Example #1
    def setUp(self):
        axis = np.asarray([
            [0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.],
            [0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.],
            [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.],
            [0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.],
            [0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
            [1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
        self.model = rbdl.Model()
        self.model.gravity = np.array ([0., -9.81, 0.])
        joint_rot_y = rbdl.Joint.fromJointAxes (axis)
        self.body = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia (1., np.array([0., 0.0, 0.0]), np.eye(3))
        self.xtrans = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
        self.xtrans.r = np.array([0., 0., 0.])
        self.body_1 = self.model.AppendBody (rbdl.SpatialTransform(), joint_rot_y, self.body)

        self.q = np.zeros (self.model.q_size)
        self.qdot = np.zeros (self.model.qdot_size)
        self.qddot = np.zeros (self.model.qdot_size)
        self.tau = np.zeros (self.model.qdot_size)
Example #2
    def dynamic_model(self, mass, height):
        m1 = 1
        m2 = 1
        l1 = 0.5
        l2 = 0.5
        r1 = 0
        r2 = -0.6
        I1 = np.diag([0.06, 0.06, 0.002])
        I2 = np.diag([0.06, 0.06, 0.002])
        joint_rot_y = rbdl.Joint.fromJointType("JointTypeRevoluteY")

        xtrans_1 = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
        xtrans_1.r = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

        xtrans_2 = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
        xtrans_2.r = np.array([0.0, 0.0, r2])

        model = rbdl.Model()
        link0 = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(0, np.array([0., 0, 0.]),
                                             np.diag([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]))

        body1 = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(m1, np.array([0.0, 0.0, -0.35]),

        body2 = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(m2, np.array([0.0, 0.0, -0.35]),
        self.b0 = model.AppendBody(rbdl.SpatialTransform(), joint_rot_y, link0)
        self.b1 = model.AppendBody(xtrans_2, joint_rot_y, body1)
        self.b2 = model.AppendBody(xtrans_2, joint_rot_y, body2)
        model.gravity = np.array([0, 0, -9.81])
        return model
Example #3
def get_model():

    model = rbdl.Model()

    m1 = 1
    m2 = 1
    l1 = 1
    l2 = 1
    model.gravity = np.array([0, -9.81, 0])
    joint_rot_y = rbdl.Joint.fromJointType("JointTypeRevoluteZ")
    xtrans = rbdl.SpatialTransform()

    xtrans.r = np.array([0., -3., 0.])

    link0 = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(0,
                                         np.array([0., 0, 0.]),
                                         np.diag([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

    link1 = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(m1,
                                         np.array([0., -l1 * 0.5, 0.]),
                                         np.diag([m1 * l1 * l1 / 3., m1 * l1 * l1 / 30., m1 * l1 * l1 / 3.])

    link2 = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(m2,
                                         np.array([0., -l2 * 0.5, 0.]),
                                         np.diag([m2 * l2 * l2 / 3., m2 * l2 * l2 / 30., m1 * l2 * l2 / 3.])

    a = model.AppendBody(rbdl.SpatialTransform(), joint_rot_y, link0)
    b = model.AppendBody(xtrans, joint_rot_y, link1)
    #c = model.AppendBody(xtrans, joint_rot_y, link2)

    return model
Example #4
    def test_CalcPointJacobianNonSquare(self):
        """ Computes point Jacobian and checks whether G * qdot is consistent
        with CalcPointVelocity. """

        self.model = rbdl.Model()
        joint_trans_xyz = rbdl.Joint.fromJointType("JointTypeTranslationXYZ")

        self.body_1 = self.model.AppendBody(rbdl.SpatialTransform(),
                                            joint_trans_xyz, self.body)

        self.body_4 = self.model.AppendBody(rbdl.SpatialTransform(),
                                            joint_trans_xyz, self.body)

        point_coords = np.array([0., 0., 1.])
        q = np.zeros(self.model.q_size)
        G = np.zeros([3, self.model.q_size])

        rbdl.CalcPointJacobian(self.model, q, self.body_4, point_coords, G)

        qdot = np.ones(self.model.qdot_size)
        jac_point_vel = np.dot(G, qdot)

        point_vel = rbdl.CalcPointVelocity(self.model, q, qdot, self.body_4,

        assert_almost_equal(jac_point_vel, point_vel)
Example #5
    def setUp(self):
        self.model = rbdl.Model()
        joint_rot_y = rbdl.Joint.fromJointType ("JointTypeFloatingBase")
        self.body = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia (1., np.array([0., 0.0, 0.5]), np.eye(3) *
        self.xtrans = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
        self.xtrans.r = np.array([0., 0., 0.])
        self.body_1 = self.model.AppendBody (rbdl.SpatialTransform(), joint_rot_y, self.body)

        self.q = np.zeros (self.model.q_size)
        self.qdot = np.zeros (self.model.qdot_size)
        self.qddot = np.zeros (self.model.qdot_size)
        self.tau = np.zeros (self.model.qdot_size)
Example #6
    def dynamic_model(self):
        # m1 = 1
        # m2 = 1
        # l1 = 0.5
        # l2 = 0.5
        # r1 = 0
        # r2 = -0.6
        # I1 = np.diag([0.06, 0.06, 0.002])
        # I2 = np.diag([0.06, 0.06, 0.002])
        # joint_rot_y = rbdl.Joint.fromJointType("JointTypeRevoluteY")
        # xtrans_1 = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
        # xtrans_1.r = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        # xtrans_2 = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
        # xtrans_2.r = np.array([0.0, 0.0, r2])

        model = rbdl.Model()
        parent_dist = {}
        mass = {}
        com = {}
        inertia = {}
        mass["head"] = 0
        mass["top"] = 1
        mass["bottom"] = 1
        parent_dist["head"] = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        parent_dist["top"] = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        parent_dist["bottom"] = np.array([0.0, 0.0, -1.6])
        inertia["head"] = np.diag([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        inertia["top"] = np.diag([1.3117, 1.2876, 0.0274])
        inertia["bottom"] = np.diag([1.3131, 1.2891, 0.0274])
        com["head"] = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        com["top"] = np.array([0.0062, -0.0107, -0.8037])
        com["bottom"] = np.array([0.0088, -0.0091, -0.8046])

        head = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(mass["head"], com["head"],
        top = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(mass["top"], com["top"],
        bottom = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(mass["bottom"], com["bottom"],

        xtrans = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
        xtrans.r = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        xtrans.E = np.eye(3)
        self.head = model.AddBody(0, xtrans,
                                  head, "head")
        joint_rot_z = rbdl.Joint.fromJointType("JointTypeRevoluteX")

        xtrans.r = parent_dist["top"]
        self.top = model.AddBody(self.head, xtrans, joint_rot_z, top, "top")
        xtrans.E = np.eye(3)
        xtrans.r = parent_dist["bottom"]
        self.bottom = model.AddBody(self.top, xtrans, joint_rot_z, bottom,

        model.gravity = np.array([0, 0, -9.81])
        return model
Example #7
    def test_Simple(self):
        # only tests whether the API seems to work. No functional
        # tests yet.

        cs = rbdl.ConstraintSet()
        idx = cs.AddContactConstraint(1, [1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.])
        assert_equal(0, idx)

