def __init__(self,
                 capacity: int = 10000,
                 storage_unit: str = "timesteps",
                 alpha: float = 1.0,
        """Initializes a PrioritizedReplayBuffer instance.

            capacity: Max number of timesteps to store in the FIFO
                buffer. After reaching this number, older samples will be
                dropped to make space for new ones.
            storage_unit: Either 'timesteps', 'sequences' or
                'episodes'. Specifies how experiences are stored.
            alpha: How much prioritization is used
                (0.0=no prioritization, 1.0=full prioritization).
            **kwargs: Forward compatibility kwargs.
        ReplayBuffer.__init__(self, capacity, storage_unit, **kwargs)

        assert alpha > 0
        self._alpha = alpha

        # Segment tree must have capacity that is a power of 2
        it_capacity = 1
        while it_capacity < self.capacity:
            it_capacity *= 2

        self._it_sum = SumSegmentTree(it_capacity)
        self._it_min = MinSegmentTree(it_capacity)
        self._max_priority = 1.0
        self._prio_change_stats = WindowStat("reprio", 1000)
Example #2
    def __init__(self, capacity: int = 10000, storage_unit: str = "timesteps"):
        """Initializes a ReservoirBuffer instance.

            capacity: Max number of timesteps to store in the FIFO
                buffer. After reaching this number, older samples will be
                dropped to make space for new ones.
            storage_unit: Either 'sequences' or 'timesteps'. Specifies how
                experiences are stored.
        ReplayBuffer.__init__(self, capacity, storage_unit)
        self._num_add_calls = 0
        self._num_evicted = 0
    def __init__(self,
                 capacity: int = 10000,
                 storage_unit: str = "timesteps",
                 num_shards: int = 1,
                 learning_starts: int = 1000,
                 replay_mode: str = "independent",
                 replay_sequence_length: int = 1,
                 replay_burn_in: int = 0,
                 replay_zero_init_states: bool = True,
                 underlying_buffer_config: dict = None,
        """Initializes a MultiAgentReplayBuffer instance.

            num_shards: The number of buffer shards that exist in total
                (including this one).
            storage_unit: Either 'timesteps', 'sequences' or
                'episodes'. Specifies how experiences are stored. If they
                are stored in episodes, replay_sequence_length is ignored.
            learning_starts: Number of timesteps after which a call to
                `sample()` will yield samples (before that, `sample()` will
                return None).
            capacity: The capacity of the buffer, measured in `storage_unit`.
            replay_mode: One of "independent" or "lockstep". Determines,
                whether batches are sampled independently or to an equal
            replay_sequence_length: The sequence length (T) of a single
                sample. If > 1, we will sample B x T from this buffer. This
                only has an effect if storage_unit is 'timesteps'.
            replay_burn_in: This is the number of timesteps
                each sequence overlaps with the previous one to generate a
                better internal state (=state after the burn-in), instead of
                starting from 0.0 each RNN rollout. This only has an effect
                if storage_unit is `sequences`.
            replay_zero_init_states: Whether the initial states in the
                buffer (if replay_sequence_length > 0) are alwayas 0.0 or
                should be updated with the previous train_batch state outputs.
            underlying_buffer_config: A config that contains all necessary
                constructor arguments and arguments for methods to call on
                the underlying buffers.
            **kwargs: Forward compatibility kwargs.
        shard_capacity = capacity // num_shards
        ReplayBuffer.__init__(self, capacity, storage_unit)

        # If the user provides an underlying buffer config, we use to
        # instantiate and interact with underlying buffers
        self.underlying_buffer_config = underlying_buffer_config
        if self.underlying_buffer_config is not None:
            self.underlying_buffer_call_args = self.underlying_buffer_config
            self.underlying_buffer_call_args = {}

        self.replay_starts = learning_starts // num_shards
        self.replay_mode = replay_mode
        self.replay_sequence_length = replay_sequence_length
        self.replay_burn_in = replay_burn_in
        self.replay_zero_init_states = replay_zero_init_states

        if (replay_sequence_length > 1
                and self._storage_unit is not StorageUnit.SEQUENCES):
                "MultiAgentReplayBuffer configured with "
                "`replay_sequence_length={}`, but `storage_unit={}`. "
                "replay_sequence_length will be ignored and set to 1.".format(
                    replay_sequence_length, storage_unit))
            self.replay_sequence_length = 1

        if replay_sequence_length == 1 and self._storage_unit is StorageUnit.SEQUENCES:
                "MultiAgentReplayBuffer configured with "
                "`replay_sequence_length={}`, but `storage_unit={}`. "
                "This will result in sequences equal to timesteps.".format(
                    replay_sequence_length, storage_unit))

