Example #1
def indicesToBBOX(indices, src_img):
    """ Takes indices from DG image and returns the BBOX in coordinates of transform.
    :param indices: list
    :param src_img: raster data
    :return: Shapely POLYGON
    min_coords = xy(src_img.transform, indices[1], indices[2])
    max_coords = xy(src_img.transform, indices[0], indices[3])

    return box(min_coords[0], min_coords[1], max_coords[0], max_coords[1])
Example #2
def test_xy_gcps_rpcs(dataset, transform_attr, coords, expected):
    with rasterio.open(dataset, 'r') as src:
        transform = getattr(src, transform_attr)
        if transform_attr == 'gcps':
            transform = transform[0]
        for coord, truth in zip(coords, expected):
            assert xy(transform, *coord) == pytest.approx(truth)
        # check offset behaviour
        assert xy(transform, 0, 0, offset='lr') == \
               xy(transform, 0, 1, offset='ll') == \
               xy(transform, 1, 1, offset='ul') == \
               xy(transform, 1, 0, offset='ur')
    def to_xarray(self, columns, dim_name="time", nodata=0, dtype="uint8"):
        Convert a data column to a xarray data array.

        columns : str or list of str
            name or names of the data columns.
        dim_name : str
            name of the outermost dimension set by the `columns` argument.
        nodata : numeric
            value to be assigned to pixels with no data.
        dtype : str or numpy dtype
            the data type.

        da : xr.DataArray
            A xarray data array.
        x = self[self.x_column].values
        y = self[self.y_column].values

        xres, yres = self.res
        i = (y - min(y)) // yres
        j = (x - min(x)) // xres

        # ensure that `columns` is a list
        if isinstance(columns, str):
            columns = [columns]
        # use a head-tail iteration pattern to get the array shape and prepare
        # the pixel coordinates
        arr = self._to_ndarray(columns[0], i, j, nodata, dtype)
        num_rows, num_cols = arr.shape
        _transform = self.get_transform()
        cols = np.arange(num_cols)
        rows = np.arange(num_rows)
        x_coords, _ = transform.xy(_transform, cols, cols)
        _, y_coords = transform.xy(_transform, rows, rows)

        return xr.DataArray(
            [arr] + [
                self._to_ndarray(column, i, j, nodata, dtype)
                for column in columns[1:]
            dims=[dim_name, self.y_column, self.x_column],
                self.x_column: x_coords,
                self.y_column: y_coords,
                dim_name: columns,
            attrs=dict(nodata=nodata, pyproj_srs=f"epsg:{self.crs.to_epsg()}"),
Example #4
def get_ref_da(geom, res, fill=0, crs=None):
    if crs is None:
        crs = settings.CRS
    ref_transform, (ref_height, ref_width) = _calculate_transform(geom, res)
    rows = np.arange(ref_height)
    cols = np.arange(ref_width)
    xs, _ = transform.xy(ref_transform, cols, cols)
    _, ys = transform.xy(ref_transform, rows, rows)
    ref_da = xr.DataArray(fill, dims=('y', 'x'), coords={'y': ys, 'x': xs})
    ref_da.attrs['pyproj_srs'] = crs

    return ref_da
def test_xy_rowcol_inverse():
    # TODO this is an ideal candiate for
    # property-based testing with hypothesis
    aff = Affine.identity()
    rows_cols = ([0, 0, 10, 10],
                 [0, 10, 0, 10])
    assert rows_cols == rowcol(aff, *xy(aff, *rows_cols))
def array2Coords(transform, row, col):
	* convert between array position and coords
	*  params are row,col (y,x) as expected by rasterio
	*  returns coords at the CENTRE of the cell
    return xy(transform, row, col)
Example #7
def map_pixels_to_coordinates(reference_tiff, dst_epsg, pixels):
    """We are assuming that the pixels are a list of tuples. For example: [(row1, col1), (row2, col2)]"""
    rows = [row for (row, _) in pixels]
    cols = [col for (_, col) in pixels]
    xs, ys = transform.xy(reference_tiff.transform, rows, cols)
    dst_crs = rio.crs.CRS.from_epsg(dst_epsg)
    return map_to_new_crs(reference_tiff.crs, dst_crs, xs, ys)
Example #8
def get_cropped_profile(profile: dict, slice_x: slice, slice_y: slice):
    slice_x and slice_y are numpy slices
    x_start = slice_x.start or 0
    y_start = slice_y.start or 0
    x_stop = slice_x.stop or profile['width']
    y_stop = slice_y.stop or profile['height']

