def linename_to_restwl(linelistfile = '/Users/adam/work/IRAS05358/code/linelist.txt',outfile='/Users/adam/work/IRAS05358/code/newlinelist.txt'): lines = readcol.readcol(linelistfile,fsep='|',twod=False,dtype='S') outf = open(outfile,'w') for line in transpose(lines): name = line[0] jre = re.compile('\(([0-9]*)\)').search(name) if jre == None: print >>outf, "%10s|%10s" % (line[0],line[1]) continue else: jl = int( jre.groups()[0] ) if name[4] == 'S': ju = jl + 2 elif name[4] == 'Q': ju = jl elif name[4] == 'O': ju = jl - 2 else: print >>outf, "%10s|%10s" % (line[0],line[1]) continue vu = int( name[0] ) vl = int( name[2] ) rwl = restwl(vu,vl,ju,jl) if rwl == 0: rwl = float(line[1]) print >>outf,"%10s|%10.8f" % (name,rwl)
def readspec(image,noiseimage, linelistfile = '/Users/adam/work/IRAS05358/code/linelist.txt', path_obs='/Users/adam/work/IRAS05358/spectra/nearir/', #'/Users/adam/observations/IRAS05358/UT090108/', noiseaperture=[0,10], aperture=[], nameregex='2-1 S\(1\)|1-0 S\([1379028]\)|1-0 Q\([1234]\)|3-2 S\([35]\)|4-3 S\(5\)', apname='', vlsrcorr=0): regex = re.compile(nameregex) im = noiseim = wlA = im[0].header['CRVAL1'] + im[0].header['CD1_1'] * ( arange(im[0].data.shape[1]) - im[0].header['CRPIX1'] + 1) data = im[0].data atmospec = median(noiseim[0].data[noiseaperture[0]:noiseaperture[1]],axis=0) countsperflux = 2.25e18 stdatmo = noiseim[0].data[noiseaperture[0]:noiseaperture[1]].std(axis=0) # std. dev. of non-backsubtracted data poisserr = sqrt(abs(noiseim[0].data).mean(axis=0) * countsperflux) / countsperflux # Poisson noise (very approximate correction) errspec = sqrt( stdatmo**2 + 2*poisserr**2 ) # poisson statistics - once for estimation of the noise, once for the subtraction errspec /= atmotrans_vect(wlA)**2 # Weight by inverse of atmospheric transmission^2 lines = readcol.readcol(linelistfile,fsep='|',twod=False,dtype='S') lines[1] = asarray(lines[1],dtype='float')*1e4 # convert microns to angstroms specsegments=[] for line in transpose(lines): wl = float(line[1]) name = line[0] if wl > wlA.min() and wl < wlA.max() and != None: closest = argmin(abs(wlA-wl)) minind = closest-7 maxind = closest+7 if len(aperture) != 0: savedata = data[aperture[0]:aperture[1],minind:maxind].sum(axis=0) else: savedata = data[:,minind:maxind] specsegments.append({ 'name':name, 'apname':apname, 'linewl':wl, 'index':closest, 'minind':minind, 'maxind':maxind, 'vlsrcorr':vlsrcorr, 'wavelength':wlA[minind:maxind], 'data':savedata, 'noback':atmospec[minind:maxind], 'err':errspec[minind:maxind], 'model':data[0,minind:maxind]*0 # 'smoothdata':convolve( data[:,minind:maxind] , hanning(3) , 'same') }) print "Done finding lines" return specsegments
def readspexspec(image, linelistfile = '/Users/adam/work/IRAS05358/code/linelist.txt', path_obs='/Users/adam/work/IRAS05358/spectra/nearir/', #'/Users/adam/observations/IRAS05358/UT090108/', nameregex='2-1 S\(1\)|1-0 S\([1379028]\)|1-0 Q\([1234]\)|3-2 S\([35]\)|4-3 S\(5\)', vlsrcorr=0, backsub=False, **kwargs): regex = re.compile(nameregex) im = wlA = im[0].data[0,:] * 1e4 data = im[0].data[1,:] countsperflux = 2.25e18 errspec = im[0].data[2,:] lines = readcol.readcol(linelistfile,fsep='|',twod=False,dtype='S') lines[1] = asarray(lines[1],dtype='float')*1e4 # convert microns to angstroms specsegments=[] for line in transpose(lines): wl = float(line[1]) name = line[0] if wl > wlA.min() and wl < wlA.max() and != None: closest = argmin(abs(wlA-wl)) minind = closest-7 maxind = closest+7 savedata = data[minind:maxind] if backsub: savedata -= median(savedata[savedata<median(savedata)]) specsegments.append({ 'name':name, 'linewl':wl, 'index':closest, 'minind':minind, 'maxind':maxind, 'vlsrcorr':vlsrcorr, 'wavelength':wlA[minind:maxind], 'data':savedata, 'noback':data[minind:maxind]*0, 'err':errspec[minind:maxind], 'model':data[minind:maxind]*0 }) print "Done finding lines" return specsegments (see the bottom of the table) """ We=4401.21 Be=60.853 WeXe=121.33 De=.0471 Ae=3.062 re=.74144 return h * c * (We*(V+0.5) + Be*(J*(J+1)) - WeXe*(V+.5)**2 - De*J**2*(J+1)**2 - Ae*(V+.5)*(J+1)*J) # read in rest energies before calling function tablepath='/Users/adam/work/IRAS05358/code/' resten = readcol.readcol(tablepath+'dalgarno1984_table5.txt',verbose=0) def restwl(vu,vl,ju,jl): """ Uses energy levels measured by Dalgarno, Can J. Physics, 62,1639,1984 vu,vl - upper and lower vibrational states ju,jl - upper and lower rotational states returns wavelength in microns""" if ju >= resten.shape[0] or vu >= resten.shape[1]: return 0 dl = .01/(resten[ju][vu]-resten[jl][vl]) return dl * 1e6 def linename_to_restwl(linelistfile = '/Users/adam/work/IRAS05358/code/linelist.txt',outfile='/Users/adam/work/IRAS05358/code/newlinelist.txt'): lines = readcol.readcol(linelistfile,fsep='|',twod=False,dtype='S') outf = open(outfile,'w')