) return out_img, out_transform
with + '/imagery/' + year + '/' + tile + '/' + tile + '_full.tif') as src: out_meta = src.meta.copy() print(src.bounds) tick = 0 # To be used for the iterations index = 0 # To be used to index the geometries, will allow us to skip geometries that raise exceptions # Use while so that when an exception is raised we do not produce less examples while tick < count * 10: if True in list( year_shape.contains( buildings['geometry'].iloc[index])): try: out_image, out_transform = mask( src, [buildings['geometry'].iloc[index]], crop=True) out_meta.update({ "driver": "GTiff", "height": out_image.shape[1], "width": out_image.shape[2], "transform": out_transform }) with parent_path + "/labelled/building_mask/negative/" + year + "/" + tile + "/" + buildings.iloc[index]['TOID'] + ".tif", "w+", **out_meta) as dest:
def get_dem(dem_root, epsg, coords, outfold, hyd_num, grid_list, work_hydAr): # print("extracting DEM for Op Catch") dtm_list = [] for grid in grid_list: path = os.path.join(dem_root, grid.lower()) ras_test = os.listdir(path) for x in ras_test: if x[-10:] == 'DTM_5m.tif': ras_file = os.path.join(path, x) dtm_list.append(ras_file) # src_files_to_mosaic = [] if len(dtm_list) > 1: # print(">1 OS grid masking and merging rasters") mx, my, Mx, My = work_hydAr.geometry.total_bounds src_files_to_mosaic = [] for fp in dtm_list: src = # out_img, out_transform = mask(dataset=src, shapes=coords, crop=True) src_files_to_mosaic.append(src) mosaic, out_trans = merge(src_files_to_mosaic, bounds=[mx, my, Mx, My]) elif len(dtm_list) == 0: raise ValueError( "eh what's going on? looks like you've got no DTMs to merge?") else: # print("just one OS Grid - masking now") src =[0]) mosaic, out_trans = mask(dataset=src, shapes=coords, crop=True) out_meta = src.meta.copy() out_meta.update({ "driver": "GTiff", "height": mosaic.shape[1], "width": mosaic.shape[2], "transform": out_trans, "crs": CRS.from_epsg(epsg), "compress": "lzw" }) # print("exporting output raster") out_ras = os.path.join(outfold, "OC{0}_DTM.tif".format(hyd_num)) with, "w", **out_meta) as dest: dest.write(mosaic) mosaic = None out_img = None src = None maskedRas = hydAr_gj = getFeatures(work_hydAr) mosaicb, otb = mask(dataset=maskedRas, shapes=hydAr_gj, crop=False, nodata=(-100), all_touched=False) maskedRas = None with, "w", **out_meta) as dest: dest.write(mosaicb)
def grid_raster_and_annotations_to_coco(src_grid, src_im, src_ann, dst_im, prefix, dst_ann, invert_y=False, category_field="Class", verbose=True): #Function for SegUtils grid = geopandas.read_file(src_grid) #Open The Grid shp data = # Open the raster tif ntiles = len(grid) if verbose: print("==============================================") print("Preprocessing Annotation Shapefile") anno = geopandas.read_file(src_ann) anno = anno[anno["geometry"].notnull()] anno = anno.explode() anno['geometry'] = anno.geometry.buffer(0) anno.to_file(driver='ESRI Shapefile', filename=dst_ann + "preprocessed_annotations.shp") if verbose: print("Done Preprocessing Annotation Shapefile") print("==============================================") ##create categories for coco format coco_info = {} coco_licenses = {} coco_images = [] #List of dict of {file_name,id, height,width} coco_categories = [] # List of dict of{supercategory, id, name} coco_annotations = [ ] # List of dict of {id, category_id,iscrowd,segmentation[[LISTofLISTS]],image_id,area,bbox[]} category_log = [] #list of classnames category_id_log = [] anno_id_log = [] #list of anno nids im_id_log = [] #list of image ids if verbose: print("==============================================") print("Starting to process image and annotation files") for i in tqdm(range(0, ntiles), desc="Processing Tiles"): #for every object in grid #for i in range(0,100): im_id = ("{:05d}".format(prefix)) + "0123" + ( "{:05d}".format(i) ) #Unique id: first 5 digits=prefix, 0123 = image ist, las 5 digits refer to id outfile_im = dst_im + im_id + ".tif" outfile_ann = dst_ann + "Tile_%d_Annotation.shp" % i #anno_tilename = f'COCO_train2016_000000{100000+i}' if verbose: print("Clipping tile" + str(i) + " of " + str(ntiles)) #print("Target: "+outfile_im) coords = getFeatures(grid, i) #get the polygon Tile, out_transform = mask(dataset=data, shapes=coords, crop=True) #crop the raster to the polygon xres = abs(out_transform[0]) yres = abs(out_transform[4]) out_meta = data.meta.copy() #get a copy of the metadata of the raster out_meta.update({ "driver": "GTiff", "height": Tile.shape[1], "width": Tile.shape[2], "transform": out_transform }) #update the meta for the cropped raster #make the dir if necessary if not os.path.exists(dst_im): os.makedirs(dst_im) #write the image with, "w", **out_meta) as dest: dest.write(Tile) #UPDATE COCO FOR THIS IMAGE Image_descr = { "file_name": im_id + ".tif", "id": im_id, "height": out_meta["height"], "width": out_meta["width"] } coco_images.append(Image_descr) im_id_log.append(im_id) #also register the image id in the log if verbose: print("Clipping annotation" + str(i) + "of " + str(ntiles)) #print("Target: "+outfile_ann) (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) = grid.bounds[i:i + 1].iloc[0, :]"ogr2ogr -clipsrc %d %d %d %d " % (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) + '"' + outfile_ann + '"' + " " + '"' + dst_ann + "preprocessed_annotations.shp" + '"', shell=True) #print("Processing Annotations") anno = geopandas.read_file(outfile_ann) #drop missing geometries anno = anno[anno["geometry"].notnull()] if anno.empty: if verbose: print("No Valid Annotations found, skipping Tile ", str(i)) continue #EXPLODE to remove multipart features anno = anno.explode() #anno.buffer(0) #simplify remaining geometries CAN CAUSE CRASHES #if not all(anno.geometry.is_empty): # anno.anno = anno.simplify(1, preserve_topology=True) #drop small geometries anno = anno[anno.geometry.area * (10 * 10) > 500] #enterne ganz kleine polys if anno.empty: if verbose: print("No Valid Annotations found, skipping Tile ", str(i)) continue #anno.to_file(driver = 'ESRI Shapefile', filename= "result.shp") #print("Converting to Local Coordinates") #width=xmax-xmin height = ymax - ymin npoly = len(anno) # ADD CLASSES FOR THIS ANNO TO COCO CLASS, IF THEY ARE NOT REGISTERED THERE YET anno_classes = anno[ category_field] #get classes in current anno (in relevant category column) anno_classes_uniq = list(set(anno_classes)) #get uniques for k in anno_classes_uniq: if k not in category_log: #wenn es die category noch ned gibt new_category_id = len(coco_categories) if verbose: print("creating new category: ", k, " under id: ", new_category_id) Class_descr = { "supercategory": "LandCover", "id": new_category_id, "name": k } #mach neu (ids start at 0) coco_categories.append(Class_descr) #hänge an category_log.append(k) # registrier the new class in log category_id_log.append( new_category_id) #register the new class in log #For each poly in the clipped shape: for j in range(0, npoly): #UPDATE THE GEOMETRY oldpoly = anno.exterior.iloc[j] poly_x, poly_y = oldpoly.coords.xy newpoly = shapely.geometry.Polygon([[ (x - xmin) / xres, (y - ymin) / yres ] for x, y in zip(poly_x, poly_y)]) if invert_y: #print("Also inverting Y Axis") #Die coordinaten werden auf tile coordinaten transformiert(subtraktion), mittels der auflösung werden die meter in pixelwerte transformiert, die y axe gespiegelt newpoly = shapely.geometry.Polygon([[ (x - xmin) / xres, (height - (y - ymin)) / yres ] for x, y in zip(poly_x, poly_y)]) anno.geometry.iloc[j] = newpoly #ADD THE ANNOTATIONS TO COCO ANNOTATIONS anno_id = ("{:05d}".format(prefix)) + "0987" + ( "{:05d}".format(len(anno_id_log)) ) #Unique id: erste 5 ziffern=prefix, 0987 bedeutet dass es anno ist, letzte 5 ziffern id image_id = im_id category_name = anno[category_field].values[ j] #find the category name category_id = category_id_log[category_log.index( category_name )] #find the corresponding id in this category name (this is where the logs come in) poly_x_n, poly_y_n = newpoly.exterior.coords.xy segmentation = [[ round(val, 3) for pair in zip(poly_x_n, poly_y_n) for val in pair ]] #interleave x and y coordinates (von stackoverflow geklaut) bbox = newpoly.bounds area = newpoly.area iscrowd = 0 Anno_descr = { "id": anno_id, "category_id": category_id, "iscrowd": iscrowd, "segmentation": segmentation, "image_id": image_id, "area": area, "bbox": bbox } coco_annotations.append(Anno_descr) anno_id_log.append(anno_id) #also register the anno id in the log if verbose: print("Finished processing image and annotation files") print("==============================================") print("Creating Coco-styled Database") coco_style_db = { "info": coco_info, "licenses": coco_licenses, "images": coco_images, "annotations": coco_annotations, "categories": coco_categories } registers = [category_log, category_id_log, anno_id_log, im_id_log] return (coco_style_db, registers)