    width = x_stop - x_start
    height = y_stop - y_start

    profile_cropped = profile.copy()

    trans = profile['transform']
    x_cropped, y_cropped = xy(trans, y_start, x_start, offset='ul')
    trans_list = list(trans.to_gdal())
    trans_list[0] = x_cropped
    trans_list[3] = y_cropped
    tranform_cropped = Affine.from_gdal(*trans_list)
    profile_cropped['transform'] = tranform_cropped

    profile_cropped['height'] = height
    profile_cropped['width'] = width

    return profile_cropped
def array2Coords(a, row, col):
	* convert between array position and coords
	*  params are row,col (y,x) as expected by rasterio
	*  returns coords at the CENTRE of the cell
	x, y = xy(a, row, col)
	return int(x), int(y)
Example #10
 def grid_x(self):
         return self._grid_x
     except AttributeError:
         cols = np.arange(self.meta['width'])
         x, _ = transform.xy(self.meta['transform'], cols, cols)
         self._grid_x = x
         return self._grid_x
Example #11
 def grid_y(self):
         return self._grid_y
     except AttributeError:
         rows = np.arange(self.meta['height'])
         _, y = transform.xy(self.meta['transform'], rows, rows)
         self._grid_y = y
         return self._grid_y
Example #12
def rowcol_to_latlon(row, col, res=250):
    row = np.asarray(row) if type(row) is list else row
    col = np.asarray(col) if type(col) is list else col
    x, y = xy(Affine(*albers_conus_transform(res)), row, col)
    p1 = Proj(CRS.from_wkt(albers_conus_crs()))
    p2 = Proj(proj='latlong', datum='WGS84')
    lon, lat = transform(p1, p2, x, y)
    return lat, lon
Example #13
def getCoordinates(dstransform, width_df):
    new_data = {'lon': [], 'lat': [], 'width_lons': [], 'width_lats': []}
    for idx, row in width_df.iterrows():
        lon, lat = transform.xy(dstransform, row['coli'], row['rowi'])

        width_lons, width_lats = transform.xy(dstransform, row['width_coli'],

    width_df['lon'] = new_data['lon']
    width_df['lat'] = new_data['lat']
    width_df['width_lons'] = new_data['width_lons']
    width_df['width_lats'] = new_data['width_lats']

    return width_df
Example #14
def getCoordinates(dstransform, width_df):
    new_data = {'x': [], 'y': [], 'width_x': [], 'width_y': []}
    for idx, row in width_df.iterrows():
        x, y = transform.xy(dstransform, row['coli'], row['rowi'])

        width_x, width_y = transform.xy(dstransform, row['width_coli'],

    width_df['x'] = new_data['x']
    width_df['y'] = new_data['y']
    width_df['width_x'] = new_data['width_x']
    width_df['width_y'] = new_data['width_y']

    return width_df
Example #15
def spatial_position(x: int, y: int, transform: Affine) -> list:

    :param transform:
    :param x:
    :param y:
    return xy(transform, x, y)
Example #16
    def ul(self, row, col):
        """Returns the coordinates (x, y) of the upper left corner of a
        pixel at `row` and `col` in the units of the dataset's
        coordinate reference system.

        Deprecated; Use `xy(row, col, offset='ul')` instead.
        warnings.warn("ul method is deprecated. Use xy(row, col, offset='ul')",
        return xy(self.transform, row, col, offset='ul')
Example #17
    def ul(self, row, col):
        """Returns the coordinates (x, y) of the upper left corner of a
        pixel at `row` and `col` in the units of the dataset's
        coordinate reference system.

