Example #1
    def __init__(self, name, task, n_rotations=36):
        super().__init__(name, task, n_rotations)

        # Stack the goal image for the vanilla Transport module.
        t_shape = (self.in_shape[0], self.in_shape[1],
                   int(self.in_shape[2] * 2))

        self.attention = Attention(in_shape=self.in_shape,
        self.transport = Transport(in_shape=t_shape,
Example #2
    def __init__(self, name, task, n_rotations=36):
        super().__init__(name, task, n_rotations)

        self.attention = Attention(in_shape=self.in_shape,
        self.transport = Transport(in_shape=self.in_shape,
Example #3
class GoalNaiveTransporterAgent(TransporterAgent):
    """Naive version which stacks current and goal images through normal Transport."""
    def __init__(self, name, task, n_rotations=36):
        super().__init__(name, task, n_rotations)

        # Stack the goal image for the vanilla Transport module.
        t_shape = (self.in_shape[0], self.in_shape[1],
                   int(self.in_shape[2] * 2))

        self.attention = Attention(in_shape=self.in_shape,
        self.transport = Transport(in_shape=t_shape,

    def get_image(self, obs):
        """Stack color and height images image."""

        # if self.use_goal_image:
        #   colormap_g, heightmap_g = utils.get_fused_heightmap(goal, configs)
        #   goal_image = self.concatenate_c_h(colormap_g, heightmap_g)
        #   input_image = np.concatenate((input_image, goal_image), axis=2)
        #   assert input_image.shape[2] == 12, input_image.shape

        # do: we can see some camera model implementation here -> fuse multi-view image with camera intrinsics to
        #   the orthographical height map.
        # Get color and height maps from RGB-D images.
        cmap, hmap = utils.get_fused_heightmap(obs, self.cam_config,
                                               self.bounds, self.pix_size)
        # do: wow, cmap has become a top-down view image -> how come?
        # import cv2
        # cv2.imshow('haha', cmap)
        # cv2.waitKey(0)
        # exit(0)
        # do: visualize image.
        img = np.concatenate(
            (cmap, hmap[Ellipsis, None], hmap[Ellipsis, None], hmap[Ellipsis,
        assert img.shape == self.in_shape, img.shape
        return img

    def get_sample(self, dataset, augment=True):
        """Get a dataset sample.

          dataset: a ravens.Dataset (train or validation)
          augment: if True, perform data augmentation.

          tuple of data for training:
            (input_image, p0, p0_theta, p1, p1_theta)
          tuple additionally includes (z, roll, pitch) if self.six_dof
          if self.use_goal_image, then the goal image is stacked with the
          current image in `input_image`. If splitting up current and goal
          images is desired, it should be done outside this method.

        # do: get current and goal observation here.
        (obs, act, _, _), (gobs, _, _, _) = dataset.sample()

        # do: visualize.
        # import cv2
        # img = obs['color'][0, :, :, :3]
        # gimg = gobs['color'][0, :, :, :3]
        # cv2.imshow('haha', img)
        # cv2.waitKey(0)
        # cv2.imshow('haha', gimg)
        # cv2.waitKey(0)

        img = self.get_image(obs)
        gimg = self.get_image(gobs)

        # Get training labels from data sample.
        p0_xyz, p0_xyzw = act['pose0']
        p1_xyz, p1_xyzw = act['pose1']
        p0 = utils.xyz_to_pix(p0_xyz, self.bounds, self.pix_size)
        p0_theta = -np.float32(utils.quatXYZW_to_eulerXYZ(p0_xyzw)[2])
        p1 = utils.xyz_to_pix(p1_xyz, self.bounds, self.pix_size)
        p1_theta = -np.float32(utils.quatXYZW_to_eulerXYZ(p1_xyzw)[2])
        p1_theta = p1_theta - p0_theta
        p0_theta = 0

        # Data augmentation.
        if augment:
            img, _, (p0, p1), _ = utils.perturb(img, [p0, p1])
            gimg, _, _, _ = utils.perturb(gimg, [p0, p1])

        return img, p0, p0_theta, p1, p1_theta, gimg

    def train(self, dataset, writer=None):
        """Train on a dataset sample for 1 iteration.

          dataset: a ravens.Dataset.
          writer: a TF summary writer (for tensorboard).
        # SAY: we can see that, this problem is, predict two poses using image observation.
        img, p0, p0_theta, p1, p1_theta, gimg = self.get_sample(dataset)
        # Get training losses.
        step = self.total_steps + 1
        loss0 = self.attention.train(img, p0, p0_theta)
        if isinstance(self.transport, Attention):
            loss1 = self.transport.train(img, p1, p1_theta)
            img_stk = np.concatenate([img, gimg], axis=-1)
            loss1 = self.transport.train(img_stk, p0, p1, p1_theta)
        with writer.as_default():
            sc = tf.summary.scalar
            sc('train_loss/attention', loss0, step)
            sc('train_loss/transport', loss1, step)
        print(f'Train Iter: {step} Loss: {loss0:.4f} {loss1:.4f}')
        self.total_steps = step

