def replier(service_name, number_of_cycles, namespace): from test_msgs.service_fixtures import get_test_srv import rclpy service_pkg = 'test_msgs' module = importlib.import_module(service_pkg + '.srv') srv_mod = getattr(module, service_name) rclpy.init(args=[]) node = rclpy.create_node('replier', namespace=namespace) srv_fixtures = get_test_srv(service_name) chatter_callback = functools.partial( replier_callback, srv_fixtures=srv_fixtures) node.create_service( srv_mod, 'test/service/' + service_name, chatter_callback) spin_count = 1 print('replier: beginning loop') while rclpy.ok() and spin_count < number_of_cycles: rclpy.spin_once(node, timeout_sec=2) spin_count += 1 print('spin_count: ' + str(spin_count)) node.destroy_node() rclpy.shutdown()
def main(args=None): global logger rclpy.init(args=args) node = rclpy.create_node('minimal_action_server') logger = node.get_logger() # Use a ReentrantCallbackGroup to enable processing multiple goals concurrently # Default goal callback accepts all goals # Default cancel callback rejects cancel requests action_server = ActionServer( node, Fibonacci, 'fibonacci', execute_callback=execute_callback, cancel_callback=cancel_callback, callback_group=ReentrantCallbackGroup()) # Use a MultiThreadedExecutor to enable processing goals concurrently executor = MultiThreadedExecutor() rclpy.spin(node, executor=executor) action_server.destroy() node.destroy_node() rclpy.shutdown()
def func_destroy_timers(): import rclpy rclpy.init() node = rclpy.create_node('test_node3') timer1 = node.create_timer(0.1, None) timer2 = node.create_timer(1, None) timer2 # noqa assert 2 == len(node.timers) assert node.destroy_timer(timer1) is True assert 1 == len(node.timers) try: assert node.destroy_node() is True except SystemError: ret = False else: assert 0 == len(node.timers) assert node.handle is None ret = True finally: rclpy.shutdown() return ret
def main(args=None): rclpy.init(args) node = rclpy.create_node("minimal_client_async") cli = node.create_client(AddTwoInts, "add_two_ints") req = AddTwoInts.Request() req.a = 41 req.b = 1 # TODO(mikaelarguedas) remove this once wait for service implemented # wait for connection to be established # (no wait for service in Python yet) time.sleep(1) while rclpy.ok(): # TODO(mikaelarguedas) This is not the final API, and this does not scale # for multiple pending requests. This will change once an executor model is implemented # In the future the response will not be stored in cli.response if cli.response is not None: print("Result of add_two_ints: for %d + %d = %d" % (req.a, req.b, cli.response.sum)) break rclpy.spin_once(node) rclpy.shutdown()
def talker(message_name, number_of_cycles, namespace): from test_msgs.message_fixtures import get_test_msg import rclpy message_pkg = 'test_msgs' module = importlib.import_module(message_pkg + '.msg') msg_mod = getattr(module, message_name) rclpy.init(args=[]) node = rclpy.create_node('talker', namespace=namespace) chatter_pub = node.create_publisher( msg_mod, 'test/message/' + message_name) cycle_count = 0 print('talker: beginning loop') msgs = get_test_msg(message_name) while rclpy.ok() and cycle_count < number_of_cycles: msg_count = 0 for msg in msgs: chatter_pub.publish(msg) msg_count += 1 print('publishing message #%d' % msg_count) time.sleep(0.01) cycle_count += 1 time.sleep(0.1) node.destroy_node() rclpy.shutdown()
def main(args=None): rclpy.init(args=args) node = rclpy.create_node('minimal_client_async') cli = node.create_client(AddTwoInts, 'add_two_ints') req = AddTwoInts.Request() req.a = 41 req.b = 1 while not cli.wait_for_service(timeout_sec=1.0): node.get_logger().info('service not available, waiting again...') future = cli.call_async(req) while rclpy.ok(): rclpy.spin_once(node) if future.done(): if future.result() is not None: node.get_logger().info( 'Result of add_two_ints: for %d + %d = %d' % (req.a, req.b, future.result().sum)) else: node.get_logger().info('Service call failed %r' % (future.exception(),)) break node.destroy_node() rclpy.shutdown()