        Deprecated; Use `xy(row, col, offset='ul')` instead.
        warnings.warn("ul method is deprecated. Use xy(row, col, offset='ul')",
        return xy(self.transform, row, col, offset='ul')
Example #18
def test_xy():
    aff = Affine(300.0379266750948, 0.0, 101985.0, 0.0, -300.041782729805,
    ul_x, ul_y = aff * (0, 0)
    xoff = aff.a
    yoff = aff.e
    assert xy(aff, 0, 0, offset='ul') == (ul_x, ul_y)
    assert xy(aff, 0, 0, offset='ur') == (ul_x + xoff, ul_y)
    assert xy(aff, 0, 0, offset='ll') == (ul_x, ul_y + yoff)
    expected = (ul_x + xoff, ul_y + yoff)
    assert xy(aff, 0, 0, offset='lr') == expected
    expected = (ul_x + xoff / 2, ul_y + yoff / 2)
    assert xy(aff, 0, 0, offset='center') == expected
    assert xy(aff, 0, 0, offset='lr') == \
        xy(aff, 0, 1, offset='ll') == \
        xy(aff, 1, 1, offset='ul') == \
        xy(aff, 1, 0, offset='ur')
def test_xy():
    aff = Affine(300.0379266750948, 0.0, 101985.0,
                 0.0, -300.041782729805, 2826915.0)
    ul_x, ul_y = aff * (0, 0)
    xoff = aff.a
    yoff = aff.e
    assert xy(aff, 0, 0, offset='ul') == (ul_x, ul_y)
    assert xy(aff, 0, 0, offset='ur') == (ul_x + xoff, ul_y)
    assert xy(aff, 0, 0, offset='ll') == (ul_x, ul_y + yoff)
    expected = (ul_x + xoff, ul_y + yoff)
    assert xy(aff, 0, 0, offset='lr') == expected
    expected = (ul_x + xoff / 2, ul_y + yoff / 2)
    assert xy(aff, 0, 0, offset='center') == expected
    assert xy(aff, 0, 0, offset='lr') == \
        xy(aff, 0, 1, offset='ll') == \
        xy(aff, 1, 1, offset='ul') == \
        xy(aff, 1, 0, offset='ur')
Example #20
def get_xs_ys(cols, rows, transform):
    Computes rasters of x and y coordinates, based on row and column counts and a defined transform.

    :param cols: list of ints, defining the column counts
    :param rows: list of ints, defining the row counts
    :param transform: np.ndarray, 1D, with 6 rasterio compatible transform parameters
    :return: 2 np.ndarray (MxN): xs: x-coordinates, ys: y-coordinates, lons: longitude coordinates, lats: latitude coordinates
    xs, ys = xy(transform, rows, cols)
    xs, ys = np.array(xs), np.array(ys)
    return xs, ys
    def pixel_to_map(self, pixel_point):
        """Transform point from pixel to map-based coordinates.

            pixel_point: (x, y) tuple in pixel coordinates

            (x, y) tuple in map coordinates
        image_point = xy(self.transform, int(pixel_point[1]),
        map_point = self.image2map.transform(*image_point)
        return map_point
def sample_from_inhabitable_area(img, transform, sample_size=1):
    # Get inhabitable areas , developed area code starts from 21 to 31
    # Source: https://www.usgs.gov/centers/eros/science/
    amask = (img >= 21) & (img <= 31)
    goodr, goodc = np.nonzero(amask)

    # Get random locations sampling from goodr,goodc
    r_choices = np.random.choice(np.arange(goodr.size), size=sample_size)
    rs, cs = goodr[r_choices], goodc[r_choices]

    # Translate back into north america coordinates which is EPSG4269'EPSG:4269
    xs, ys = rtransform.xy(transform=transform, rows=rs, cols=cs)
    lons, lats = rwarp.transform(src.crs, block_groups.crs, xs, ys)
    return lons, lats
Example #23
def make_geometry(clu, X, affine, crs, buffer_amount=100):
    Convert clusters cells into contigious convex hulls.
    These are then buffered and overlapping polygons are merged.

    clu : list of sets
        The array of clusters with indices.
    X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
        The list of points with coordinates.
    affine : affine.Affine
        Raster affine transformation.
    crs : CRS
        Coordinate reference system.
    buffer_amount : int, default 100
        Amount in metres by which to buffer polygons before merging.

    clusters : GeoDataFrame
        The geometry-fied clusters.

    clusters = []
    for c in clu:
        coords = [X[loc] for loc in c]
        coords_real = [xy(affine, loc[0], loc[1]) for loc in coords]
        m = MultiPoint(coords_real)

    gdf = pd.DataFrame(clusters)
    geometry = gdf[0].map(shapely.wkt.loads)
    gdf = gdf.drop(0, axis=1)
    gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(gdf, crs=crs, geometry=geometry)

    gdf["geometry"] = gdf.geometry.convex_hull
    buffer_amount /= 1e5  # divide by 100K for rough conversion to degrees
    gdf["geometry"] = gdf.geometry.buffer(buffer_amount)

    gdf = merge_overlap(gdf)
    gdf["geometry"] = gdf.geometry.convex_hull
    gdf = merge_overlap(gdf)

    print("Number of clusters:", len(gdf))

    return gdf
Example #24
def get_utm_zone(crs, transform, shape):
    Calculates the UTM zone for the image center
    :param crs: image crs
    :param transform: image transform
    :param size: image size [height, width]
    :return: UTM zone in format 'EPSG:32XYZ'
    #find image extents
    #todo: check for image size!
    #if it is more than 600 km longitude - recommend not to transform to utm at once
    #find image center
    center_xy = xy(transform, shape[0] / 2, shape[1] / 2)
    center_latlon = warp.transform(crs, CRS_LATLON, [center_xy[0]],
    #calc zone
    return _utm_zone(center_latlon[1][0], center_latlon[0][0])
Example #25
def get_cropped_profile(profile: dict, slice_x: slice, slice_y: slice) -> dict:
    This is a tool for using a reference profile and numpy slices (i.e.
    np.s_[start: stop]) to create a new profile that is within the window of
    slice_x, slice_y.

