def main(input_dir, output_dir, positions=None, write_mode=0): """ Read metadata from all log files in the input data directory. args: input_dir (path): raw data experiment directory output_dir (path): path to save pickled results """ expt = dict.fromkeys(('log', 'image', 'pumps', 'stage')) # First read the main log.txt file expt['log'] = read_log(input_dir) # Transfer the log.txt file and rename it to experiment.log shutil.copy(os.path.join(input_dir, 'log.txt'), os.path.join(output_dir, 'experiment.log')) # Read in any image metadata available expt['image'] = read_img(input_dir) # Read in the positions expt['stage'] = read_posns(input_dir) expt['log']['Total Positions'] = len(expt['stage']) # Attempt to read the phase.txt and fluor.txt time files total_time = 0 for k in expt['image'].keys(): if expt['image'][k]['include']: expt[k] = read_time(input_dir, expt['log']['Start Date'], k) total_time = max(total_time, expt[k].max()) expt['log']['Total Frames %s' % k.capitalize()] = expt[k].shape[1] expt['log']['Total Time'] = total_time # Then read in the pump rates and on/off values expt['pumps'] = read_pumps(input_dir, expt['log']) # Iterate over all positions in the experiment if positions is None: positions = read.listdirs(input_dir, read.PATTERN['posndir']) for p in positions: i = int(re.match(read.PATTERN['posndir'], p).group(2)) # Create a log dictionary specific to each position posn = {} for k, v in expt.iteritems(): if k in ('log', 'image', 'pumps'): posn[k] = v elif k in ('phase', 'fluor', 'stage'): posn[k] = v[i] # Add information about the specific position posn['log']['Position Name'] = p posn['log']['Position Number'] = i # Save the results read.rmkdir(os.path.join(output_dir, p)) output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, p, 'log.pickle') if not os.path.isfile(output_file) or write_mode == 1: pickle.dump(posn, open(output_file, 'wb'))
def read_img(input_dir): """ Read image metadata. Search for both phase-contrast and fluorescence files. args: input_dir (path): raw data experiment directory """ results = {k : {'include' : False, 'shape' : (0, 0), 'dtype' : None} for k in ('phase', 'fluor')} # Only look in the directory of the first position p = read.listdirs(input_dir, read.PATTERN['posndir']).next() # Try to read metadata about phase and fluor files (need one image each) for k in ('phase', 'fluor'): pattern = read.PATTERN['%stif' % k] for v in read.listfiles(os.path.join(input_dir, p), pattern): if os.path.splitext(v)[1] == '.tif': phase_img = imread(os.path.join(input_dir, p, v)) results[k]['include'] = True results[k]['shape'] = phase_img.shape results[k]['dtype'] = phase_img.dtype break return results
def read_img(input_dir): """ Read image metadata. Search for both phase-contrast and fluorescence files. args: input_dir (path): raw data experiment directory """ results = { k: { 'include': False, 'shape': (0, 0), 'dtype': None } for k in ('phase', 'fluor') } # Only look in the directory of the first position p = read.listdirs(input_dir, read.PATTERN['posndir']).next() # Try to read metadata about phase and fluor files (need one image each) for k in ('phase', 'fluor'): pattern = read.PATTERN['%stif' % k] for v in read.listfiles(os.path.join(input_dir, p), pattern): if os.path.splitext(v)[1] == '.tif': phase_img = imread(os.path.join(input_dir, p, v)) results[k]['include'] = True results[k]['shape'] = phase_img.shape results[k]['dtype'] = phase_img.dtype break return results
def main(analysis_dir, posn_nums=None): posns = [v for v in read.listdirs(analysis_dir, read.PATTERN['posndir'])] if posn_nums is not None: posns = [ v for v in posns if int(re.match(read.PATTERN['posndir'], v).group(2)) in posn_nums ] return TraceData(analysis_dir, posns)
