Example #1
    def cleanup_full(self, trial_runner: "trial_runner.TrialRunner"):
        """Cleans up bracket after bracket is completely finished.

        Lets the last trial continue to run until termination condition
        kicks in."""
        for trial in self.current_trials():
            if (trial.status == Trial.PAUSED):
Example #2
    def _process_bracket(
        self, trial_runner: "trial_runner.TrialRunner", bracket: "_Bracket"
    ) -> str:
        """This is called whenever a trial makes progress.

        When all live trials in the bracket have no more iterations left,
        Trials will be successively halved. If bracket is done, all
        non-running trials will be stopped and cleaned up,
        and during each halving phase, bad trials will be stopped while good
        trials will return to "PENDING"."""

        action = TrialScheduler.PAUSE
        if bracket.cur_iter_done():
            if bracket.finished():
                return TrialScheduler.STOP

            good, bad = bracket.successive_halving(self._metric, self._metric_op)
            # kill bad trials
            self._num_stopped += len(bad)
            for t in bad:
                if t.status == Trial.PAUSED:
                elif t.status == Trial.RUNNING:
                    action = TrialScheduler.STOP
                    raise TuneError(
                        f"Trial with unexpected bad status " f"encountered: {t.status}"

            # ready the good trials - if trial is too far ahead, don't continue
            for t in good:
                if t.status not in [Trial.PAUSED, Trial.RUNNING]:
                    raise TuneError(
                        f"Trial with unexpected good status " f"encountered: {t.status}"
                if bracket.continue_trial(t):
                    if t.status == Trial.PAUSED:
                        t.status = Trial.PENDING
                    elif t.status == Trial.RUNNING:
                        action = TrialScheduler.CONTINUE
        return action