Example #1
def distance_matrix_eigenvalues(mol_list, invert=False):
    eigenvalue_list = []
    max_length = 0

    for mol in mol_list:
        matrix = GetDistanceMatrix(mol)
        if (invert):
            matrix = np.reciprocal(matrix)
            matrix = np.nan_to_num(matrix)

        evs = np.linalg.eigvals(matrix)
        evs = np.real(evs)
        evs = sorted(evs,
                     reverse=True)  #sort (should be default Numpy sbehaviour)
        eigenvalue_list += [evs]
        length = len(evs)
        if (length > max_length):
            max_length = length

    #zero padding
    for i in range(len(eigenvalue_list)):
        pad_width = max_length - len(eigenvalue_list[i])
        eigenvalue_list[i] += [0] * pad_width

    return np.array(eigenvalue_list)
Example #2
    def _all_pairs(self, mol, atoms_env):
        atom_pairs = []
        distance_matrix = GetDistanceMatrix(mol)
        num_atoms = mol.GetNumAtoms()
        shingle_dict = defaultdict(int)
        for idx1, idx2 in itertools.combinations(range(num_atoms), 2):
            dist = str(int(distance_matrix[idx1][idx2]))

            for i in range(self.radius):
                env_a = atoms_env[idx1][i]
                env_b = atoms_env[idx2][i]

                ordered = sorted([env_a, env_b])

                shingle = '{}|{}|{}'.format(ordered[0], dist, ordered[1])

                if self.is_counted:
                    shingle_dict[shingle] += 1
                    shingle += '|' + str(shingle_dict[shingle])
        return list(set(atom_pairs))
Example #3
def cal_internal_vdw(m):
    retval = 0
    n = m.GetNumAtoms()
    c = m.GetConformers()[0]
    d = np.array(c.GetPositions())
    dm = distance_matrix(d, d)
    adj = GetAdjacencyMatrix(m)
    topological_dm = GetDistanceMatrix(m)
    for i1 in range(n):
        for i2 in range(0, i1):
            param = GetUFFVdWParams(m, i1, i2)
            if param is None:
            d, e = param
            d = d * 1.0
            if adj[i1, i2] == 1:
            if topological_dm[i1, i2] < 4:
            retval += e * ((d / dm[i1, i2])**12 - 2 * ((d / dm[i1, i2])**6))
            # print (i1, i2, e, d)
    return retval
Example #4
def local_optimize(model, lf, pf, of, loof, args, device):
    st = time.time()

    # read ligand and protein. Then, convert to rdkit object
    m1 = utils.read_molecule(lf)
    m2 = utils.extract_binding_pocket(m1, pf)

    # preprocess: convert rdkit mol obj to feature
    sample = dataset.mol_to_feature(m1, m1, m2, None, 0.0)
    sample["affinity"] = 0.0
    sample["key"] = "None"
    sample = dataset.tensor_collate_fn([sample])
    sample = utils.dic_to_device(sample, device)

    with torch.no_grad():
        # get embedding vector
        h1, h2 = model.get_embedding_vector(sample)
        h1_repeat = h1.unsqueeze(2).repeat(1, 1, h2.size(1), 1)
        h2_repeat = h2.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, h1.size(1), 1, 1)
        h = torch.cat([h1_repeat, h2_repeat], -1)

        # vdw radius parameter
        dev_vdw_radius = model.cal_vdw_interaction_B(h).squeeze(-1)
        dev_vdw_radius = dev_vdw_radius * args.dev_vdw_radius
        vdw_radius1, vdw_radius2 = sample["vdw_radius1"], sample["vdw_radius2"]
        vdw_radius1_repeat = vdw_radius1.unsqueeze(2)\
            .repeat(1, 1, vdw_radius2.size(1))
        vdw_radius2_repeat = vdw_radius2.unsqueeze(1)\
            .repeat(1, vdw_radius1.size(1), 1)
        sum_vdw_radius = vdw_radius1_repeat + vdw_radius2_repeat + dev_vdw_radius

        # vdw interaction
        vdw_N = args.vdw_N
        vdw_A = model.cal_vdw_interaction_A(h).squeeze(-1)
        vdw_A = vdw_A * (args.max_vdw_interaction - args.min_vdw_interaction)
        vdw_A = vdw_A + args.min_vdw_interaction