def save_posn(self): """ Save data for the current position. """ # Update the edited file # Update the file of saved traces, keeping only relevant variables df =[['Saved'] == True] if len(df) > 0: d = {k : list(df[k]) for k in ('Trace', 'Divns', 'Mother')} # Restructure the labels into a DataFrame commensurate with data num_saved = len(df) num_frames = self.num_frames frames = range(num_frames) * num_saved traces = [] for v in xrange(num_saved): traces.extend([v] * num_frames) index = MultiIndex.from_arrays([traces, frames], names=('Trace', 'Frame')) data = np.hstack(df['Label'].values) s = DataFrame(data, index=index, columns=('Label', ))['Label'] # Remove frames that one should not keep d['Label'] = s[np.hstack(df['Keep'].values) & (data > 0)] # Save the times directly as arrays d['TimeP'] = self.time_phase if hasattr(self, 'time_fluor'): d['TimeF'] = self.time_fluor # Make generations data from divisons d['Divns'] = [np.asarray(v) for v in d['Divns']] d['Gens'] = [[] for _ in d['Divns']] d['Taus'] = [[] for _ in d['Divns']] for i, v in enumerate(d['Divns']): v += 1 for j1, j2 in zip(v[:-1], v[1:]): d['Gens'][i].append(slice(j1, j2)) t1 = np.mean(d['TimeP'][j1-1:j1+1]) t2 = np.mean(d['TimeP'][j2-1:j2+1]) d['Taus'][i].append(t2 - t1) d['Taus'] = [np.asarray(v) for v in d['Taus']] with open(os.path.join(self.posn_dir, 'saved.pickle'), 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(d, f) # Delete unzipped directories b = os.path.join(self.posn_dir, 'blocks') for v in read.listdirs(b, read.PATTERN['blockdir']): shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(b, v, 'PhaseSegment')) # Update the log file read.updatelog(self.expt_name, self.posns[self.posn_idx], 'edit', self.analyses_dir)
def save_posn(self): """ Save data for the current position. """ # Update the edited file # Update the file of saved traces, keeping only relevant variables df =[['Saved'] == True] if len(df) > 0: d = {k: list(df[k]) for k in ('Trace', 'Divns', 'Mother')} # Restructure the labels into a DataFrame commensurate with data num_saved = len(df) num_frames = self.num_frames frames = range(num_frames) * num_saved traces = [] for v in xrange(num_saved): traces.extend([v] * num_frames) index = MultiIndex.from_arrays([traces, frames], names=('Trace', 'Frame')) data = np.hstack(df['Label'].values) s = DataFrame(data, index=index, columns=('Label', ))['Label'] # Remove frames that one should not keep d['Label'] = s[np.hstack(df['Keep'].values) & (data > 0)] # Save the times directly as arrays d['TimeP'] = self.time_phase if hasattr(self, 'time_fluor'): d['TimeF'] = self.time_fluor # Make generations data from divisons d['Divns'] = [np.asarray(v) for v in d['Divns']] d['Gens'] = [[] for _ in d['Divns']] d['Taus'] = [[] for _ in d['Divns']] for i, v in enumerate(d['Divns']): v += 1 for j1, j2 in zip(v[:-1], v[1:]): d['Gens'][i].append(slice(j1, j2)) t1 = np.mean(d['TimeP'][j1 - 1:j1 + 1]) t2 = np.mean(d['TimeP'][j2 - 1:j2 + 1]) d['Taus'][i].append(t2 - t1) d['Taus'] = [np.asarray(v) for v in d['Taus']] with open(os.path.join(self.posn_dir, 'saved.pickle'), 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(d, f) # Delete unzipped directories b = os.path.join(self.posn_dir, 'blocks') for v in read.listdirs(b, read.PATTERN['blockdir']): shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(b, v, 'PhaseSegment')) # Update the log file read.updatelog(self.expt_name, self.posns[self.posn_idx], 'edit', self.analyses_dir)
