Example #1
def main():
    #Read in the file
    filename = 'dft_chargedensity1.xsf'
    rho, lattice, grid, shift = read_example_xsf_density(filename)

    #Create data in initial coordinates
    a = np.linspace(0, lattice[0, 0], grid[0])
    b = np.linspace(0, lattice[1, 1], grid[1])
    c = np.linspace(0, lattice[2, 2], grid[2])

    #Create the interpolated data
    spline_data = spline(x=a, y=b, z=c, f=rho, dims=3)

    #Calculate the interpolation for the new coordinates
    r0 = np.array([0.1, 0.1, 2.8528])  #Given in the exercise
    r1 = np.array([4.45, 4.45, 2.8528])
    t = np.linspace(0, 1, 500)
    result = []
    for i in range(500):
        r = r0 + t[i] * (r1 - r0
                         )  #This is the new interpolation vector at index i
        inter = spline_data.eval3d(r[0], r[1], r[2])[0][0][0]
        result.append(inter)  #Store the values in a list

    length = np.linalg.norm(r1 - r0)  #Length of the interpoaltion line

    #Plot the electron density as a function of t
    plt.plot(t * length, result)
    plt.title('Electron density interpolation')
    plt.xlabel('Distance [Angstrom]')
    plt.xlim([0, 1 * length])
    plt.ylabel('Electron density')
Example #2
def main():
    All the necessary calculations perfomed in main()
    ###reading of the first XSF-file###
    filename = 'dft_chargedensity1.xsf'
    rho, lattice, grid, shift = read_example_xsf_density(filename)
    print("Lattice matrix 1: ", lattice)
    B = recip_vec(lattice)
    print(part_num(rho, lattice))
    ###end for the first file###

    ###reading of the second XSF-file###
    filename = 'dft_chargedensity2.xsf'
    rho, lattice, grid, shift = read_example_xsf_density(filename)
    print("Lattice matrix 2: ", lattice)
    B = recip_vec(lattice)
    print(part_num(rho, lattice))
Example #3
def main():
    #Read in the file
    filename = 'dft_chargedensity2.xsf'
    rho, lattice, grid, shift = read_example_xsf_density(filename)
    A_inv = np.linalg.inv(np.transpose(lattice))  #The inverse of our matrix A

    #Create data in initial coordinates  in orthonormal basis
    a = np.linspace(0, 1, grid[0])
    b = np.linspace(0, 1, grid[1])
    c = np.linspace(0, 1, grid[2])

    spline_data = spline(x=a, y=b, z=c, f=rho, dims=3)

    #Input the values of the lines from starting to end point, along which the interpolation should be performed.
    vec = np.array([
        [-1.4466, 1.3073, 3.2115],  #start line 1
        [1.4361, 3.1883, 1.3542],  #end line 1
        [2.9996, 2.1733, 2.1462],  #start line 2
        [8.7516, 2.1733, 2.1462]
    ])  #end line 2

    t = np.linspace(0, 1, 500)

    counter = 0
    for j in range(
            0, 3, 2
    ):  #This gives the value 0 in the first iteration and 2 in the second.
        #(This loop is included because the spline in line 30 takes forever and I don't want to run that part twice)

        #Choose the vectors start and end points, so that we can construct the interpolation line r0+t[i]*(r1-r0):
        r0 = vec[j]
        r1 = vec[j + 1]

        result = []

        #Calculate the interpolation
        for i in range(500):
            r = np.mod(
                A_inv.dot(r0 + t[i] * (r1 - r0)), 1
            )  #This maps our vector according to r=A*alpha (r is our vector, A the transpose(lattice) and alpha our new coordinates)
            #The modulo is needed in case our interpolation vector is not in the unit cell anymore (see lecture slides week 4 p.3)
            inter = spline_data.eval3d(r[0], r[1], r[2])[0][0][0]

        #Plot the figures
        counter += 1
        length = np.linalg.norm(r1 - r0)  #Length of the interpolation line

        plt.plot(t * length, result)
        plt.title('Interpolation along line {}'.format(counter))
        plt.xlabel('Distance [Angstrom]')
        plt.xlim([0, 1 * length])
        plt.ylabel('Electron density')
Example #4
def reciprocal_lattice_vectors(filename):
    # A function that calculates and returns the reciprocal lattice vectors.