def main(args=None): rclpy.init(args=args) node = rclpy.create_node('minimal_client') cli = node.create_client(AddTwoInts, 'add_two_ints') req = AddTwoInts.Request() req.a = 41 req.b = 1 # TODO(mikaelarguedas) remove this once wait for service implemented # wait for connection to be established # (no wait for service in Python yet) time.sleep(1) # when calling wait for future # spin should not be called in the main loop cli.wait_for_future() # TODO(mikaelarguedas) This is not the final API, and this does not scale # for multiple pending requests. This will change once an executor model is implemented # In the future the response will not be stored in cli.response print( 'Result of add_two_ints: for %d + %d = %d' % (req.a, req.b, cli.response.sum)) node.destroy_node() rclpy.shutdown()
def main(args=None): rclpy.init(args=args) node = rclpy.create_node('minimal_publisher') publisher = node.create_publisher(String, 'topic', 10) msg = String() i = 0 def timer_callback(): nonlocal i = 'Hello World: %d' % i i += 1 node.get_logger().info('Publishing: "%s"' % publisher.publish(msg) timer_period = 0.5 # seconds timer = node.create_timer(timer_period, timer_callback) rclpy.spin(node) # Destroy the timer attached to the node explicitly # (optional - otherwise it will be done automatically # when the garbage collector destroys the node object) node.destroy_timer(timer) node.destroy_node() rclpy.shutdown()
def talker(message_name, rmw_implementation, number_of_cycles): import rclpy from rclpy.qos import qos_profile_default from rclpy.impl.rmw_implementation_tools import select_rmw_implementation from message_fixtures import get_test_msg message_pkg = 'test_communication' module = importlib.import_module(message_pkg + '.msg') msg_mod = getattr(module, message_name) select_rmw_implementation(rmw_implementation) rclpy.init([]) node = rclpy.create_node('talker') chatter_pub = node.create_publisher( msg_mod, 'test_message_' + message_name, qos_profile_default) cycle_count = 0 print('talker: beginning loop') msgs = get_test_msg(message_name) while rclpy.ok() and cycle_count < number_of_cycles: cycle_count += 1 msg_count = 0 for msg in msgs: chatter_pub.publish(msg) msg_count += 1 print('publishing message #%d' % msg_count) time.sleep(0.1) time.sleep(1) rclpy.shutdown()
def cancel_done(self, future): cancel_response = future.result() if len(cancel_response.goals_canceling) > 0: self.get_logger().info('Goal successfully canceled') else: self.get_logger().info('Goal failed to cancel') rclpy.shutdown()
def func_init_shutdown(): import rclpy try: rclpy.init() rclpy.shutdown() return True except RuntimeError: return False
def main(args=None): rclpy.init(args=args) try: talker = ThrottledTalker() rclpy.spin(talker) finally: talker.destroy_node() rclpy.shutdown()
def main(args=None): rclpy.init(args=args) minimal_service = MinimalService() rclpy.spin(minimal_service) rclpy.shutdown()
def main(argv=sys.argv): rclpy.init(args=argv) node = rclpy.create_node( 'initial_params_node', namespace='/', allow_undeclared_parameters=True) rclpy.spin(node) rclpy.shutdown() return 0
def func_double_shutdown(): import rclpy rclpy.init() rclpy.shutdown() try: rclpy.shutdown() except RuntimeError: return True return False
def get_result_callback(self, future): result = future.result().result status = future.result().status if status == GoalStatus.STATUS_SUCCEEDED: self.get_logger().info('Goal succeeded! Result: {0}'.format(result.sequence)) else: self.get_logger().info('Goal failed with status: {0}'.format(status)) # Shutdown after receiving a result rclpy.shutdown()
def main(args=None): rclpy.init(args) node = rclpy.create_node('add_two_ints_server') minimal_service = MinimalService(node) minimal_service # prevent unused variable warning while rclpy.ok(): rclpy.spin_once(node) rclpy.shutdown()
def main(args=None): rclpy.init(args=args) action_server = MinimalActionServer() # We use a MultiThreadedExecutor to handle incoming goal requests concurrently executor = MultiThreadedExecutor() rclpy.spin(action_server, executor=executor) action_server.destroy() rclpy.shutdown()