        X = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
        sv = rbdl.SpatialVector.fromPythonArray([1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6.])
        idx2 = cs.AddLoopConstraint(1, 2, X, X, sv, 1.)
        assert_equal(1, idx2)
Example #8
    def test_AccessToModelParameters(self):
        Checks whether vital model parameters can be accessed that are 
        stored in the "Model" class.
        rbdl.UpdateKinematics(self.model, self.q, self.qdot, self.qddot)

        assert_equal(self.model.mBodies[2].mMass, self.body.mMass)
        assert_equal(self.model.mBodies[2].mInertia, self.body.mInertia)

        assert_equal(self.model.X_T[1].E, rbdl.SpatialTransform().E)
        assert_equal(self.model.X_T[1].r, rbdl.SpatialTransform().r)
        assert_equal(self.model.X_T[2].E, self.xtrans.E)
        assert_equal(self.model.X_T[2].r, self.xtrans.r)

        assert_almost_equal(self.model.X_base[0].E, np.identity(3))
                            self.xtrans.r + self.xtrans.r)

        assert_equal(self.model.mJoints[2].mJointType, "JointTypeRevoluteY")
Example #9
def get_G(q):
    # Create a new model
    model = rbdl.Model()

    qdot = np.zeros(num_of_joints).reshape(num_of_joints, -1)
    qddot = np.zeros(num_of_joints).reshape(num_of_joints, -1)
    tau = np.zeros(num_of_joints).reshape(num_of_joints, -1)

    #This for loop iteratively computes the torque values of the entire system
    for i in range(Num_Bodies):

        # Creating of the transformation matrix between two adjacent bodies
        trans = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
        trans.E = np.eye(3)
        trans.r = parent_dist[i]

        # Using principal inertia values from yaml file
        I_x = inertia[i][0]
        I_y = inertia[i][1]
        I_z = inertia[i][2]

        # Creation of inertia Matrix
        inertia_matrix = np.array([[I_x, 0, 0], [0, I_y, 0], [0, 0, I_z]])

        # Creating each body of the robot
        body = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(mass_arr[i], com_pos[i],

        # Specifying joint Type
        joint_type = rbdl.Joint.fromJointType(J_type[i][0])

        # Adding body to the model to create the complete robot
        append_body = model.AppendBody(trans, joint_type, body)

    # RBDL inverse dynamics function
    rbdl.InverseDynamics(model, q, qdot, qddot, tau)
Example #10
    def setUp(self):

        # Make a triple-perpendicular-pendulum in absolute coordinates using
        # 5 loop constraints to implement the first 2 pin joints 
        #    The perpendicular pendulum pictured with joint angles of 0,0.
        #    The first joint rotates about the x axis, while the second
        #    joint rotates about the local y axis of link 1
        #             y
        #             |
        #             |___ x
        #         z / |
        #           | |
        #         / | | link1
        #           | |
        #       /   | |
        #   axis1:z0| |__________
        #          (_____________) link 2
        #           | |
        #            |
        #            |
        #            | axis2:y1        
        self.model = rbdl.Model()
        self.model.gravity = np.array([0.,-9.81,0.])


        c1 = np.array([0.,-l1*0.5,0.])
        J1 = np.array([[m1*l1*l1/3.,           0.,          0.],
                       [         0., m1*l1*l1/30.,          0.],
                       [         0.,           0., m1*l1*l1/3.]]) 

        c2 = np.array([l2*0.5,0.,0.])        
        J2 = np.array([ [m2*l2*l2/30.,          0., 0.],
                        [          0., m2*l2*l2/3., 0.],
                        [          0.,          0., m2*l2*l2/3.]]) 

        Xp1   = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
        Xp1.r = np.array([0.,0.,0.])
        Xp1.E = np.array([[1.,0.,0.],[0.,1.,0.],[0.,0.,1.]])
        Xs1   = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
        Xs1.r = np.array([0.,0.,0.])
        Xs1.E = np.array([[1.,0.,0.],[0.,1.,0.],[0.,0.,1.]])

        Xp2   = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
        Xp2.r = np.array([0.,-l1,0.])
        Xp2.E = np.array([[1.,0.,0.],[0.,1.,0.],[0.,0.,1.]])

        Xs2   = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
        Xs2.r = np.array([0.,0.,0.])
        Xs2.E = np.array([[1.,0.,0.],[0.,1.,0.],[0.,0.,1.]])

        axis = np.asarray([
            [0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.],
            [0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.],
            [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.],
            [0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.],
            [0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
            [1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],

        joint6Dof = rbdl.Joint.fromJointAxes (axis)

        self.link1 = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(m1,c1,J1)
        self.link2 = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(m2,c2,J2)

        self.iLink1= self.model.AppendBody(rbdl.SpatialTransform(),joint6Dof, 
        self.iLink2= self.model.AppendBody(rbdl.SpatialTransform(),joint6Dof, 

        #point_coords = np.array ([0., 0., 1.])
        self.q   = np.zeros (self.model.q_size)
        self.qd  = np.zeros (self.model.qdot_size)
        self.qdd = np.zeros (self.model.qdot_size)
        self.tau = np.zeros (self.model.qdot_size)        


        self.cs = rbdl.ConstraintSet()

        self.cs.AddLoopConstraint( self.iLink1, self.iLink2, Xp2, Xs2, rbdl.SpatialVector(0,[0,0,0,1,0,0]),False,0.1,"LoopLink1Link2",11)
        self.cs.AddLoopConstraint( self.iLink1, self.iLink2, Xp2, Xs2, rbdl.SpatialVector(0,[0,0,0,0,1,0]))
        self.cs.AddLoopConstraint( self.iLink1, self.iLink2, Xp2, Xs2, rbdl.SpatialVector(0,[0,0,0,0,0,1]))
        self.cs.AddLoopConstraint( self.iLink1, self.iLink2, Xp2, Xs2, rbdl.SpatialVector(0,[1,0,0,0,0,0]))
        self.cs.AddLoopConstraint( self.iLink1, self.iLink2, Xp2, Xs2, rbdl.SpatialVector(0,[0,0,1,0,0,0]))

Example #11
    def __init__(self, bb_params):
        roller_rad = bb_params.r_roller
        density = 100
        self.model = rbdl.Model()
        model = self.model

        #define the roller
        roller_mass = pi * roller_rad**2 * .81 * density
        roller_moi = roller_mass * roller_rad**2

        axis = np.asarray([[0., 0., -1., roller_rad, 0, 0]])
        joint = rbdl.Joint.fromJointAxes(axis)

        ytrans = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
        ytrans.r = np.array([0, 0, 0])

        body = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(roller_mass, np.array([0., 0.,
                                            np.diag([1, 1, roller_moi]))
        self.roller = model.AppendBody(rbdl.SpatialTransform(), joint, body)

        #define the board (and junk fixed to it)
        board_mass = 1

        print("Masses: ", roller_mass, board_mass)

        axis = np.asarray([[0., 0., 1., roller_rad, 0, 0]])
        joint = rbdl.Joint.fromJointAxes(axis)
        joint.mReversedPolarity = True
        body = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(board_mass, np.array([0, 0.5, 0]),
                                            np.eye(3) * .1)
        self.board = model.AppendBody(ytrans, joint, body)

        body_height = bb_params.h_body
        body_mass = 3
        body_moi = body_mass * 0.5 * 0.3**2

        if (bb_params.use_second_mass):
            axis = np.asarray([[0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0]])
            joint = rbdl.Joint.fromJointAxes(axis)
            body = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(body_mass, np.array([0, .0,
                                                np.eye(3) * body_moi)
            ytrans.r = np.array([0, body_height, 0])
            self.body = model.AppendBody(ytrans, joint, body)