    # Read the file.
    rho, lattice, grid, shift = read_example_xsf_density(filename)

    # Solve the matrix equation.
    mat = np.linalg.solve(
        (10**-10) * lattice,
        [[2 * np.pi, 0, 0], [0, 2 * np.pi, 0], [0, 0, 2 * np.pi]])
    return np.transpose(mat)
Example #5
def main():
    #First example
    print('File 1:')
    filename = 'dft_chargedensity1.xsf'
    rho, lattice, grid, shift = read_example_xsf_density(filename)      #read in the file
    print(' Electrons in unit cell: ',int(np.round(N1)))
    #Reciprocal lattice vector according to lecture slides p.5: B^t*A=2*pi*Identity
    B1=np.transpose(2*np.pi*np.dot(np.identity(3), np.linalg.inv(np.transpose(lattice))))
    print(' Reciprocal lattice vectors:\n',B1,'\n')
    #Second example
    print('File 2:')
    filename = 'dft_chargedensity2.xsf'
    rho2, lattice2, grid2, shift = read_example_xsf_density(filename)
    print(' Electrons in unit cell: ',int(np.round(N2)))
    B2=np.transpose(2*np.pi*np.dot(np.identity(3), np.linalg.inv(np.transpose(lattice2))))
    print(' Reciprocal lattice vectors:\n', B2)
Example #6
def lattice_analysis(filename):
    Calculate the number of electrons in cell,
	and display the number of electrons and the
	reciprocal lattice vector
    :param: filename: given filename to read data from
    rho, lattice, grid, shift = rxsf.read_example_xsf_density(filename)
    # Unit volume of block is V = (a x b) dot c, normalized with grid size
    volume = np.dot(np.cross(lattice[0,:]/grid[0], lattice[1,:]/grid[1]), lattice[2,:]/grid[2])
    # Each block has electron density time volume electrons in it, so total electron amount is the
    # sum of all the electrons in blocks.
    Ne = np.sum(rho)*volume
    # reciprocal lattice is defined by B^T = 2pi*inv(A)
    reciLattice = np.transpose(2*np.pi*np.linalg.inv(lattice))
    print(f"Total electrons in {filename}: {Ne}")
    print("Reciprocal lattice vectors", reciLattice[0, :], reciLattice[1, :], reciLattice[2, :])
Example #7
def calc_nelectron(filename):
    Calculates the number of electrons in the simulated lattice cell
    :param: filename : filename for the lattice cell (.xsf - file)
    :return:           Number of electrons in the simulated cell    

    # rho:     electron density in unit volume (one for each point)
    # lattice: lattice vectors                          (3 by 3)
    # grid:    grid size in lattice vector diection     (3 by 1)
    # shift:   unknown
    rho, lattice, grid, shift = r_xsf.read_example_xsf_density(filename)

    # solve the unit volume of lattice
    unit_vol = calc_vol(lattice, grid)

    # Sum over all rho*unit volume

    return np.sum(rho) * unit_vol, lattice
Example #8
def count_electrons(filename):
    # Function that integrates electron density over an area to get the number
    # of electrons, and returns it.

    # Read the file.
    rho, lattice, grid, shift = read_example_xsf_density(filename)

    # Define the axis points.
    x = np.linspace(0, lattice[0, 0], grid[0])
    y = np.linspace(0, lattice[1, 1], grid[1])
    z = np.linspace(0, lattice[2, 2], grid[2])

    # Arrays for storing the intermediate integral values.
    ints1d = np.zeros(grid[0])
    ints2d = np.zeros([grid[0], grid[1]])

    # Integarte the electron density.
    for i in range(grid[0]):
        for j in range(grid[1]):
            ints2d[i, j] = simps(rho[i, j, :], z)
        ints1d[i] = simps(ints2d[i, :], y)
    return simps(ints1d, x)
Example #9
def main():

    filename1 = 'dft_chargedensity1.xsf'
    rho1, lattice1, grid1, shift1 = read_example_xsf_density(filename1)

    # Creates a spline-object
    x1 = linspace(0, lattice1[0][0], grid1[0])
    y1 = linspace(0, lattice1[1][1], grid1[1])
    z1 = linspace(0, lattice1[2][2], grid1[2])

    electron_spline = spline(x=x1, y=y1, z=z1, f=rho1, dims=3)

    # t must be from 0 to 1, so we are on the line.
    # I took only 50 points, because it took so long with 500.
    t = linspace(0, 1, 50)
    j = 0

    x = []
    y = []
    z = []

    while j < 50:

        j = j + 1

    # Evaluate the electrn density in the line
    evaluated = electron_spline.eval3d(x, y, z)

    # Let's draw some picture
    X, Y = meshgrid(x, y)

    pcolor(X, Y, evaluated[..., int(len(z) / 2)])
Example #10
def electron_density(filename, r0, r1, N=500):
    Calculate the electron density at 
    a given line in the lattice
    :param: filename: given filename to read data from
    :param: r0:       line starting point
    :param: r1:       line end point
    :param: N:        Number of points along line

