Example #1
 def decorator(function_or_class) -> ClientStub:
     if (inspect.isfunction(function_or_class)
             or is_cython(function_or_class)):
         return ClientRemoteFunc(function_or_class, options=options)
     elif inspect.isclass(function_or_class):
         return ClientActorClass(function_or_class, options=options)
         raise TypeError("The @ray.remote decorator must be applied to "
                         "either a function or to a class.")
Example #2
 def remote(self, function_or_class, *args, **kwargs):
     # TODO(barakmich): Arguments to ray.remote
     # get captured here.
     if (inspect.isfunction(function_or_class)
             or is_cython(function_or_class)):
         return ClientRemoteFunc(function_or_class)
     elif inspect.isclass(function_or_class):
         return ClientActorClass(function_or_class)
         raise TypeError("The @ray.remote decorator must be applied to "
                         "either a function or to a class.")
Example #3
def get_signature(func):
    """Get signature parameters.

    Support Cython functions by grabbing relevant attributes from the Cython
    function and attaching to a no-op function. This is somewhat brittle, since
    inspect may change, but given that inspect is written to a PEP, we hope
    it is relatively stable. Future versions of Python may allow overloading
    the inspect 'isfunction' and 'ismethod' functions / create ABC for Python
    functions. Until then, it appears that Cython won't do anything about
    compatability with the inspect module.

        func: The function whose signature should be checked.

        A function signature object, which includes the names of the keyword
            arguments as well as their default values.

        TypeError: A type error if the signature is not supported
    # The first condition for Cython functions, the latter for Cython instance
    # methods
    if is_cython(func):
        attrs = [
            "__code__", "__annotations__", "__defaults__", "__kwdefaults__"

        if all(hasattr(func, attr) for attr in attrs):
            original_func = func

            def func():

            for attr in attrs:
                setattr(func, attr, getattr(original_func, attr))
            raise TypeError(
                f"{func!r} is not a Python function we can process")

    return inspect.signature(func)