Example #1
def plot_vergence_trajectory_all(fig, anchors, data):
    # generate sub lists of param anchors
    data = filter_data(data, **anchors)
    list_of_subdata = [filter_data(data, object_distances=[d]) for d in anchors["object_distances"]]
    n_subplots = len(anchors["object_distances"])
    # for each sublist, plot in an ax
    for subplot_index, subdata in enumerate(list_of_subdata):
        ax = get_new_ax(fig, n_subplots, subplot_index, method="square")
        plot_vergence_trajectory_sub(ax, subdata)
Example #2
def plot_abs_vergence_trajectory_ax(ax, anchors, data, set_title=True, set_ylabel=True, ylim=[-0.2, 4.5]):
    data = filter_data(data, **anchors)
    test_cases = np.array([a for a, b in data])
    data = np.array([b for a, b in data], dtype=data[0][1].dtype)
    at = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 14, 19])
    bp = ax.boxplot(np.abs(data["vergence_error"][:, at]) / 90 * 320, showfliers=False)
    ax.axhline(1, color="grey", linestyle="--")
    for i, line in enumerate(bp["medians"]):
        x_left, x_right = line.get_xdata()
        y_left, y_right = line.get_ydata()
        if i != 0:
            ax.plot([xprev_right, x_left], [yprev_right, y_left], color=line.get_color(), linewidth=line.get_linewidth())
        xprev_left, xprev_right = x_left, x_right
        yprev_left, yprev_right = y_left, y_right
    if set_title:
        ax.set_title("Absolute speed error within one episode")
    ax.set_xlabel("Iteration (vergence)")
    if set_ylabel:
        ax.set_ylabel("absolute error in px (vergence) or px.it (pan, tilt)")
    xticks = np.arange(1, 1 + len(at))
    xticklabels = at + 1
Example #3
def plot_speed_trajectory(fig, anchors, data, pan_or_tilt="pan"):
    joint_index = 1 if pan_or_tilt == "pan" else 0
    data = filter_data(data, **anchors)
    test_cases = np.array([a for a, b in data])
    data = np.array([b for a, b in data], dtype=data[0][1].dtype)
    n_speeds = len(anchors["speed_errors"])
    at = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 14, 19])
    for i, speed in enumerate(anchors["speed_errors"]):
        ax = get_new_ax(fig, n_speeds, i, method="square")
        where = np.where(test_cases["speed_error"][:, joint_index] == speed[joint_index])
        subdata = data[where]
        # print(subdata["speed_error"][:6, :10, joint_index])
        # print("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n")
        # ax.plot(subdata["speed_error"][:, :10, joint_index].T / 90 * 320, "b-", alpha=0.2)
        bp = ax.boxplot(subdata["speed_error"][:, at, joint_index] / 90 * 320, showfliers=False)
        for i, line in enumerate(bp["medians"]):
            x_left, x_right = line.get_xdata()
            y_left, y_right = line.get_ydata()
            if i != 0:
                ax.plot([xprev_right, x_left], [yprev_right, y_left], color=line.get_color(), linewidth=line.get_linewidth())
            xprev_left, xprev_right = x_left, x_right
            yprev_left, yprev_right = y_left, y_right
        ax.set_title("{:.1f} pix/it".format(speed[joint_index] / 90 * 320))
        geo = ax.get_geometry()
        if (geo[-1] - 1) // geo[1] == geo[0] - 1:
            ax.set_xlabel("Iteration within episode")
        if geo[-1] % geo[1] == 1:
            ax.set_ylabel("speed error in pixel/it")
        xticks = np.arange(1, 1 + len(at))
        xticklabels = at + 1
Example #4
def plot_policy_vergence_ax(ax, anchors, data, title_supplement="", set_ylabel=True, set_title=True, cmap_name="Greys"):
    joint_index = 2
    data = filter_data(data, **anchors)
    test_cases = np.array([a for a, b in data])
    data = np.array([b for a, b in data])
    vergence_errors = np.sort(anchors["vergence_errors"])
    actions_in_semi_pixels = np.array([-8, -4, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 4, 8])
    n_actions = len(actions_in_semi_pixels)