            ## Second Spinner

            axis = np.asarray([[0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0]])
            joint = rbdl.Joint.fromJointAxes(axis)
            body = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(
                body_mass, np.array([0, -body_height + .05, 0]),
                np.eye(3) * body_moi / 4.0)
            ytrans.r = np.array([0, body_height, 0])
            self.body2 = model.AddBody(self.board, ytrans, joint, body)
            axis = np.asarray([[0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0]])
            joint = rbdl.Joint.fromJointAxes(axis)
            body = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(body_mass, np.array([0, 0.,
                                                np.eye(3) * body_moi)
            ytrans.r = np.array([0, body_height, 0])
            self.body = model.AppendBody(ytrans, joint, body)
Example #12
ixx = m2 * l2 * l2 / 12
izz = ixx
b2 = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(m2, np.array([0., 0., 0.]),
                                  np.diag([ixx, 0.0, izz]))
ixx = m3 * l3 * l3 / 12
izz = ixx
b3 = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(m3, np.array([0., l3 / 2, 0.]),
                                  np.diag([ixx, 0.0, izz]))
# 2. 创建关节,平面浮动平台约束(q1, q2, q3)
planar_float_type = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
                              [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]])
joint_planar_x = rbdl.Joint.fromJointAxes(planar_float_type)
# 创建关节,x轴转动约束(j1, j2)
joint_rot_x = rbdl.Joint.fromJointType("JointTypeRevoluteX")
# 3. 向模型中添加body
trans = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
trans.r = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 1.0])  # floating base位置
b_base = model.AppendBody(trans, joint_planar_x, b1)
trans.r = np.array([0.0, -l2 / 2, 0.0])  # 关节1相对fb坐标系位置
b_link1 = model.AddBody(b_base, trans, joint_rot_x, b1)
trans.r = np.array([0.0, l2 / 2, 0.0])  # 关节2相对fb坐标系位置
b_link3 = model.AddBody(b_base, trans, joint_rot_x, b3)

# 添加约束
constrain_set_l1 = rbdl.ConstraintSet()
c_point = np.array([0.0, l1, 0.0])
# 话说这个名字参数居然不是可以不要的,虽然没什么用
constrain_set_l1.AddConstraint(b_link1, c_point, np.array([0., 1., 0.]),
constrain_set_l1.AddConstraint(b_link1, c_point, np.array([0., 0., 1.]),
# J_type = np.array(J_type)

print 'mass', np.shape(mass_arr)
print 'inertia', np.shape(inertia)
print 'com_pos', np.shape(com_pos)
# print 'J_type', J_type
print 'parent_dist', np.shape(parent_dist)

model = rbdl.Model()
model.gravity = [
    0, 0, -9.81
]  # defining the direction of the gravity in the z direction (the default direction is set in the negative Y direction)
# for i in range(Num_Bodies):

# Creating of the transformation matrix between two adjacent bodies
trans = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
trans.E = np.eye(3)
trans.r = parent_dist[0]
trans1 = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
trans1.E = np.eye(3)
trans1.r = parent_dist[1]
trans2 = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
trans2.E = np.eye(3)
trans2.r = parent_dist[2]
# Using principal inertia values from yaml file
I_x = inertia[0][0]
I_y = inertia[0][1]
I_z = inertia[0][2]
I1_x = inertia[1][0]
I1_y = inertia[1][1]
I1_z = inertia[1][2]
# This is a test code for testing a closed loop system in the shape of
# a four bar mechanism. In this code the creation of the system is shown
# using closedloopconstrains and the model is tested by providing some angles
# to the model and comparing the values to see if the model is described correctly.
import numpy as np
import rbdl
model = rbdl.Model()
model.gravity = np.array([0., -9.81, 0.])
l1 = 2.
l2 = 2.
m1 = 2.
m2 = 2.

Xp = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
Xp.r = np.array([l2, 0., 0.])
Xp.E = np.array([[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.]])

Xs = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
Xs.r = np.array([0., 0., 0.])
Xs.E = np.array([[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.]])

c1 = np.array([1., 0., 0.])

J1 = np.array([[0.1, 0., 0.], [0., 0.1, 0.], [0., 0., 0.1]])

link1 = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(m1, c1, J1)
link2 = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(m1, c1, J1)
cv = np.array([0., 0., 0.])
Jv = np.array([[0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0.]])
virtual_body = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(0, cv, Jv)
Example #15
    def dynamic_model(self):
        model = rbdl.Model()
        bodies = {}
        mass = {}
        com = {}
        inertia = {}
        bodies["right"] = {}
        bodies["left"] = {}
        segments = ["thigh", "shank", "foot"]

        mass["hip"] = 5
        mass["right_thigh"] = 2.11
        mass["left_thigh"] = 2.11
        mass["right_shank"] = 1.28
        mass["left_shank"] = 1.28
        mass["right_foot"] = 0.866
        mass["left_foot"] = 0.866

        parent_dist = {}
        parent_dist["hip"] = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

        parent_dist["left_thigh"] = np.array([0.0061, -0.0263, -.6277])
        parent_dist["left_shank"] = np.array([0.1445, 0.0231, -0.4364])
        parent_dist["left_foot"] = np.array([0.0, 0.0268, -0.3881])

        parent_dist["right_thigh"] = np.array([-0.0061, -0.0263, -0.6277])
        parent_dist["right_shank"] = np.array([-0.1445, 0.0231, -0.4364])
        parent_dist["right_foot"] = np.array([-0.0, 0.0268, -0.3881])

        inertia["hip"] = np.diag([ 0.0,0.0,0.0])

        inertia["left_thigh"] = np.diag([0.0, 0.0, 0.07])
        inertia["left_shank"] = np.diag([0.0, 0.0, 0.05])
        inertia["left_foot"] = np.diag([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

        inertia["right_thigh"] = np.diag([0.0, 0.00, 0.07])
        inertia["right_shank"] = np.diag([0.0, 0.0, 0.05])
        inertia["right_foot"] = np.diag([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

        com["hip"] = np.array([0.00, -0.02, 0.18])
        com["left_thigh"] = np.array([0.02, 0.01,  -0.09])
        com["left_shank"] = np.array([-0.02, -0.007, 0.06])
        com["left_foot"] = np.array([0.08, -0.06, 0.04])

        com["right_thigh"] = np.array([-0.02, 0.01, -0.09])
        com["right_shank"] = np.array([0.02, -0.007, 0.06])
        com["right_foot"] = np.array([0.08, -0.06, 0.04])

        com["left_thigh"] = np.array([.1009, 0.0088, -0.1974])  # needs to be fixed in blender
        com["left_shank"] = np.array([-0.0305, 0.0174, -0.2118])
        com["left_foot"] = np.array([-0.0052, -0.0017, -0.0235])

        com["right_thigh"] = np.array([-.1009, 0.0088, -0.1974])  # needs to be fixed in blender
        com["right_shank"] = np.array([0.0305, 0.0174, -0.2118])
        com["right_foot"] = np.array([0.0052, -0.0017, -0.0235])

        hip_body = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(mass["hip"], com["hip"], inertia["hip"])
        for segs in segments:
            bodies["right_" + segs] = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(mass["right_" + segs], com["right_" + segs], inertia["right_" + segs])
            bodies["left_" + segs] = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(mass["left_" + segs], com["left_" + segs], inertia["left_" + segs])

