Example #1
def get_student_carousel_items(student, degree=None, show_animation_videos=False):
    profile = student.get_profile(degree)
    carousel_items = profile['carousel_items'].all()

    # If this is an animation student, remove the first two carousel items if they are vimeo videos
    if show_animation_videos == False and get_students(degree_filters=dict(programme__in=['animation', 'visualcommunication'])).filter(id=student.id).exists():
        for i in range(2):
                first_carousel_item = carousel_items[0]
                if first_carousel_item and first_carousel_item.embedly_url:
                    carousel_items = carousel_items[1:]
            except IndexError:

    return carousel_items
Example #2
    def get_students(self, school=None, programme=None, orderby="first_name"):
        q = models.Q(in_show=True)

        if self.year:
            q &= models.Q(graduation_year=self.year)

        if school:
            q &= models.Q(school=school)

        if programme:
            q &= models.Q(programme=programme)
            programmes = self.get_programmes()
            if programmes:
                q &= models.Q(programme__in=programmes)

        # If this is the 2015 visual communication show, make that the first carousel item is an embed
        if self.year == '2015' and 'visualcommunication' in self.get_programmes():
            q &= models.Q(carousel_items__sort_order=0) & models.Q(carousel_items__embedly_url__startswith='http')

        return rca_utils.get_students(degree_q=q).order_by(orderby).distinct()