    result_matrix = np.zeros((actions_in_semi_pixels.shape[0], vergence_errors.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32)
    for vergence_error_index, vergence_error in enumerate(vergence_errors):
        where = np.where(np.abs(data["vergence_error"][:, 0] - vergence_error) < 1e-5)
        greedy_actions = data["action_index"][where]
        for action_index in greedy_actions[:, 0, joint_index]:
            result_matrix[action_index, vergence_error_index] += 1
        result_matrix[:, vergence_error_index] /= len(greedy_actions)
    one_pixel = 90 / 320
    im = ax.imshow(result_matrix, aspect="auto", extent=[vergence_errors[0] / one_pixel, vergence_errors[-1] / one_pixel, -n_actions / 2, n_actions / 2], cmap=plt.get_cmap(cmap_name))
    ax.axvline(0, color="k", linestyle="--", alpha=0.8)
    ax.set_xlabel("vergence error (px)")
    if set_ylabel:
        ax.set_ylabel("action in px.it-1 (vergence) or px.it-2 (pan, tilt)")
        ax.set_yticks(np.linspace(-(n_actions - 1) / 2, (n_actions - 1) / 2, n_actions))
        ax.set_yticklabels(actions_in_semi_pixels / 2)
    if set_title:
        ax.set_title("Action probabilities" + title_supplement)
    return im
Example #5
def plot_critic_accuracy_speed_ax(ax, anchors, data, pan_or_tilt="pan",
                                          set_title=True, set_ylabel=True,
                                          reward_scaling_factor=200, stimulus=0, at_error=0):
    joint_index = 2
    data = filter_data(data, **anchors)
    test_cases = np.array([a for a, b in data])
    data = np.array([b for a, b in data])
    actions_in_pixels = np.array([-8, -4, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 4, 8]) / 2
    one_pixel = 90 / 320
    n_actions = len(actions_in_pixels)
    # x axis: action
    # y axis: recerr and critic val
    # text indicating which stimulus, which error
    # vertical line showing the error on the x axis
    where = np.where(test_cases["stimulus"] == stimulus)
    data = data[where][:, 0]
    rewards = []
    critic_values = []
    pan_tilt_index = 0 if pan_or_tilt == "tilt" else 1
    where = np.where(np.abs(data["speed_error"][:, pan_tilt_index] / one_pixel - at_error) < 1e-2)
    baseline_reconstructiuon_error = data["total_recerrs_4_frames"][where]
    critic_values = data["critic_value_{}".format(pan_or_tilt)][where][0]
    for action in actions_in_pixels:
        where = np.where(np.abs(data["speed_error"][:, pan_tilt_index] / one_pixel + action - at_error) < 1e-2)
        reconstruction_error = data["total_recerrs_4_frames"][where]
        rewards.append((baseline_reconstructiuon_error - reconstruction_error) * reward_scaling_factor)
    ax.plot(actions_in_pixels, rewards, label="reward")
    ax.plot(actions_in_pixels, critic_values, label="critic")
    ax.set_xlabel("Action (in pixel)")
    ax.set_ylabel("Reward / Return")
    ax.set_ylim([-2, 0.2])
Example #6
def plot_vergence_path(fig, anchors, data):
    data = filter_data(data, **anchors)
    test_data = np.array([b for a, b in data])
    n_subplots = 1
    ax = get_new_ax(fig, n_subplots, 0)
    result = test_data["eye_position"][np.random.randint(test_data["eye_position"].shape[0], size=40), :]
    for elem in result:
        ax.plot(range(len(elem)), elem[:, 2], )
Example #7
def plot_stimulus_path(fig, anchors, data):
    path = "/home/aecgroup/aecdata/Textures/mcgillManMade_600x600_bmp_selection/"
    #path = "../local_copies_of_aecgroup/mcgillManMade_600x600_bmp_selection/"
    textures_names = os.listdir(path)
    textures_list = [np.array(Image.open(path + name), dtype=np.uint8) for name in textures_names]
    lim_stimulus = min(10, len(anchors["stimulus"]))
    data = filter_data(data, **anchors)
    list_of_subdata = [filter_data(data, stimulus=[s]) for s in anchors["stimulus"][:lim_stimulus]]
    n_subplots = lim_stimulus * 2
    for subplot_index, elem in enumerate(list_of_subdata):
        ax = get_new_ax(fig, n_subplots, subplot_index * 2)