        xtrans = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
        xtrans.r = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        xtrans.E = np.eye(3)

        self.hip = model.AddBody(0, xtrans, rbdl.Joint.fromJointType("JointTypeFixed"), hip_body, "hip")
        joint_rot_z = rbdl.Joint.fromJointType("JointTypeRevoluteX")

        xtrans.r = parent_dist["left_thigh"]
        self.left_thigh = model.AddBody(self.hip, xtrans, joint_rot_z, bodies["left_thigh"], "left_thigh")
        xtrans.E = np.eye(3)
        xtrans.r = parent_dist["left_shank"]
        self.left_shank = model.AddBody(self.left_thigh, xtrans, joint_rot_z, bodies["left_shank"], "left_shank")
        xtrans.r = parent_dist["left_foot"]
        self.left_foot = model.AddBody(self.left_shank, xtrans, joint_rot_z, bodies["left_foot"], "left_foot")

        xtrans.r = parent_dist["right_thigh"]
        self.right_thigh = model.AddBody(self.hip, xtrans, joint_rot_z, bodies["right_thigh"], "right_thigh")
        xtrans.E = np.eye(3)
        xtrans.r = parent_dist["right_shank"]
        self.right_shank = model.AddBody(self.right_thigh, xtrans, joint_rot_z, bodies["right_shank"], "right_shank")
        xtrans.r = parent_dist["right_foot"]
        self.right_foot = model.AddBody(self.right_shank, xtrans, joint_rot_z, bodies["right_foot"], "right_foot")

        model.gravity = np.array([0, 0, -9.81])

        return model
Example #16
def dynamic_model():
    # add in mass and height params
    model = rbdl.Model()
    bodies = {}
    mass = {}
    com = {}
    inertia = {}
    bodies["right"] = {}
    bodies["left"] = {}
    segments = ["thigh", "shank", "foot"]

    mass["hip"] = 2.37
    mass["right_thigh"] = 2.11
    mass["left_thigh"] = 2.11
    mass["right_shank"] = 1.28
    mass["left_shank"] = 1.28
    mass["right_foot"] = 0.86
    mass["left_foot"] = 0.86
    parent_dist = {}
    parent_dist["hip"] = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

    parent_dist["left_thigh"] = np.array([0.237, -0.124, -0.144])
    parent_dist["left_shank"] = np.array([0.033, -0.03, -0.436])
    parent_dist["left_foot"] = np.array([0.02, -0.027, -0.39])

    parent_dist["right_thigh"] = np.array([-0.237, -0.124, -0.144])
    parent_dist["right_shank"] = np.array([0.033, -0.03, -0.436])
    parent_dist["right_foot"] = np.array([0.02, -0.027, -0.39])

    inertia["hip"] = np.diag([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

    inertia["left_thigh"] = np.diag([0.0, 0.0, 0.07])
    inertia["left_shank"] = np.diag([0.18, 0.18, 0.0])
    inertia["left_foot"] = np.diag([0.07, 0.07, 0.0])

    inertia["right_thigh"] = np.diag([0.0, 0.00, 0.07])
    inertia["right_shank"] = np.diag([0.18, 0.18, 0.0])
    inertia["right_foot"] = np.diag([0.07, 0.07, 0.0])

    com["hip"] = np.array([0.00, -0.02, 0.18])
    com["left_thigh"] = np.array([0.02, 0.01, -0.09])
    com["left_shank"] = np.array([-0.02, -0.007, 0.06])
    com["left_foot"] = np.array([0.08, -0.06, 0.04])

    com["right_thigh"] = np.array([-0.02, 0.01, -0.09])
    com["right_shank"] = np.array([0.02, -0.007, 0.06])
    com["right_foot"] = np.array([0.08, -0.06, 0.04])

    hip_body = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(mass["hip"], com["hip"],
    for segs in segments:
        bodies["right_" + segs] = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(
            mass["right_" + segs], com["right_" + segs],
            inertia["right_" + segs])
        bodies["left_" + segs] = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(
            mass["left_" + segs], com["left_" + segs], inertia["left_" + segs])

    xtrans = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
    xtrans.r = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    xtrans.E = np.eye(3)

    hip = model.AddBody(0, xtrans, rbdl.Joint.fromJointType("JointTypeFixed"),
                        hip_body, "hip")
    joint_rot_z = rbdl.Joint.fromJointType("JointTypeRevoluteX")

    xtrans.r = parent_dist["left_thigh"]
    left_thigh = model.AddBody(hip, xtrans, joint_rot_z, bodies["left_thigh"],
    xtrans.E = np.eye(3)
    xtrans.r = parent_dist["left_shank"]
    left_shank = model.AddBody(left_thigh, xtrans, joint_rot_z,
                               bodies["left_shank"], "left_shank")
    xtrans.r = parent_dist["left_foot"]
    left_foot = model.AddBody(left_shank, xtrans, joint_rot_z,
                              bodies["left_foot"], "left_foot")

    xtrans.r = parent_dist["right_thigh"]
    right_thigh = model.AddBody(hip, xtrans, joint_rot_z,
                                bodies["right_thigh"], "right_thigh")
    xtrans.E = np.eye(3)
    xtrans.r = parent_dist["right_shank"]
    right_shank = model.AddBody(right_thigh, xtrans, joint_rot_z,
                                bodies["right_shank"], "right_shank")
    xtrans.r = parent_dist["right_foot"]
    right_foot = model.AddBody(right_shank, xtrans, joint_rot_z,
                               bodies["right_foot"], "right_foot")

    model.gravity = np.array([0, 0, -9.81])

    return model
def dynamic_model_func(q_val, qdot_val, qddot_val, num_val):

    # Create a new model
    model = rbdl.Model()
    # Creation of mass array from yaml file
    mass = get_mass_array(data, Bodies)

    # Number of bodies present in the robot
    no_body, random_var = Bodies_count(data)

    # Creation of joint type array from yaml file
    joint_name_temp = np.array([["JointTypeFixed"]])
    joint_type_name = "JointTypeRevoluteZ"
    for count in range(0, int(no_body) - 1):
        joint_name_temp = np.append(joint_name_temp, [[joint_type_name]],
    joint_name = joint_name_temp

    # The centre of mass array from yaml file
    com_val = get_inertial_offset(data, Bodies)

    # The inertia array from yaml file
    inertia_val = get_inertia_values(data, Bodies)

    # The distance vector array between two adjacent bodies from yaml file
    r_val = get_parent_pivot(data, Joints)

    for i in range(0, no_body):

        # Creating of the transformation matrix between two adjacent bodies
        trans = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
        trans.E = np.eye(3)
        trans.r = r_val[i]

        # Using principal inertia values from yaml file
        a = inertia_val[i][0]
        b = inertia_val[i][1]
        c = inertia_val[i][2]
        # count = count + 1
        # Creation of inertia Matrix
        inertia_matrix = np.array([[a, 0, 0], [0, b, 0], [0, 0, c]])

        # Creating each body of the robot
        body = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(mass[i], com_val[i],

        # Specifying joint Type
        joint_type = rbdl.Joint.fromJointType(joint_name[i][0])

        # Adding body to the model to create the complete robot
        append_body = model.AppendBody(trans, joint_type, body)

    # Initialize q, qdot, qddot and tau values
    q = np.zeros(model.q_size)
    qdot = np.zeros(model.qdot_size)
    qddot = np.zeros(model.qdot_size)
    tau = np.zeros(model.qdot_size)