def init_expt(self, raw_data_dir, analyses_dir, posns=None): """ Get experiment information. args: input_dir (path): input directory kwargs: positions (list): list of positions to edit """ self.raw_data_dir = raw_data_dir self.analyses_dir = analyses_dir self.expt_name = os.path.basename(self.analyses_dir) self.root.title(self.expt_name) # Get list of valid positions if unspecified if posns is None: posns = [] for p in read.listdirs(self.analyses_dir, read.PATTERN['posndir']): if os.path.isfile( os.path.join(self.analyses_dir, p, 'edits.pickle')): posns.append(p) if not isinstance(posns, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError('list of positions required.') elif not posns: raise IOError('no valid positions found in %s' % self.analyses_dir) self.posns = sorted(posns) # Reset the position listbox self.posn_listbox.delete(0, END) [self.posn_listbox.insert(END, pos) for pos in self.posns] # Variable for holding temporary area traces self.temp = None # Save the coordinates of each object and the RGB images self.image = [ dict.fromkeys(['label', 'trace', 'raw', 'rgb']) for _ in (0, 1) ] # These values will hold information about each plot self.plots = dict.fromkeys(['data', 'divns', 'image']) self.plots['image'] = [None, None] self.connect() # Initialize the GUI self.posn_idx = 0 self.trace_idx = 0 self.frame_idx = 0 self.saved_idx = [] self.divn_idx = [] self.set_mother = None self.set_posn()
def init_expt(self, raw_data_dir, analyses_dir, posns=None): """ Get experiment information. args: input_dir (path): input directory kwargs: positions (list): list of positions to edit """ self.raw_data_dir = raw_data_dir self.analyses_dir = analyses_dir self.expt_name = os.path.basename(self.analyses_dir) self.root.title(self.expt_name) # Get list of valid positions if unspecified if posns is None: posns = [] for p in read.listdirs(self.analyses_dir, read.PATTERN['posndir']): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join( self.analyses_dir, p, 'edits.pickle')): posns.append(p) if not isinstance(posns, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError('list of positions required.') elif not posns: raise IOError('no valid positions found in %s' % self.analyses_dir) self.posns = sorted(posns) # Reset the position listbox self.posn_listbox.delete(0, END) [self.posn_listbox.insert(END, pos) for pos in self.posns] # Variable for holding temporary area traces self.temp = None # Save the coordinates of each object and the RGB images self.image = [dict.fromkeys(['label', 'trace', 'raw', 'rgb']) for _ in (0, 1)] # These values will hold information about each plot self.plots = dict.fromkeys(['data', 'divns', 'image']) self.plots['image'] = [None, None] self.connect() # Initialize the GUI self.posn_idx = 0 self.trace_idx = 0 self.frame_idx = 0 self.saved_idx = [] self.divn_idx = [] self.set_mother = None self.set_posn()
def load_posn(self): """ Load data for the current position. """ self.posn_dir = os.path.join(self.analyses_dir, self.posns[self.posn_idx]) b = os.path.join(self.posn_dir, 'blocks') # Read in values for the current position self.data_file = os.path.join(self.posn_dir, 'edits.pickle') = read_pickle(self.data_file) # Read in values from the log file log_file = os.path.join(self.posn_dir, 'log.pickle') log_data = pickle.load(open(log_file, 'rb')) self.img_shape = log_data['image']['phase']['shape'] self.img_dtype = log_data['image']['phase']['dtype'] self.pumps = log_data['pumps'] self.TraceList = list(['Trace']) self.SavedList = [ v for i, v in['Trace'].iteritems() if['Saved'][i] ] self.num_traces = len(self.TraceList) if self.num_traces < 1: return self.num_frames = len([0]['Label']) self.frames = np.arange(self.num_frames) self.time_phase = log_data['phase'][:self.num_frames] self.time = self.time_phase / 60 if log_data.has_key('fluor'): max_time = np.max(self.time_phase) num_frames_fluor = np.argmin( np.abs(log_data['fluor'] - max_time)) + 1 self.time_fluor = log_data['fluor'][:num_frames_fluor] # Unzip phase-contrast image files and read in names of image files old_dir = os.curdir self.files = [''] * self.num_frames for v in read.listdirs(b, read.PATTERN['blockdir']): # Extract all .tif images in the input directory os.chdir(os.path.join(b, v)) zipfile.ZipFile('').extractall() for f in read.listfiles('PhaseSegment', read.PATTERN['phasetif']): i = read.getframenum(f, read.PATTERN['phasetif']) if i < self.num_frames: self.files[i] = os.path.join(b, v, 'PhaseSegment', f) os.chdir(old_dir)
