Example #1
 def from_rdkit(cls, rd_atom: Chem.Atom) -> "Atom":
     Build a QUBEKit atom from an rdkit atom instance.
     atomic_number = rd_atom.GetAtomicNum()
     index = rd_atom.GetIdx()
     formal_charge = rd_atom.GetFormalCharge()
     aromatic = rd_atom.GetIsAromatic()
     bonds = [a.GetIdx() for a in rd_atom.GetNeighbors()]
     # check for names in the normal places pdb, mol2 and mol
     if rd_atom.HasProp("_Name"):
         name = rd_atom.GetProp("_Name")
     elif rd_atom.HasProp("_TriposAtomName"):
         name = rd_atom.GetProp("_TriposAtomName")
             name = rd_atom.GetMonomerInfo().GetName().strip()
         except AttributeError:
             name = None
     # stereochem
     if rd_atom.HasProp("_CIPCode"):
         stereo_code = rd_atom.GetProp("_CIPCode")
         stereo_code = None
     return cls(
 def _parse_atom(self, atom: Chem.Atom) -> None:
     if atom.GetSymbol() == '*':
         neighbor = atom.GetNeighbors()[0]
         n_name = self._get_pdb_atomname(neighbor)
         self.CONNECT.append([n_name, len(self.CONNECT) + 1, 'CONNECT'])
         d = self._get_atom_descriptors(atom)
Example #3
 def _get_square(self, first: Chem.Atom, second: Chem.Atom) -> Union[Tuple[int, int], None]:
     for third in [neigh for neigh in second.GetNeighbors() if neigh.GetIdx() != first.GetIdx()]:
         fourths = self._get_triangles(first, third)
         if fourths and len(fourths) > 1:
             fourth = [f for f in fourths if f != second.GetIdx()][0]
             return third.GetIdx(), fourth
         return None
 def assess_atom(atom: Chem.Atom, bt: Chem.BondType) -> Tuple[bool, Chem.BondType]:
     if atom.GetAtomicNum() > 8:
         return True, bt
     elif len(atom.GetNeighbors()) <= 2 and atom.GetIsAromatic():
         return True, Chem.BondType.SINGLE
     elif len(atom_i.GetNeighbors()) <= 3 and not atom.GetIsAromatic():
         return True, bt
         return False, bt  # too bonded already!
    def _is_square(self, first: Chem.Atom, second: Chem.Atom) -> bool:
        Get bool of whether two atoms share a common over-neighbor. Ie. joining them would make a square.
        Direct bond does not count.

        :param first:
        :param second:
        for third in [neigh for neigh in second.GetNeighbors() if neigh.GetIdx() != first.GetIdx()]:
            if self._is_triangle(first, third) is True:
                return True
            return False
 def _get_unseen_neighbors(self,
                           atom: Chem.Atom,
                           seen: List[Chem.Atom],
                           nondummy: bool = True):
     neighbors = atom.GetNeighbors()
     if nondummy:
         neighbors = [
             neighbor for neighbor in neighbors
             if neighbor.GetSymbol() != '*'
     seenIdx = {a.GetIdx() for a in seen}
     return [
         neighbor for neighbor in neighbors
         if neighbor.GetIdx() not in seenIdx
Example #7
def get_substructures_from_atom(
        atom: Chem.Atom,
        max_size: int,
        substructure: Set[int] = None) -> Set[FrozenSet[int]]:
    Recursively gets all substructures up to a maximum size starting from an atom in a substructure.

    :param atom: The atom to start at.
    :param max_size: The maximum size of the substructure to fine.
    :param substructure: The current substructure that atom is in.
    :return: A set of substructures starting at atom where each substructure is a frozenset of indices.
    assert max_size >= 1

    if substructure is None:
        substructure = {atom.GetIdx()}

    substructures = {frozenset(substructure)}

    if len(substructure) == max_size:
        return substructures

    # Get neighbors which are not already in the substructure
    new_neighbors = [
        neighbor for neighbor in atom.GetNeighbors()
        if neighbor.GetIdx() not in substructure

    for neighbor in new_neighbors:
        # Define new substructure with neighbor
        new_substructure = deepcopy(substructure)

