Example #1
    def update_backend_config(
            self, backend_tag: str,
            config_options: Union[BackendConfig, Dict[str, Any]]) -> None:
        """Update a backend configuration for a backend tag.

        Keys not specified in the passed will be left unchanged.

            backend_tag(str): A registered backend.
            config_options(dict, serve.BackendConfig): Backend config options
                to update. Either a BackendConfig object or a dict mapping
                strings to values for the following supported options:
                - "num_replicas": number of processes to start up that
                will handle requests to this backend.
                - "max_batch_size": the maximum number of requests that will
                be processed in one batch by this backend.
                - "batch_wait_timeout": time in seconds that backend replicas
                will wait for a full batch of requests before
                processing a partial batch.
                - "max_concurrent_queries": the maximum number of queries
                that will be sent to a replica of this backend
                without receiving a response.
                - "user_config" (experimental): Arguments to pass to the
                reconfigure method of the backend. The reconfigure method is
                called if "user_config" is not None.

        if not isinstance(config_options, (BackendConfig, dict)):
            raise TypeError(
                "config_options must be a BackendConfig or dictionary.")
        if isinstance(config_options, dict):
            config_options = BackendConfig.parse_obj(config_options)
                backend_tag, config_options))
Example #2
File: api.py Project: whitezou/ray
    def deploy(self,
               name: str,
               backend_def: Union[Callable, Type[Callable], str],
               *init_args: Any,
               ray_actor_options: Optional[Dict] = None,
               config: Optional[Union[BackendConfig, Dict[str, Any]]] = None,
               version: Optional[str] = None,
               _blocking: Optional[bool] = True) -> Optional[GoalId]:
        if config is None:
            config = {}
        if ray_actor_options is None:
            ray_actor_options = {}

        # If conda is activated and a conda env is not specified in runtime_env
        # in ray_actor_options, default to conda env of this process (client).
        # Without this code, the backend would run in the controller's conda
        # env, which is likely different from that of the client.
        # If using Ray client, skip this convenience feature because the local
        # client env doesn't create the Ray cluster (so the client env is
        # likely not present on the cluster.)
        if not ray.util.client.ray.is_connected():
            if ray_actor_options.get("runtime_env") is None:
                ray_actor_options["runtime_env"] = {}
            if ray_actor_options["runtime_env"].get("conda") is None:
                current_env = os.environ.get("CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV")
                if current_env is not None and current_env != "":
                    ray_actor_options["runtime_env"]["conda"] = current_env

        replica_config = ReplicaConfig(backend_def,
        metadata = BackendMetadata(

        if isinstance(config, dict):
            backend_config = BackendConfig.parse_obj({
                **config, "internal_metadata":
        elif isinstance(config, BackendConfig):
            backend_config = config.copy(
                update={"internal_metadata": metadata})
            raise TypeError("config must be a BackendConfig or a dictionary.")

        goal_ref = self._controller.deploy.remote(name, backend_config,
                                                  replica_config, version)

        if _blocking:
            return goal_ref
Example #3
File: api.py Project: yukingx/ray
    def create_backend(self,
                       backend_tag: str,
                       func_or_class: Union[Callable, Type[Callable]],
                       *actor_init_args: Any,
                       ray_actor_options: Optional[Dict] = None,
                       config: Optional[Union[BackendConfig,
                                              Dict[str, Any]]] = None,
                       env: Optional[CondaEnv] = None) -> None:
        """Create a backend with the provided tag.

        The backend will serve requests with func_or_class.