# Check the dimensions and bands print(stack.shape) # dimensions print(stack.count) # bands ############################################################################## # SHAPEFILE ############################################################################## shapefile_fp = raw_fp + 'Lindsay_white_river_land_cover/Lindsay_white_river_land_cover.shp' shapefile = gpd.read_file(shapefile_fp) shapefile.bounds geoms = shapefile.geometry.values geometry = geoms[0] print(type(geometry)) print(geometry) feature = [mapping(geometry) ] # can also do this using polygon.__geo_interface__ print(type(feature)) print(feature) out_image, out_transform = mask(stack, feature, crop=True, nodata=0) out_image.shape ############################################################################## # RANDOM FOREST MODEL ##############################################################################
def _sample_rio_dataset(self, polygon, invert): """ Internal method to sample a rasterIO dataset using rasterIO built ins Parameters ---------- polygon : (shapely.geometry.Polygon or GeoJSON-like dict) The values should be a GeoJSON-like dict or object implements the Python geo interface protocal. Alternatively if the user supplies the vectors of a polygon in the format [(x0, y0), ..., (xn, yn)] a single shapely polygon will be created for cropping the data invert : bool Default value is False. If invert is True then the area inside the shapes will be masked out Returns ------- tuple : (arr_dict, raster_crp_meta) """ if rasterio is None: msg = 'Raster()._sample_rio_dataset(): error ' + \ 'importing rasterio try "pip install rasterio"' raise ImportError(msg) else: from rasterio.mask import mask if shapely is None: msg = 'Raster()._sample_rio_dataset(): error ' + \ 'importing shapely - try "pip install shapely"' raise ImportError(msg) else: from shapely import geometry if isinstance(polygon, list) or isinstance(polygon, np.ndarray): shapes = [geometry.Polygon([[x, y] for x, y in polygon])] else: shapes = [polygon] rstr_crp, rstr_crp_affine = mask(self._dataset, shapes, crop=True, invert=invert) rstr_crp_meta = self._dataset.meta.copy() rstr_crp_meta.update({ "driver": "GTiff", "height": rstr_crp.shape[1], "width": rstr_crp.shape[2], "transform": rstr_crp_affine }) arr_dict = {self.bands[b]: arr for b, arr in enumerate(rstr_crp)} return arr_dict, rstr_crp_meta
def _create_non_zero_population_by_pixels_locations(geodataframe, raster, pop_string, weights=None, force_crs_match=True): """Function that returns the actual population of each pixel from a given geodataframe and variable. geodataframe : a geopandas dataframe that it is contained in the raster raster : the raster used from rasterio pop_string : a string of the column name of the geodataframe that the estimation will be made weights : vector of weights in each position of the pixel values according 'return_weights_from_regression' function. This must be provided by the user. force_crs_match : bool. Default is True. Wheter the Coordinate Reference System (CRS) of the polygon will be reprojected to the CRS of the raster file. It is recommended to let this argument as True. """ _check_presence_of_crs(geodataframe) if not force_crs_match: warnings.warn( "The polygon is not being reprojected. The clipping might be being performing on unmatching polygon to the raster." ) else: with as raster: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") geodataframe_projected = geodataframe.to_crs( result_pops_array = np.array([]) result_lons_array = np.array([]) result_lats_array = np.array([]) pbar = tqdm( total=len(geodataframe_projected), desc="Estimating population per pixel", ) for line_index in range(len(geodataframe_projected)): polygon_projected = geodataframe_projected.iloc[[line_index]] coords = getFeatures(polygon_projected) out_img, out_transform = mask(dataset=raster, shapes=coords, crop=True) """Calculating the population for each pixel""" trans_numpy = weights[ out_img] # Pixel population from regression orig_estimate = polygon_projected[ pop_string] # Original Population Value of The polygon correction_term = orig_estimate / trans_numpy.sum() final_pop_numpy_pre = trans_numpy * np.array(correction_term) flatten_final_pop_numpy_pre = np.ndarray.flatten( final_pop_numpy_pre) non_zero_pop_index = np.where(flatten_final_pop_numpy_pre != 0) final_pop_numpy = flatten_final_pop_numpy_pre[ non_zero_pop_index] """Retrieving location of each pixel""" lons, lats = create_lon_lat(out_img, out_transform) final_lons = np.ndarray.flatten(lons)[non_zero_pop_index] final_lats = np.ndarray.flatten(lats)[non_zero_pop_index] """Append all flattens numpy arrays""" result_pops_array = np.append(result_pops_array, final_pop_numpy) result_lons_array = np.append(result_lons_array, final_lons) result_lats_array = np.append(result_lats_array, final_lats) pbar.update(1) data = { "pop_value": result_pops_array, "lons": result_lons_array.round().astype(int).tolist(), "lats": result_lats_array.round().astype(int).tolist(), } corresp = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data) pbar.close() return corresp
temp_outFolder = "C:/Temp/LEI_Cities" inR = meta = inR.meta.copy() inD = gpd.read_file(inShp) inD = inD.to_crs( #Loop through input dataset for idx, row in inD.iterrows(): print(idx) if idx >= 0: outFolder = os.path.join(temp_outFolder, "%s" % idx) try: #os.mkdir(outFolder) coords = getFeatures(inD, idx) out_img, out_transform = mask(inR, shapes=coords, crop=True) #Compare urban expansions to existing built area for three comparisons # new2014 vs existing2000 # new2000 vs existing1990 # new20002014 vs existing1990 #Create all baseline data meta.update({ "height": out_img.shape[1], "width": out_img.shape[2], "transform": out_transform, "driver": "GTiff" }) with, "GHSL.tif"), 'w', **meta) as outFile: outFile.write(out_img)
projection = partial(pyproj.transform, pyproj.Proj(init="epsg:4326"), pyproj.Proj(init="epsg:32629")) wkt = loads(wkt_in) return transform(projection, wkt) areas_json = {} mask_json = {} loop_dir = classified_LC_dir sorted_files = sorted(os.listdir(loop_dir)) for folder in sorted_files: img = + folder) file_name = re.sub("\\..*$", "", folder) date = file_name.split('_')[-2][:8] LC_polygon = convert_wkt_to_polygon(config.TEXANA_WKT_REDUCED) [prdt_arr], prdt_xy = mask.mask(dataset=img, shapes=[LC_polygon], nodata=config.NO_DATA, all_touched=True, crop=True) height, width = prdt_arr.shape binary_img = prdt_arr msk_arr = prdt_arr.astype(np.uint8) msk_arr[msk_arr == config.BLACK] = config.WATER msk_arr[msk_arr == config.NO_DATA] = config.LAND msk_arr[msk_arr == config.WHITE] = config.LAND bool_msk = msk_arr > 0 msk_arr = remove_small_holes(bool_msk, area_threshold=2048).astype(np.uint8) bool_msk = msk_arr > 0 msk_arr = remove_small_objects(bool_msk, min_size=1024).astype(np.uint8) msk_arr[msk_arr == config.WATER] = config.RESERVOIR_COLOR msk_arr_flatten = msk_arr.flatten()
allTiffFiles = [f for f in listdir(folder_containing_tifffiles) if isfile(join(folder_containing_tifffiles, f))] jsonFileList = [json_file] for tiffFileName in allTiffFiles: for jsonFileName in jsonFileList: stateData = json.loads(open(jsonFileName).read()) print('tiffFileName',tiffFileName) print('jsonFileName',jsonFileName) for currVillageFeature in stateData["features"]: try: vCode2001=currVillageFeature["properties"]["pc01_village_id"] vCode2011=currVillageFeature["properties"]["pc11_village_id"] geoms=currVillageFeature["geometry"] listGeom=[] listGeom.append(geoms) geoms=listGeom with'/'+tiffFileName) as src: out_image, out_transform = mask(src, geoms, crop=True) out_meta = src.meta.copy() # save the resulting raster out_meta.update({"driver": "GTiff", "height": out_image.shape[1], "width": out_image.shape[2], "transform": out_transform}) saveFileName= output_directory+'/'+tiffFileName[:-4]+"@"+str(vCode2001)+"@"+str(vCode2011)+".tif" with, "w", **out_meta) as dest: dest.write(out_image) except: continue
