Example #1
    def testGet(self):
        ray.init(start_ray_local=True, num_workers=3)

        for cls in [
                Foo, Bar, Baz, Qux, SubQux, Exception, CustomError, Point,

        # Remote objects should be deallocated when the corresponding ObjectID goes
        # out of scope, and all results of ray.get called on the ID go out of scope.
        for val in RAY_TEST_OBJECTS:
            x = ray.put(val)
            objectid = x.id
            xval = ray.get(x)
            del x, xval
                ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objectid], -1)

        # Remote objects that do not contain numpy arrays should be deallocated when
        # the corresponding ObjectID goes out of scope, even if ray.get has been
        # called on the ObjectID.
        for val in [
                True, False, None, 1, 1.0, 1L, "hi", u"hi", [1, 2, 3],
            (1, 2, 3), [(), {
                (): ()
            x = ray.put(val)
            objectid = x.id
            xval = ray.get(x)
            del x
                ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objectid], -1)
Example #2
  def testObjStore(self):
    node_ip_address = ""
    scheduler_address = ray.services.start_ray_local(num_objstores=2, num_workers=0, worker_path=None)
    ray.connect(node_ip_address, scheduler_address, mode=ray.SCRIPT_MODE)
    objstore_addresses = [objstore_info["address"] for objstore_info in ray.scheduler_info()["objstores"]]
    w1 = ray.worker.Worker()
    w2 = ray.worker.Worker()
    ray.reusables._cached_reusables = [] # This is a hack to make the test run.
    ray.connect(node_ip_address, scheduler_address, objstore_address=objstore_addresses[0], mode=ray.SCRIPT_MODE, worker=w1)
    ray.reusables._cached_reusables = [] # This is a hack to make the test run.
    ray.connect(node_ip_address, scheduler_address, objstore_address=objstore_addresses[1], mode=ray.SCRIPT_MODE, worker=w2)

    for cls in [Foo, Bar, Baz, Qux, SubQux, Exception, CustomError, Point, NamedTupleExample]:

    # putting and getting an object shouldn't change it
    for data in RAY_TEST_OBJECTS:
      objectid = ray.put(data, w1)
      result = ray.get(objectid, w1)
      assert_equal(result, data)

    # putting an object, shipping it to another worker, and getting it shouldn't change it
    for data in RAY_TEST_OBJECTS:
      objectid = ray.put(data, w1)
      result = ray.get(objectid, w2)
      assert_equal(result, data)

    # putting an object, shipping it to another worker, and getting it shouldn't change it
    for data in RAY_TEST_OBJECTS:
      objectid = ray.put(data, w2)
      result = ray.get(objectid, w1)
      assert_equal(result, data)

    # This test fails. See https://github.com/ray-project/ray/issues/159.
    # getting multiple times shouldn't matter
    # for data in [np.zeros([10, 20]), np.random.normal(size=[45, 25]), np.zeros([10, 20], dtype=np.dtype("float64")), np.zeros([10, 20], dtype=np.dtype("float32")), np.zeros([10, 20], dtype=np.dtype("int64")), np.zeros([10, 20], dtype=np.dtype("int32"))]:
    #   objectid = worker.put(data, w1)
    #   result = worker.get(objectid, w2)
    #   result = worker.get(objectid, w2)
    #   result = worker.get(objectid, w2)
    #   assert_equal(result, data)

    # Getting a buffer after modifying it before it finishes should return updated buffer
    objectid = ray.libraylib.get_objectid(w1.handle)
    buf = ray.libraylib.allocate_buffer(w1.handle, objectid, 100)
    buf[0][0] = 1
    ray.libraylib.finish_buffer(w1.handle, objectid, buf[1], 0)
    completedbuffer = ray.libraylib.get_buffer(w1.handle, objectid)
    self.assertEqual(completedbuffer[0][0], 1)

