def mean_u_err(ww, ff, N, method, golden_u): toterr = 0.0 numseeds = 0 for seed in seeds: t_u_cv_s_method = readandcompute.T_u_cv_s_minT(ww, ff, N, method, seed) if t_u_cv_s_method != None: du = abs((t_u_cv_s_method[1] - golden_u)[t_u_cv_s_method[0] > Tmax]).max() lw = 0.01 if seed == 0: plt.plot(t_u_cv_s_method[0], (t_u_cv_s_method[1] - golden_u) / N, styles.plot(method), label=styles.title(method), linewidth=lw) else: plt.plot(t_u_cv_s_method[0], (t_u_cv_s_method[1] - golden_u) / N, styles.plot(method), linewidth=lw) toterr += du numseeds += 1 if numseeds > 0: return toterr / numseeds / N return None
#arg Ns = [[500,1372,4000]] # make figure with axes labeled using scientific notation def sci_fig(handle): fig = plt.figure(handle) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) fmt = matplotlib.ticker.ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) fmt.set_powerlimits((-2, 3)) fmt.set_scientific(True) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(fmt) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(fmt) return fig, ax fig_u, ax_u = sci_fig('u') plt.title('Specific internal energy for $\lambda=%g$, $\eta=%g$' % (ww, ff)) for N in Ns: T, U, CV, S, minT = readandcompute.T_u_cv_s_minT( "data/mc/ww%.2f-ff%.2f-N%d" % (ww, ff, N)) plt.semilogx(T, U / N, '-', label='$N=%d$' % N) plt.xlabel('$kT/\epsilon$') plt.ylabel('$U/N\epsilon$') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.tight_layout(pad=0.2) plt.savefig("figs/energy-ww%02.0f-ff%02.0f.pdf" % (ww * 100, ff * 100))
styles.plot(method), linewidth=lw) toterr += du numseeds += 1 if numseeds > 0: return toterr/numseeds/N return None labels_added = set() for golden_comp in all_goldens: bits = golden_comp.split('-') ww = float(bits[1][2:]) ff = float(bits[2][2:]) N = int(bits[3][1:]) print('ww = %g, ff = %g, N = %d' % (ww, ff, N)) t_u_cv_s = readandcompute.T_u_cv_s_minT(ww, ff, N, golden) if t_u_cv_s != None: plt.figure(2) plt.cla() plt.title(r'error in $U/N$ for $N=%d$ and $\eta=%g$ and $\lambda=%g$' % (N, ff, ww)) plt.xlabel(r'$T$') plt.ylabel(r'$\Delta U$') golden_u = t_u_cv_s[1] reference_error = mean_u_err(ww, ff, N, reference, golden_u) if reference_error == None: continue print(' ', reference, reference_error) for method in methods: plt.figure(2) method_err = mean_u_err(ww, ff, N, method, golden_u)
lenyz = float(sys.argv[4]) #arg lenyz = [10] fig, axD = plt.subplots() axT = plt.twinx() for ff in ffs: basename = 'data/lv/ww%.2f-ff%.2f-%gx%g' % (ww, ff, lenx, lenyz) e, diff = readandcompute.e_diffusion_estimate(basename) N = readandcompute.read_N(basename) axD.plot(e, diff, label=r'$\eta = %g$' % ff) axD.axvline(-readandcompute.max_entropy_state(basename) / N, linestyle=':') axD.axvline(-readandcompute.min_important_energy(basename) / N, linestyle='--') T, u, cv, s, minT = readandcompute.T_u_cv_s_minT(basename) axT.plot(u / N, T, 'r-') axT.set_ylim(0, 3) axT.axhline(minT, color='r', linestyle=':') e, hist = readandcompute.e_hist(basename) axT.plot(e / N, 2.5 * hist / hist.max(), 'k:') e, init_hist = readandcompute.e_and_total_init_histogram(basename) for i in range(len(e)): print(e[i], (2.5 * init_hist / init_hist.max())[i]) axT.plot(e, 2.5 * init_hist / init_hist.max(), 'c--') axT.spines['right'].set_color('red') axT.tick_params(axis='y', colors='red') axT.yaxis.label.set_color('red')