        test_data = np.array([b for a, b in elem])
        ax.boxplot(test_data["vergence_error"], notch=True, showfliers=False)
        ax.axhline(0, color="k")
        ax.axhline(90 / 320, color="k", linestyle="--")
        ax.axhline(-90 / 320, color="k", linestyle="--")
        ax.set_ylabel("Vergence error (deg)")
        #ax.set_ylim([np.min(test_cases["vergence_error"]) - 1, np.max(test_cases["vergence_error"]) + 1])
        ax.set_title("Stimulus  {:.1f}".format(elem[0][0]["stimulus"]))
        ax2 = get_new_ax(fig, n_subplots, (subplot_index * 2) + 1)
Example #8
def plot_recerr_wrt_vergence_error_ax(ax, anchors, data, turn_2_frames_vergence_on=True,
                                          ylim=[0, 0.04], set_title=True, set_ylabel=True, inset=True, legend=False):
    total_recerrs = "total_recerrs_2_frames" if turn_2_frames_vergence_on else "total_recerrs_4_frames"
    joint_index = 2
    data = filter_data(data, **anchors)
    test_cases = np.array([a for a, b in data])
    data = np.array([b for a, b in data])
    mean = None
    n = 0
    one_pixel = 90 / 320
    for stimulus in anchors["stimulus"]:
        where = np.where(test_cases["stimulus"] == stimulus)
        subdata = data[where][:, 0]
        vergence_error = subdata["vergence_error"]
        recerr = subdata[total_recerrs]
        args = np.argsort(vergence_error)
        ax.plot(vergence_error[args] / one_pixel, recerr[args], 'b-', linewidth=1, alpha=0.6)
        if mean is None:
            mean = recerr[args]
            mean += recerr[args]
        n += 1
    ax.plot(vergence_error[args] / one_pixel, mean / n, 'r-', linewidth=3, label="mean")
    if inset:
        axins = inset_axes(ax, width="20%", height="20%", borderpad=2)  # , loc=4
        axins.plot(vergence_error[args] / one_pixel, mean / n, 'r-')
        axins.axvline(0, color="k", linestyle="--", alpha=0.5)
        axins.set_title("Mean only")
    ax.set_xlabel("vergence error (px)")
    if set_ylabel:
        ax.set_ylabel("Reconstruction error")
    if legend:
    if set_title:
        ax.set_title("Reconstruction error wrt vergence error")
    ax.axvline(0, color="k", linestyle="--")
Example #9
def plot_recerr_wrt_vergence_error_per_scale_ax(ax, anchors, data,
                                             ylim=[0, 0.03], set_title=True, set_ylabel=True, legend=True, turn_2_frames_vergence_on=True):
    scale_recerrs = "scale_recerrs_2_frames" if turn_2_frames_vergence_on else "scale_recerrs_4_frames"
    data = np.array([b for a, b in filter_data(data, **anchors)])
    one_pixel = 90 / 320
    vergence_errors = np.array(anchors["vergence_errors"])
    args = np.argsort(data["vergence_error"][:, 0])
    data = data[args].reshape((len(vergence_errors), -1))
    for recerrs, scale_name in zip(data[scale_recerrs].T, ["fine", "coarse", "very coarse", "very very coarse"]):
        ax.plot(vergence_errors / one_pixel, np.mean(recerrs, axis=0), linewidth=3, label=scale_name)
    ax.set_xlabel("vergence error (px)")
    if set_ylabel:
        ax.set_ylabel("Reconstruction error")
    if legend:
    if set_title:
        ax.set_title("Reconstruction error wrt speed error")
    ax.axvline(0, color="k", linestyle="--")
Example #10
def plot_reward_wrt_action_speed_error_pair(fig, anchors, data, reward_scaling_factor=200, pan_or_tilt="pan", title_supplement=""):
    joint_index = 1 if pan_or_tilt == "pan" else 0
    data = filter_data(data, **anchors)
    test_cases = np.array([a for a, b in data])
    data = np.array([b for a, b in data])
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    speed_errors = np.sort(np.unique(test_cases["speed_error"][:, joint_index]))
    actions_in_semi_pixels = np.array([-8, -4, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 4, 8])
    count_matrix = np.zeros((actions_in_semi_pixels.shape[0], speed_errors.shape[0]), dtype=np.int32)
    reward_matrix = np.zeros((actions_in_semi_pixels.shape[0], speed_errors.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32)