    # Assigning the q, qdot, qddot values to the input values of inverse dynamics
    q[num_val] = q_val
    qdot[num_val] = qdot_val
    qddot[num_val] = qddot_val

    # RBDL inverse dynamics function
    rbdl.InverseDynamics(model, q, qdot, qddot, tau)
    # print "tau is ", tau

    return tau
def YamlToRBDLmodel(data, Bodies, Joints):

    file_path = "/home/sonu/KUKA_7Dof/blender-kuka7dof.yaml"
    data = yaml_loader(file_path)

    model = rbdl.Model()
    model.gravity = [0, 0, -9.81]

    no_of_bodies, random_var = Bodies_count(data)

    mass = get_mass_array(data, Bodies)
    mass_arr = np.array([[1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1]])  #good

    com_val = get_inertial_offset(data, Bodies)
    # print("COM val is\n", com_val)

    inertia_val = get_inertia_values(data, Bodies)
    # print(inertia_val)

    parent_dist = get_parent_pivot(data, Joints)
    # print(r_val)

    J_type = get_joint_type(data, Joints)

    joint_rot_z = rbdl.Joint.fromJointType("JointTypeRevoluteZ")
    joint_fixed = rbdl.Joint.fromJointType("JointTypeFixed")

    # Parsing child and parent axes to create the transformation matrix between two adjacent bodies
    child_axes = get_child_axes(data, Joints)
    parent_axes = get_parent_axes(data, Joints)

    for i in range(0, no_of_bodies):

        # Creating of the transformation matrix between two adjacent bodies
        trans = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
        print("\nParameters for body", i)

        if i == 0:
            trans.E = np.eye(3)
            # print("R is\n", trans.E);
            trans.r = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
            # print("T is\n", trans.r);
            print("T is\n", trans)
            # get parent and child axes of the pair
            child_axis = dicttoVec(child_axes[i - 1][0])
            parent_axis = dicttoVec(parent_axes[i - 1][0])

            # Find the rotation matrix between child and parent
            r_mat = rot_matrix_from_vecs(mathutils.Vector(child_axis),
            r_mat_np = MatToNpArray(r_mat)
            # print("R is", r_mat_np)
            trans.E = r_mat_np
            # print("R is\n", trans.E);
            trans.r = parent_dist[i]
            # print("T is\n", trans.r);
            print("T is\n", trans)

        # Creating Inertia matrix with just principle Inertia values
        I_x = inertia_val[i][0]
        I_y = inertia_val[i][1]
        I_z = inertia_val[i][2]
        inertia_matrix = np.array([[I_x, 0, 0], [0, I_y, 0], [0, 0, I_z]])
        print("\nInertia matrix is\n", inertia_matrix)

        print("\nCOM is\n", com_val[i])

        print("\nMass of the body is\n", mass[i])

        # Creating each body of the robot
        body = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(mass[i], com_val[i],

        # Specifying joint Type
        if i == 0:
            joint_type = joint_fixed
            joint_type = joint_rot_z
        # joint_type = rbdl.Joint.fromJointType(joint_name[i][0])
        print("joint type is", joint_type)

        # Adding body to the model to create the complete robot
        model.AppendBody(trans, joint_type, body)
        # print(i)

    return model
Example #19
# J_type = np.array(J_type)

# print 'mass', np.shape(mass_arr)
# print 'inertia', np.shape(inertia)
# print 'com_pos', np.shape(com_pos)
# print 'J_type', J_type
# print 'parent_dist', np.shape(parent_dist)

model = rbdl.Model()
model.gravity = [
    0, 0, -9.81
]  # defining the direction of the gravity in the z direction (the default direction is set in the negative Y direction)
# for i in range(Num_Bodies):

# Creating of the transformation matrix between two adjacent bodies
trans = rbdl.SpatialTransform()  #world to Top panel
trans.E = np.eye(3)  ##world to Top panel
trans.r = parent_dist[0]  #world to Top panel
trans1 = rbdl.SpatialTransform()  #Top panel outpitch shoulder
trans1.E = np.array([[0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                     [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])  #Top panel outpitch shoulder
trans1.r = parent_dist[1]  #Top panel outpitch shoulder
trans2 = rbdl.SpatialTransform()  # outpitch shoulder to ArmParallel
trans2.E = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.005, 0.0],
                     [-0.005, 1.0, 0.0]])  # outpitch shoulder to ArmParallel
trans2.r = parent_dist[2]  # outpitch shoulder to ArmParallel

trans30 = rbdl.SpatialTransform()  #ArmParallel-ArmParallel1
trans30.E = np.array([[-0.0002, -1.0, 0.0], [1.0, -0.0002, 0.0],
                      [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])  #OK ArmParallel-ArmParallel1
trans30.r = parent_dist[3]  #ArmParallel-ArmParallel1
Example #20
def Inverse_dynamics_calc_func(q_val, qdot_val, qddot_val):

    # Create a new model
    model = rbdl.Model()
    print "No. of bodies =", len(q_val)
    print "Q_values are", q_val
    # print "Q_values are" , q_val[6]

    # Creation of mass array from yaml file
    mass = get_mass_array(data, Bodies)

    # Number of bodies present in the robot
    no_of_bodies, random_var = Bodies_count(data)

    # Creation of joint type array from yaml file
    joint_name_temp = np.array([["JointTypeFixed"]])
    joint_type_name = "JointTypeRevoluteZ"
    for count in range(0, int(no_of_bodies) - 1):
        joint_name_temp = np.append(joint_name_temp, [[joint_type_name]],
    joint_name = joint_name_temp
    # joint_name = [["JointTypeFixed"], ["JointTypeRevoluteZ"], ["JointTypeFixed"], ["JointTypeFixed"], ["JointTypeFixed"], ["JointTypeFixed"], ["JointTypeFixed"]]

    # The centre of mass array from yaml file
    com_val = get_inertial_offset(data, Bodies)

    # The inertia array from yaml file
    inertia_val = get_inertia_values(data, Bodies)

    # The distance vector array between two adjacent bodies from yaml file
    r_val = get_parent_pivot(data, Joints)

    q = q_val
    qdot = qddot_val
    qddot = qddot_val
    tau = np.zeros(no_of_bodies - 1)

    #This for loop iteratively computes the torque values of the entire system
    for i in range(0, no_of_bodies - 1):

        # Creating of the transformation matrix between two adjacent bodies
        trans = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
        trans.E = np.eye(3)
        trans.r = r_val[i]

        # Using principal inertia values from yaml file
        I_x = inertia_val[i][0]
        I_y = inertia_val[i][1]
        I_z = inertia_val[i][2]
        # count = count + 1
        # Creation of inertia Matrix
        inertia_matrix = np.array([[I_x, 0, 0], [0, I_y, 0], [0, 0, I_z]])

        # Creating each body of the robot
        body = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(mass[i], com_val[i],

        # Specifying joint Type
        joint_type = rbdl.Joint.fromJointType(joint_name[i][0])
        # print(joint_type)

        # Assigning the q, q dot, q dot dot values to the input values of inverse dynamics

        # Adding body to the model to create the complete robot
        append_body = model.AppendBody(trans, joint_type, body)

    # RBDL inverse dynamics function
    rbdl.InverseDynamics(model, q, qdot, qddot, tau)
    # print("length of tau is ", len(tau))

    return tau
import numpy as np
import rbdl

# Create a new model
model = rbdl.Model()

# Create a joint from joint type
joint_rot_y = rbdl.Joint.fromJointType ("JointTypeRevoluteY")

# Create a body for given mass, center of mass, and inertia at
# the CoM
body = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia (
    np.array([0., 0.5, 0.]),
    np.eye(3) * 0.05)
xtrans= rbdl.SpatialTransform()
xtrans.r = np.array([0., 1., 0.])