    # Get the lattice values
    rho, lattice, grid, shift = r_xsf.read_example_xsf_density(filename)

    # define the lattice vectors
    a1 = lattice[:, 0]
    a2 = lattice[:, 1]
    a3 = lattice[:, 2]

    # start and end points as vectors in the lattice grid
    a_i = array([[r0.dot(a1)/(linalg.norm(a1)**2)*grid[0]], \
                    [r0.dot(a2)/(linalg.norm(a2)**2)*grid[1]], \

    a_f = array([[r1.dot(a1)/(linalg.norm(a1)**2)*grid[0]], \
                    [r1.dot(a2)/(linalg.norm(a2)**2)*grid[1]], \

    # check if the line goes outside the simulation cell, and create
    # more if needed
    nx = math.ceil(max(abs(a_i[0]) / grid[0], abs(a_f[0]) / grid[0], [1])[0])
    ny = math.ceil(max(abs(a_i[1]) / grid[1], abs(a_f[1]) / grid[1], [1])[0])
    nz = math.ceil(max(abs(a_i[2]) / grid[2], abs(a_f[2]) / grid[2], [1])[0])

    # Interpolate values in the negative side, if we have to
    # calculate values there
    if any(r0 < 0) or any(r1 < 0):

        # Create more cells, if there is negative directions
        rho = concatenate((rho, rho), axis=0)
        rho = concatenate((rho, rho), axis=1)
        rho = concatenate((rho, rho), axis=2)

        # if line goes over the cell, create more
        if nx > 1:
            for i in range(2 * (nx - 1)):
                rho = concatenate((rho, rho), axis=0)

        if ny > 1:
            for i in range(2 * (ny - 1)):
                rho = concatenate((rho, rho), axis=1)

        if nz > 1:
            for i in range(2 * (nz - 1)):
                rho = concatenate((rho, rho), axis=2)

        spl3d = spline(x=nx*linspace(-grid[0]+1,grid[0]-1,2*nx*grid[0]),\
                     f=rho, dims = 3)

        # if lines go over simulation cell, create more
        if nx > 1:
            for i in range(nx - 1):
                rho = concatenate((rho, rho), axis=0)

        if ny > 1:
            for i in range(ny - 1):
                rho = concatenate((rho, rho), axis=1)

        if nz > 1:
            for i in range(nz - 1):
                rho = concatenate((rho, rho), axis=2)

        # create spline class for interpolation
        spl3d = spline(x=nx*linspace(0,grid[0]-1,nx*grid[0]),\
                     f=rho, dims = 3)

    # create line along which to interpolate
    x = linspace(a_i[0], a_f[0], N)
    y = linspace(a_i[1], a_f[1], N)
    z = linspace(a_i[2], a_f[2], N)

    # Interpolate values
    F = zeros((N, 1))
    for i in range(N):
        F[i] = spl3d.eval3d(x[i], y[i], z[i])

    return F
Example #11
Calculating and plotting the electron density along two lines. 
Not working correctly.

from read_xsf_example import read_example_xsf_density
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator as rgi
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

rho, lattice, grid, shift = read_example_xsf_density("dft_chargedensity2.xsf")

# define the points on the first line.
x = np.linspace(-1.4466, 1.1461, 500)
# fix x so that it does not go uotside the unit cell using periodicity.
for i in range(len(x)):
    if x[i] < 0:
        x[i] = x[i] + 5.75200
y = np.linspace(1.3073, 3.1883, 500)
z = np.linspace(3.2115, 1.3542, 500)

# Points for interpolation.
xi = np.linspace(0, lattice[0, 0], grid[0])
yi = np.linspace(0, lattice[1, 1], grid[1])
zi = np.linspace(0, lattice[2, 2], grid[2])

# Interpolate the density.
interp = rgi((xi, yi, zi), rho)

# Get the interpolated density in the points on the line.
points_density = np.zeros(500)
Example #12
def electron_dens(filename, r0, r1, N):
    Calculates the electron density on an interpolated spline line
    :param: filename: file from which the data is read
    :param: r0      : starting point of the line
    :param: r1      : ending point of the line
    :param: N       : number of points on the interpolated line
    :return:        : electron density values on the line