    n_speed_errors = len(speed_errors)
    n_actions = len(actions_in_semi_pixels)
    for action_index, action in enumerate(actions_in_semi_pixels):
        for index_start_error in range(n_speed_errors):
            index_end_error = index_start_error + action
            if 0 < index_end_error < n_speed_errors:
                where_start = np.where(data["speed_error"][:, 0, joint_index] == speed_errors[index_start_error])
                where_end = np.where(data["speed_error"][:, 0, joint_index] == speed_errors[index_end_error])
                rewards = data["total_recerrs_4_frames"][where_start] - data["total_recerrs_4_frames"][where_end]
                reward_matrix[action_index][index_start_error] += np.sum(rewards)
                count_matrix[action_index][index_start_error] += rewards.shape[0]
    where = np.where(count_matrix == 0)
    count_matrix[where] = 1
    reward_matrix /= count_matrix
    reward_matrix[where] = np.nan
    one_pixel = 90 / 320
    xmin = speed_errors[0] / one_pixel
    xmax = speed_errors[-1] / one_pixel
    ymin = -n_actions / 2
    ymax = n_actions / 2
    im = ax.imshow(reward_matrix * reward_scaling_factor, aspect="auto", extent=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax], cmap="seismic")
    # im = ax.imshow(reward_matrix * reward_scaling_factor, aspect="auto", extent=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax], cmap=rbg_cmap)
    cbar = fig.colorbar(im)
    cbar.ax.set_ylabel('reward', rotation=270)
    ax.axvline(0, color="k", linestyle="--", alpha=0.8)
    ax.set_xlabel("{} speed error in pixel/it".format(pan_or_tilt))
    ax.set_ylabel("action in px.it-1 (vergence) or px.it-2 (pan, tilt)")
    ax.set_yticks(np.linspace(-(n_actions - 1) / 2, (n_actions - 1) / 2, n_actions))
    ax.set_yticklabels(actions_in_semi_pixels / 2)
    ax.set_title("Reward wrt action / speed error pair" + title_supplement)
Example #11
def plot_abs_vergence_trajectory_mean_std_ax(ax, anchors, data, set_title=True, set_ylabel=True, ylim=[-0.2, 4.5]):
    data = filter_data(data, **anchors)
    test_cases = np.array([a for a, b in data])
    data = np.array([b for a, b in data], dtype=data[0][1].dtype)
    values = np.abs(data["vergence_error"]) / 90 * 320
    mean = np.mean(values, axis=0)
    std = np.std(values, axis=0)
    X = np.arange(len(mean))
    ax.fill_between(X, mean - std, mean + std, alpha=0.5)
    ax.plot(X, mean)
    ax.axhline(1, color="grey", linestyle="--")
    if set_title:
        ax.set_title("Mean absolute vergence error within one episode")
    ax.set_xlabel("Iteration (vergence)")
    if set_ylabel:
        ax.set_ylabel("Mean absolute error in px (vergence) or px.it-1 (pan, tilt)")
    xticks = [0, len(X) - 1]
    xticklabels = [1, len(X)]
Example #12
def plot_recerr_wrt_speed_error_per_scale_ax(ax, anchors, data, pan_or_tilt="pan",
                                             ylim=[0, 0.03], set_title=True, set_ylabel=True, legend=True):
    joint_index = 1 if pan_or_tilt == "pan" else 0
    data = np.array([b for a, b in filter_data(data, **anchors)])
    one_pixel = 90 / 320
    speed_errors = np.array([s[joint_index] for s in anchors["speed_errors"]])
    args = np.argsort(data["speed_error"][:, 0, joint_index])
    data = data[args].reshape((len(speed_errors), -1))
    # labels = ["fine", "middle", "coarse", "very coarse", "very very coarse"]
    labels = ["fine", "coarse", "very coarse", "very very coarse"]
    for recerrs, scale_name in zip(data["scale_recerrs_4_frames"].T, labels):
        ax.plot(speed_errors / one_pixel, np.mean(recerrs, axis=0), linewidth=3, label=scale_name)
    ax.set_xlabel("{} error (px/it)".format(pan_or_tilt))
    if set_ylabel:
        ax.set_ylabel("Reconstruction error")
    if legend:
    if set_title:
        ax.set_title("Reconstruction error wrt speed error")
    ax.axvline(0, color="k", linestyle="--")