    profile : dict
        The reference rasterio profile.
    slice_x : slice
        The horizontal slice.
    slice_y : slice
        The vertical slice.

        The rasterio dictionary from cropping.

    x_start = slice_x.start or 0
    y_start = slice_y.start or 0
    x_stop = slice_x.stop or profile['width']
    y_stop = slice_y.stop or profile['height']

    if (x_start < 0) | (x_stop < 0) | (y_start < 0) | (y_stop < 0):
        raise ValueError('Slices must be positive')

    width = x_stop - x_start
    height = y_stop - y_start

    profile_cropped = profile.copy()

    trans = profile['transform']
    x_cropped, y_cropped = xy(trans, y_start, x_start, offset='ul')
    trans_list = list(trans.to_gdal())
    trans_list[0] = x_cropped
    trans_list[3] = y_cropped
    tranform_cropped = Affine.from_gdal(*trans_list)
    profile_cropped['transform'] = tranform_cropped

    profile_cropped['height'] = height
    profile_cropped['width'] = width

    return profile_cropped
Example #26
def load_dem(to_load, meta=None):
    """Loads and transforms a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) image
    into a DataFrame.

    to_load : str or arr
      path to raster or an in-memory array with DEM data
    meta : dict, optional
      dictionary of raster attributes, must include width,
      height, transform, and crs

    df : DataFrame
      flattened raster with additional derived fields
    if isinstance(to_load, str):
        with rasterio.open(to_load) as src:
            dem = src.read()
            meta = src.meta
    elif isinstance(to_load, np.ndarray) and meta is not None:
        dem = to_load

        raise TypeError

    df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['elevation', 'lat', 'lon'])

    df['elevation'] = dem.ravel()
    df['elevation'] = df['elevation'].astype('Int64')

    # fetch lat and lon for each pixel in a raster
    rows, cols = np.indices((meta['height'], meta['width']))
    xs, ys = transform.xy(meta['transform'], cols.ravel(), rows.ravel())
    lons, lats = warp.transform(meta['crs'], {'init': 'EPSG:4326'}, xs, ys)
    df['lat'] = lats
    df['lon'] = lons

    # nodata represented as -32768
    df.loc[df.elevation == -32768] = np.nan

    return df
Example #27
def get_utm_zone(crs, transform, shape):
    Calculates the UTM zone for the image center
    :param crs: image crs
    :param transform: image transform
    :param shape: image size [height, width]
    :return: rasterio CRS of given UTM zone
    # find image extents
    # todo: check for image size!
    # if it is more than 600 km longitude, or crosses the equator, or 80N/ 80S line
    # - recommend not to transform to utm at once

    # find image center
    center_xy = xy(transform, shape[0] / 2, shape[1] / 2)
    center_latlon = warp.transform(crs, CRS_LATLON, [center_xy[0]],
    #calc zone
    return _utm_zone(center_latlon[1][0], center_latlon[0][0])
Example #28
    def xy(self, row, col, offset="center"):
        """Returns the coordinates ``(x, y)`` of a pixel at `row` and `col`.
        The pixel's center is returned by default, but a corner can be returned
        by setting `offset` to one of `ul, ur, ll, lr`.

        row : int
            Pixel row.
        col : int
            Pixel column.
        offset : str, optional
            Determines if the returned coordinates are for the center of the
            pixel or for a corner.

            ``(x, y)``
        return xy(self.transform, row, col, offset=offset)
Example #29
    def xy(self, row, col, offset="center"):
        """Returns the coordinates ``(x, y)`` of a pixel at `row` and `col`.
        The pixel's center is returned by default, but a corner can be returned
        by setting `offset` to one of `ul, ur, ll, lr`.

        row : int
            Pixel row.
        col : int
            Pixel column.
        offset : str, optional
            Determines if the returned coordinates are for the center of the
            pixel or for a corner.