def load_posn(self): """ Load data for the current position. """ self.posn_dir = os.path.join(self.analyses_dir, self.posns[self.posn_idx]) b = os.path.join(self.posn_dir, 'blocks') # Read in values for the current position self.data_file = os.path.join(self.posn_dir, 'edits.pickle') = read_pickle(self.data_file) # Read in values from the log file log_file = os.path.join(self.posn_dir, 'log.pickle') log_data = pickle.load(open(log_file, 'rb')) self.img_shape = log_data['image']['phase']['shape'] self.img_dtype = log_data['image']['phase']['dtype'] self.pumps = log_data['pumps'] self.TraceList = list(['Trace']) self.SavedList = [v for i, v in['Trace'].iteritems() if['Saved'][i]] self.num_traces = len(self.TraceList) if self.num_traces < 1: return self.num_frames = len([0]['Label']) self.frames = np.arange(self.num_frames) self.time_phase = log_data['phase'][:self.num_frames] self.time = self.time_phase / 60 if log_data.has_key('fluor'): max_time = np.max(self.time_phase) num_frames_fluor = np.argmin(np.abs(log_data['fluor']-max_time)) + 1 self.time_fluor = log_data['fluor'][:num_frames_fluor] # Unzip phase-contrast image files and read in names of image files old_dir = os.curdir self.files = [''] * self.num_frames for v in read.listdirs(b, read.PATTERN['blockdir']): # Extract all .tif images in the input directory os.chdir(os.path.join(b, v)) zipfile.ZipFile('').extractall() for f in read.listfiles('PhaseSegment', read.PATTERN['phasetif']): i = read.getframenum(f, read.PATTERN['phasetif']) if i < self.num_frames: self.files[i] = os.path.join(b, v, 'PhaseSegment', f) os.chdir(old_dir)
def loadvar(self, key, convert=True): """ Load additional variables from file. These should be values that have been analyzed in blocks, but not sorted according to trace. This function will parse the requested variables for all saved traces. args: key (str): name of variable to load from file """ name = key + '.pickle' for i, p in enumerate(self.posns): b = os.path.join(self.analysis_dir, p, 'blocks') # Load the original Series from file s = None for v in read.listdirs(b, read.PATTERN['blockdir']): n = os.path.join(b, v, name) try: s = concat((s, read_pickle(n))) except IOError: raise IOError('No such file: %s' % n) if s is None: continue # Reformat according to the saved traces j = self.frame_data[i]['Label'] v = Series(index=j.index, dtype=s.dtype) for (trace, frame), label in j.iteritems(): v[trace, frame] = s[frame, label] self.frame_data[i][key] = v # Convert to the correct units if convert: if 'Area' in key: for i in range(self.num_posns): self.frame_data[i][key] *= self.PX2UM**2 elif ('Centroid' in key or 'Length' in key or 'Perimeter' in key or 'Pole' in key or 'Radius' in key or 'Width' in key): for i in range(self.num_posns): self.frame_data[i][key] *= self.PX2UM elif 'Spline' in key: for i in range(self.num_posns): for k, v in self.frame_data[i][key].iteritems(): if len(v) == 3: v[1][0] *= self.PX2UM v[1][1] *= self.PX2UM self.frame_data[i][key][k] = v
