Example #1
def extract_halo():

    # Resimulation mode

    base_path = '/media/edoardo/Elements/CLUES/DATA/LGF/' + mode + '/'

    # Configure the LG model and subpaths
    if mode == '2048':
        code_run = cfg.simu_runs()
        sub_run = cfg.sub_runs()

    elif mode == '1024':
        num_run = cfg.gen_runs(0, 80)
        sub_run = cfg.gen_runs(0, 30)

    # Read csv list of LGs
    lgs_csv = 'output/lg_pairs_' + mode + '.csv'
    df_lgs = pd.read_csv(lgs_csv)
    print('TotLen: ', len(df_lgs))

    x_cols = ['Xc_LG', 'Yc_LG', 'Zc_LG']
    x_cols_ahf = ['Xc(6)', 'Yc(7)', 'Zc(8)']
    box_center = np.array([5e+4] * 3)

    r_max = 10000.0

    # Do some LG filtering
    v_max = - 0.0
    d_max = 7000.0

    df_lgs = df_lgs[df_lgs['Vrad'] < v_max]
    print('TotLen: ', len(df_lgs))

    # Select LGs depending on their distance from the box center

    #file_ahf = 'snapshot_full_054.z0.000.AHF_halos'
    #file_ahf = 'snapshot_full_054.z0.001.AHF_halos'
    file_ahf = 'snapshot_054.z0.000.AHF_halos'

    # Loop on all the simulations and gather data
    if mode == '2048':
        for code in code_run:

            for sub in sub_run:
                this_path = base_path + code + '/' + sub + '/'
                this_ahf = this_path + file_ahf

                # Check that file exists
                if os.path.isfile(this_ahf):
                    print('Reading AHF file: ', this_ahf)
                    halo_df = rf.read_ahf_halo(this_ahf, file_mpi=False)
                    halo_select_df = halo_df[halo_df['Mvir(4)'] > m_thresh]
                    out_all_halo_csv = out_base + code + '_' + sub + '.csv'

    elif mode == '1024':
        for ilg, row in df_lgs.iterrows():
            num = str('%02d' % int(row['simu_code']))
            sub = str('%02d' % int(row['sub_code']))

            this_ahf = base_path + num + '_'  + sub + '/' + file_ahf
            this_x = row[x_cols].values

            if os.path.isfile(this_ahf):
                halo_df = rf.read_ahf_halo(this_ahf, file_mpi=True)
                halo_df['Dist'] = halo_df[x_cols_ahf].T.apply(lambda x: t.distance(x, this_x))
                halo_df = halo_df[halo_df['Dist'] < r_max]

                f_out = 'output/LG_' + mode + '/lg_center_' + num + '_' + sub + '.' + str(ilg) + '.csv'

                print('Saving to: ', f_out)
def sub_mass_function():
    Compute the subhalo mass functions

    # Read the | Gyr / z / a | time conversion table
    time = rf.read_time(data_path)

    all_halo_mah = []

    # Output file base path, save all relevant halo MAHs here
    out_base_pkl = 'saved/lg_mahs_'

    # Now loop on all the simulations and gather data
    for code in code_run[10:11]:

        this_model = model_run[dict_model[code]]

        for sub in sub_run:
            this_path = base_path + code + '/' + sub + '/'
            this_path_mah = base_path_mah + code + '/' + sub + '/'
            this_ahf = this_path + file_ahf
            this_mah = this_path_mah + file_mah

            # Check that file exists
            if os.path.isfile(this_ahf):
                out_file_pkl = out_base_pkl + code + '_' + sub + '.pkl'

                if os.path.isfile(out_file_pkl):
                    print('Loading MAHs from .pkl file: ', out_file_pkl)
                    out_f_pkl = open(out_file_pkl, 'rb')
                    mahs, lg = pkl.load(out_f_pkl)
                    print('LG properties: ')
                    print('Reading AHF file: ', this_ahf)
                    halos, halo_df = rf.read_ahf_halo(this_ahf)

                    print('Looking for Local Group candidates...')