            backend_tag (str): a unique tag assign to identify this backend.
            func_or_class (callable, class): a function or a class implementing
            actor_init_args (optional): the arguments to pass to the class.
                initialization method.
            ray_actor_options (optional): options to be passed into the
                @ray.remote decorator for the backend actor.
            config (dict, serve.BackendConfig, optional): configuration options
                for this backend. Either a BackendConfig, or a dictionary
                mapping strings to values for the following supported options:
                - "num_replicas": number of processes to start up that
                will handle requests to this backend.
                - "max_batch_size": the maximum number of requests that will
                be processed in one batch by this backend.
                - "batch_wait_timeout": time in seconds that backend replicas
                will wait for a full batch of requests before processing a
                partial batch.
                - "max_concurrent_queries": the maximum number of queries that
                will be sent to a replica of this backend without receiving a
                - "user_config" (experimental): Arguments to pass to the
                reconfigure method of the backend. The reconfigure method is
                called if "user_config" is not None.
            env (serve.CondaEnv, optional): conda environment to run this
                backend in.  Requires the caller to be running in an activated
                conda environment (not necessarily ``env``), and requires
                ``env`` to be an existing conda environment on all nodes.  If
                ``env`` is not provided but conda is activated, the backend
                will run in the conda environment of the caller.
        if backend_tag in self.list_backends().keys():
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot create backend. "
                "Backend '{}' is already registered.".format(backend_tag))

        if config is None:
            config = {}
        if ray_actor_options is None:
            ray_actor_options = {}
        if env is None:
            # If conda is activated, default to conda env of this process.
            if os.environ.get("CONDA_PREFIX"):
                if "override_environment_variables" not in ray_actor_options:
                    ray_actor_options["override_environment_variables"] = {}
                    {"PYTHONHOME": os.environ.get("CONDA_PREFIX")})
            conda_env_dir = get_conda_env_dir(env.name)
                override_environment_variables={"PYTHONHOME": conda_env_dir})
        replica_config = ReplicaConfig(func_or_class,
        metadata = BackendMetadata(

        if isinstance(config, dict):
            backend_config = BackendConfig.parse_obj({
                **config, "internal_metadata":
        elif isinstance(config, BackendConfig):
            backend_config = config.copy(
                update={"internal_metadata": metadata})
            raise TypeError("config must be a BackendConfig or a dictionary.")

            self._controller.create_backend.remote(backend_tag, backend_config,
Example #4
File: api.py Project: yynst2/ray
    def create_backend(
            backend_tag: str,
            func_or_class: Union[Callable, Type[Callable]],
            *actor_init_args: Any,
            ray_actor_options: Optional[Dict] = None,
            config: Optional[Union[BackendConfig, Dict[str,
                                                       Any]]] = None) -> None:
        """Create a backend with the provided tag.

        The backend will serve requests with func_or_class.

            backend_tag (str): a unique tag assign to identify this backend.
            func_or_class (callable, class): a function or a class implementing
            actor_init_args (optional): the arguments to pass to the class.
                initialization method.
            ray_actor_options (optional): options to be passed into the
                @ray.remote decorator for the backend actor.
            config (dict, serve.BackendConfig, optional): configuration options
                for this backend. Either a BackendConfig, or a dictionary
                mapping strings to values for the following supported options:
                - "num_replicas": number of worker processes to start up that
                will handle requests to this backend.
                - "max_batch_size": the maximum number of requests that will
                be processed in one batch by this backend.
                - "batch_wait_timeout": time in seconds that backend replicas
                will wait for a full batch of requests before processing a
                partial batch.
                - "max_concurrent_queries": the maximum number of queries that
                will be sent to a replica of this backend without receiving a
        if backend_tag in self.list_backends():
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot create backend. "
                "Backend '{}' is already registered.".format(backend_tag))

        if config is None:
            config = {}
        replica_config = ReplicaConfig(func_or_class,
        metadata = BackendMetadata(
        if isinstance(config, dict):
            backend_config = BackendConfig.parse_obj({
                **config, "internal_metadata":
        elif isinstance(config, BackendConfig):
            backend_config = config.copy(
                update={"internal_metadata": metadata})
            raise TypeError("config must be a BackendConfig or a dictionary.")
            self._controller.create_backend.remote(backend_tag, backend_config,
Example #5
    def create_backend(
            backend_tag: str,
            backend_def: Union[Callable, Type[Callable], str],
            *init_args: Any,
            ray_actor_options: Optional[Dict] = None,
            config: Optional[Union[BackendConfig, Dict[str, Any]]] = None
    ) -> None:
        """Create a backend with the provided tag.