# You can print all types
print (joint_rot_y)
print (model)
print (body)
print (body.mInertia)
print (xtrans)

# Construct the model
body_1 = model.AppendBody (rbdl.SpatialTransform(), joint_rot_y, body)
body_2 = model.AppendBody (xtrans, joint_rot_y, body)
body_3 = model.AppendBody (xtrans, joint_rot_y, body)

# Create numpy arrays for the state
def model_generator():

    mass_arr = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

    COM_matrix = np.array([[0.001, 0.0, 0.06], [0.0, -0.017, 0.134],
                           [0.0, -0.074, 0.009], [0.0, 0.017, 0.134],
                           [-0.001, 0.081, 0.008], [0.0, -0.017, 0.129],
                           [0.0, 0.007, 0.068], [0.006, 0.0, 0.015],
                           [0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0.]])

    inertia_matrix = dict()
    inertia_matrix['base'] = np.diag([0., 0., 0.])
    inertia_matrix['link1'] = np.diag([0.00818, 0.00737791, 0.00331532])
    inertia_matrix['link2'] = np.diag([0.00820624, 0.00337541, 0.00741212])
    inertia_matrix['link3'] = np.diag([0.00812617, 0.00739079, 0.0033597])
    inertia_matrix['link4'] = np.diag([0.00819873, 0.00333248, 0.00737665])
    inertia_matrix['link5'] = np.diag([0.00775252, 0.00696512, 0.00333736])
    inertia_matrix['link6'] = np.diag([0.00300679, 0.0032974, 0.0031543])
    inertia_matrix['link7'] = np.diag([0.00065849, 0.00065487, 0.00113144])
    inertia_matrix['bar'] = np.diag(
        [9.07819496e-04, 9.07819496e-04, 8.06572673e-05])
    inertia_matrix['tip'] = np.diag([0.00014625, 0.00014625, 0.00017098])

    joint_rot_z = rbdl.Joint.fromJointType("JointTypeRevoluteZ")
    joint_fixed = rbdl.Joint.fromJointType("JointTypeFixed")

    arm_model = rbdl.Model()
    arm_model.gravity = [0., 0., -9.81]

    trans0 = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
    trans0.E = np.eye(3)
    trans0.r = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    trans1 = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
    trans1.E = np.eye(3)
    trans1.r = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.103])
    trans2 = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
    trans2.E = np.transpose(
        np.array([1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., -1., 0.]).reshape(3, 3))
    trans2.r = np.array([0., 0.013, 0.209])
    trans3 = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
    trans3.E = np.transpose(
        np.array([1., 0., 0., 0., 0., -1., 0., 1., 0.]).reshape(3, 3))
    trans3.r = np.array([0., -0.194, -0.009])
    trans4 = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
    trans4.E = np.transpose(
        np.array([1., 0., 0., 0., 0., -1., 0., 1., 0.]).reshape(3, 3))
    trans4.r = np.array([0., -0.013, 0.202])
    trans5 = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
    trans5.E = np.transpose(
        np.array([1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., -1., 0.]).reshape(3, 3))
    trans5.r = np.array([-0.002, 0.202, -0.008])
    trans6 = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
    trans6.E = np.transpose(
        np.array([1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., -1., 0.]).reshape(3, 3))
    trans6.r = np.array([0.002, -0.052, 0.204])
    trans7 = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
    trans7.E = np.transpose(
        np.array([1., 0., 0., 0., 0., -1., 0., 1., 0.]).reshape(3, 3))
    trans7.r = np.array([-0.003, -0.05, 0.053])
    trans8 = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
    trans8.E = np.eye(3)
    trans8.r = np.array([0.005, -0.0, 0.08])
    trans9 = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
    trans9.E = np.eye(3)
    trans9.r = np.array([0.001, -0.0, 0.056])

    obj1 = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(mass_arr[0], COM_matrix[0],
    obj2 = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(mass_arr[1], COM_matrix[1],
    obj3 = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(mass_arr[2], COM_matrix[2],
    obj4 = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(mass_arr[3], COM_matrix[3],
    obj5 = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(mass_arr[4], COM_matrix[4],
    obj6 = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(mass_arr[5], COM_matrix[5],
    obj7 = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(mass_arr[6], COM_matrix[6],
    obj8 = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(mass_arr[7], COM_matrix[7],
    obj9 = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(mass_arr[8], COM_matrix[8],
    obj10 = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(mass_arr[9], COM_matrix[9],

    body1 = arm_model.AppendBody(trans0, joint_fixed, obj1)
    body2 = arm_model.AppendBody(trans1, joint_rot_z, obj2)
    body3 = arm_model.AppendBody(trans2, joint_rot_z, obj3)
    body4 = arm_model.AppendBody(trans3, joint_rot_z, obj4)
    body5 = arm_model.AppendBody(trans4, joint_rot_z, obj5)
    body6 = arm_model.AppendBody(trans5, joint_rot_z, obj6)
    body7 = arm_model.AppendBody(trans6, joint_rot_z, obj7)
    body8 = arm_model.AppendBody(trans7, joint_fixed, obj8)
    body9 = arm_model.AppendBody(trans8, joint_fixed, obj9)
    body10 = arm_model.AppendBody(trans9, joint_fixed, obj10)

    return arm_model, body10
c1 = np.array([0.,-l1*0.5,0.])
J1 = np.array([[m1*l1*l1/3.,           0.,          0.],
               [         0., m1*l1*l1/30.,          0.],
               [         0.,           0., m1*l1*l1/3.]]) 

c2 = np.array([l2*0.5,0.,0.])        
J2 = np.array([ [m2*l2*l2/30.,          0., 0.],
                [          0., m2*l2*l2/3., 0.],
                [          0.,          0., m2*l2*l2/3.]]) 

Xp1   = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
Xp1.r = np.array([0.,0.,0.])
Xp1.E = np.array([[1.,0.,0.],[0.,1.,0.],[0.,0.,1.]])

Xs1   = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
Xs1.r = np.array([0.,0.,0.])
Xs1.E = np.array([[1.,0.,0.],[0.,1.,0.],[0.,0.,1.]])

Xp2   = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
Xp2.r = np.array([0.,-l1,0.])
Xp2.E = np.array([[1.,0.,0.],[0.,1.,0.],[0.,0.,1.]])