def main(args=None): rclpy.init(args=args) minimal_publisher = MinimalPublisher() rclpy.spin(minimal_publisher) # Destroy the node explicitly # (optional - otherwise it will be done automatically # when the garbage collector destroys the node object) minimal_publisher.destroy_node() rclpy.shutdown()
def func_destroy_node(): import rclpy rclpy.init() node = rclpy.create_node('test_node1') ret = True try: node.destroy_node() except RuntimeError: ret = False finally: rclpy.shutdown() return ret
def main(args=None): rclpy.init(args=args) minimal_action_server = MinimalActionServer() # Use a MultiThreadedExecutor to enable processing goals concurrently executor = MultiThreadedExecutor() rclpy.spin(minimal_action_server, executor=executor) minimal_action_server.destroy() rclpy.shutdown()
def node_fixture(request): """Create a fixture with a node and helper executable.""" rclpy.init() node = rclpy.create_node('tests_yaml', allow_undeclared_parameters=True) try: yield { 'node': node, 'executable': request.param, } finally: node.destroy_node() rclpy.shutdown()
def func_corrupt_node_handle(): import rclpy rclpy.init() node = rclpy.create_node('test_node5') try: node.handle = 'garbage' ret = False except AttributeError: node.destroy_node() ret = True finally: rclpy.shutdown() return ret
def main(args=None): rclpy.init(args=args) try: executor = PriorityExecutor() executor.add_high_priority_node(Estopper()) executor.add_node(Listener()) executor.add_node(Talker()) try: executor.spin() finally: executor.shutdown() finally: rclpy.shutdown()
def func_destroy_corrupted_node(): import rclpy rclpy.init() node = rclpy.create_node('test_node2') assert node.destroy_node() is True node._handle = 'garbage' ret = False try: node.destroy_node() except SystemError: ret = True finally: rclpy.shutdown() return ret
def main(args=None): rclpy.init(args) node = rclpy.create_node('add_two_ints_server') srv = node.create_service(AddTwoInts, 'add_two_ints', add_two_ints_callback) while rclpy.ok(): rclpy.spin_once(node) # Destroy the service attached to the node explicitly # (optional - otherwise it will be done automatically # when the garbage collector destroys the node object) node.destroy_service(srv) rclpy.shutdown()
def main(args=None): rclpy.init(args) node = rclpy.create_node('minimal_publisher') minimal_subscriber = MinimalSubscriber(node) minimal_subscriber # prevent unused variable warning while rclpy.ok(): rclpy.spin_once(node) # Destroy the node explicitly # (optional - otherwise it will be done automatically # when the garbage collector destroys the node object) node.destroy_node() rclpy.shutdown()
def main(args=None): """ Run a Listener node standalone. This function is called directly when using an entrypoint. Entrypoints are configured in This along with the script installation in setup.cfg allows a listener node to be run with the command `ros2 run examples_rclpy_executors listener`. :param args: Arguments passed in from the command line. """ rclpy.init(args=args) try: rclpy.spin(Listener()) finally: rclpy.shutdown()
def main(args=None): rclpy.init(args=args) node = rclpy.create_node('minimal_subscriber') subscription = node.create_subscription( String, 'topic', lambda msg: print('I heard: [%s]' % subscription # prevent unused variable warning rclpy.spin(node) # Destroy the node explicitly # (optional - otherwise it will be done automatically # when the garbage collector destroys the node object) node.destroy_node() rclpy.shutdown()
def main(args=None): rclpy.init(args=args) node = rclpy.create_node('minimal_subscriber') subscription = node.create_subscription(String, 'topic', chatter_callback) subscription # prevent unused variable warning while rclpy.ok(): rclpy.spin_once(node) # Destroy the node explicitly # (optional - otherwise it will be done automatically # when the garbage collector destroys the node object) node.destroy_node() rclpy.shutdown()
def main(args=None): rclpy.init(args=args) laser_to_pointcloud = laserToPointcloud() rclpy.spin(laser_to_pointcloud) laser_to_pointcloud.destroy_node() rclpy.shutdown()
def tearDownClass(cls): cls.node.destroy_node() rclpy.shutdown(context=cls.context)