def VectorScanner(landuse, inun_file, curve_path, maxdam_path, landuse_col='landuse', inun_col='inun_val', centimeters=False, save=False, **kwargs): """ Vector based implementation of a direct damage assessment Arguments: *landuse_map* : Shapefile, Pandas DataFrame or Geopandas GeoDataFrame with land-use information of the area. *inun_map* : GeoTiff with inundation depth per grid cell. Make sure that the unit of the inundation map corresponds with the unit of the first column of the curves file. *curve_path* : File with the stage-damage curves of the different land-use classes. Can also be a pandas DataFrame (but not a numpy Array). *maxdam_path* : File with the maximum damages per land-use class (in euro/m2). Can also be a pandas DataFrame (but not a numpy Array). Optional Arguments: *centimeters* : Set to True if the inundation map and curves are in centimeters *landuse_col* : Specify the column name of the unique landuse id's. Default is set to **landuse**. *inun_col* : Specify the column name of the inundation depth Default is set to **inun_val**. *save* : Set to True if you would like to save the output. Requires several **kwargs** kwargs: *output_path* : Specify where files should be saved. *scenario_name*: Give a unique name for the files that are going to be saved. *print_tqdm*: Set to **False** when progress output is undesired. Raises: *ValueError* : on missing kwargs Returns: *damagebin* : Table with the land-use class names (1st column) and the damage for that land-use class (2nd column). """ # load land-use map if isinstance(landuse, str): landuse = gpd.read_file(landuse) elif isinstance(landuse, gpd.GeoDataFrame): landuse = landuse.copy() elif isinstance(landuse, pd.DataFrame): landuse = gpd.GeoDataFrame(landuse, geometry='geometry') else: print( 'ERROR: landuse should either be a shapefile, a GeoDataFrame or a pandas Dataframe with a geometry column' ) if isinstance(inun_file, str): # try to open it first as raster, if that doesnt work, we assume its a shapefile or GeoPackage that can be opened by geopandas try: with as src: if != landuse = landuse.to_crs( geoms = [mapping(geom) for geom in landuse.geometry] out_image, out_transform = mask(src, geoms, crop=True) out_image = np.array(out_image, dtype=int) # if inundation map is not in centimeters (and assumed to be in meters), multiple by 100 if not centimeters: out_image = out_image * 100 out_image[out_image > 1000] = -1 out_image[out_image <= 0] = -1 gdf = None except: gdf = gpd.read_file(inun_file) out_image = None elif isinstance(inun_file, gpd.GeoDataFrame): gdf = inun_file.copy() elif isinstance(inun_file, pd.DataFrame): gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(inun_file, geometry='geometry') else: raise ValueError( 'ERROR: inundation file should be a GeoTiff, a shapefile, a GeoDataFrame \ or any other georeferenced format that can be read by rasterio or geopandas' ) # rename inundation colum, set values to centimeters if required and to integers if isinstance(gdf, gpd.GeoDataFrame): gdf = gdf.rename(columns={inun_col: 'inun_val'}) if not centimeters: gdf['inun_val'] = gdf.inun_val * 100 gdf['inun_val'] = gdf.inun_val.astype(int) # Load curves if isinstance(curve_path, pd.DataFrame): curves = curve_path.copy() elif isinstance(curve_path, np.ndarray): raise ValueError( 'ERROR: for the vector-based approach we use a pandas DataFrame, not a Numpy Array' ) elif curve_path.endswith('.csv'): curves = pd.read_csv(curve_path, index_col=[0]) # Load maximum damages if isinstance(maxdam_path, str) and maxdam_path.endswith('.csv'): maxdam_path = pd.read_csv(maxdam_path) if isinstance(maxdam_path, pd.DataFrame): maxdam = dict(zip(maxdam_path[landuse_col], maxdam_path['damage'])) elif isinstance(maxdam_path, np.ndarray): maxdam = dict(zip(maxdam_path[:, 0], maxdam_path[:, 1])) elif isinstance(maxdam_path, dict): maxdam = maxdam_path # convert raster to polygon if isinstance(out_image, np.ndarray): results = ({ 'properties': { 'inun_val': v }, 'geometry': s } for i, (s, v) in enumerate( shapes(out_image[0, :, :], mask=None, transform=out_transform))) gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_features(list(results), # cut down to feasible area gdf = gdf.loc[gdf.inun_val > 0] gdf = gdf.loc[gdf.inun_val < 1000] # Check if we need to turn off tqdm: tqdm_print = kwargs.get('print_tqdm', True) # Split GeoDataFrame to make sure we have a unique shape per land use and inundation depth unique_df = [] for row in tqdm(gdf.itertuples(index=False), total=len(gdf), desc='Get unique shapes', disable=not tqdm_print): hits = landuse.loc[list( landuse.sindex.intersection(row.geometry.bounds))] row_buff = row.geometry.buffer(0) for hit in hits.itertuples(index=False): hit_buff = hit.geometry.buffer(0) if hit_buff.intersects(row_buff): unique_df.append([ row.inun_val, hit.landuse, row_buff.intersection(hit_buff) ]) # Create new dataframe tmp_df = pd.DataFrame(unique_df, columns=['depth', landuse_col, 'geometry']) new_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(tmp_df) # And remove empty geometries where there was no intersection in the end new_gdf = new_gdf.loc[new_gdf.geometry.geom_type != 'GeometryCollection'] # Get area of shape new_gdf['area_m2'] = new_gdf.area # And estimate the losses if tqdm_print: tqdm.pandas(desc='Estimate damages') func = new_gdf.progress_apply else: func = new_gdf.apply new_gdf['damaged'] = func(lambda x: get_losses(x, curves, maxdam), axis=1) # Write the damages back to the original land-use shapes d_sindex = new_gdf.sindex landuse.reset_index() landuse['area_m2'] = landuse.area loss_dict = {} for x in tqdm(landuse.itertuples(), total=len(landuse), desc='Damage per object', disable=not tqdm_print): hits = new_gdf.iloc[list(d_sindex.intersection(x.geometry.bounds))] damage = 0 area_flooded = 0 inun_levels = [] x_buff = x.geometry.buffer(0) for hit in hits.itertuples(index=False): hit_buff = hit.geometry.buffer(0) if (x_buff.intersection(hit_buff)).area / hit_buff.area > 0.95: damage += hit.damaged area_flooded += hit.area_m2 inun_levels.append(hit.depth) if len(inun_levels) == 0: loss_dict[x.Index] = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 else: loss_dict[x.Index] = damage, area_flooded, min(inun_levels), max( inun_levels), np.mean(inun_levels) tgt_cols = ['tot_dam', 'area_flooded', 'min_inun', 'max_inun', 'mean_inun'] loss_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(loss_dict, orient='index', columns=tgt_cols) loss_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame( landuse.merge(loss_df, left_index=True, right_index=True)) # If save is set to True, save original land-use map with damage values per shape. if save: # requires adding output_path and scenario_name to function call output_path = check_output_path(kwargs) scenario_name = check_scenario_name(kwargs) loss_gdf.to_file( p_join(output_path, 'damages_{}.shp'.format(scenario_name))) # And return the GeoDataFrame with damage statistics per unique object or shape return loss_gdf
def compute_glcm_textures(polarisations, kinds, radii): """Compute GLCM textures for various offsets and radiuses using OrfeoToolbox. """ progress = tqdm(total=(len(CASE_STUDIES) * len(polarisations) * len(kinds) * len(radii))) for city in CASE_STUDIES: output_dir = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'processed', 'sentinel-1',, 'textures') os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) # Get min. and max. values by cutting 2% the histogram of the image # masked by a rough urban mask (smaller AOI). aoi = city.aoi['features'][0]['geometry'] aoi = shape(aoi) aoi = reproject_geom(aoi, src_epsg=city.epsg, dst_epsg=4326) aoi = mapping(aoi) for polarisation in polarisations: # Load image data both masked and unmasked filename = f'{polarisation}-gamma0.tif' img_path = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'processed', 'sentinel-1',, filename) with as src: profile = src.profile gamma0 = gamma0_masked, _ = mask(src, [aoi], crop=True, nodata=0) gamma0_masked = gamma0_masked[0, :, :] # Get new vmin and vmax values based on the rough # urban mask and a 2% histogram cutting values = gamma0_masked[gamma0_masked != 0].ravel() vmin = np.percentile(values, 2) vmax = np.percentile(values, 98) gamma0[gamma0 < vmin] = vmin gamma0[gamma0 > vmax] = vmax # Rescale to UINT8 range gamma0 = np.interp(gamma0, (vmin, vmax), (0, 255)) gamma0 = gamma0.astype(np.uint8) profile.update(, nodata=None) for kind, radius in product(kinds, radii): if textures_computed(output_dir, kind, radius, polarisation): progress.update(1) continue compute_textures(src_image=gamma0, src_profile=profile, dst_dir=output_dir, kind=kind, x_radius=radius, y_radius=radius, x_offset=1, y_offset=1, image_min=0, image_max=255, nb_bins=32, prefix=polarisation + '_') progress.update(1) progress.close()