Xs2   = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
Xs2.r = np.array([0.,0.,0.])
Xs2.E = np.array([[1.,0.,0.],[0.,1.,0.],[0.,0.,1.]])
Example #24
# J_type = np.array(J_type)

print 'mass', np.shape(mass_arr)
print 'inertia', np.shape(inertia)
print 'com_pos', np.shape(com_pos)
# print 'J_type', J_type
print 'parent_dist', np.shape(parent_dist)

model = rbdl.Model()
model.gravity = [
    0, 0, -9.81
]  # defining the direction of the gravity in the z direction (the default direction is set in the negative Y direction)
# for i in range(Num_Bodies):

# Creating of the transformation matrix between two adjacent bodies
trans = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
trans.E = np.eye(3)  #np.array([[0.0, -1.0, 0.0],[1.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0,1.0]])
trans.r = parent_dist[0]
trans1 = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
trans1.E = np.array([[0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
trans1.r = parent_dist[1]
trans2 = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
trans2.E = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.005, 0.0], [-0.005, 1.0, 0.0]])
trans2.r = parent_dist[2]
trans3 = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
trans3.E = np.array([[0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
trans3.r = parent_dist[3]
trans4 = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
trans4.E = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [0.0, -1.0, 0.0]])
trans4.r = parent_dist[4]
trans5 = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
Example #25
def biped_model_create():
    model = rbdl.Model()
    model.gravity = np.array([0.0, 0.0, -9.81])
    thigh_len = 0.5
    shank_len = 0.5
    # 1. 创建body,全部写下来是为了方便调试
    # 左右腿一般是对称的
    # 非精准的建模也是允许的
    mass, com = 20.0, np.array([0., 0., 0.])  # 躯干
    inertia = np.diag([0.37, 0.29, 0.128])
    b_torso = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(mass, com, inertia)
    mass, com = 0.5, np.array([0., 0., 0.])  # 连接件1
    inertia = np.diag([0.0003, 0.0003, 0.0003])
    b_link1 = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(mass, com, inertia)
    mass, com = 2.0, np.array([0., 0., -thigh_len / 2])  # 大腿
    inertia = np.diag([0.04208, 0.04208, 0.00083])
    b_thigh = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(mass, com, inertia)
    mass, com = 2.0, np.array([0., 0., -shank_len / 2])  # 小腿
    inertia = np.diag([0.04208, 0.04208, 0.00083])
    b_shank = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(mass, com, inertia)
    # 允许存在误差,不对足端进行建模
    # mass, com = 0.5, np.array([0., 0., 0.])                 # 足--看能不能固定关节
    # inertia = np.diag([0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001])
    # b_foot = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(mass, com, inertia)

    # 2. 创建运动副
    space_free_type = np.diag([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
    joint_float_space = rbdl.Joint.fromJointAxes(space_free_type)
    joint_rot_x = rbdl.Joint.fromJointType("JointTypeRevoluteX")
    joint_rot_y = rbdl.Joint.fromJointType("JointTypeRevoluteY")

    # 3. 向模型中添加body
    trans = rbdl.SpatialTransform()  # 躯干
    trans.r = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    id_torso = model.AppendBody(trans, joint_float_space, b_torso)
    trans.r = np.array([0.0, 0.12, -0.2])  # 左连接件
    id_left_link1 = model.AddBody(id_torso, trans, joint_rot_x, b_link1)
    trans.r = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])  # 左大腿
    id_left_thigh = model.AddBody(id_left_link1, trans, joint_rot_y, b_thigh)
    trans.r = np.array([0.0, 0.0, -thigh_len])  # 左小腿
    id_left_shank = model.AddBody(id_left_thigh, trans, joint_rot_y, b_shank)
    trans.r = np.array([0.0, -0.12, -0.2])  # 右连接件
    id_right_link1 = model.AddBody(id_torso, trans, joint_rot_x, b_link1)
    trans.r = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])  # 右大腿
    id_right_thigh = model.AddBody(id_right_link1, trans, joint_rot_y, b_thigh)
    trans.r = np.array([0.0, 0.0, -thigh_len])  # 右小腿
    id_right_shank = model.AddBody(id_right_thigh, trans, joint_rot_y, b_shank)

    # 4. 设计约束
    cs_left = rbdl.ConstraintSet()  # 左腿约束
    c_point = np.array([0.0, 0.0, -0.55])
    cs_left.AddConstraint(id_left_shank, c_point, np.array([1., 0., 0.]), 'ground_x'.encode('utf-8'))
    cs_left.AddConstraint(id_left_shank, c_point, np.array([0., 1., 0.]), 'ground_y'.encode('utf-8'))
    cs_left.AddConstraint(id_left_shank, c_point, np.array([0., 0., 1.]), 'ground_z'.encode('utf-8'))
    cs_right = rbdl.ConstraintSet()  # 右腿约束
    c_point = np.array([0.0, 0.0, -0.55])
    cs_right.AddConstraint(id_right_shank, c_point, np.array([1., 0., 0.]), 'ground_x'.encode('utf-8'))
    cs_right.AddConstraint(id_right_shank, c_point, np.array([0., 1., 0.]), 'ground_y'.encode('utf-8'))
    cs_right.AddConstraint(id_right_shank, c_point, np.array([0., 0., 1.]), 'ground_z'.encode('utf-8'))
    lid = [id_torso,
           id_left_link1,id_left_thigh, id_left_shank,
           id_right_link1, id_right_thigh, id_right_shank]
    # 添加部件的id_list

    return model, cs_left, cs_right, lid
Example #26
    def make_dynamic_model(self):
        # add in mass and height params
        model = rbdl.Model()
        bodies = {}
        mass = {}
        com = {}
        inertia = {}
        bodies["right"] = {}
        bodies["left"] = {}
        segments = ["thigh", "shank", "foot"]

        mass["hip"] = 2.37
        mass["right_thigh"] = 2.11
        mass["left_thigh"] = 2.11
        mass["right_shank"] = 1.28
        mass["left_shank"] = 1.28
        mass["right_foot"] = 0.86
        mass["left_foot"] = 0.86
        parent_dist = {}

        parent_dist["hip"] = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

        parent_dist["left_thigh"] = np.array([0.237, -0.124, -0.144])
        parent_dist["left_shank"] = np.array([0.033, -0.03, -0.436])
        parent_dist["left_foot"] = np.array([0.02, -0.027, -0.39])

        parent_dist["right_thigh"] = np.array([-0.237, -0.124, -0.144])
        parent_dist["right_shank"] = np.array([0.033, -0.03, -0.436])
        parent_dist["right_foot"] = np.array([0.02, -0.027, -0.39])

        inertia["hip"] = np.diag([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

        inertia["left_thigh"] = np.diag([0.0, 0.0, 0.07])
        inertia["left_shank"] = np.diag([0.18, 0.18, 0.0])
        inertia["left_foot"] = np.diag([0.07, 0.07, 0.0])

        inertia["right_thigh"] = np.diag([0.0, 0.00, 0.07])
        inertia["right_shank"] = np.diag([0.18, 0.18, 0.0])
        inertia["right_foot"] = np.diag([0.07, 0.07, 0.0])

        com["hip"] = np.array([0.00, -0.02, 0.18])
        com["left_thigh"] = np.array([0.02, 0.01, -0.09])
        com["left_shank"] = np.array([-0.02, -0.007, 0.06])
        com["left_foot"] = np.array([0.08, -0.06, 0.04])

        com["right_thigh"] = np.array([-0.02, 0.01, -0.09])
        com["right_shank"] = np.array([0.02, -0.007, 0.06])
        com["right_foot"] = np.array([0.08, -0.06, 0.04])

        hip_body = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(mass["hip"], com["hip"],
        for segs in segments:
            bodies["right_" + segs] = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(
                mass["right_" + segs], com["right_" + segs],
                inertia["right_" + segs])
            bodies["left_" + segs] = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(
                mass["left_" + segs], com["left_" + segs],
                inertia["left_" + segs])