def main(args=None): rclpy.init(args=args) node = getCameraDataNode() rclpy.spin(node) rclpy.shutdown()
def main(args=None): Bucket_list = [] Cube_list = [] rclpy.init(args=args) ic = image_converter() base = base_detection() navpublisher = navigation_publisher() classifier = image_classifier() # Hack to get two images which clears the ghost images while rclpy.ok() and ic.recievedImage is False: rclpy.spin_once(ic) ic.recievedImage = False while rclpy.ok() and ic.recievedImage is False: rclpy.spin_once(ic) # getbase here takes in raw image to draw contours on base.contourImg = ic.msg base.getBase(ic.msg) classifier.robot_ycord = base.robot_ycord # After drawing base contours pass it off to draw classifications classifier.contourImg = base.contourImg classifier.classify_objects(ic.msg) detection_array = classifier.detections cv2.imshow("detections and base", classifier.contourImg) cv2.waitKey(0) for obj in detection_array: # print("center Coordinates: ", obj.coordinateCenter) obj.coordinateCenter = base.get_world_coordinates(obj.coordinateCenter[0],obj.coordinateCenter[1]) # print("world space coordinates: " , obj.coordinateCenter) for obj in detection_array: if isCube(obj) == False: new_bucket = Bucket(center_x = obj.coordinateCenter[0], center_y = obj.coordinateCenter[1], classification= obj.classification) Bucket_list.append(new_bucket) else: new_Cube = Cube(center_x = obj.coordinateCenter[0], center_y = obj.coordinateCenter[1], classification= obj.classification, angle= obj.angle) Cube_list.append(new_Cube) print("start read environment") #take in cubelist, bucketlist print("start executeCommand") # for obj in Cube_list: # print("class: ", obj.classification) # print("X: ", obj.center_x) # print("Y: ", obj.center_y) o_x = -3.139559138676179 o_y = -0.015483082006265326 first_run = True for cube in Cube_list: for bucket in Bucket_list: if colorCheck(cube,bucket) == True: #start navigation print("moving cube", cube.classification, "into bucket", bucket.classification) # If the angle is negative make it positive if cube.angle < 0: cube.angle * -1.0 o_z = (numpy.pi/2 - cube.angle) - numpy.pi/4 #initialize coordinates cube.center_x = cube.center_x * -1.0 cube.center_y = cube.center_y * -1.0 bucket.center_x = bucket.center_x * -1.0 bucket.center_y = bucket.center_y * -1.0 #cube hover print("Hover over cube position\n") p_x = cube.center_x p_y = cube.center_y p_z = 1.10756253284 print("Going to", p_x, p_y) if first_run: navpublisher.publish_coordinates(p_x,p_y,p_z,o_x,o_y,o_z, 62.0, "open") first_run = False else: navpublisher.publish_coordinates(p_x,p_y,p_z,o_x,o_y,o_z, 65.0, "open") # cube position (grab) print("Lowering position\n") p_x = cube.center_x p_y = cube.center_y p_z = 1.040006 navpublisher.publish_coordinates(p_x,p_y,p_z,o_x,o_y,o_z, 65.0, "close") # cube position (post-grab) print("Rise up\n") p_x = cube.center_x p_y = cube.center_y p_z = 1.20756253284 navpublisher.publish_coordinates(p_x,p_y,p_z,o_x,o_y,o_z, 65.0) # bucket position hover print("Hover over bucket\n") p_x = bucket.center_x p_y = bucket.center_y p_z = 1.20756253284 navpublisher.publish_coordinates(p_x,p_y,p_z,o_x,o_y,o_z, 65.0, "open") # Return home navpublisher.publish_coordinates(0.0, 0.0, 2.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 62.0) rclpy.shutdown()
def main(args=None): rclpy.init(args=args) node = NumberPublisherNode() rclpy.spin(node) rclpy.shutdown()
def callback_kill(self, msg): del self self.destroy_node() rclpy.shutdown()
def main(args=None): rclpy.init(args=args) node = my_node() rclpy.spin(node) rclpy.shutdown()
def main(args=None): rclpy.init(args=args) node = rclpy.create_node("my_first_node") print("Started the node") rclpy.spin(node) rclpy.shutdown()
def main(args=None): rclpy.init(args=args) node = TTSNode() rclpy.spin(node) node.destroy_node() rclpy.shutdown()
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.node.destroy_node() rclpy.shutdown()
def main (args=None): rclpy.init(args=args) node1=my_server() rclpy.spin(node1) rclpy.shutdown()
def destroy(self): """ Shuts down ROS node """ rclpy.shutdown()