def loadvar(self, key, convert=True): """ Load additional variables from file. These should be values that have been analyzed in blocks, but not sorted according to trace. This function will parse the requested variables for all saved traces. args: key (str): name of variable to load from file """ name = key + '.pickle' for i, p in enumerate(self.posns): b = os.path.join(self.analysis_dir, p, 'blocks') # Load the original Series from file s = None for v in read.listdirs(b, read.PATTERN['blockdir']): n = os.path.join(b, v, name) try: s = concat((s, read_pickle(n))) except IOError: raise IOError('No such file: %s' % n) if s is None: continue # Reformat according to the saved traces j = self.frame_data[i]['Label'] v = Series(index=j.index, dtype=s.dtype) for (trace, frame), label in j.iteritems(): v[trace, frame] = s[frame, label] self.frame_data[i][key] = v # Convert to the correct units if convert: if 'Area' in key: for i in range(self.num_posns): self.frame_data[i][key] *= self.PX2UM ** 2 elif ('Centroid' in key or 'Length' in key or 'Perimeter' in key or 'Pole' in key or 'Radius' in key or 'Width' in key): for i in range(self.num_posns): self.frame_data[i][key] *= self.PX2UM elif 'Spline' in key: for i in range(self.num_posns): for k, v in self.frame_data[i][key].iteritems(): if len(v) == 3: v[1][0] *= self.PX2UM v[1][1] *= self.PX2UM self.frame_data[i][key][k] = v
def loadinputs(input_dir): """ Load analysis input parameters from .txt file. args: input_dir (path): experiment analysis directory containing .yaml file returns: dict: input parameters """ input_file = os.path.join(input_dir, 'params.yaml') try: # Load experiment-specific parameters from file inputs = yaml.load(open(input_file, 'r')) except IOError: # Load the default parameters and change the experiment name inputs = yaml.load( open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'defaults.yaml'), 'r')) for k in inputs['name'].keys(): inputs['name'][k] = os.path.basename(input_dir) # Make experiment directory as necessary, and save parameters to file read.rmkdir(input_dir) yaml.dump(inputs, open(input_file, 'w'), explicit_start=True, default_flow_style=False) msg = ''' Loaded default parameters to %s. Exit now and edit this file to use non-default values. Starting automatic analysis in''' % input_file # countdown(msg) # -BK cls() # Expand all directories for k, v in inputs['paths'].iteritems(): root, pattern = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(v))) try: sub_dir = read.listdirs(root, pattern).next() except StopIteration: sub_dir = pattern inputs['paths'][k] = os.path.join(root, sub_dir) return inputs
def loadinputs(input_dir): """ Load analysis input parameters from .txt file. args: input_dir (path): experiment analysis directory containing .yaml file returns: dict: input parameters """ input_file = os.path.join(input_dir, 'params.yaml') try: # Load experiment-specific parameters from file inputs = yaml.load(open(input_file, 'r')) except IOError: # Load the default parameters and change the experiment name inputs = yaml.load(open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'defaults.yaml'), 'r')) for k in inputs['name'].keys(): inputs['name'][k] = os.path.basename(input_dir) # Make experiment directory as necessary, and save parameters to file read.rmkdir(input_dir) yaml.dump(inputs, open(input_file, 'w'), explicit_start=True, default_flow_style=False) msg = ''' Loaded default parameters to %s. Exit now and edit this file to use non-default values. Starting automatic analysis in''' % input_file # countdown(msg) # -BK cls() # Expand all directories for k, v in inputs['paths'].iteritems(): root, pattern = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(v))) try: sub_dir = read.listdirs(root, pattern).next() except StopIteration: sub_dir = pattern inputs['paths'][k] = os.path.join(root, sub_dir) return inputs
def main(analysis_dir, posn_nums=None): posns = [v for v in read.listdirs(analysis_dir, read.PATTERN['posndir'])] if posn_nums is not None: posns = [v for v in posns if int(re.match(read.PATTERN['posndir'], v).group(2)) in posn_nums] return TraceData(analysis_dir, posns)