Example #1
def get_charge(mol, property_name, do_charge):

    from rdkit.Chem import AllChem as Chem
    err = 0

    # partial charges
    if do_charge is False:
        err = check_mol(mol, property_name, do_charge)
        if err == 0:
            # prepares molecule
            mol = Chem.RemoveHs(mol)
            n_at = mol.GetNumAtoms()
            # takes properties
            list_prop = mol.GetPropsAsDict()
            # extracts the property according to the set name
            string_values = list_prop[property_name]
            string_values = string_values.split("\n")
            w = np.asarray(map(float, string_values))
            mol = Chem.AddHs(mol)
            n_at = mol.GetNumAtoms()
            w = np.ones((n_at, 1)) / n_at
            # same format as previous calculation
            w = np.asarray(map(float, w))
            property_name = 'equal_w'
            err = 0
        # extract properties
        for atom in range(n_at):
            mol.GetAtomWithIdx(atom).SetDoubleProp(property_name, w[atom])

        mol = Chem.RemoveHs(mol)

    # Gasteiger-Marsili Charges
    elif (do_charge is True) and (err is 0):
        err = check_mol(mol, property_name, do_charge)

    return mol, property_name, err