    # We started multiple drivers manually, so we will disconnect them manually.
Example #3
  def testObjStore(self):
    node_ip_address = ""
    scheduler_address = ray.services.start_ray_local(num_objstores=2, num_workers=0, worker_path=None)
    ray.connect(node_ip_address, scheduler_address, mode=ray.SCRIPT_MODE)
    objstore_addresses = [objstore_info["address"] for objstore_info in ray.scheduler_info()["objstores"]]
    w1 = ray.worker.Worker()
    w2 = ray.worker.Worker()
    ray.reusables._cached_reusables = [] # This is a hack to make the test run.
    ray.connect(node_ip_address, scheduler_address, objstore_address=objstore_addresses[0], mode=ray.SCRIPT_MODE, worker=w1)
    ray.reusables._cached_reusables = [] # This is a hack to make the test run.
    ray.connect(node_ip_address, scheduler_address, objstore_address=objstore_addresses[1], mode=ray.SCRIPT_MODE, worker=w2)

    for cls in [Foo, Bar, Baz, Qux, SubQux, Exception, CustomError, Point, NamedTupleExample]:

    # putting and getting an object shouldn't change it
    for data in RAY_TEST_OBJECTS:
      objectid = ray.put(data, w1)
      result = ray.get(objectid, w1)
      assert_equal(result, data)

    # putting an object, shipping it to another worker, and getting it shouldn't change it
    for data in RAY_TEST_OBJECTS:
      objectid = ray.put(data, w1)
      result = ray.get(objectid, w2)
      assert_equal(result, data)

    # putting an object, shipping it to another worker, and getting it shouldn't change it
    for data in RAY_TEST_OBJECTS:
      objectid = ray.put(data, w2)
      result = ray.get(objectid, w1)
      assert_equal(result, data)

    # This test fails. See https://github.com/ray-project/ray/issues/159.
    # getting multiple times shouldn't matter
    # for data in [np.zeros([10, 20]), np.random.normal(size=[45, 25]), np.zeros([10, 20], dtype=np.dtype("float64")), np.zeros([10, 20], dtype=np.dtype("float32")), np.zeros([10, 20], dtype=np.dtype("int64")), np.zeros([10, 20], dtype=np.dtype("int32"))]:
    #   objectid = worker.put(data, w1)
    #   result = worker.get(objectid, w2)
    #   result = worker.get(objectid, w2)
    #   result = worker.get(objectid, w2)
    #   assert_equal(result, data)

    # Getting a buffer after modifying it before it finishes should return updated buffer
    objectid = ray.libraylib.get_objectid(w1.handle)
    buf = ray.libraylib.allocate_buffer(w1.handle, objectid, 100)
    buf[0][0] = 1
    ray.libraylib.finish_buffer(w1.handle, objectid, buf[1], 0)
    completedbuffer = ray.libraylib.get_buffer(w1.handle, objectid)
    self.assertEqual(completedbuffer[0][0], 1)

    # We started multiple drivers manually, so we will disconnect them manually.
Example #4
  def testGet(self):
    ray.init(start_ray_local=True, num_workers=3)

    for cls in [Foo, Bar, Baz, Qux, SubQux, Exception, CustomError, Point, NamedTupleExample]:

    # Remote objects should be deallocated when the corresponding ObjectID goes
    # out of scope, and all results of ray.get called on the ID go out of scope.
    for val in RAY_TEST_OBJECTS:
      x = ray.put(val)
      objectid = x.id
      xval = ray.get(x)
      del x, xval
      self.assertEqual(ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objectid], -1)

    # Remote objects that do not contain numpy arrays should be deallocated when
    # the corresponding ObjectID goes out of scope, even if ray.get has been
    # called on the ObjectID.
    for val in [True, False, None, 1, 1.0, 1L, "hi", u"hi", [1, 2, 3], (1, 2, 3), [(), {(): ()}]]:
      x = ray.put(val)
      objectid = x.id
      xval = ray.get(x)
      del x
      self.assertEqual(ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objectid], -1)
Example #5
 def check_everything_deallocated():
   reference_counts = ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"]
   self.assertEqual(reference_counts, len(reference_counts) * [-1])
Example #6
 def check_not_deallocated(object_ids):
   reference_counts = ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"]
   for object_id in object_ids:
     self.assertGreater(reference_counts[object_id.id], 0)
Example #7
class ReferenceCountingTest(unittest.TestCase):

  def testDeallocation(self):
    for module in [ra.core, ra.random, ra.linalg, da.core, da.random, da.linalg]:
    ray.init(start_ray_local=True, num_workers=1)