        #hbond and hydrophobic
        hbond_coeff = model.vina_hbond_coeff * model.vina_hbond_coeff
        hydrophobic_coeff = model.vina_hydrophobic_coeff \
            * model.vina_hydrophobic_coeff

        pos1, pos2, A_int = sample["pos1"], sample["pos2"], sample["A_int"]
        epsilon, sigma = dataset.get_epsilon_sigma(m1, m1, False)
        epsilon = torch.from_numpy(epsilon)
        sigma = torch.from_numpy(sigma)

        fix_pair = torch.from_numpy(distance_fix_pair(m1))
        initial_dm_internal = model.cal_distance_matrix(pos1, pos1, 0.5)
        topological_dm = torch.from_numpy(GetDistanceMatrix(m1))

    # optimizer
    pos1.requires_grad = True
    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([pos1], lr=0.01)

    for iter in range(100):
        dm = model.cal_distance_matrix(pos1, pos2, 0.5)
        dm_internal = model.cal_distance_matrix(pos1, pos1, 0.1)

        vdw = cal_vdw_energy(dm, sum_vdw_radius, vdw_A, vdw_N)
        hbond1 = cal_hbond_energy(dm, sum_vdw_radius, hbond_coeff, A_int[:, 1])
        hbond2 = cal_hbond_energy(dm, sum_vdw_radius, hbond_coeff, A_int[:,
        hydrophobic = cal_hydrophobic_energy(dm, sum_vdw_radius,
                                             hydrophobic_coeff, A_int[:, -2])

        # constraint
        internal_vdw = cal_internal_vdw_energy(dm_internal, topological_dm,
                                               epsilon, sigma)
        dev_fix_distance = torch.pow(initial_dm_internal - dm_internal,
        dev_fix_distance = (dev_fix_distance * fix_pair).sum()

        if iter == 0:
            initial_internal_vdw = internal_vdw.detach()
            initial_pred = torch.stack([vdw, hbond1, hbond2, hydrophobic])
            initial_pos1 = pos1.clone().detach()

        # loss
        loss = vdw + hbond1 + hbond2 + hydrophobic
        loss = loss + torch.max(internal_vdw, initial_internal_vdw)
        loss = loss + dev_fix_distance

    # rotor penalty
    rotor_penalty = 1 + model.rotor_coeff * model.rotor_coeff * sample["rotor"]

    lig_vdw = cal_vdw_energy(dm, sum_vdw_radius, vdw_A, vdw_N, is_last=True)
    lig_hbond1 = cal_hbond_energy(dm,
                                  A_int[:, 1],
    lig_hbond2 = cal_hbond_energy(dm,
                                  A_int[:, -1],
    lig_hydrophobic = cal_hydrophobic_energy(dm,
                                             A_int[:, -2],
    lig_energy = lig_vdw + lig_hbond1 + lig_hbond2 + lig_hydrophobic

    pos1 = pos1.data.cpu().numpy()[0]
    initial_pos1 = initial_pos1.data.cpu().numpy()[0]
    pred = torch.stack([vdw, hbond1, hbond2, hydrophobic])
    pred = pred / rotor_penalty
    pred = pred.data.cpu().numpy()
    initial_pred = initial_pred.data.cpu().numpy()
    init_pred = np.sum(initial_pred)
    delta_pred = np.sum(pred) - np.sum(initial_pred)
    init_internal_vdw = initial_internal_vdw.item()
    final_internal_vdw = internal_vdw.item()
    final_dev_fix_distance = dev_fix_distance.item()
    ligand_pos_change = (np.abs(pos1 - initial_pos1)).sum().item()
    extra_data = {
        "Initial prediction": f"{init_pred:.3f} Kcal/mol",
        "Delta prediction": f"{delta_pred:.3f} Kcal/mol",
        "Initial internal vdw": f"{init_interval_vdw:.3f}",
        "Final internal vdw": f"{final_internal_vdw:.3f}",
        "Final dev fix distance": f"{final_dev_fix_distance:.3f}",
        "ligand pos change": f"{ligand_pos_change:.3f}",
    end = time.time()

    write(of, model, pred, end - st, args, extra_data)
    write_molecule(loof, m1, pos1)

    return lig_energy