Example #1
import math

import os
import readProblem as rp
import inductive as idc
import numpy as np
from numpy import ones, zeros, hstack, array, matlib, matrix
from scipy import sparse
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
import random
import time
# add you own path
#os.chdir('D:/fall 2015/ecs 289/rewrite')

yorigin, xorigin = rp.svm_read_problem('mushrooms')
yorigin = array(yorigin)
xorigin = rp.buildXmatix(xorigin)

# number of class 1&2 separately
ny1 = sum(yorigin == 1)
ny2 = sum(yorigin == 2)
# total length
n_total = len(yorigin)

# create constraints matrix
Y = np.concatenate((yorigin[yorigin == 1], yorigin[yorigin == 2]))
X = sparse.hstack((xorigin[yorigin == 1, ].T,
                   xorigin[yorigin == 2, ].T), format='csr')
X = X.T
Example #2
import pandas as pd
import readProblem as rp
import inductive as idc
import numpy as np
from numpy import ones, zeros, hstack, array, matlib, matrix
from scipy import sparse
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
import random
import time

# add you own path
# os.chdir('D:/fall 2015/ecs 289/rewrite')
# os.chdir('/home/ybluo/rewrite')
dataname = "shuttle.scale"

yorigin, xorigin = rp.svm_read_problem(dataname)
yorigin = array(yorigin)
xorigin = rp.buildXmatix(xorigin)

n_cluster = len(set(yorigin))
n_total = len(yorigin)

# constraints matrix for all, namely S

def groundT(yorigin, l=n_total):
    groundTruth = -ones([l, l])
    dic = {}
    yClass = set(yorigin)
    for i in range(len(yClass)):
Example #3
import os
import readProblem as rp
import inductive as idc
import numpy as np
from numpy import ones, zeros, hstack, array, matlib, matrix
from scipy import sparse
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
import random
import time

# add you own path
# os.chdir('D:/fall 2015/ecs 289/rewrite')
# os.chdir('/home/ybluo/rewrite')

yorigin, xorigin = rp.svm_read_problem("mushrooms")
yorigin = array(yorigin)
xorigin = rp.buildXmatix(xorigin)

# number of class 1&2 separately
ny1 = sum(yorigin == 1)
ny2 = sum(yorigin == 2)
# total length
n_total = len(yorigin)

# create constraints matrix
Y = np.concatenate((yorigin[yorigin == 1], yorigin[yorigin == 2]))
X = sparse.hstack((xorigin[yorigin == 1,].T, xorigin[yorigin == 2,].T), format="csr")
X = X.T

# constraints matrix for all, namely S
groundTruth = hstack((hstack((ones([ny1, ny1]), -ones([ny1, ny2]))).T, hstack((-ones([ny2, ny1]), ones([ny2, ny2]))).T))