    # rho:     electron density in unit volume (one for each point)
    # lattice: lattice vectors                          (3 by 3)
    # grid:    grid size in lattice vector diection     (3 by 1)
    # shift:   unknown
    rho, lattice, grid, shift = r_xsf.read_example_xsf_density(filename)

    # separate the lattice vectors
    a1 = lattice[:, 0]
    a2 = lattice[:, 1]
    a3 = lattice[:, 2]

    # starting and ending points as vectors in the simulation lattice grid
    a_i = np.array([[r0.dot(a1)/(np.linalg.norm(a1)**2)*grid[0]], \
                    [r0.dot(a2)/(np.linalg.norm(a2)**2)*grid[1]], \
    a_f = np.array([[r1.dot(a1)/(np.linalg.norm(a1)**2)*grid[0]], \
                    [r1.dot(a2)/(np.linalg.norm(a2)**2)*grid[1]], \

    # check if the line goes over the simulation cell
    # i.e. if we need to produce another cell
    n1 = math.ceil(max(abs(a_i[0]) / grid[0], abs(a_f[0]) / grid[0], [1])[0])
    n2 = math.ceil(max(abs(a_i[1]) / grid[1], abs(a_f[1]) / grid[1], [1])[0])
    n3 = math.ceil(max(abs(a_i[2]) / grid[2], abs(a_f[2]) / grid[2], [1])[0])

    # spline interpolation, if some of the observed points are
    # on the negative side
    if any(r0 < 0) or any(r1 < 0):

        # if there is negative directions create more cells
        rho = np.concatenate((rho, rho), axis=0)
        rho = np.concatenate((rho, rho), axis=1)
        rho = np.concatenate((rho, rho), axis=2)

        # if lines go over simulation cell, create more
        if n1 > 1:
            for i in range(2 * (n1 - 1)):
                rho = np.concatenate((rho, rho), axis=0)

        if n2 > 1:
            for i in range(2 * (n2 - 1)):
                rho = np.concatenate((rho, rho), axis=1)

        if n3 > 1:
            for i in range(2 * (n3 - 1)):
                rho = np.concatenate((rho, rho), axis=2)

        # create spline class for interpolation
        spl = spline(x=n1*np.linspace(-grid[0]+1,grid[0]-1,2*n1*grid[0]),\
                     f=rho, dims = 3)

        # if lines go over simulation cell, create more
        if n1 > 1:
            for i in range(n1 - 1):
                rho = np.concatenate((rho, rho), axis=0)

        if n2 > 1:
            for i in range(n2 - 1):
                rho = np.concatenate((rho, rho), axis=1)

        if n3 > 1:
            for i in range(n3 - 1):
                rho = np.concatenate((rho, rho), axis=2)

        # create spline class for interpolation
        spl = spline(x=n1*np.linspace(0,grid[0]-1,n1*grid[0]),\
                     f=rho, dims = 3)

    # create line along which to interpolate
    x = np.linspace(a_i[0], a_f[0], N)
    y = np.linspace(a_i[1], a_f[1], N)
    z = np.linspace(a_i[2], a_f[2], N)
    F = np.zeros((N, 1))

    # interpolation
    for i in range(N):
        F[i] = spl.eval3d(x[i], y[i], z[i])

    return F
Example #13
def main():
    All the necessary calculations perfomed in main()
    filename = 'dft_chargedensity1.xsf'
    rho, lattice, grid, shift = read_example_xsf_density(filename)

    n = 500  # number of points in between
    Defining grid with shape of electorn density matrix
    in range of norm of lattice vectors
    x = linspace(0, lattice[0, 0], rho.shape[0])
    y = linspace(0, lattice[1, 1], rho.shape[1])
    z = linspace(0, lattice[2, 2], rho.shape[2])
    Line points from assignment

    Line function in parametric form:  r(t) = r_0 + t*(r_1-r_0)
    r0 = array([0.10000, 0.10000, 2.85280])
    r1 = array([4.45000, 4.45000, 2.85280])
    t = linspace(0, 1, n)
    """Interpolation along a line"""

    rho_spline = spline(x=x, y=y, z=z, f=rho, dims=3)

    rho_line = zeros((n, ))
    for i in range(n):
        xx = r0 + t[i] * (r1 - r0)
        rho_line[i] = rho_spline.eval3d(xx[0], xx[1], xx[2])
    Plotting. Here the calculated values ploted as a function 
    of electron density along the line \rho(x)
    It can be compared with the Line Profile perfomed by VESTA
    ###plotting of calculated results###
    fig = figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.plot(t * linalg.norm(r1 - r0),
            label=r"Electron density along a line")
    # end of plotting