def main(args=None): rclpy.init(args=args) node1 = stopAtWallNode() rclpy.spin(node1) rclpy.shutdown()
def main(): """ Entry point for the tree watcher script. """ #################### # Arg Parsing #################### # command_line_args = rclpy.utilities.remove_ros_args(command_line_args)[1:] command_line_args = None parser = command_line_argument_parser(formatted_for_sphinx=False) args = parser.parse_args(command_line_args) # mode is None if the user didn't specify any option in the exclusive group if args.mode is None: args.mode = py_trees_ros.trees.WatcherMode.SNAPSHOTS args.snapshot_period = 2.0 if (args.statistics or args.blackboard_data or args.blackboard_activity) else py_trees.common.Duration.INFINITE.value tree_watcher = py_trees_ros.trees.Watcher( namespace_hint=args.namespace_hint, topic_name=args.topic_name, parameters=py_trees_ros.trees.SnapshotStream.Parameters( blackboard_data=args.blackboard_data, blackboard_activity=args.blackboard_activity, snapshot_period=args.snapshot_period ), mode=args.mode, statistics=args.statistics, ) #################### # Setup #################### rclpy.init(args=None) try: tree_watcher.setup(timeout_sec=5.0) # setup discovery fails except py_trees_ros.exceptions.NotFoundError as e: print( + "\nERROR: {}\n".format(str(e)) + console.reset) sys.exit(1) # setup discovery finds duplicates except py_trees_ros.exceptions.MultipleFoundError as e: print( + "\nERROR: {}\n".format(str(e)) + console.reset) if args.namespace is None: print( + "\nERROR: select one with the --namespace argument\n" + console.reset) else: print( + "\nERROR: but none matching the requested '{}'\n".format(args.namespace) + console.reset) sys.exit(1) except py_trees_ros.exceptions.TimedOutError as e: print( + "\nERROR: {}\n".format(str(e)) + console.reset) sys.exit(1) #################### # Execute #################### executor = rclpy.executors.SingleThreadedExecutor() executor.add_node(node=tree_watcher.node) try: while True: if not rclpy.ok(): break if tree_watcher.done: if tree_watcher.xdot_process is None: # no xdot found on the system, just break out and finish break elif tree_watcher.xdot_process.poll() is not None: # xdot running, wait for it to terminate break executor.spin_once(timeout_sec=0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: if tree_watcher.xdot_process is not None: if tree_watcher.xdot_process.poll() is not None: tree_watcher.xdot_process.terminate() tree_watcher.shutdown() rclpy.shutdown()
def main(args=None): rclpy.init(args=args) node = RobotNewsStationNode() rclpy.spin(node) rclpy.shutdown()
def main(args=None): rclpy.init(args=args) fire_alarm = fire_alarm_sound() rclpy.spin(fire_alarm) fire_alarm.destroy_node() rclpy.shutdown()
def shutdown(self): self._executor.shutdown() rclpy.shutdown(context=self._context) self.destroy_node() self._thread.join()
def executor(self): while rclpy.ok(): rclpy.spin_once(self.kuka_node) self.kuka_node.destroy_node() rclpy.shutdown()
def main(): rclpy.init() odom = WheelOdom() rclpy.spin(odom) rclpy.shutdown()
def socket(self, ip, port): self.UDPsocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # Bind the socket to the port server_address = (ip, port) #TEST: local_port = 20001 local_hostname = socket.gethostname() local_ip = socket.gethostbyname(local_hostname) server_address = (local_ip, local_port) os.system('clear') print(cl_pink('==========================================\n')) print(cl_cyan('Starting up on:'), 'IP:', local_ip, 'Port:', local_port) try: self.UDPsocket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) self.UDPsocket.bind(server_address) except: print(cl_red('Error: ') + "Connection for KUKA cannot assign requested address:", ip, port) os._exit(-1) # Wait for a connection print(cl_cyan('Waiting for a connection...')) data, self.client_address = self.UDPsocket.recvfrom(self.BUFFER_SIZE) print(cl_cyan('Connection from: '), self.client_address) print(cl_cyan('Message: '), data) self.UDPsocket.sendto("HALLA".encode(), self.client_address) print("Responded KUKA") self.isconnected = True last_read_time = time.time() while self.isconnected: try: data,addr = self.UDPsocket.recvfrom(self.BUFFER_SIZE) ###### TEST DECODE ####### #data.decode("utf-8") data = data.decode() ########################## last_read_time = time.time() # Keep received time # Process the received data package for pack in data.split(">"): # parsing data pack cmd_splt = pack.split() if len(pack) and cmd_splt[0] == 'Joint_Pos': # If it's JointPosition tmp = [float(''.join([c for c in s if c in '0123456789.eE-'])) for s in cmd_splt[1:]] if len(tmp) == 7: self.JointPosition = (tmp, last_read_time) if len(pack) and cmd_splt[0] == 'Tool_Pos': # If it's ToolPosition tmp = [float(''.join([c for c in s if c in '0123456789.eE-'])) for s in cmd_splt[1:]] if len(tmp) == 6: self.ToolPosition = (tmp, last_read_time) if len(pack) and cmd_splt[0] == 'Tool_Force': # If it's ToolForce tmp = [float(''.join([c for c in s if c in '0123456789.eE-'])) for s in cmd_splt[1:]] if len(tmp) == 3: self.ToolForce = (tmp, last_read_time) if len(pack) and cmd_splt[0] == 'Tool_Torque': # If it's ToolTorque tmp = [float(''.join([c for c in s if c in '0123456789.eE-'])) for s in cmd_splt[1:]] if len(tmp) == 3: self.ToolTorque = (tmp, last_read_time) if len(pack) and cmd_splt[0] == 'isCompliance': # If isCompliance if cmd_splt[1] == "false": self.isCompliance = (False, last_read_time) elif cmd_splt[1] == "true": self.isCompliance = (True, last_read_time) if len(pack) and cmd_splt[0] == 'isCollision': # If isCollision if cmd_splt[1] == "false": self.isCollision = (False, last_read_time) elif cmd_splt[1] == "true": self.isCollision = (True, last_read_time) if len(pack) and cmd_splt[0] == 'isReadyToMove': # If isReadyToMove if cmd_splt[1] == "false": self.isReadyToMove = (False, last_read_time) elif cmd_splt[1] == "true": self.isReadyToMove = (True, last_read_time) if len(pack) and cmd_splt[0] == 'isMastered': # If isMastered if cmd_splt[1] == "false": self.isMastered = (False, last_read_time) elif cmd_splt[1] == "true": self.isMastered = (True, last_read_time) if len(pack) and cmd_splt[0] == 'OperationMode': # If OperationMode self.OperationMode = (cmd_splt[1], last_read_time) if len(pack) and cmd_splt[0] == 'JointAcceleration': # If it's JointAcceleration self.JointAcceleration = (float(cmd_splt[1]), last_read_time) if len(pack) and cmd_splt[0] == 'JointVelocity': # If it's JointVelocity self.JointVelocity = (float(cmd_splt[1]), last_read_time) if len(pack) and cmd_splt[0] == 'JointJerk': # If it's JointJerk self.JointJerk = (float(cmd_splt[1]), last_read_time) if len(pack) and cmd_splt[0] == 'isFinished': # If isFinished if cmd_splt[1] == "false": self.isFinished = (False, last_read_time) elif cmd_splt[1] == "true": self.isFinished = (True, last_read_time) if len(pack) and cmd_splt[0] == 'hasError': # If hasError if cmd_splt[1] == "false": self.hasError = (False, last_read_time) elif cmd_splt[1] == "true": self.hasError = (True, last_read_time) if (all(item != None for item in self.JointPosition[0]) and all(item != None for item in self.ToolPosition[0]) and all(item != None for item in self.ToolForce[0]) and all(item != None for item in self.ToolTorque[0]) and self.isCompliance[1] != None and self.isCollision[1] != None and self.isReadyToMove[1] != None and self.isMastered[1] != None and self.OperationMode[1] != None): # self.OprationMode = (None, None) self.isready = True else: self.isready = False except: elapsed_time = time.time() - last_read_time if elapsed_time > 5.0: # Didn't receive a pack in 5s print("exception!!") self.close() # Disconnect from iiwa self.isconnected = False print(cl_lightred('No packet received from iiwa for 5s!')) print("SHUTTING DOWN") #self.connection.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) #self.connection.close() self.UDPsocket.close() self.isconnected = False print(cl_lightred('Connection is closed!')) # NOE JEG SLANG P SELV :`) rclpy.shutdown()
def main(args: Any = None) -> None: rclpy.init(args=args) thymio_driver = ThymioDriver(namespace='', standalone=True) rclpy.spin(thymio_driver) thymio_driver.destroy_node() rclpy.shutdown()
