Example #1
def dagnode_from_json(input_json: Any) -> Union[DAGNode, RayServeHandle, Any]:
    Decode a DAGNode from given input json dictionary. JSON serialization is
    only used and enforced in ray serve from ray core API authored DAGNode(s).

    Covers both RayServeHandle and DAGNode types.

        - User object's JSON dict does not have keys that collide with our
            reserved DAGNODE_TYPE_KEY
        - RayServeHandle and Deployment can be re-constructed without losing
            states needed for their functionality or correctness.
        - DAGNode type can be re-constructed with new stable_uuid upon each
            deserialization without effective correctness of execution.
            - Only exception is ClassNode used as parent of ClassMethodNode
                that we perserve the same parent node.
        - .options() does not contain any DAGNode type
    node_type_to_cls = {
        # Ray DAG Inputs
        InputNode.__name__: InputNode,
        InputAttributeNode.__name__: InputAttributeNode,
        # Deployment graph execution nodes
        DeploymentExecutorNode.__name__: DeploymentExecutorNode,
        DeploymentMethodExecutorNode.__name__: DeploymentMethodExecutorNode,
    # Deserialize RayServeHandle type
    if SERVE_HANDLE_JSON_KEY in input_json:
        return serve_handle_from_json_dict(input_json)
    # Base case for plain objects
    elif DAGNODE_TYPE_KEY not in input_json:
        return input_json
    elif input_json[DAGNODE_TYPE_KEY] == RayServeDAGHandle.__name__:
        return RayServeDAGHandle(input_json["dag_node_json"])
    elif input_json[DAGNODE_TYPE_KEY] == "DeploymentSchema":
        return DeploymentSchema.parse_obj(input_json["schema"])
    elif input_json[DAGNODE_TYPE_KEY] == RayServeLazySyncHandle.__name__:
        return RayServeLazySyncHandle(
    # Deserialize DAGNode type
    elif input_json[DAGNODE_TYPE_KEY] in node_type_to_cls:
        return node_type_to_cls[input_json[DAGNODE_TYPE_KEY]].from_json(
        # Class and Function nodes require original module as body.
        module_name, attr_name = parse_import_path(input_json["import_path"])
        module = getattr(import_module(module_name), attr_name)
        if input_json[DAGNODE_TYPE_KEY] == FunctionNode.__name__:
            return FunctionNode.from_json(input_json, module)
        elif input_json[DAGNODE_TYPE_KEY] == ClassNode.__name__:
            return ClassNode.from_json(input_json, module)
Example #2
    async def test_basic(self, serve_instance, sync):
        handle = get_handle(sync)
        assert await call(handle, "hi") == "hi"

        serialized = json.dumps(serve_handle_to_json_dict(handle))
        # Check we can go through multiple rounds of serde.
        serialized = json.dumps(json.loads(serialized))

        # Load the handle back from the dict.
        handle = serve_handle_from_json_dict(json.loads(serialized))
        assert await call(handle, "hi") == "hi"
Example #3
 def test_invalid(self, serve_instance):
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         serve_handle_from_json_dict({"blah": 123})