    ###ploting of VESTA results###
    print("XCrySDen XSF file (fractional points)")
    print("Point 1: 0.02196  0.02196  0.50000")
    print("Point 2: 0.97703  0.97703  0.50000")
    print("Number of points: 500")

    fig1 = figure()
    ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111)
    X, Y = [], []
    for line in open('problem3.txt', 'r'):
        values = [float(s) for s in line.split()]

    ax1.plot(X, Y, label=r"Electron density along a line (VESTA)")
    # end of plotting

Example #14
def main():
    All the necessary calculations perfomed in main()
    filename = 'dft_chargedensity2.xsf'
    rho, lattice, grid, shift = read_example_xsf_density(filename)
    n = 500  # number of points in between
    Line points from assignment

    Line function in parametric form:  r(t) = r_0 + t*(r_1-r_0)
    r0 = array([-1.44660, 1.30730, 3.21150])
    r1 = array([1.43610, 3.18830, 1.35420])

    r00 = array([2.99960, 2.17330, 2.14620])
    r11 = array([8.75160, 2.17330, 2.14620])

    t = linspace(0, 1, n)
    Since the lattice matrix is not a diagonal,
    we use fractional distances
    (for details see Week 4 FYS-4096 Computational Physics lecture slides)
    new_lat = linalg.inv(transpose(lattice))  # A⁻¹
    """fractional vectors"""
    x = linspace(0, 1, rho.shape[0])
    y = linspace(0, 1, rho.shape[1])
    z = linspace(0, 1, rho.shape[2])
    """Interpolation along a line"""
    rho_spline = spline(x=x, y=y, z=z, f=rho, dims=3)

    rho_line1 = zeros((n, ))
    for i in range(n):
        xx = new_lat.dot(r0) + t[i] * new_lat.dot((r1 - r0))
        rho_line1[i] = rho_spline.eval3d(xx[0], xx[1], xx[2])

    rho_line2 = zeros((n, ))
    Here we have to redefine one of the given point-vectors 
    by taking modulus (periodic movement)
    (for details see Week 4 FYS-4096 Computational Physics lecture slides)
    unit = ones(3)
    for i in range(n):
        xx = mod(new_lat.dot(r00) + t[i] * new_lat.dot((r11 - r00)), unit)
        rho_line2[i] = rho_spline.eval3d(xx[0], xx[1], xx[2])
    Plotting. Here the calculated values ploted as a function 
    of electron density along the line \rho(x)
    It can be compared with the Line Profile perfomed by VESTA
    ###plotting of calculated results (1/2)###
    fig0 = figure()
    ax0 = fig0.add_subplot(111)
    ax0.plot(t * linalg.norm(r1 - r0),
             label=r"Electron density along the first line")
    ax0.legend(loc='upper right')
    # end of plotting

    ###plotting of calculated results (2/2)###
    fig00 = figure()
    ax00 = fig00.add_subplot(111)
    ax00.plot(t * linalg.norm(r11 - r00),
              label=r"Electron density along the second line")
    ax00.legend(loc='upper right')
    # end of plotting

    ###ploting of VESTA results (1/2)###
    fig = figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    print("XCrySDen XSF file 1  (fractional points)")
    print("Point 1: 0.10620  0.28809  0.70860")
    print("Point 2:  0.40050  0.70261  0.29880")
    print("Number of points: 500")
    X, Y = [], []
    for line in open('problem4_1.txt', 'r'):
        values = [float(s) for s in line.split()]

    ax.plot(X, Y, label=r"Electron density along the first line (VESTA)")
    ax.legend(loc='upper right')
    # end of plotting

    ###ploting of VESTA results (2/2)###
    fig1 = figure()
    ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111)
    print("XCrySDen XSF file 2  (fractional points)")
    print("Point 1:   0.76053  0.47893  0.47355")
    print("Point 2: 1.76053  0.47893  0.47355")
    print("Number of points: 500")
    XX, YY = [], []
    for line in open('problem4_2.txt', 'r'):
        values = [float(s) for s in line.split()]

    ax1.plot(XX, YY, label=r"Electron density along the second line (VESTA)")
    ax1.legend(loc='upper right')
    # end of plotting

Example #15
def main():
    filename = 'dft_chargedensity1.xsf'
    rho, lattice, grid, shift = read_example_xsf_density(filename)
    # runs too slowly to use 500 points for some reason i couldn't figure out
    interpolation_to_line(rho, grid, lattice, 0.1, 0.1, 2.8528, 4.45, 4.45,
                          2.8528, 50)