def tearDown(self): self.node.destroy_node() self.executor.shutdown() rclpy.shutdown(context=self.context)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument( "--max-number-of-actions", "-a", type=int, required=True, help="""Maximum numbers of actions that are processed. After this the backend shuts down automatically. """, ) camera_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() camera_group.add_argument( "--cameras", "-c", action="store_true", help="Run camera backend.", ) camera_group.add_argument( "--cameras-with-tracker", action="store_true", help="Run camera backend with integrated object tracker.", ) parser.add_argument( "--robot-logfile", type=str, help="""Path to a file to which the robot data log is written. If not specified, no log is generated. """, ) parser.add_argument( "--camera-logfile", type=str, help="""Path to a file to which the camera data is written. If not specified, no log is generated. """, ) args = parser.parse_args() rclpy.init() node = NotificationNode("trifinger_data") logger = node.get_logger() cameras_enabled = False if args.cameras: cameras_enabled = True from trifinger_cameras import tricamera elif args.cameras_with_tracker: cameras_enabled = True import trifinger_object_tracking.py_tricamera_types as tricamera if cameras_enabled:"Start camera data") camera_data = tricamera.MultiProcessData("tricamera", True, CAMERA_TIME_SERIES_LENGTH)"Start robot data") # Storage for all observations, actions, etc. robot_data = robot_interfaces.trifinger.MultiProcessData( "trifinger", True, history_size=ROBOT_TIME_SERIES_LENGTH) if args.robot_logfile: robot_logger = robot_interfaces.trifinger.Logger( robot_data, buffer_limit=args.max_number_of_actions) robot_logger.start() if cameras_enabled and args.camera_logfile: camera_fps = 10 robot_rate_hz = 1000 # make the logger buffer a bit bigger as needed to be on the safe side buffer_length_factor = 1.5 episode_length_s = args.max_number_of_actions / robot_rate_hz # Compute camera log size based on number of robot actions plus some # buffer log_size = int(camera_fps * episode_length_s * buffer_length_factor)"Initialize camera logger with buffer size %d" % log_size) camera_logger = tricamera.Logger(camera_data, log_size)"Data backend is ready") # send ready signal node.publish_status("READY") if cameras_enabled and args.camera_logfile: # wait for first action to be sent by the user (but make sure to not # block when shutdown is requested) while (not robot_data.desired_action.wait_for_timeindex( 0, max_duration_s=1) and not node.shutdown_requested): rclpy.spin_once(node, timeout_sec=0) camera_logger.start()"Start camera logging") while not node.shutdown_requested: rclpy.spin_once(node) logger.debug("Received shutdown signal") if cameras_enabled and args.camera_logfile:"Save recorded camera data to file %s" % args.camera_logfile) camera_logger.stop_and_save(args.camera_logfile) if args.robot_logfile:"Save robot data to file %s" % args.robot_logfile) robot_logger.stop_and_save( args.robot_logfile, robot_interfaces.trifinger.Logger.Format.BINARY) rclpy.shutdown() return 0
def get_result_callback(self, future): result = future.result().result self.get_logger().warn(f'Action Done !! Result: {result.sequence}') rclpy.shutdown()
def main(): rclpy.init() sim_time_param = is_sim_time() node = rclpy.create_node( 'set_thrusters_output_efficiency', allow_undeclared_parameters=True, automatically_declare_parameters_from_overrides=True, parameter_overrides=[sim_time_param]) node.get_logger().info('Set the thruster output efficiency for vehicle, namespace=' + self.get_namespace()) # sim_time = rclpy.parameter.Parameter('use_sim_time', rclpy.Parameter.Type.BOOL, True) # node.set_parameters([sim_time]) starting_time = 0.0 if node.has_parameter('starting_time'): starting_time = float(node.get_parameter('starting_time').value) node.get_logger().info('Starting time= {} s'.format(starting_time)) duration = 0.0 if node.has_parameter('duration'): duration = float(node.get_parameter('duration').value) if duration <= 0.0: raise RuntimeError('Duration not set, leaving node...') node.get_logger().info('Duration [s]=', ('Inf.' if duration < 0 else