def main(mosaic, data, dest, ntl, bbox, country): os.makedirs(dest, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(dest + '/pre-event', exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(dest + '/post-event', exist_ok=True) # create raster mosaic for rasters with same name (~ same area) print('creating mosaic of overlapping rasters') if mosaic: for prepost in ['pre', 'post']: filenames = os.listdir(os.path.join(data, prepost + '-event')) tuples = [] for filename in filenames: name = filename.split('-')[1] same = sorted( [x for x in filenames if x.split('-')[1] == name]) if same not in tuples and len(same) > 1: tuples.append(same) for tuple in tuples: out_file = tuple[0].split('.')[0] + '-merged.tif' for ix, file in enumerate(tuple): if ix == 0: os.system('gdalwarp -r average {} {} {}'.format( os.path.join(data, prepost + '-event', file), os.path.join(data, prepost + '-event', tuple[ix + 1]), os.path.join(dest, prepost + '-event', out_file))) elif ix == 1: continue else: os.system('gdalwarp -r average {} {} {}'.format( os.path.join(data, prepost + '-event', file), os.path.join(dest, prepost + '-event', out_file), os.path.join(dest, prepost + '-event', out_file))) # copy all the other rasters to dest for file in [ x for x in filenames if x not in [item for tuple in tuples for item in tuple] ]: copyfile(os.path.join(data, prepost + '-event', file), os.path.join(dest, prepost + '-event', file)) # filter pre-event rasters print('filtering pre-event rasters') # filter by bounding box (if provided) if bbox != '': bbox_tuple = [float(x) for x in bbox.split(',')] bbox = box(bbox_tuple[0], bbox_tuple[1], bbox_tuple[2], bbox_tuple[3]) geo = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geometry': bbox}, index=[0], crs=from_epsg(4326)) coords = getFeatures(geo) print('filtering on bbox:') print(coords) # loop over images and filter for raster in tqdm(glob.glob(dest + '/pre-event/*.tif')): raster = raster.replace('\\', '/') raster_or = raster out_name = raster.split('.')[0] + '-bbox.tif' with as src: print('cropping on bbox') try: out_img, out_transform = mask(dataset=src, shapes=coords, crop=True) out_meta = src.meta.copy() out_meta.update({ 'height': out_img.shape[1], 'width': out_img.shape[2], 'transform': out_transform }) print('saving', out_name) with, 'w', **out_meta) as dst: dst.write(out_img) except: print('empty raster, discard') os.remove(raster_or) # filter by nighttime lights # load nighttime light mask ntl_shapefile = 'input/ntl_mask_extended.shp' if ntl: # filter mask by country (if provided) if country != '': country_ntl_shapefile = ntl_shapefile.split( '.')[0] + '_' + country.lower() + '.shp' if not os.path.exists(country_ntl_shapefile): ntl_world = gpd.read_file(ntl_shapefile) = {'init': 'epsg:4326'} ntl_world = ntl_world.to_crs("EPSG:4326") world = gpd.read_file( gpd.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_lowres')) country_shape = world[ == country] if country_shape.empty: print('WARNING: country', country, 'not found!!!') print('available countries:') print( print('proceeding with global mask') country_ntl_shapefile = ntl_shapefile else: country_shape = country_shape.reset_index()[0, 'geometry'] = box( *[0, 'geometry'].bounds) country_shape.geometry = country_shape.geometry.scale( xfact=1.1, yfact=1.1) ntl_country = gpd.clip(ntl_world, country_shape) ntl_country.to_file(country_ntl_shapefile) with, "r") as shapefile: shapes = [feature["geometry"] for feature in shapefile] else: with, "r") as shapefile: shapes = [feature["geometry"] for feature in shapefile] # loop over images and filter for raster in tqdm(glob.glob(dest + '/pre-event/*.tif')): raster = raster.replace('\\', '/') raster_or = raster out_name = raster.split('.')[0] + '-ntl.tif' if 'ntl' in raster: continue crop_next = True print('processing', raster) out_name_ntl = raster.split('.')[0] + '-ntl-mask.tif' try: with as src: shapes_r = [ x for x in shapes if not rasterio.coords.disjoint_bounds( src.bounds, rasterio.features.bounds(x)) ] if len(shapes_r) == 0: print('no ntl present, discard') crop_next = False else: print('ntl present, creating mask') out_image, out_transform = rasterio.mask.mask( src, shapes_r, crop=True) out_meta = src.meta out_meta.update({ "driver": "GTiff", "height": out_image.shape[1], "width": out_image.shape[2], "transform": out_transform }) # save temporary ntl file print('saving mask', out_name_ntl) with, "w", **out_meta) as dst: dst.write(out_image) crop_next = True raster = out_name_ntl if crop_next: with as src: print('cropping nan on', raster) window = get_data_window(, masked=True)) kwargs = src.meta.copy() kwargs.update({ 'height': window.height, 'width': window.width, 'transform':, src.transform) }) print('saving', out_name) try: with, 'w', **kwargs) as dst: dst.write( except: print('empty raster, discard') # remove temporary ntl file os.remove(raster) # remove original raster os.remove(raster_or) except: print('error loading raster, skipping')
transform = Affine(t.a * scale, t.b, t.c, t.d, t.e * scale, t.f) height = int(src.height / scale) width = int(src.width / scale) #clip the dem with'out.tiff') as origin: epsg4326_dem = print('dem meta origin', origin.meta) print('planet origin', src.meta) #pf =, masked=True) print(box(*src.bounds)) try: clipped_raster, clipped_transform = mask( origin, [box(*src.bounds)], crop=True, nodata=0) except ValueError as err: print('Handling run-time error:', err) print('clipped transform', clipped_transform) clipped_meta = origin.meta.copy() clipped_meta.update({ "driver": "GTiff", "height": clipped_raster.shape[1], "width": clipped_raster.shape[2], "nodata": 0, "transform": clipped_transform }) print(src.meta, "ds") print(clipped_raster[0].shape) print(
minx, miny = 24.60, 60.00 maxx, maxy = 25.22, 60.35 bbox = box(minx, miny, maxx, maxy) # create GeoDataFrame from the bounding box crs_code = pycrs.parser.from_epsg_code(4326).to_proj4() geo = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geometry': bbox}, index=[0], crs=crs_code) print(geo) # project the polygon into same crs as image geo = geo.to_crs( # convert GeoDataFrame to geometric features dictionary coords = getFeatures(geo) # clip the raster with polyg out_img, out_transform = mask(dataset=raster, shapes=coords, crop=1) # copy the metadata from original out_meta = raster.meta.copy() # update the metadata, first parse epsg epsg_code = int(['init'].replace('epsg:', '')) epsg_proj4 = pycrs.parser.from_epsg_code(epsg_code).to_proj4() out_meta.update({ "driver": "GTiff", "height": out_img.shape[1], "width": out_img.shape[2], "transform": out_transform, "crs": epsg_proj4 })
def run(input_dir, output_dir): DATA_DIR_2 = os.path.join(input_dir, "ch2") DATA_DIR_6 = os.path.join(input_dir, "ch6") DATA_DIR_7 = os.path.join(input_dir, "ch7") DATA_DIR_14 = os.path.join(input_dir, "ch14") # Get contents of data dir for ch 7 data_list_7 = os.listdir(DATA_DIR_7) if ".DS_Store" in data_list_7: data_list_7.remove(".DS_Store") # For mac users data_list_7 = sorted(data_list_7) # Get contents of data dir for ch14 data_list_14 = os.listdir(DATA_DIR_14) if ".DS_Store" in data_list_14: data_list_14.remove(".DS_Store") # For mac users data_list_14 = sorted(data_list_14) # Get contents of data dir for ch 2 data_list_2 = os.listdir(DATA_DIR_2) if ".DS_Store" in data_list_2: data_list_2.remove(".DS_Store") # For mac users data_list_2 = sorted(data_list_2) # Get contents of data dir for ch 6 data_list_6 = os.listdir(DATA_DIR_6) if ".DS_Store" in data_list_6: data_list_6.remove(".DS_Store") # For mac users data_list_6 = sorted(data_list_6) # Load ch7 for projection constants first_ds_name = data_list_7[0] first_ds_path = os.path.join(DATA_DIR_7, first_ds_name) first_ds = GOES.open_dataset(first_ds_path) var_ch02, lons, lats = first_ds.image("Rad", domain=[LLLon, URLon, LLLat, URLat]) var_ch02, lons, lats =,, HEIGHT = var_ch02.shape[0] WIDTH = var_ch02.shape[1] # Setup projection constants used throughout the script. tiff_path = os.path.join(TIFF_DIR, "0.tif") p_crs = CRS.from_epsg(3857) p_latlon = CRS.from_proj4("+proj=latlon") crs_transform = Transformer.from_crs(p_latlon, p_crs) ll_x, ll_y = crs_transform.transform(LLLon, LLLat) ur_x, ur_y = crs_transform.transform(URLon, URLat) area_extent = (ll_x, ll_y, ur_x, ur_y) ul_x = ll_x # Why these? ul_y = ur_y area_id = "California Coast" description = "See area ID" proj_id = "Mercator" pixel_size_x = (ur_x - ll_x) / (WIDTH - 1) pixel_size_y = (ur_y - ll_y) / (HEIGHT - 1) new_affine = Affine(pixel_size_x, 0.0, ul_x, 0.0, -pixel_size_y, ul_y) area_def = AreaDefinition(area_id, description, proj_id, p_crs, WIDTH, HEIGHT, area_extent) fill_value = np.nan # Load ch7 for land masking first_ds_name = data_list_7[0] first_ds_path = os.path.join(DATA_DIR_7, first_ds_name) first_ds = GOES.open_dataset(first_ds_path) var_ch07, lons, lats = first_ds.image("Rad", domain=[LLLon, URLon, LLLat, URLat]) var_ch07, lons, lats =,, swath_def = SwathDefinition(lons, lats) first_ds = None # Free the memory from these big datasets var_ch07 = kd_tree.resample_nearest(swath_def, var_ch07.ravel(), area_def, radius_of_influence=5000, nprocs=2, fill_value=fill_value) ###### New land masking system ####################### with tiff_path, "w", driver="GTiff", height=HEIGHT, width=WIDTH, count=1, #???? dtype=var_ch07.dtype, crs=p_crs, transform=new_affine, nodata=fill_value, ) as dst: dst.write(np.reshape(var_ch07, (1, HEIGHT, WIDTH))) src =, mode='r+') geodf = geopandas.read_file(LAND_POLYGON_SHAPE) land_masking, other_affine = mask.mask(src, geodf[['geometry' ]].values.flatten(), invert=True, filled=False) land_masking = land_masking = np.reshape(land_masking, (HEIGHT, WIDTH)) src.close() # Free memory src = None geodf = None ############################################################ # Init multi-tracker trackers = MultiTrackerImproved(cv2.TrackerCSRT_create) image_list = [] # BTD_list = [] refl_ch2_list = [] refl_ch6_list = [] i = 0 for ds_name_7 in data_list_7: ds_name_14 = data_list_14[i] ds_name_2 = data_list_2[i] ds_name_6 = data_list_6[i] ds_path_7 = os.path.join(DATA_DIR_7, ds_name_7) ds_path_14 = os.path.join(DATA_DIR_14, ds_name_14) ds_path_2 = os.path.join(DATA_DIR_2, ds_name_2) ds_path_6 = os.path.join(DATA_DIR_6, ds_name_6) # Load channel 2 ds_2 = GOES.open_dataset(ds_path_2) var_ch02, lons, lats = ds_2.image("Rad", domain=[LLLon, URLon, LLLat, URLat]) var_ch02, lons, lats =,, swath_def = SwathDefinition(lons, lats) var_ch02 = kd_tree.resample_nearest(swath_def, var_ch02.ravel(), area_def, radius_of_influence=5000, nprocs=2, fill_value=fill_value) # Load channel 2 reflectivity ds_2 = GOES.open_dataset(ds_path_2) refl_var_ch02, lons, lats = ds_2.image( "Rad", up_level=True, domain=[LLLon, URLon, LLLat, URLat]) refl_var_ch02 = refl_var_ch02.refl_fact_to_refl(lons, lats).data swath_def = SwathDefinition(, refl_var_ch02 = kd_tree.resample_nearest(swath_def, refl_var_ch02.ravel(), area_def, radius_of_influence=5000, nprocs=2, fill_value=fill_value) # Load channel 6 reflectivity ds_6 = GOES.open_dataset(ds_path_6) refl_var_ch06, lons, lats = ds_6.image( "Rad", up_level=True, domain=[LLLon, URLon, LLLat, URLat]) refl_var_ch06 = refl_var_ch06.refl_fact_to_refl(lons, lats).data swath_def = SwathDefinition(, refl_var_ch06 = kd_tree.resample_nearest(swath_def, refl_var_ch06.ravel(), area_def, radius_of_influence=5000, nprocs=2, fill_value=fill_value) # Load channel 7 ds_7 = GOES.open_dataset(ds_path_7) var_ch07, lons, lats = ds_7.image("Rad", domain=[LLLon, URLon, LLLat, URLat]) var_ch07, lons, lats =,, swath_def = SwathDefinition(lons, lats) var_ch07 = kd_tree.resample_nearest(swath_def, var_ch07.ravel(), area_def, radius_of_influence=5000, nprocs=2, fill_value=fill_value) # Load channel 14 ds_14 = GOES.open_dataset(ds_path_14) var_ch14, lons, lats = ds_14.image("Rad", domain=[LLLon, URLon, LLLat, URLat]) var_ch14, lons, lats =,, swath_def = SwathDefinition(lons, lats) var_ch14 = kd_tree.resample_nearest(swath_def, var_ch14.ravel(), area_def, radius_of_influence=5000, nprocs=2, fill_value=fill_value) # Make BTD var = calc_BTD.main_func(var_ch14, var_ch07, 14, 7) # Skip day if it has bad data if np.isnan(var).any(): i = i + 1 continue # Make copy of the BTD for use as a backround in cv2 image output # Maps the BTD values to a range of [0,255] # BTD = copy.deepcopy(var) BTD_img = copy.deepcopy(var) min_BTD = np.nanmin(BTD_img) if min_BTD < 0: BTD_img = BTD_img + np.abs(min_BTD) max_BTD = np.nanmax(BTD_img) BTD_img = BTD_img / max_BTD # BTD_img = cv2.cvtColor(BTD_img*255, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) # BTD_img_trackers = copy.deepcopy(BTD_img) # Next two lines are for new BTD data for trackers # BTD_img_trackers = np.array(BTD_img_trackers).astype('uint8') # Since it seems the trackers need images of type uint8 # Filter out the land var[land_masking] = np.nan # Create mask array for the highest clouds high_cloud_mask = calc_BTD.bt_ch14_temp_conv( var_ch14) < 5 # TODO: Make this more robust #### Use reflectivity of channel 2 and BT of channel 14 to filter out open ocean data ########### BT = calc_BTD.bt_ch14_temp_conv(var_ch14) BT = BT[np.logical_and( np.logical_not(land_masking), np.logical_not(high_cloud_mask) )] # Filter out the land since golden arches works best when only over water var_ch02 = var_ch02[np.logical_and( np.logical_not(land_masking), np.logical_not(high_cloud_mask) )] # Filter out the land since golden arches works best when only over water BT_and_CH02 = np.vstack((BT, var_ch02)).T BT_and_CH02_sample, _ = train_test_split(BT_and_CH02, train_size=10000) clusterer = DBSCAN(eps=1.5, min_samples=100) # Found through extensive testing classifier = DecisionTreeClassifier() inductive_cluster = InductiveClusterer( clusterer, classifier).fit(BT_and_CH02_sample) IC_labels = inductive_cluster.predict(BT_and_CH02) + 1 all_labels = np.unique(IC_labels) min_refl = np.Inf open_ocean_label = 0 for j in all_labels: labeled_refl_array = var_ch02[IC_labels == j] mean_refl = np.nanmean(labeled_refl_array) if mean_refl < min_refl: open_ocean_label = j min_refl = mean_refl golden_arch_mask_ocean = IC_labels == open_ocean_label golden_arch_mask = np.zeros(var.shape, dtype=bool) golden_arch_mask[np.logical_and( np.logical_not(land_masking), np.logical_not(high_cloud_mask))] = golden_arch_mask_ocean var = np.where(golden_arch_mask, np.nan, var) ############################################################################################### #Filter out the cold high altitude clouds var = np.where(high_cloud_mask, np.nan, var) var = feature.canny(var, sigma=2.2, low_threshold=0, high_threshold=1.2) var = np.where(var == np.nan, 0, var) ## Skimage hough line transform ################################# var = np.array(var).astype('uint8') img = cv2.cvtColor(var * 255, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) # Was 0, 30, 1 threshold = 0 minLineLength = 30 maxLineGap = 2 theta = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 1000) lines = transform.probabilistic_hough_line(var, threshold=threshold, line_length=minLineLength, line_gap=maxLineGap, theta=theta) ############################################################# #### TRACKER ################# trackers.update(img, i) if lines is not None: for line in lines: p0, p1 = line x1 = p0[0] y1 = p0[1] x2 = p1[0] y2 = p1[1] min_x = np.minimum(x1, x2) min_y = np.minimum(y1, y2) max_x = np.maximum(x1, x2) max_y = np.maximum(y1, y2) rect = (min_x - 2, min_y - 2, max_x - min_x + 4, max_y - min_y + 4 ) #TODO: Maybe expand the size of the boxes a bit? trackers.add_tracker(img, rect, len(data_list_7)) ############################### image_list.append(BTD_img) # BTD_list.append(BTD) refl_ch2_list.append(refl_var_ch02) refl_ch6_list.append(refl_var_ch06) print("Image " + str(i) + " Calculated") i = i + 1 # TODO: Remove BTD_list in all areas if I am not using it for real final pngs for i in range(len(image_list)): label_name = "labels" data_name = "data" filename = str(i) + ".tif" data_file_path = os.path.join(output_dir, data_name, filename) label_file_path = os.path.join(output_dir, label_name, filename) boxes = trackers.get_boxes(i) BTD_img = image_list[i] # BTD = BTD_list[i] refl_var_ch02 = refl_ch2_list[i] refl_var_ch06 = refl_ch6_list[i] # Make box plots for trackers # Also make and highlight the labels labels = np.zeros([BTD_img.shape[0], BTD_img.shape[1]], dtype=np.float32) for box in boxes: (x, y, w, h) = [int(v) for v in box] if w > 0 and h > 0 and x >= 0 and y >= 0 and y + h <= BTD_img.shape[ 0] and x + w <= BTD_img.shape[1] and y < BTD_img.shape[ 0] and x < BTD_img.shape[1]: ch2_slice = refl_var_ch02[y:y + h, x:x + w] ch6_slice = refl_var_ch06[y:y + h, x:x + w] labels_slice = labels[y:y + h, x:x + w] labels_slice = np.where( np.logical_and(ch6_slice >= 0.28, ch2_slice >= 0.3), 1.0, labels_slice) labels[y:y + h, x:x + w] = labels_slice # Add red for labels with data_file_path, "w", driver="GTiff", height=HEIGHT, width=WIDTH, count=1, #???? dtype=BTD_img.dtype, crs=p_crs, transform=new_affine, nodata=fill_value, ) as dst: dst.write(np.reshape(BTD_img, (1, HEIGHT, WIDTH))) with label_file_path, "w", driver="GTiff", height=HEIGHT, width=WIDTH, count=1, #???? dtype=labels.dtype, crs=p_crs, transform=new_affine, nodata=fill_value, ) as dst: dst.write(np.reshape(labels, (1, HEIGHT, WIDTH))) # BTD_img = cv2.addWeighted(BTD_img, 1.0, labels, 0.5, 0) # cv2.imwrite(file_path, BTD_img) print("Image " + str(i) + " Complete")
