Example #1
        def __ray_checkpoint__(self):
            """Save a checkpoint.

            This task saves the current state of the actor, the current task
            frontier according to the raylet, and the checkpoint index
            (number of tasks executed so far).
            worker = ray.worker.global_worker
            if not isinstance(self, ray.actor.Checkpointable):
                raise Exception(
                    "__ray_checkpoint__.remote() may only be called on actors "
                    "that implement ray.actor.Checkpointable")
            return worker._save_actor_checkpoint()
Example #2
        def __ray_checkpoint__(self):
            """Save a checkpoint.

            This task saves the current state of the actor, the current task
            frontier according to the local scheduler, and the checkpoint index
            (number of tasks executed so far).
            worker = ray.worker.global_worker
            if not isinstance(self, ray.actor.Checkpointable):
                raise Exception(
                    "__ray_checkpoint__.remote() may only be called on actors "
                    "that implement ray.actor.Checkpointable")
            return worker._save_actor_checkpoint()