str(duration))) if node.has_parameter('efficiency'): efficiency = float(node.get_parameter('efficiency').value) if efficiency < 0 or efficiency > 1: raise RuntimeError('Invalid thruster output efficiency, leaving node...') else: raise RuntimeError('Thruster output efficiency not set, leaving node...') thruster_id = -1 if node.has_parameter('thruster_id'): if node.get_parameter('thruster_id').type_ == rclpy.Parameter.Type.INTEGER: thruster_id = node.get_parameter('thruster_id').get_parameter_value().integer_value else: raise RuntimeError('Thruster ID not given') if thruster_id < 0: raise RuntimeError('Invalid thruster ID') node.get_logger().info('Setting thruster output efficiency #{} to {}'.format(thruster_id, 100 * efficiency)) vehicle_name = node.get_namespace().replace('/', '') srv_name = build_service_name(vehicle_name, thruster_id, 'set_thrust_force_efficiency') set_eff = node.create_client(SetThrusterEfficiency, srv_name) if not set_eff.wait_for_service(timeout_sec=2): raise RuntimeError('Service %s not available! Closing node...' %(srv_name)) FREQ = 100 rate = node.create_rate(FREQ) thread = threading.Thread(target=rclpy.spin, args=(node,), daemon=True) thread.start() while time_in_float_sec(node.get_clock().now()) < starting_time: #Just a guard for really short timeouts if 1.0 / FREQ < starting_time: rate.sleep() # rate = node.create_rate(100) # while time_in_float_sec(node.get_clock().now()) < starting_time: # rate.sleep() req = SetThrusterEfficiency.Request() req.efficiency = efficiency #success = future = set_eff.call_async(efficiency) #NB : spining is done from another thread while not future.done(): try: response = future.result() except Exception as e: node.get_logger().info('Service call ' + srv_name + ' failed, error=' + str(e)): else: node.get_logger().info('Time={} s'.format(rtime_in_float_sec(node.get_clock().now()))) node.get_logger().info('Current thruster output efficiency #{}={}'.format(thruster_id, efficiency * 100)) if duration > 0: while time_in_float_sec(node.get_clock().now()) < starting_time + duration: if 1.0 / FREQ < starting_time + duration: rate.sleep() # rate = node.create_rate.Rate(100) # while time_in_float_sec(node.get_clock().now()) < starting_time + duration: # rate.sleep() req.efficiency = 1.0 success = while not future.done(): try: response = future.result() except Exception as e: node.get_logger().info('Service call ' + srv_name + ' failed, error=' + str(e)): else: node.get_logger().info('Time={} s'.format(time_in_float_sec(node.get_clock().now()))) node.get_logger().infoint( 'Returning to previous thruster output efficiency #{}={}'.format(thruster_id, efficiency * 100)) # if success: # print('Time={} s'.format(time_in_float_sec(node.get_clock().now()))) # print('Returning to previous thruster output efficiency #{}={}'.format(thruster_id, efficiency * 100)) node.get_logger().info('Leaving node...') node.destroy_node() rclpy.shutdown() thread.join()
def tearDownClass(cls): cls.node.destroy_node() rclpy.shutdown()
def main(stdscr): rclpy.init() node = RoompiKeyTeleop(MainWindow(stdscr)) rclpy.spin(node) rclpy.shutdown()
def main(args=None): rclpy.init(args=args) command_node = CVCommandsNode() rclpy.spin(command_node) rclpy.shutdown()
def teardown_module(module): console.banner("ROS Shutdown") rclpy.shutdown()
# アクションのキャンセル goal_handle.set_canceled() self.get_logger().info('goal canceled') return Fibonacci.Result() # フィボナッチ数列の更新 msg.sequence.append(msg.sequence[i] + msg.sequence[i - 1]) self.get_logger().info('feedback: {0}'.format(msg.sequence)) # アクションのフィードバックの送信 goal_handle.publish_feedback(msg) # 1秒待機(重たい処理の代わり) time.sleep(1) # アクションの実行結果の送信 goal_handle.set_succeeded() result = Fibonacci.Result() result.sequence = msg.sequence self.get_logger().info('result: {0}'.format(result.sequence)) return result if __name__ == '__main__': rclpy.init(args=args) minimal_action_server = MinimalActionServer() # マルチスレッドでminimal_action_serverノードを実行し、 # 複数のアクションクライアントを同時処理 executor = MultiThreadedExecutor() rclpy.spin(minimal_action_server, executor=executor) minimal_action_server.destroy() rclpy.shutdown()