def inference_on_tif(src_grid, src_im, dst_im, dst_pred, inf_model, output_image_tile=False, verbose=True): grid = geopandas.read_file(src_grid) #Open The Grid shp img = # Open the raster tif ntiles = len(grid) pred_polys = [] #collects all detected and polygonized features pred_classes = [] #collects their class ids pred_scores = [] #collects their scores pred_tiles = [] #collects the index of the tile they are predicted on #Loop over all the tiles for i in tqdm(range(0, ntiles), desc="Processing and Predicting Image Tiles" ): #for every object in grid outfile_im = dst_im + "Tile" + ("{:04d}".format(i)) + ".tif" coords = SegUtils.getFeatures(grid, i) #get geometries of the tile tile_bounds = grid.bounds.iloc[i][ 0: 2].values #get the min x min y coords of the tile for adjusting the coordinates fo the predicted polygons later tile_height = grid.bounds.iloc[i][3] - grid.bounds.iloc[i][ 1] #get the height in map units to later invert the y coordinates try: Tile, out_transform = mask(dataset=img, shapes=coords, crop=True) except ValueError as error: print(error) print("Skipping Tile " + str(i)) continue if output_image_tile: out_meta = img.meta.copy() out_meta.update({ "driver": "GTiff", "height": Tile.shape[1], "width": Tile.shape[2], "transform": out_transform }) #update the meta for the cropped raster if not os.path.exists(dst_im): os.makedirs(dst_im) if os.path.isfile(outfile_im): print("Image File exists already and will not be overwritten.") else: with, "w", **out_meta) as dest: dest.write(Tile) Tile = Tile.transpose( 1, 2, 0 ) #We have to switch the dimensions around so that the rgb dimension is the last one, as required by the network #inference pred_results = inf_model.detect([Tile], verbose=0) n_pred_obj = len( pred_results[0]["class_ids"] ) #get the number of predicted objects to iterate over for j in range(0, n_pred_obj): #For every predicted object: new_poly = [ ] #list for all parts of that multipolygon that gets created for the predicted object results_mask = pred_results[0]["masks"][:, :, j] #get the mask results_mask = results_mask.astype('int16') #must not be boolean #visualize (not neessary) #plt.imshow(results_mask, interpolation='nearest') #polygonize and grab the raster value and the geometries results = ({ 'raster_val': v, 'geometry': s } for i, (s, v) in enumerate(shapes(results_mask))) #the result can be converted to a list of npolys dicts of #keys raster_val and geometry, geometry being a dict of #keys type and coordinates, coordinates being a list #this stuff now gets converted into shapely objects results = list(results) for result in results: if result[ 'raster_val']: #if the geometry is not the background coordlist = result['geometry']['coordinates'][ 0] #get a list of tuples of 2 coordlist_adj = [(x, (tile_height - y)) + tile_bounds for x, y in coordlist ] #add the coordinates of the origin new_part = shapely.geometry.Polygon( coordlist_adj) #make a new polygon out of it new_poly.append(new_part) # add that as part to a list new_poly = shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon( new_poly ) #after all parts for an object are collected, merge toa multipolygon (often there will just be one part) if (new_poly): #if there was something detected pred_polys.append( new_poly) #collect all detected and polygonized features pred_classes.append( pred_results[0]["class_ids"][j]) #collect their class ids pred_scores.append( pred_results[0]["scores"][j]) #collect their scores pred_tiles.append(i) df = pandas.DataFrame({ "pred_class": pred_classes, "pred_score": pred_scores, "pred_tiles": pred_tiles }) pred_gdf = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(df, geometry=pred_polys) = pred_gdf.to_file(dst_pred) return (pred_gdf)
def get_one_sub_image_label(idx, center_polygon, class_int, polygons_all, class_int_all, bufferSize, img_tile_boxes, image_tile_list): ''' get an sub image and the corresponding labe raster :param idx: the polygon index :param center_polygon: the polygon in training polygon :param class_int: the class number of this polygon :param polygons_all: the full set of training polygons, for generating label images :param class_int_all: the class number for the full set of training polygons :param bufferSize: the buffer area to generate sub-images :param img_tile_boxes: the bound boxes of all the image tiles :param image_tile_list: the list of image paths :return: ''' ############# This function is not working ############# # center_polygon corresponds to one polygon in the full set of training polygons, so it is not necessary to check # get adjacent polygon adj_polygons, adj_polygons_class = get_adjacent_polygons( center_polygon, polygons_all, class_int_all, bufferSize) # add the center polygons to adj_polygons adj_polygons.extend([center_polygon]) adj_polygons_class.extend([class_int]) basic.outputlogMessage('get a sub image covering %d training polygons' % len(adj_polygons)) # find the images which the center polygon overlap (one or two images) img_index = get_overlap_image_index(adj_polygons, img_tile_boxes) if len(img_index) < 1: basic.outputlogMessage( 'Warning, %dth polygon and the adjacent ones do not overlap any image tile, please check ' '(1) the shape file and raster have the same projection' 'and (2) this polygon is in the extent of images' % idx) image_list = [image_tile_list[item] for item in img_index] # open the raster to get projection, resolution # with[0]) as src: # resX = src.res[0] # resY = src.res[1] # src_profile = src.profile src =[0]) resX = src.res[0] resY = src.res[1] src_profile = src.profile # rasterize the shapes burn_shapes = [ (item_shape, item_class_int) for (item_shape, item_class_int) in zip(adj_polygons, adj_polygons_class) ] burn_boxes = get_bounds_of_polygons(adj_polygons) # check weather the extent is too large burn_boxes_width = math.ceil((burn_boxes[2] - burn_boxes[0]) / resX) burn_boxes_height = math.ceil((burn_boxes[3] - burn_boxes[1]) / resY) if burn_boxes_width * burn_boxes_height > 10000 * 10000: raise ValueError( 'error, the polygons want to burn cover a very large area') # fill as 255 for region outsize shapes for test purpose # set all_touched as True, may good small shape # new_transform = (burn_boxes[0], resX, 0, burn_boxes[3], 0, -resY ) # (X_min, resX, 0, Y_max, 0, -resY) # GDAL-style transforms, have been deprecated after raster 1.0 # affine.Affine() vs. GDAL-style geotransforms: new_transform = (resX, 0, burn_boxes[0], 0, -resY, burn_boxes[3] ) # (resX, 0, X_min, 0, -resY, Y_max) out_label = rasterize(burn_shapes, out_shape=(burn_boxes_width, burn_boxes_height), transform=new_transform, fill=0, all_touched=False, dtype=rasterio.uint8) print('new_transform', new_transform) print('out_label', out_label.shape) # test, save to disk kwargs = src.meta kwargs.update(dtype=rasterio.uint8, count=1, width=burn_boxes_width, height=burn_boxes_height, transform=new_transform) with'test_6_albers.tif', 'w', **kwargs) as dst: dst.write_band(1, out_label.astype(rasterio.uint8)) # mask, get pixels cover by polygons, set all_touched as True polygons_json = [mapping(item) for item in adj_polygons] out_image, out_transform = mask(src, polygons_json, nodata=0, all_touched=True, crop=True) #test: output infomation print('out_transform', out_transform) print('out_image', out_image.shape) # test: save it to disk out_meta = src.meta.copy() out_meta.update( { "driver": "GTiff", "height": out_image.shape[1], "width": out_image.shape[2], "transform": out_transform } ) # note that, the saved image have a small offset compared to the original ones (~0.5 pixel) save_path = "masked_of_polygon_%d.tif" % (idx + 1) with, "w", **out_meta) as dest: dest.write(out_image) # return image_array, label_array return 1, 1
