Example #1
def _workflow_step_executor(step_type: StepType, func: Callable,
                            context: workflow_context.WorkflowStepContext,
                            step_id: "StepID",
                            step_inputs: "StepInputTupleToResolve",
                            outer_most_step_id: "StepID",
                            catch_exceptions: bool, max_retries: int,
                            last_step_of_workflow: bool) -> Any:
    """Executor function for workflow step.

        step_type: The type of workflow step.
        func: The workflow step function.
        context: Workflow step context. Used to access correct storage etc.
        step_id: The ID of the step.
        step_inputs: The inputs tuple of the step.
        outer_most_step_id: See "step_executor.execute_workflow" for
        catch_exceptions: If set to be true, return
            (Optional[Result], Optional[Error]) instead of Result.
        max_retries: Max number of retries encounter of a failure.
        last_step_of_workflow: The step that generates the output of the
            workflow (including nested steps).

        Workflow step output.
    workflow_context.update_workflow_step_context(context, step_id)
    args, kwargs = _resolve_step_inputs(step_inputs)
    state, output = _wrap_run(func, step_type, step_id, catch_exceptions,
                              max_retries, *args, **kwargs)

    if step_type != StepType.READONLY_ACTOR_METHOD:
        store = workflow_storage.get_workflow_storage()
        # Save workflow output
        commit_step(store, step_id, state, outer_most_step_id)
        # We MUST execute the workflow after saving the output.
        if isinstance(state, Workflow):
            if step_type == StepType.FUNCTION:
                # execute sub-workflow
                state = execute_workflow(state, outer_most_step_id,
                # TODO(suquark): Support returning a workflow inside
                # a virtual actor.
                raise TypeError("Only a workflow step function "
                                "can return a workflow.")
        elif last_step_of_workflow:
            # advance the progress of the workflow
        _record_step_status(step_id, WorkflowStatus.SUCCESSFUL)
    return state, output
Example #2
def _workflow_step_executor(step_type: StepType, func: Callable,
                            context: workflow_context.WorkflowStepContext,
                            step_id: "StepID",
                            baked_inputs: "_BakedWorkflowInputs",
                            outer_most_step_id: "StepID",
                            catch_exceptions: bool, max_retries: int,
                            last_step_of_workflow: bool) -> Any:
    """Executor function for workflow step.

        step_type: The type of workflow step.
        func: The workflow step function.
        context: Workflow step context. Used to access correct storage etc.
        step_id: The ID of the step.
        baked_inputs: The processed inputs for the step.
        outer_most_step_id: See "step_executor.execute_workflow" for
        catch_exceptions: If set to be true, return
            (Optional[Result], Optional[Error]) instead of Result.
        max_retries: Max number of retries encounter of a failure.
        last_step_of_workflow: The step that generates the output of the
            workflow (including nested steps).

        Workflow step output.
    workflow_context.update_workflow_step_context(context, step_id)
    args, kwargs = _resolve_step_inputs(baked_inputs)
    persisted_output, volatile_output = _wrap_run(func, step_type, step_id,
                                                  max_retries, *args, **kwargs)

    if step_type != StepType.READONLY_ACTOR_METHOD:
        store = workflow_storage.get_workflow_storage()
        # Save workflow output
        commit_step(store, step_id, persisted_output, outer_most_step_id)
        # We MUST execute the workflow after saving the output.
        if isinstance(persisted_output, Workflow):
            if step_type == StepType.FUNCTION:
                # Passing down outer most step so inner nested steps would
                # access the same outer most step.
                if not outer_most_step_id:
                    # The current workflow step returns a nested workflow, and
                    # there is no outer step for the current step. So the
                    # current step is the outer most step for the inner nested
                    # workflow steps.
                    outer_most_step_id = workflow_context.get_current_step_id()
                # execute sub-workflow
                persisted_output = execute_workflow(
                    persisted_output, outer_most_step_id,
                # TODO(suquark): Support returning a workflow inside
                # a virtual actor.
                raise TypeError("Only a workflow step function "
                                "can return a workflow.")
        elif last_step_of_workflow:
            # advance the progress of the workflow
        _record_step_status(step_id, WorkflowStatus.SUCCESSFUL)
    return persisted_output, volatile_output
Example #3
def _wrap_run(func: Callable, step_type: StepType, step_id: "StepID",
              catch_exceptions: bool, max_retries: int, *args,
              **kwargs) -> Tuple[Any, Any]:
    """Wrap the function and execute it.

    It returns two parts, persisted_output (p-out) and volatile_output (v-out).
    P-out is the part of result to persist in a storage and pass to the
    next step. V-out is the part of result to return to the user but does not
    require persistence.