            backend_tag (str): a unique tag assign to identify this backend.
            backend_def (callable, class, str): a function or class
                implementing __call__ and returning a JSON-serializable object
                or a Starlette Response object. A string import path can also
                be provided (e.g., "my_module.MyClass"), in which case the
                underlying function or class will be imported dynamically in
                the worker replicas.
            *init_args (optional): the arguments to pass to the class
                initialization method. Not valid if backend_def is a function.
            ray_actor_options (optional): options to be passed into the
                @ray.remote decorator for the backend actor.
            config (dict, serve.BackendConfig, optional): configuration options
                for this backend. Either a BackendConfig, or a dictionary
                mapping strings to values for the following supported options:
                - "num_replicas": number of processes to start up that
                will handle requests to this backend.
                - "max_batch_size": the maximum number of requests that will
                be processed in one batch by this backend.
                - "batch_wait_timeout": time in seconds that backend replicas
                will wait for a full batch of requests before processing a
                partial batch.
                - "max_concurrent_queries": the maximum number of queries that
                will be sent to a replica of this backend without receiving a
                - "user_config" (experimental): Arguments to pass to the
                reconfigure method of the backend. The reconfigure method is
                called if "user_config" is not None.
        if backend_tag in self.list_backends(_internal=True).keys():
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot create backend. "
                "Backend '{}' is already registered.".format(backend_tag))

        if config is None:
            config = {}
        if ray_actor_options is None:
            ray_actor_options = {}

        # If conda is activated and a conda env is not specified in runtime_env
        # in ray_actor_options, default to conda env of this process (client).
        # Without this code, the backend would run in the controller's conda
        # env, which is likely different from that of the client.
        # If using Ray client, skip this convenience feature because the local
        # client env doesn't create the Ray cluster (so the client env is
        # likely not present on the cluster.)
        if not ray.util.client.ray.is_connected():
            if ray_actor_options.get("runtime_env") is None:
                ray_actor_options["runtime_env"] = {}
            if ray_actor_options["runtime_env"].get("conda") is None:
                current_env = os.environ.get("CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV")
                if current_env is not None and current_env != "":
                    ray_actor_options["runtime_env"]["conda"] = current_env

        replica_config = ReplicaConfig(
            backend_def, *init_args, ray_actor_options=ray_actor_options)
        metadata = BackendMetadata(

        if isinstance(config, dict):
            backend_config = BackendConfig.parse_obj({
                **config, "internal_metadata": metadata
        elif isinstance(config, BackendConfig):
            backend_config = config.copy(
                update={"internal_metadata": metadata})
            raise TypeError("config must be a BackendConfig or a dictionary.")

            self._controller.create_backend.remote(backend_tag, backend_config,
Example #6
    def deploy(self,
               name: str,
               backend_def: Union[Callable, Type[Callable], str],
               *init_args: Any,
               ray_actor_options: Optional[Dict] = None,
               config: Optional[Union[BackendConfig, Dict[str, Any]]] = None,
               version: Optional[str] = None,
               prev_version: Optional[str] = None,
               route_prefix: Optional[str] = None,
               url: str = "",
               _blocking: Optional[bool] = True) -> Optional[GoalId]:
        if config is None:
            config = {}
        if ray_actor_options is None:
            ray_actor_options = {}

        curr_job_env = ray.get_runtime_context().runtime_env
        if "runtime_env" in ray_actor_options:
                "uris", curr_job_env.get("uris"))
            ray_actor_options["runtime_env"] = curr_job_env

        if "working_dir" in ray_actor_options["runtime_env"]:
            del ray_actor_options["runtime_env"]["working_dir"]

        replica_config = ReplicaConfig(backend_def,

        if isinstance(config, dict):
            backend_config = BackendConfig.parse_obj(config)
        elif isinstance(config, BackendConfig):
            backend_config = config
            raise TypeError("config must be a BackendConfig or a dictionary.")

        goal_id, updating = ray.get(
                                           replica_config, version,
                                           prev_version, route_prefix,

        tag = f"component=serve deployment={name}"

        if updating:
            msg = f"Updating deployment '{name}'"
            if version is not None:
                msg += f" to version '{version}'"
            logger.info(f"{msg}. {tag}")
            logger.info(f"Deployment '{name}' is already at version "
                        f"'{version}', not updating. {tag}")

        if _blocking:
                f"Deployment '{name}{':'+version if version else ''}' is ready"
                f" at `{url}`. {tag}")
            return goal_id