        # Skip if new substructure has already been considered
        if frozenset(new_substructure) in substructures:

        # Recursively get substructures including this substructure plus neighbor
        new_substructures = get_substructures_from_atom(
            neighbor, max_size, new_substructure)

        # Add those substructures to current set of substructures
        substructures |= new_substructures

    return substructures
Example #8
 def _parse_atom(self, atom: Chem.Atom) -> None:
     if atom.GetSymbol() == '*':
         neighbor = atom.GetNeighbors()[0]
         n_name = self._get_PDBInfo_atomname(neighbor)
         if self.is_aminoacid() and neighbor.GetSymbol() == 'N':
             # atom_name, index, connect_type, connect_name
             self.CONNECT.append([n_name, 1, 'LOWER_CONNECT', 'LOWER'])
         elif self.is_aminoacid() and neighbor.GetSymbol() == 'C':
             # atom_name, index, connect_type, connect_name
             self.CONNECT.append([n_name, 2, 'UPPER_CONNECT', 'UPPER'])
         elif self.is_aminoacid():
             i = max(3, len(self.CONNECT) + 1)
             self.CONNECT.append([n_name, i, 'CONNECT'])
             self.CONNECT.append([n_name, len(self.CONNECT) + 1, 'CONNECT'])
         d = self._get_atom_descriptors(atom)
Example #9
        def assess_atom(atom: Chem.Atom, bt: Chem.BondType) -> Tuple[bool, Chem.BondType]:
            True means add, False means delete

            :param atom:
            :param bt:
            n_neigh = sum([self._is_count_valid(neigh) for neigh in atom.GetNeighbors()])
            if atom.GetAtomicNum() > 8:
                return True, bt
            elif atom.HasProp('DELETE'):  # if it is to be deleted it should be fine.
                return True, bt
            elif n_neigh <= 2 and atom.GetIsAromatic():
                return True, Chem.BondType.SINGLE
            elif n_neigh <= 3 and not atom.GetIsAromatic():
                return True, bt
                return False, bt  # too bonded already!
Example #10
    def _assess_atom_for_possible_bonding(self, atom: Chem.Atom,
                                          bt: Chem.BondType) -> bool:
        Method for add_bond_if_possible
        True means add, False means delete

        :param atom:
        :param bt:
        n_neigh = sum(
            [self._is_count_valid(neigh) for neigh in atom.GetNeighbors()])
        if atom.GetAtomicNum() > 8:
            return True
        elif atom.HasProp(
                'DELETE'):  # if it is to be deleted it should be fine.
            return True
        elif n_neigh <= 2 and atom.GetIsAromatic():
            return True, Chem.BondType.SINGLE
        elif n_neigh <= 3 and not atom.GetIsAromatic():
            return True
            return False  # too bonded already!
 def _parse_atom(self, atom: Chem.Atom) -> None:
         f'Parsing {atom.GetSymbol()} at position {atom.GetIdx()}')
     if atom.GetSymbol() == '*':
         neighbor = atom.GetNeighbors()[0]
         n_name = self._get_PDBInfo_atomname(neighbor)
         if self.is_aminoacid() and neighbor.GetSymbol() == 'N':
             # atom_name, index, connect_type, connect_name
             self.CONNECT.append([n_name, 1, 'LOWER_CONNECT', 'LOWER'])
         elif self.is_aminoacid() and neighbor.GetSymbol() == 'C':
             # atom_name, index, connect_type, connect_name
             self.CONNECT.append([n_name, 2, 'UPPER_CONNECT', 'UPPER'])
         elif self.is_aminoacid():
             i = max(3, len(self.CONNECT) + 1)
             self.CONNECT.append([n_name, i, 'CONNECT'])
             self.CONNECT.append([n_name, len(self.CONNECT) + 1, 'CONNECT'])
         d = self._get_atom_descriptors(
             atom)  # dict of 'name', 'rtype': 'mtype', 'partial'
         formal = atom.GetFormalCharge()
         if formal != 0:
             self.CHARGE.append([d['name'], formal])
Example #12
 def is_hydrogen_bonding(self, atom: Atom):
     return any([
         nbr.GetSymbol() in ["N", "O", "S"] for nbr in atom.GetNeighbors()