Example #1
    def get_repo(self, name):
        Return the repository identified as `name`.
        `name` may be a bytes string or unicode string.
        username, name = _split_path(name)
        name = decodefilename(name)

        # Check if user has permissions to access this path
        if username != self.username and not self.is_admin:
            raise AccessDeniedError(name)

        # Get the userid associated to the username.
        user_obj = self
        userid = self._userid
        if username != self.username:
            row = self._db.findone('users', username=username)
            if not row:
                raise DoesNotExistError(name)
            userid = row['userid']
            user_obj = UserObject(self._store, row)

        # Search the repo with and without leading "/"
        row = (self._db.findone('repos', userid=userid, repopath=name)
               or self._db.findone('repos', userid=userid, repopath="/" + name)
               or self._db.findone('repos', userid=userid, repopath=name + "/")
               or self._db.findone(
                   'repos', userid=userid, repopath="/" + name + "/"))
        if not row:
            raise DoesNotExistError(name)
        return RepoObject(user_obj, row)
Example #2
    def test_init(self):

        e = FileError('some/path')
        self.assertEqual('some/path', str(e))

        e = DoesNotExistError('some/path')
        self.assertEqual('some/path', str(e))

        e = AccessDeniedError('some/path')
        self.assertEqual('some/path', str(e))

        e = UnknownError('some/path')
        self.assertEqual('some/path', str(e))
Example #3
    def get_repo(self, name):
        Return the repository identified as `name`.
        `name` may be a bytes string or unicode string.
        username, name = split_path(name)

        # Check if user has permissions to access this path
        if username != self._username and not self.is_admin:
            raise AccessDeniedError(name)

        name = normpath(name)
        for r in self._db.get_repos(username):
            if name == normpath(encodefilename(r)):
                user_obj = self if username == self._username else UserObject(
                    self._userdb, self._db, username)
                return RepoObject(user_obj, r)
        raise DoesNotExistError(name)
Example #4
    def get_repo(self, repopath):
        Return a repo object.
        assert isinstance(repopath, bytes) or isinstance(repopath, str)
        if isinstance(repopath, bytes):
            repopath = decodefilename(repopath)
        repopath = repopath.strip('/')

        # Search the repo with and without leading "/"
        row = (self._db.findone('repos', userid=self.userid, repopath=repopath)
               or self._db.findone(
                   'repos', userid=self.userid, repopath="/" + repopath)
               or self._db.findone(
                   'repos', userid=self.userid, repopath=repopath + "/")
               or self._db.findone(
                   'repos', userid=self.userid, repopath="/" + repopath + "/"))
        if not row:
            raise DoesNotExistError(self.userid, repopath)
        return RepoObject(self, row)
Example #5
    def get_repo_path(self, path):
        Return a the repository identified by the given `path`.
        username, path = split_path(path)

        # Check if user has permissions to access this path
        if username != self._username and not self.is_admin:
            raise AccessDeniedError(path)

        path = normpath(path)
        for r in self._db.get_repos(username):
            repo = normpath(encodefilename(r))
            if path.startswith(repo):
                user_obj = self if username == self._username else UserObject(
                    self._userdb, self._db, username)
                repo_obj = RepoObject(user_obj, r)
                path_obj = repo_obj.get_path(path[len(repo):])
                return (repo_obj, path_obj)
        raise DoesNotExistError(path)
Example #6
    def get_repo(self, name, as_user=None):
        Return the repository identified as `name`.
        `name` should be <username>/<repopath>
        username, repopath = _split_path(name)
        repopath = decodefilename(repopath)

        # Check permissions
        as_user = as_user or self.app.currentuser
        assert as_user, "as_user or current user must be defined"
        if username != as_user.username and not as_user.is_admin:
            raise AccessDeniedError(name)

        # Get the userid associated to the username.
        user_obj = self.get_user(username)
        if not user_obj:
            raise DoesNotExistError(name)

        # Get the repo object.
        return user_obj.get_repo(repopath)
Example #7
 def get_repo_path(self, path):
     Return a the repository identified by the given `path`.
     assert isinstance(path, bytes) or isinstance(path, str)
     sep = b'/' if isinstance(path, bytes) else '/'
     path = path.strip(sep) + sep
     # Since we don't know which part of the "path" is the repopath,
     # we need to do multiple search.
         startpos = 0
         while True:
             pos = path.index(sep, startpos)
                 repo_obj = self.get_repo(path[:pos])
                 path_obj = repo_obj.get_path(path[pos + 1:])
                 return repo_obj, path_obj
             except DoesNotExistError:
                 # continue looping
                 startpos = pos + 1
     except ValueError:
         raise DoesNotExistError(path)