        xtrans = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
        xtrans.r = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        xtrans.E = np.eye(3)

        self.hip = model.AddBody(0, xtrans,
                                 hip_body, "hip")
        joint_rot_z = rbdl.Joint.fromJointType("JointTypeRevoluteX")

        xtrans.r = parent_dist["left_thigh"]
        self.left_thigh = model.AddBody(self.hip, xtrans, joint_rot_z,
                                        bodies["left_thigh"], "left_thigh")
        xtrans.E = np.eye(3)
        xtrans.r = parent_dist["left_shank"]
        self.left_shank = model.AddBody(self.left_thigh, xtrans, joint_rot_z,
                                        bodies["left_shank"], "left_shank")
        xtrans.r = parent_dist["left_foot"]
        self.left_foot = model.AddBody(self.left_shank, xtrans, joint_rot_z,
                                       bodies["left_foot"], "left_foot")

        xtrans.r = parent_dist["right_thigh"]
        self.right_thigh = model.AddBody(self.hip, xtrans, joint_rot_z,
                                         bodies["right_thigh"], "right_thigh")
        xtrans.E = np.eye(3)
        xtrans.r = parent_dist["right_shank"]
        self.right_shank = model.AddBody(self.right_thigh, xtrans, joint_rot_z,
                                         bodies["right_shank"], "right_shank")
        xtrans.r = parent_dist["right_foot"]
        self.right_foot = model.AddBody(self.right_shank, xtrans, joint_rot_z,
                                        bodies["right_foot"], "right_foot")

        model.gravity = np.array([0, 0, -9.81])

        # constraint_set_right = rbdl.ConstraintSet()
        # constraint_set_left = rbdl.ConstraintSet()
        # constraint_set_both = rbdl.ConstraintSet()
        # constraint_set_right.AddContactConstraint(id_r, heel_point, np.array([1., 0., 0.]), "right_heel_x")
        # constraint_set_right.AddContactConstraint(id_r, heel_point, np.array([0., 1., 0.]), "right_heel_y")
        # constraint_set_left.AddContactConstraint(id_l, heel_point, np.array([1., 0., 0.]), "left_heel_x")
        # constraint_set_left.AddContactConstraint(id_l, heel_point, np.array([0., 1., 0.]), "left_heel_y")
        # constraint_set_both.AddContactConstraint(id_r, heel_point, np.array([1., 0., 0.]), "right_heel_x")
        # constraint_set_both.AddContactConstraint(id_r, heel_point, np.array([0., 1., 0.]), "right_heel_y")
        # constraint_set_both.AddContactConstraint(id_r, heel_point, np.array([0., 0., 1.]), "right_heel_z")
        # constraint_set_both.AddContactConstraint(id_l, heel_point, np.array([1., 0., 0.]), "left_heel_x")
        # constraint_set_both.AddContactConstraint(id_l, heel_point, np.array([0., 1., 0.]), "left_heel_y")
        # constraint_set_both.AddContactConstraint(id_l, heel_point, np.array([0., 0., 1.]), "left_heel_z")
        # constraint_set_right.Bind(model)
        # constraint_set_left.Bind(model)
        # constraint_set_both.Bind(model)

        x = []
        y = []
        return model
def dynamic_model(noise=0.0):
    # add in mass and height params
    model = rbdl.Model()
    bodies = {}
    mass = {}
    com = {}
    inertia = {}
    bodies["right"] = {}
    bodies["left"] = {}
    segments = ["thigh", "shank", "foot"]

    mass["hip"] = 45.32 + noise
    mass["right_thigh"] = 13.934 + noise
    mass["left_thigh"] = 13.934 + noise
    mass["right_shank"] = 5.128 + noise
    mass["left_shank"] = 5.128 + noise
    mass["right_foot"] = 1.898 + noise
    mass["left_foot"] = 1.898 + noise

    parent_dist = {}
    parent_dist["hip"] = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

    parent_dist["left_thigh"] = np.array([0.237, -0.124, -0.144])
    parent_dist["left_shank"] = np.array([0.033, -0.03, -0.436])
    parent_dist["left_foot"] = np.array([0.02, -0.027, -0.39])

    parent_dist["right_thigh"] = np.array([-0.237, -0.124, -0.144])
    parent_dist["right_shank"] = np.array([0.033, -0.03, -0.436])
    parent_dist["right_foot"] = np.array([0.02, -0.027, -0.39])

    inertia["hip"] = np.diag([5.9172, 6.1912, 1.4393])

    inertia["left_thigh"] = np.diag([0.5435, 0.6347, 0.1249])
    inertia["left_shank"] = np.diag([0.1365, 0.1843, 0.0562])
    inertia["left_foot"] = np.diag([0.0312, 0.0276, 0.0405])

    inertia["right_thigh"] = np.diag([0.5435, 0.6347, 0.1249])
    inertia["right_shank"] = np.diag([0.1365, 0.1843, 0.0562])
    inertia["right_foot"] = np.diag([0.0312, 0.0276, 0.0405])

    com["hip"] = np.array([0.00, -0.0785, 0.2803])
    com["left_thigh"] = np.array([-0.0833, -0.0198, -0.00678])
    com["left_shank"] = np.array([-0.0968, -0.007, 0.06])
    com["left_foot"] = np.array([-0.0733, -0.0583, 0.04])

    com["right_thigh"] = np.array([-0.0833, -0.0198, -0.00678])
    com["right_shank"] = np.array([-0.0968, -0.007, 0.06])
    com["right_foot"] = np.array([-0.0733, -0.0583, 0.04])

    hip_body = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(mass["hip"], com["hip"],
    for segs in segments:
        bodies["right_" + segs] = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(
            mass["right_" + segs], com["right_" + segs],
            inertia["right_" + segs])
        bodies["left_" + segs] = rbdl.Body.fromMassComInertia(
            mass["left_" + segs], com["left_" + segs], inertia["left_" + segs])

    xtrans = rbdl.SpatialTransform()
    xtrans.r = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    xtrans.E = np.eye(3)

    hip = model.AddBody(0, xtrans, rbdl.Joint.fromJointType("JointTypeFixed"),
                        hip_body, "hip")
    joint_rot_z = rbdl.Joint.fromJointType("JointTypeRevoluteX")

    xtrans.r = parent_dist["left_thigh"]
    left_thigh = model.AddBody(hip, xtrans, joint_rot_z, bodies["left_thigh"],
    xtrans.E = np.eye(3)
    xtrans.r = parent_dist["left_shank"]
    left_shank = model.AddBody(left_thigh, xtrans, joint_rot_z,
                               bodies["left_shank"], "left_shank")
    xtrans.r = parent_dist["left_foot"]
    left_foot = model.AddBody(left_shank, xtrans, joint_rot_z,
                              bodies["left_foot"], "left_foot")

    xtrans.r = parent_dist["right_thigh"]
    right_thigh = model.AddBody(hip, xtrans, joint_rot_z,
                                bodies["right_thigh"], "right_thigh")
    xtrans.E = np.eye(3)
    xtrans.r = parent_dist["right_shank"]
    right_shank = model.AddBody(right_thigh, xtrans, joint_rot_z,
                                bodies["right_shank"], "right_shank")
    xtrans.r = parent_dist["right_foot"]
    right_foot = model.AddBody(right_shank, xtrans, joint_rot_z,
                               bodies["right_foot"], "right_foot")

    model.gravity = np.array([0, 0, -9.81])

    return model