    This table describes their relationships

    | Step Type                   | p-out | v-out  | catch exception into |
    | Function Step               | Y     | N      | p-out                |
    | Virtual Actor Step          | Y     | Y      | v-out                |
    | Readonly Virtual Actor Step | N     | Y      | v-out                |

        step_type: The type of the step producing the result.
        catch_exceptions: True if we would like to catch the exception.
        max_retries: Max retry times for failure.

        State and output.
    exception = None
    result = None
    # max_retries are for application level failure.
    # For ray failure, we should use max_retries.
    for i in range(max_retries):
            result = func(*args, **kwargs)
            exception = None
        except BaseException as e:
            if i + 1 == max_retries:
                retry_msg = "Maximum retry reached, stop retry."
                retry_msg = "The step will be retried."
                f"{workflow_context.get_step_name()} failed with error message"
                f" {e}. {retry_msg}")
            exception = e

    if catch_exceptions:
        if step_type == StepType.FUNCTION:
            persisted_output, volatile_output = (result, exception), None
        elif step_type == StepType.ACTOR_METHOD:
            # virtual actors do not persist exception
            persisted_output, volatile_output = result[0], (result[1],
        elif step_type == StepType.READONLY_ACTOR_METHOD:
            persisted_output, volatile_output = None, (result, exception)
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown StepType '{step_type}'")
        if exception is not None:
            if step_type != StepType.READONLY_ACTOR_METHOD:
                status = WorkflowStatus.FAILED
                _record_step_status(step_id, status)
            raise exception
        if step_type == StepType.FUNCTION:
            persisted_output, volatile_output = result, None
        elif step_type == StepType.ACTOR_METHOD:
            persisted_output, volatile_output = result
        elif step_type == StepType.READONLY_ACTOR_METHOD:
            persisted_output, volatile_output = None, result
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown StepType '{step_type}'")

    is_nested = isinstance(persisted_output, Workflow)
    if step_type != StepType.FUNCTION and is_nested:
        # TODO(suquark): Support returning a workflow inside
        # a virtual actor.
        raise TypeError("Only a workflow step function "
                        "can return a workflow.")

    return persisted_output, volatile_output
Example #4
def _workflow_step_executor(
        step_type: StepType, func: Callable,
        context: workflow_context.WorkflowStepContext, step_id: "StepID",
        baked_inputs: "_BakedWorkflowInputs", outer_most_step_id: "StepID",
        catch_exceptions: bool, max_retries: int,
        last_step_of_workflow: bool) -> Any:
    """Executor function for workflow step.

        step_type: The type of workflow step.
        func: The workflow step function.
        context: Workflow step context. Used to access correct storage etc.
        step_id: The ID of the step.
        baked_inputs: The processed inputs for the step.
        outer_most_step_id: See "step_executor.execute_workflow" for
        catch_exceptions: If set to be true, return
            (Optional[Result], Optional[Error]) instead of Result.
        max_retries: Max number of retries encounter of a failure.
        last_step_of_workflow: The step that generates the output of the
            workflow (including nested steps).

        Workflow step output.
    workflow_context.update_workflow_step_context(context, step_id)
    args, kwargs = _resolve_step_inputs(baked_inputs)
    store = workflow_storage.get_workflow_storage()
        persisted_output, volatile_output = _wrap_run(
            func, step_type, step_id, catch_exceptions, max_retries, *args,
    except Exception as e:
        commit_step(store, step_id, None, e, outer_most_step_id)
        raise e
    if step_type == StepType.READONLY_ACTOR_METHOD:
        if isinstance(volatile_output, Workflow):
            raise TypeError(
                "Returning a Workflow from a readonly virtual actor "
                "is not allowed.")
        assert not isinstance(persisted_output, Workflow)
        store = workflow_storage.get_workflow_storage()
        commit_step(store, step_id, persisted_output, None, outer_most_step_id)
        if isinstance(persisted_output, Workflow):
            if step_type == StepType.FUNCTION:
                # Passing down outer most step so inner nested steps would
                # access the same outer most step.
                if not outer_most_step_id:
                    # The current workflow step returns a nested workflow, and
                    # there is no outer step for the current step. So the
                    # current step is the outer most step for the inner nested
                    # workflow steps.
                    outer_most_step_id = workflow_context.get_current_step_id()
            assert volatile_output is None
            # execute sub-workflow
            result = execute_workflow(persisted_output, outer_most_step_id,
            # When virtual actor returns a workflow in the method,
            # the volatile_output and persisted_output will be put together
            persisted_output = result.persisted_output
            volatile_output = result.volatile_output
        elif last_step_of_workflow:
            # advance the progress of the workflow
        _record_step_status(step_id, WorkflowStatus.SUCCESSFUL)
    if isinstance(volatile_output, Workflow):
        # This is the case where a step method is called in the virtual actor.
        # We need to run the method to get the final result.
        assert step_type == StepType.ACTOR_METHOD
        volatile_output = volatile_output.run_async(
    return persisted_output, volatile_output