        # TODO(andyzeng) cleanup goal-conditioned model.

        # if self.use_goal_image:
        #   half = int(input_image.shape[2] / 2)
        #   img_curr = input_image[:, :, :half]  # ignore goal portion
        #   loss0 = self.attention.train(img_curr, p0, p0_theta)
        # else:
        #   loss0 = self.attention.train(input_image, p0, p0_theta)

        # if isinstance(self.transport, Attention):
        #   loss1 = self.transport.train(input_image, p1, p1_theta)
        # elif isinstance(self.transport, TransportGoal):
        #   half = int(input_image.shape[2] / 2)
        #   img_curr = input_image[:, :, :half]
        #   img_goal = input_image[:, :, half:]
        #   loss1 = self.transport.train(img_curr, img_goal, p0, p1, p1_theta)
        # else:
        #   loss1 = self.transport.train(input_image, p0, p1, p1_theta)

    def validate(self, dataset, writer=None):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        """Test on a validation dataset for 10 iterations."""
        print('Skipping validation.')
        # tf.keras.backend.set_learning_phase(0)
        # n_iter = 10
        # loss0, loss1 = 0, 0
        # for i in range(n_iter):
        #   img, p0, p0_theta, p1, p1_theta = self.get_sample(dataset, False)

        #   # Get validation losses. Do not backpropagate.
        #   loss0 += self.attention.train(img, p0, p0_theta, backprop=False)
        #   if isinstance(self.transport, Attention):
        #     loss1 += self.transport.train(img, p1, p1_theta, backprop=False)
        #   else:
        #     loss1 += self.transport.train(img, p0, p1, p1_theta, backprop=False)
        # loss0 /= n_iter
        # loss1 /= n_iter
        # with writer.as_default():
        #   sc = tf.summary.scalar
        #   sc('test_loss/attention', loss0, self.total_steps)
        #   sc('test_loss/transport', loss1, self.total_steps)
        # print(f'Validation Loss: {loss0:.4f} {loss1:.4f}')

    def act(self, obs, info=None, goal=None):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        """Run inference and return best action given visual observations."""

        # Get heightmap from RGB-D images.
        img = self.get_image(obs)
        gobs = goal[0]
        gimg = self.get_image(gobs)

        # Attention model forward pass.
        pick_conf = self.attention.forward(img)
        argmax = np.argmax(pick_conf)
        argmax = np.unravel_index(argmax, shape=pick_conf.shape)
        p0_pix = argmax[:2]
        p0_theta = argmax[2] * (2 * np.pi / pick_conf.shape[2])

        # Transport model forward pass.
        place_conf = self.transport.forward(img, gimg, p0_pix)
        argmax = np.argmax(place_conf)
        argmax = np.unravel_index(argmax, shape=place_conf.shape)
        p1_pix = argmax[:2]
        p1_theta = argmax[2] * (2 * np.pi / place_conf.shape[2])

        # Pixels to end effector poses.
        hmap = img[:, :, 3]
        p0_xyz = utils.pix_to_xyz(p0_pix, hmap, self.bounds, self.pix_size)
        p1_xyz = utils.pix_to_xyz(p1_pix, hmap, self.bounds, self.pix_size)
        p0_xyzw = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW((0, 0, -p0_theta))
        p1_xyzw = utils.eulerXYZ_to_quatXYZW((0, 0, -p1_theta))

        return {
            'pose0': (np.asarray(p0_xyz), np.asarray(p0_xyzw)),
            'pose1': (np.asarray(p1_xyz), np.asarray(p1_xyzw))

        # TODO(andyzeng) cleanup goal-conditioned model.

        # Make a goal image if needed, and for consistency stack with input.
        # if self.use_goal_image:
        #   cmap_g, hmap_g = utils.get_fused_heightmap(goal, self.cam_config)
        #   goal_image = self.concatenate_c_h(colormap_g, heightmap_g)
        #   input_image = np.concatenate((input_image, goal_image), axis=2)
        #   assert input_image.shape[2] == 12, input_image.shape

        # if self.use_goal_image:
        #   half = int(input_image.shape[2] / 2)
        #   input_only = input_image[:, :, :half]  # ignore goal portion
        #   pick_conf = self.attention.forward(input_only)
        # else:
        # if isinstance(self.transport, TransportGoal):
        #   half = int(input_image.shape[2] / 2)
        #   img_curr = input_image[:, :, :half]
        #   img_goal = input_image[:, :, half:]
        #   place_conf = self.transport.forward(img_curr, img_goal, p0_pix)

    def load(self, n_iter):
        """Load pre-trained models."""
        print(f'Loading pre-trained model at {n_iter} iterations.')
        attention_fname = 'attention-ckpt-%d.h5' % n_iter
        transport_fname = 'transport-ckpt-%d.h5' % n_iter
        attention_fname = os.path.join(self.models_dir, attention_fname)
        transport_fname = os.path.join(self.models_dir, transport_fname)
        self.total_steps = n_iter

    def save(self):
        """Save models."""
        if not tf.io.gfile.exists(self.models_dir):
        attention_fname = 'attention-ckpt-%d.h5' % self.total_steps
        transport_fname = 'transport-ckpt-%d.h5' % self.total_steps
        attention_fname = os.path.join(self.models_dir, attention_fname)
        transport_fname = os.path.join(self.models_dir, transport_fname)