            ``(x, y)``
        return xy(self.transform, row, col, offset=offset)
Example #30
    def get_zonal_stats_from_point(self,
                                   point: Vector3) -> List[Optional[Dict]]:
        results = []
        if self.boundary_data:
            for plugin in (x for x in (self.terrain_data, self.attribute_data,
                                       self.flow_dir_data, self.flow_dir_data)
                           if x is not None):
                if plugin is self.terrain_data:
                    var = self._elevation_attribute.selected
                elif plugin is self.attribute_data:
                    var = self._attribute.selected
                    var = ''

                raster = plugin.get_data(var)
                affine = plugin.affine
                res = plugin.resolution
                var_stats = plugin.variable_stats(var)
                nodata = var_stats.nodata_value

                # Transform point coordinates to crs of raster
                p = shapely.geometry.Point(
                    *transform.xy(affine, point.x / res, point.y / res))
                zones = []
                for feat in self.boundary_data.get_features():
                    if shapely.geometry.shape(feat['geometry']).contains(p):

                # Retrieve zonal stats for this raster
                result = zonal_stats(zones,
                for j, row in enumerate(result):
                    row['Name'] = "{} (Zone {})".format(
                        plugin.data_name, zones[j].get('id'))
        return results
Example #31
    def get_zonal_stats_from_feature(
            self, feature: LinearRing) -> List[Optional[Dict]]:
        results = []
        if self.terrain_data:

            # Normalize feature coordinates to terrain resolution
            t_res = self.terrain_data.resolution
            normalized_coords = [(p[0] / t_res, p[1] / t_res)
                                 for p in feature.coords]

            for plugin in (x for x in (self.terrain_data, self.attribute_data,
                                       self.flow_dir_data, self.flow_dir_data)
                           if x is not None):
                if plugin is self.terrain_data:
                    var = self._elevation_attribute.selected
                elif plugin is self.attribute_data:
                    var = self._attribute.selected
                    var = ''

                raster = plugin.get_data(var, Timeline.app().current)
                affine = plugin.affine
                var_stats = plugin.variable_stats(var)
                nodata = var_stats.nodata_value
                feat = Polygon(
                    *[[transform.xy(affine, *p) for p in normalized_coords]])

                # Transform normalized raster coordinates to CRS of raster to query and obtain results
                result = zonal_stats(feat,
                result['Name'] = plugin.data_name
        return results
Example #32
def raster_to_lines(guess_skel_in):
    Convert thinned raster to linestring geometry.

    guess_skel_in : path-like
        Output from thin().

    guess_gdf : GeoDataFrame
        Converted to geometry.

    rast = rasterio.open(guess_skel_in)
    arr = rast.read(1)
    affine = rast.transform

    max_row = arr.shape[0]
    max_col = arr.shape[1]
    lines = []

    for row in range(0, max_row):
        for col in range(0, max_col):
            loc = (row, col)
            if arr[loc] == 1:
                for i in range(-1, 2):
                    for j in range(-1, 2):
                        next_row = row + i
                        next_col = col + j
                        next_loc = (next_row, next_col)

                        # ensure we're within bounds
                        # ensure we're not looking at the same spot
                        if (
                            next_row < 0
                            or next_col < 0
                            or next_row >= max_row
                            or next_col >= max_col
                            or next_loc == loc

                        if arr[next_loc] == 1:
                            line = (loc, next_loc)
                            rev = (line[1], line[0])
                            if line not in lines and rev not in lines:

    real_lines = []
    for line in lines:
        real = (xy(affine, line[0][0], line[0][1]), xy(affine, line[1][0], line[1][1]))

    shapes = []
    for line in real_lines:
        shapes.append(LineString([Point(line[0]), Point(line[1])]).wkt)

    guess_gdf = pd.DataFrame(shapes)
    geometry = guess_gdf[0].map(shapely.wkt.loads)
    guess_gdf = guess_gdf.drop(0, axis=1)
    guess_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(guess_gdf, crs=rast.crs, geometry=geometry)

    guess_gdf["same"] = 0
    guess_gdf = guess_gdf.dissolve(by="same")

    return guess_gdf
Example #33
def test_xy_rowcol_inverse():
    # TODO this is an ideal candiate for
    # property-based testing with hypothesis
    aff = Affine.identity()
    rows_cols = ([0, 0, 10, 10], [0, 10, 0, 10])
    assert rows_cols == rowcol(aff, *xy(aff, *rows_cols))
Example #34
def test_bogus_offset():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        xy(None, 1, 0, offset='bogus')
def test_bogus_offset():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        xy(None, 1, 0, offset='bogus')