def triplify_dataset(file, parcel_file, product_id, output_folder='./rdf'): startEpoch = time.time() files = [] triples = [] iFiles = 0 iTriples = 0 village = parcel_file[-20:-15] lsNameSpaces, lsTriplesTemplate = readTemplate(templateFile) ndvi_file = print("ndvi_file data read, CRS (expected 32630):", parcelFile = gpd.read_file(parcel_file) if '/' in file: image_date = file[file.rfind('/') + 1:-7] else: image_date = file[0:-7] project = partial(pyproj.transform, pyproj.Proj(init='epsg:4326'), pyproj.Proj( for index, row in parcelFile.iterrows(): clear_output() print(str(index) + '/' + str(len(parcelFile))) feat = {} feat['id'] = str(row['id']) feat['parcel'] = str(row['id']) feat['area_type'] = str(row['area_type']) feat['geojson'] = shape(row['geometry']).wkt try: geom = transform(project, row['geometry']) ndviParcel, ndviTransform = mask(ndvi_file, [geom], crop=True, all_touched=True, indexes=1) except ValueError as err: print(err) continue ndvi = np.float16(ndviParcel) total = ndvi[ndvi >= 0.2].size if total <= 0: try: geom = transform(project, row['geometry']) ndviParcel, ndviTransform = mask(ndvi_file, [geom], crop=True, indexes=1) except ValueError as err: print(err) continue ndvi = np.float16(ndviParcel) total = ndvi[ndvi >= 0.2].size if total > 0: feat['lowp'] = round( ndvi[(ndvi >= 0.2) & (ndvi < 0.5)].size * 100 / total, 2) feat['midp'] = round( ndvi[(ndvi >= 0.5) & (ndvi < 0.7)].size * 100 / total, 2) feat['highp'] = round(ndvi[(ndvi >= 0.7)].size * 100 / total, 2) feat['id'] = "PN" + feat['id'] + "_" + image_date feat['id'] = feat['id'].replace('-', '_') feat['image'] = product_id uriDummy = URIBase + 'NDVI/' + feat['id'] + ">" triplesRow = triplify(feat, lsTriplesTemplate, uriDummy, feat['id'], feat['parcel']) triples = triples + triplesRow if len(triples) > maxRecordsPerFile: file = output_folder files.append(file) writeToFile(lsNameSpaces, triples, file) iFiles = iFiles + 1 iTriples = iTriples + len(triples) triples = [] else: print("Too small!") file = output_folder + 'ndvi.ttl' writeToFile(lsNameSpaces, triples, file) files.append(file) clear_output() print('Number of parcel', len(parcelFile)) print('Number of triples', iTriples) endEpoch = time.time() elapsedTime = endEpoch - startEpoch if elapsedTime < 60: print('Elapsed time : ', elapsedTime, ' seconds') else: print('Elapsed time : ', math.floor(elapsedTime / 60), ' minutes and ', elapsedTime % 60, ' seconds') return files
def weighted_means(z, name_list, dist_vars): temp_name = name_list[0][z] all_pts = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_file('Movement_Shapefiles/' + ''.join([temp_name, '_Python.shp'])) = {'init': 'epsg:32733'} from scipy.stats import gamma shape = float(dist_vars[z]['gamma.shape']) rate = float(dist_vars[z]['gamma.rate']) rad = gamma.ppf(0.975, a=shape, scale=1 / rate) big_buffers = all_pts.geometry.buffer(rad) #small_buffers = all_pts.geometry.buffer(30) #buffers_diff = big_buffers.difference(small_buffers) avail_green = [] avail_wet = [] avail_roads = [] all_buff = big_buffers.geometry.values sample_iter = range(0, len(all_buff)) from shapely.geometry import mapping for i in sample_iter: geoms = [mapping(big_buffers.geometry.values[i])] from rasterio.mask import mask with"ENP_Predictors/Final_Predictors_2009.tif") as src: out_image, out_transform = mask(src, geoms, crop=True) no_data = -3.39999995e+38 Green_band =[0] Wet_band =[1] Road_band =[2] row, col = np.where(Green_band != no_data) green = np.extract(Green_band != no_data, Green_band) wet = np.extract(Wet_band != no_data, Wet_band) roads = np.extract(Road_band != no_data, Road_band) from rasterio import Affine # or from affine import Affine T1 = out_transform * Affine.translation( 0.5, 0.5) # reference the pixel centre rc2xy = lambda r, c: (c, r) * T1 d = gpd.GeoDataFrame({ 'col': col, 'row': row, 'green': green, 'wet': wet, 'roads': roads }) # coordinate transformation d['x'] = d.apply(lambda row: rc2xy(row.row, row.col)[0], axis=1) d['y'] = d.apply(lambda row: rc2xy(row.row, row.col)[1], axis=1) # geometry from shapely.geometry import Point d['geometry'] = d.apply(lambda row: Point(row['x'], row['y']), axis=1) from scipy.stats import gamma shape = float(dist_vars[z]['gamma.shape']) rate = float(dist_vars[z]['gamma.rate']) pt_iter = range(0, len(d)) temp_weights = [] temp_green_vals = [] temp_wet_vals = [] temp_roads_vals = [] for j in pt_iter: temp_dist = d.loc[j].geometry.distance(all_pts['geometry'][i]) weight = gamma.pdf(temp_dist, a=shape, scale=1 / rate) temp_weights.append(weight) temp_green = d.loc[j].green temp_wet = d.loc[j].wet temp_roads = d.loc[j].roads temp_green_vals.append(temp_green) temp_wet_vals.append(temp_wet) temp_roads_vals.append(temp_roads) weighted_green = sum( temp_green_vals[g] * temp_weights[g] for g in range(len(temp_green_vals))) / sum(temp_weights) weighted_wet = sum( temp_wet_vals[g] * temp_weights[g] for g in range(len(temp_wet_vals))) / sum(temp_weights) weighted_roads = sum( temp_roads_vals[g] * temp_weights[g] for g in range(len(temp_roads_vals))) / sum(temp_weights) avail_green.append(weighted_green.mean()) avail_wet.append(weighted_wet.mean()) avail_roads.append(weighted_roads.mean()) import pandas gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=all_pts['geometry']) x_test = gdf.geometry.apply(lambda p: p.x) y_test = gdf.geometry.apply(lambda p: p.y) out_df = pandas.DataFrame( data={ "x": x_test, "y": y_test, "green_avail": avail_green, "wet_avail": avail_wet, "roads_avail": avail_roads }) return out_df
xr_write_geotiff_from_ds(ds=ds, out_path=tempdir) # === Zonal Stats === with, 'r') as shp: features = [feature for feature in shp] # for i, f in enumerate(features): # print(f'feat dict {i} \n ', f, '\n') # shapes = [feature['geometry'] for feature in shp] with as src: for f in features: src_shp = [f['geometry']] watershed_id = f['id'] # watershed_name = f['properties']['NAME'] # writer.writerow(["Year", "DOY", "parameter", "zon_mean_forID1", "zon_mean_forID2", "zon_mean_forID3", ...]) outimage, out_transform = msk.mask(src, src_shp, crop=True) # scrap too-large datasets outimage[outimage >= 3000] = np.nan outimage[outimage < 0] = np.nan ws_mean = np.nanmean(outimage) # calculating cubic meters of discharge for a basin m3_arr = cum_mm_to_m3(raster_dim_meters, outimage) basin_ro = np.nansum(m3_arr) m_basin = basin_ro / basin_area mm_basin = m_basin * 1000 ws_year = yr # average mm/year across the basin. Should be pretty close to 'mm_year'? sd['mm_basin'].append(mm_basin)
maxx, maxy = 25.22, 60.35 bbox = box(minx, miny, maxx, maxy) # Insert the bbox into a GeoDataFrame geo = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geometry': bbox}, index=[0], crs=from_epsg(4326)) # Re-project into the same coordinate system as the raster data geo = geo.to_crs( #shp_out = r"C:\HY-DATA\HENTENKA\KOODIT\Opetus\Automating-GIS-processes\Data\Landsat\Mask_polygon.shp" #geo.to_file(shp_out) # Get the geometry coordinates coords = getFeatures(geo) # Clip the raster with the polygon out_img, out_transform = mask(raster=data, shapes=coords, crop=True) # Copy the metadata out_meta = data.meta.copy() # Parse EPSG code epsg_code = int(['init'][5:]) # Write the clipped raster to disk out_meta.update({ "driver": "GTiff", "height": out_img.shape[1], "width": out_img.shape[2], "transform": out_transform, "crs": pycrs.parser.from_epsg_code(epsg_code).to_proj4() })
def triplify_dataset(cesbio_file, parcel_file, output_folder): startEpoch = time.time() print('triplify Cadastral parcel and its land-cover') village = parcel_file[-20:-15] triples = [] files = [] iFiles = 0 iTriples = 0 lsNameSpaces, lsTriplesTemplate = readTemplate(templateFile) CesbioFile = print("Land cover (expected 4326):", parcelFile = gpd.read_file(parcel_file) print( if '.shp' in parcel_file: project = partial(pyproj.transform, pyproj.Proj(init='epsg:4326'), pyproj.Proj(init='epsg:4326')) for index, row in parcelFile.iterrows(): clear_output() print(str(index) + '/' + str(len(parcelFile))) feat = {} feat['id'] = row['id'] feat['geojson'] = shape(row['geometry']).wkt try: geom = transform(project, row['geometry']) LCParcel, LCTransform = mask(CesbioFile, [geom], crop=True, indexes=1, nodata=0) except ValueError as err: print(err) continue if np.count_nonzero(LCParcel) <= 0: try: geom = transform(project, row['geometry']) LCParcel, LCTransform = mask(CesbioFile, [geom], crop=True, all_touched=True, indexes=1, nodata=0) except ValueError as err: print(err) continue if np.count_nonzero(LCParcel) > 0: counter = Counter(LCParcel.ravel()) dominantLCCode, DominantLCFreq = counter.most_common(2)[0] if dominantLCCode == 0: dominantLCCode, DominantLCFreq = counter.most_common(2)[1] percentage = round( DominantLCFreq * 100 / np.count_nonzero(LCParcel), 0) feat['lc'] = correspond_land_cover(dominantLCCode) URI = URIBase + 'Parcel/' + str(row['id']) + ">" triplesRow = triplify(feat, lsTriplesTemplate, URI, "p" + str(row['id'])) triples = triples + triplesRow else: print("Too small!") file = output_folder + 'land_cover.ttl' files.append(file) writeToFile(lsNameSpaces, triples, file) clear_output() print('Number of triples', iTriples) print('Number of parcel', len(parcelFile)) endEpoch = time.time() elapsedTime = endEpoch - startEpoch if elapsedTime < 60: print('Elapsed time : ', elapsedTime, ' seconds') else: print('Elapsed time : ', math.floor(elapsedTime / 60), ' minutes and ', elapsedTime % 60, ' seconds') return files
