def find_player(lst, make=False, soft=False): qset = Player.objects.all() for s in [s.strip() for s in lst if s.strip() != '']: # If numeric, assume it's a restriction on ID and nothing else if s.isdigit(): qset = qset.filter(id=int(s)) continue # Always search by player tag, team and aliases if soft: q = Q(tag__icontains=s) | Q(alias__name__icontains=s) |\ Q(teammembership__current=True, teammembership__team__name__icontains=s) |\ Q(teammembership__current=True, teammembership__team__alias__name__icontains=s) else: q = Q(tag__iexact=s) | Q(alias__name__iexact=s) |\ Q(teammembership__current=True, teammembership__team__name__iexact=s) |\ Q(teammembership__current=True, teammembership__team__alias__name__iexact=s) # Race query if len(s) == 1 and s.upper() in 'PTZSR': q |= Q(race=s.upper()) # Country codes if len(s) == 2 and s.upper() in data.cca2_to_ccn: q |= Q(country=s.upper()) if len(s) == 3 and s.upper() in data.cca3_to_ccn: q |= Q(country=ccn_to_cca2(cca3_to_ccn(s.upper()))) renorm = s[0].upper() + s[1:].lower() if renorm in data.cn_to_ccn: q |= Q(country=ccn_to_cca2(cn_to_ccn(renorm))) qset = qset.filter(q) # Make player if needed and allowed if not qset.exists() and make: tag, country, race = None, None, None for s in [s.strip() for s in lst if s.strip() != '']: if s.isdigit(): continue if len(s) == 1 and s.upper() in 'PTZSR': race = s.upper() continue if len(s) == 2 and s.upper() in data.cca2_to_ccn: country = s.upper() continue if len(s) == 3 and s.upper() in data.cca3_to_ccn: country = ccn_to_cca2(cca3_to_ccn(s.upper())) continue renorm = s[0].upper() + s[1:].lower() if renorm in data.cn_to_ccn: country = ccn_to_cca2(cn_to_ccn(renorm)) continue tag = s if tag == None: raise Exception('Player \'' + ' '.join(lst) + '\' was not found and could not be made'\ + ' (missing player tag)') if race == None: raise Exception('Player \'' + ' '.join(lst) + '\' was not found and could not be made'\ + ' (missing race)') p = Player() p.tag = tag = country p.race = race return Player.objects.filter( return qset.distinct()
return None if __name__ == '__main__': rid = int(sys.argv[1]) if Player.objects.filter(sc2c_id=rid).count() > 0: print 'Did not import new player, already exists.' sys.exit(1) soup = BeautifulSoup(get_url(_base_url % rid)) tag = soup.findAll('h1')[0].contents[0].strip() try: country = soup.findAll(lambda t: (u'class', u'content_flag') in t.attrs)[0]['src'].split('/')[-1].split('.')[0].upper() except: country = '' race = sys.argv[2] print '------ From %s' % (_base_url % rid) k = raw_input('------ Add new player: %s (%s, %s)? ' % (tag, country, race)) if k.isdigit(): p = Player.objects.get(id=int(k)) p.sc2c_id = rid elif k.upper() == 'Y': p = Player() p.tag = tag = country p.race = race p.sc2c_id = rid