    def check_not_deallocated(object_ids):
      reference_counts = ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"]
      for object_id in object_ids:
        self.assertGreater(reference_counts[object_id.id], 0)

    def check_everything_deallocated():
      reference_counts = ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"]
      self.assertEqual(reference_counts, len(reference_counts) * [-1])

    z = da.zeros.remote([da.BLOCK_SIZE, 2 * da.BLOCK_SIZE])
    objectid_val = z.id
    del z

    x = ra.zeros.remote([10, 10])
    y = ra.zeros.remote([10, 10])
    z = ra.dot.remote(x, y)
    objectid_val = x.id
    check_not_deallocated([x, y, z])
    del x
    check_not_deallocated([y, z])
    del y
    del z

    z = da.zeros.remote([4 * da.BLOCK_SIZE])
    del z


  def testGet(self):
    ray.init(start_ray_local=True, num_workers=3)

    for cls in [Foo, Bar, Baz, Qux, SubQux, Exception, CustomError, Point, NamedTupleExample]:

    # Remote objects should be deallocated when the corresponding ObjectID goes
    # out of scope, and all results of ray.get called on the ID go out of scope.
    for val in RAY_TEST_OBJECTS:
      x = ray.put(val)
      objectid = x.id
      xval = ray.get(x)
      del x, xval
      self.assertEqual(ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objectid], -1)

    # Remote objects that do not contain numpy arrays should be deallocated when
    # the corresponding ObjectID goes out of scope, even if ray.get has been
    # called on the ObjectID.
    for val in [True, False, None, 1, 1.0, 1L, "hi", u"hi", [1, 2, 3], (1, 2, 3), [(), {(): ()}]]:
      x = ray.put(val)
      objectid = x.id
      xval = ray.get(x)
      del x
      self.assertEqual(ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objectid], -1)

    # Remote objects that contain numpy arrays should not be deallocated when
    # the corresponding ObjectID goes out of scope, if ray.get has been called
    # on the ObjectID and the result of that call is still in scope.
    for val in [np.zeros(10), [np.zeros(10)], (((np.zeros(10)),),), {(): np.zeros(10)}, [1, 2, 3, np.zeros(1)]]:
      x = ray.put(val)
      objectid = x.id
      xval = ray.get(x)
      del x
      self.assertEqual(ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objectid], 1)

    # Getting an object multiple times should not be a problem. And the remote
    # object should not be deallocated until both of the results are out of scope.
    for val in [np.zeros(10), [np.zeros(10)], (((np.zeros(10)),),), {(): np.zeros(10)}, [1, 2, 3, np.zeros(1)]]:
      x = ray.put(val)
      objectid = x.id
      xval1 = ray.get(x)
      xval2 = ray.get(x)
      del xval1
      # Make sure we can still access xval2.
      del xval2
      self.assertEqual(ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objectid], 1)
      xval3 = ray.get(x)
      xval4 = ray.get(x)
      xval5 = ray.get(x)
      del x
      del xval4, xval5
      # Make sure we can still access xval3.
      self.assertEqual(ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objectid], 1)
      del xval3
      self.assertEqual(ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objectid], -1)

    # Getting an object multiple times and assigning it to the same name should
    # work. This was a problem in https://github.com/ray-project/ray/issues/159.
    for val in [np.zeros(10), [np.zeros(10)], (((np.zeros(10)),),), {(): np.zeros(10)}, [1, 2, 3, np.zeros(1)]]:
      x = ray.put(val)
      objectid = x.id
      xval = ray.get(x)
      xval = ray.get(x)
      xval = ray.get(x)
      xval = ray.get(x)
      self.assertEqual(ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objectid], 1)
      del x
      self.assertEqual(ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objectid], 1)
      del xval
      self.assertEqual(ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"][objectid], -1)

Example #8
 def check_everything_deallocated():
   reference_counts = ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"]
   self.assertEqual(reference_counts, len(reference_counts) * [-1])
Example #9
 def check_not_deallocated(object_ids):
   reference_counts = ray.scheduler_info()["reference_counts"]
   for object_id in object_ids:
     self.assertGreater(reference_counts[object_id.id], 0)