driver_tiles = [DIRS.driver / tile for tile in set(gdf.driver)] country_geometry = countries[countries['NAME'] == country].__geo_interface__ country_geometry = country_geometry['features'][0]['geometry'] print(merge_msg) data, transform = merge_from(driver_tiles) f = write(data, DIRS.tif / '{}.tif'.format(normalized_country), crs=WGS84, transform=transform, driver='GTiff', compress='lzw') del data, transform gc.collect() print(clip_msg) with, 'r') as src: data, transform = mask(src, [country_geometry], crop=True) write(data, DIRS.tif / 'driver_{}.tif'.format(normalized_country), crs=WGS84, transform=transform, driver='GTiff', compress='lzw') os.remove(str(f))
shapefile = gpd.read_file(shapefile_fp) shapefile.bounds geoms = shapefile.geometry.values geometry = geoms[0] print(type(geometry)) print(geometry) feature = [mapping(geometry) ] # can also do this using polygon.__geo_interface__ print(type(feature)) print(feature) out_image, out_transform = mask(raster, feature, crop=True) out_image.shape ############################################################################## # TRAINING & TEST DATA ############################################################################## nsamples_class = 10000 # create training pixels matrix with corresponding classname labels for rf # This segment of code is from the tutorial: # X = np.array([], dtype=np.int8).reshape(0, 8) # pixels for training y = np.array([], dtype=np.string_) # labels for training # extract the raster values within the polygon with as src:
r"D:\VanBovenDrive\VanBoven MT\Archive\c07_hollandbean\Joke Visser\20190527\1514\Orthomosaic\c07_hollandbean-Joke Visser-201905271514_DEM-GR_cubic.tif", r"D:\VanBovenDrive\VanBoven MT\Archive\c07_hollandbean\Joke Visser\20190603\1020\Orthomosaic\c07_hollandbean-Joke Visser-201906031020_DEM-GR_cubic.tif", r"D:\VanBovenDrive\VanBoven MT\Archive\c07_hollandbean\Joke Visser\20190619\1208\Orthomosaic\c07_hollandbean-Joke Visser-201906191208_DEM-GR_cubic.tif", r"D:\VanBovenDrive\VanBoven MT\Archive\c07_hollandbean\Joke Visser\20190625\0739\Orthomosaic\c07_hollandbean-Joke Visser-201906250739_DEM-GR_cubic.tif", r"D:\VanBovenDrive\VanBoven MT\Archive\c07_hollandbean\Joke Visser\20190701\0933\Orthomosaic\c07_hollandbean-Joke Visser-201907010933_DEM-GR_cubic.tif", r"D:\VanBovenDrive\VanBoven MT\Archive\c07_hollandbean\Joke Visser\20190710\1007\Orthomosaic\c07_hollandbean-Joke Visser-201907101007_DEM-GR_cubic.tif", r"D:\VanBovenDrive\VanBoven MT\Archive\c07_hollandbean\Joke Visser\20190802\0829\Orthomosaic\c07_hollandbean-Joke Visser-201908020829_DEM-GR_cubic.tif", r"D:\VanBovenDrive\VanBoven MT\Archive\c07_hollandbean\Joke Visser\20190823\1004\Orthomosaic\c07_hollandbean-Joke Visser-201908231004_DEM-GR_cubic.tif", r"D:\VanBovenDrive\VanBoven MT\Archive\c07_hollandbean\Joke Visser\20190830\0729\Orthomosaic\c07_hollandbean-Joke Visser-201908300729_DEM-GR_cubic.tif" ] for j in range(len(polys_paths)): shp = gpd.read_file(polys_paths[j]) shp = shp.to_crs({'init': 'epsg:4326'}) pbar = tqdm(total=len(shp.loc[:, 'geometry']), desc="getting mean height", position=0) with[j]) as src: for i in range(len(shp.loc[:, 'geometry'])): if shp.loc[i, 'geometry']: out_image, out_transform = mask( src, [mapping(shp.loc[i, 'geometry'])], crop=True) elev = np.extract(out_image[0, :, :] != 0, out_image[0, :, :]) shp.loc[i, 'mean_heigh'] = np.mean( sorted(elev, reverse=True)[:int(len(elev) / 2)]) pbar.update(1) shp = shp.to_crs({'init': 'epsg:28992'}) shp.to_file(polys_paths[j])
bbox = box(minx, miny, maxx, maxy) # Open file img = # Parse EPSG code of image epsg_code =['init'] # Reproject into the same coordinate system as raster data wgs84 = pyproj.CRS('epsg:4326') img_proj = pyproj.CRS(['init']) project = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(wgs84, img_proj).transform bbox_proj = transform(project, bbox) # Clip mosaic to target area clip_img, clip_transform = mask(img, [bbox_proj], crop=True) # Copy the metadata out_meta = img.meta.copy() # Update metadata with new dimensions profile = img.profile out_meta = img.meta.copy() out_meta.update({ "driver": "GTiff", "height": clip_img.shape[1], "width": clip_img.shape[2], "transform": clip_transform, "photometric": profile["photometric"], "compress": profile["compress"], "dtype": profile["dtype"]
def get_sub_image(idx, selected_polygon, image_tile_list, image_tile_bounds, save_path, dstnodata, brectangle): ''' get a mask image based on a selected polygon, it may cross two image tiles :param selected_polygon: selected polygons :param image_tile_list: image list :param image_tile_bounds: the boxes of images in the list :param save_path: save path :param brectangle: if brectangle is True, crop the raster using bounds, else, use the polygon :return: True is successful, False otherwise ''' # find the images which the center polygon overlap (one or two images) img_index = get_overlap_image_index([selected_polygon], image_tile_bounds) if len(img_index) < 1: basic.outputlogMessage( 'Warning, %dth polygon do not overlap any image tile, please check ' #and its buffer area '(1) the shape file and raster have the same projection' ' and (2) this polygon is in the extent of images' % idx) return False image_list = [image_tile_list[item] for item in img_index] # check it cross two or more images if len(image_list) == 1: # for the case that the polygon only overlap one raster with[0]) as src: polygon_json = mapping(selected_polygon) # not necessary # overlap_win = rasterio.features.geometry_window(src, [polygon_json], pad_x=0, pad_y=0, north_up=True, rotated=False, # pixel_precision=3) if brectangle: # polygon_box = selected_polygon.bounds polygon_json = mapping( selected_polygon.envelope ) #shapely.geometry.Polygon([polygon_box]) # crop image and saved to disk out_image, out_transform = mask(src, [polygon_json], nodata=dstnodata, all_touched=True, crop=True) # test: save it to disk out_meta = src.meta.copy() out_meta.update( { "driver": "GTiff", "height": out_image.shape[1], "width": out_image.shape[2], "transform": out_transform, "nodata": dstnodata } ) # note that, the saved image have a small offset compared to the original ones (~0.5 pixel) with, "w", **out_meta) as dest: dest.write(out_image) pass else: # for the case it overlap more than one raster, need to produce a mosaic tmp_saved_files = [] for k_img, image_path in enumerate(image_list): with as src: polygon_json = mapping(selected_polygon) if brectangle: # polygon_box = selected_polygon.bounds polygon_json = mapping( selected_polygon.envelope ) # shapely.geometry.Polygon([polygon_box]) # crop image and saved to disk out_image, out_transform = mask(src, [polygon_json], nodata=dstnodata, all_touched=True, crop=True) tmp_saved = os.path.splitext(save_path)[ 0] + '_%d' % k_img + os.path.splitext(save_path)[1] # test: save it to disk out_meta = src.meta.copy() out_meta.update( { "driver": "GTiff", "height": out_image.shape[1], "width": out_image.shape[2], "transform": out_transform, "nodata": dstnodata } ) # note that, the saved image have a small offset compared to the original ones (~0.5 pixel) with, "w", **out_meta) as dest: dest.write(out_image) tmp_saved_files.append(tmp_saved) # mosaic files in tmp_saved_files mosaic_args_list = [ '', '-o', save_path, '-n', str(dstnodata), '-a_nodata', str(dstnodata) ] mosaic_args_list.extend(tmp_saved_files) if basic.exec_command_args_list_one_file(mosaic_args_list, save_path) is False: raise IOError('error, obtain a mosaic (%s) failed' % save_path) # # for test # if idx==13: # raise ValueError('for test') # remove the tmp files for tmp_file in tmp_saved_files: io_function.delete_file_or_dir(tmp_file) # if it will output a very large image (10000 by 10000 pixels), then raise a error return True