                    # The local group model might eventually find more than one pair in the given volume
                    these_lgs = hu.find_lg(halo_df, this_model, cat_center, cat_radius)

                    # SELECT ONE LG
                    print('Found ', len(these_lgs), ' LG candidates with properties: ')

                        lg = these_lgs[0]

                        # Define a gather radius for halos around the LG
                        lg_radius = lg.LG1.r() + lg.LG2.r() + lg.r_halos()
                        lg_radius = 1.2 * lg_radius

                        # TODO there might be more LGs in the area but here I am selecting only one
                        #for this_lg in these_lgs:
                        lg_center = lg.geo_com()
                        id_list = hu.halo_ids_around_center(halos, lg_center, lg_radius)

                        print('Reading MAHs for ', len(id_list), ' halos at ', lg_radius, ' kpc/h around the LG center of mass... ')
                        mahs = rf.read_mah_halo(id_list, this_mah, time)
                        print('Saving MAHs output to file: ', out_file_pkl)
                        out_f_pkl = open(out_file_pkl, 'wb')
                        pkl.dump([mahs, lg], out_f_pkl)

                        print('No LGs found for ', code, sub)
Example #3
        this_lgs = lgs_base + '.csv'

    print('LGS FILE: ', this_lgs)
    df_lgs_orig = pd.read_csv(this_lgs)
    n_lgs_pre = len(df_lgs_orig)

    print('N pre: ', n_lgs_pre)
    df_lgs = df_lgs_orig.drop_duplicates(subset=['M_M31'])
    df_lgs = df_lgs[df_lgs['M_M31'] > m_min]
    df_lgs = df_lgs[df_lgs['Vrad'] < v_max]
    print('N post: ', len(df_lgs))

    # Read AHF and export it to CSV 
    if mode == 'export_csv': 
        print('AHF FILE: ', this_ahf)
        df_ahf = rf.read_ahf_halo(this_ahf)
        df_ahf = t.periodic_boundaries(data=df_ahf, slab_size=r_max, box=box_size)
        print('AHF FILE TO CSV: ', this_ahf_csv)

    # Read CSV ahf files and extract mass functions around LG candidates
    elif mode == 'read_csv':
        print('AHF CSV FILE: ', this_ahf_csv)
        df_ahf = pd.read_csv(this_ahf_csv)
        # Initialize a string containing all the radii - this will be the dataframe column with the max halo mass
        radii_str = []
        for rad in radii:
                r_str = 'R_' + str(rad)
Example #4
    Python Routines for COsmology and Data I/ (PyRCODIO) v0.2
    Edoardo Carlesi 2020
    [email protected]

    ahf2csv.py: convert (and compress) AHF halo catalogs to csv files

import pandas as pd
import sys
sys.path.insert(1, '/home/edoardo/CLUES/PyRCODIO/')
import read_files as rf

this_ahf = sys.argv[1]
mpi = sys.argv[2]

out_file = this_ahf + '.csv'

halo_df = rf.read_ahf_halo(this_ahf, file_mpi=mpi)

        this_mah = this_path_mah + file_mah

        # Check that file exists
        if os.path.isfile(this_ahf):
            out_file_pkl = out_base_pkl + code + '_' + sub + '.pkl'

            if os.path.isfile(out_file_pkl):
                print('Loading MAHs from .pkl file: ', out_file_pkl)
                out_f_pkl = open(out_file_pkl, 'rb')
                mahs, lg = pkl.load(out_f_pkl)
                print('LG properties: ')
                print('Reading AHF file: ', this_ahf)
                halos, halo_df = rf.read_ahf_halo(this_ahf)

                print('Looking for Local Group candidates...')

                # The local group model might eventually find more than one pair in the given volume
                these_lgs = hu.find_lg(halo_df, this_model, cat_center, cat_radius)

                # SELECT ONE LG
                print('Found ', len(these_lgs), ' LG candidates with properties: ')

                    lg = these_lgs[0]

                    # Define a gather radius for halos around the LG
                    lg_radius = lg.LG1.r() + lg.LG2.r() + lg.r_halos()