        if replay_mode in ["lockstep", ReplayMode.LOCKSTEP]:
            self.replay_mode = ReplayMode.LOCKSTEP
            if self._storage_unit in [
                    StorageUnit.EPISODES, StorageUnit.SEQUENCES
                raise ValueError("MultiAgentReplayBuffer does not support "
                                 "lockstep mode with storage unit `episodes`"
                                 "or `sequences`.")
        elif replay_mode in ["independent", ReplayMode.INDEPENDENT]:
            self.replay_mode = ReplayMode.INDEPENDENT
            raise ValueError("Unsupported replay mode: {}".format(replay_mode))

        if self.underlying_buffer_config:
            ctor_args = {
                    "capacity": shard_capacity,
                    "storage_unit": StorageUnit.FRAGMENTS

            def new_buffer():
                return from_config(self.underlying_buffer_config["type"],

            # Default case
            def new_buffer():
                self.underlying_buffer_call_args = {}
                return ReplayBuffer(

        self.replay_buffers = collections.defaultdict(new_buffer)

        # Metrics.
        self.add_batch_timer = TimerStat()
        self.replay_timer = TimerStat()
        self._num_added = 0
    def __init__(self,
                 capacity: int = 10000,
                 storage_unit: str = "timesteps",
                 num_shards: int = 1,
                 learning_starts: int = 1000,
                 replay_batch_size: int = 1,
                 prioritized_replay_alpha: float = 0.6,
                 prioritized_replay_beta: float = 0.4,
                 prioritized_replay_eps: float = 1e-6,
                 replay_mode: str = "independent",
                 replay_sequence_length: int = 1,
                 replay_burn_in: int = 0,
                 replay_zero_init_states: bool = True,
        """Initializes a MultiAgentReplayBuffer instance.

            num_shards: The number of buffer shards that exist in total
                (including this one).
            learning_starts: Number of timesteps after which a call to
                `replay()` will yield samples (before that, `replay()` will
                return None).
            capacity: The capacity of the buffer. Note that when
                `replay_sequence_length` > 1, this is the number of sequences
                (not single timesteps) stored.
            replay_batch_size: The batch size to be sampled (in timesteps).
                Note that if `replay_sequence_length` > 1,
                `self.replay_batch_size` will be set to the number of
                sequences sampled (B).
            prioritized_replay_alpha: Alpha parameter for a prioritized
                replay buffer. Use 0.0 for no prioritization.
            prioritized_replay_beta: Beta parameter for a prioritized
                replay buffer.
            prioritized_replay_eps: Epsilon parameter for a prioritized
                replay buffer.
            replay_mode: One of "independent" or "lockstep". Determined,
                whether in the multiagent case, sampling is done across all
                agents/policies equally.
            replay_sequence_length: The sequence length (T) of a single
                sample. If > 1, we will sample B x T from this buffer.
            replay_burn_in: The burn-in length in case
                `replay_sequence_length` > 0. This is the number of timesteps
                each sequence overlaps with the previous one to generate a
                better internal state (=state after the burn-in), instead of
                starting from 0.0 each RNN rollout.
            replay_zero_init_states: Whether the initial states in the
                buffer (if replay_sequence_length > 0) are alwayas 0.0 or
                should be updated with the previous train_batch state outputs.
            **kwargs: Forward compatibility kwargs.
        shard_capacity = capacity // num_shards
        ReplayBuffer.__init__(self, shard_capacity, storage_unit)

        self.replay_starts = learning_starts // num_shards
        self.replay_batch_size = replay_batch_size
        self.prioritized_replay_beta = prioritized_replay_beta
        self.prioritized_replay_eps = prioritized_replay_eps
        self.replay_mode = replay_mode
        self.replay_sequence_length = replay_sequence_length
        self.replay_burn_in = replay_burn_in
        self.replay_zero_init_states = replay_zero_init_states

        if replay_sequence_length > 1:
            self.replay_batch_size = int(
                max(1, replay_batch_size // replay_sequence_length))
                "Since replay_sequence_length={} and replay_batch_size={}, "
                "we will replay {} sequences at a time.".format(
                    replay_sequence_length, replay_batch_size,

        if replay_mode not in ["lockstep", "independent"]:
            raise ValueError("Unsupported replay mode: {}".format(replay_mode))

        def new_buffer():
            if prioritized_replay_alpha == 0.0:
                return ReplayBuffer(self.capacity)
                return PrioritizedReplayBuffer(self.capacity,

        self.replay_buffers = collections.defaultdict(new_buffer)

        # Metrics.
        self.add_batch_timer = TimerStat()
        self.replay_timer = TimerStat()
        self.update_priorities_timer = TimerStat()
        self._num_added = 0

        # Make externally accessible for testing.
        global _local_replay_buffer
        _local_replay_buffer = self
        # If set, return this instead of the usual data for testing.
        self._fake_batch = None