def opt3_new(solution): new = readfile.gen_dummy_solution() calls_list = [] calls_list.extend(range(1, readfile.num_calls + 1)) i = 0 done = False while not done: ex = random.choices(calls_list, weights=readfile.weighted_calls(solution), k=3) ex1 = ex[0] ex2 = ex[1] ex3 = ex[2] order = [ex1, ex2, ex3] random.shuffle(order) temp = switch(list(solution), order[0], order[1]) temp = switch(temp, order[1], order[2]) if readfile.check_feasibility(temp): new = list(temp) done = True if i > 10: new = list(solution) done = True return new
def opt2_new(solution): new = readfile.gen_dummy_solution() calls_list = [] calls_list.extend(range(1, readfile.num_calls + 1)) i = 0 done = False while not done: ex = random.choices(calls_list, weights=readfile.weighted_calls(solution), k=2) ex1 = ex[0] ex2 = ex[1] temp = switch(solution, ex1, ex2) if readfile.check_feasibility(temp): new = list(temp) done = True if i > 10: new = list(solution) done = True return new
def local_search(solution): #p of using opt2 p1 = 0.33 #p of using opt3 p2 = 0.33 iteration = 0 best = list(solution) for i in range(10000): rand = random.random() if rand >= 0 and rand <= p1: temp = opt2(best) elif rand > p1 and rand <= p2 + p1: temp = opt3(best) else: temp = insert1(best) #print("temp: ", temp, " feasible?: ", readfile.check_feasibility(temp), " temp score: ", readfile.objective_function(temp), "best: ", best) if readfile.check_feasibility(temp): if readfile.objective_function(best) > readfile.objective_function( temp): best = temp iteration = i print("iteration: ", iteration) return best
def feasibilitycheck(solution): feasible = readfile.check_feasibility(solution) print("Feasible: ", feasible) #feasibilitycheck()
def insert1_new(solution): new = readfile.gen_dummy_solution() calls_list = [] calls_list.extend(range(1, readfile.num_calls + 1)) ex1 = random.choices(calls_list, weights=readfile.weighted_calls(solution), k=1) ex11 = ex1[0] ex1 = ex11 temp = list(solution) temp = [x for x in temp if x != ex1] done = False i = 0 while not done: i += 1 temp2 = list(temp) call_to_cars_results = readfile.call_to_cars(ex1) #car = random.choice(readfile.call_to_cars(ex1)) car_weights = readfile.weighted_cars(solution) usable_cars = [] usable_cars_weights = [] for j in range(len(car_weights)): if j + 1 in call_to_cars_results: usable_cars.append(j + 1) usable_cars_weights.append(car_weights[j]) car = random.choices(usable_cars, weights=usable_cars_weights, k=1) car1 = car[0] car = car1 cars_possition = car_poss(temp2, car) temp2.insert(random.choice(cars_possition), ex1) cars_possition = car_poss(temp2, car) temp2.insert(random.choice(cars_possition), ex1) if readfile.check_feasibility(temp2): new = list(temp2) done = True if i > 5: done = True new = list(solution) return new
def opt2(solution): best = list(solution) ex1 = random.choice(solution) while ex1 == 0: ex1 = random.choice(solution) ex2 = random.choice(solution) while ex2 == 0 or ex2 == ex1: ex2 = random.choice(solution) temp = switch(solution, ex1, ex2) if readfile.check_feasibility(temp): best = temp return best
def random_search(solution): best_solution = solution iteration = 0 for i in range(10000): current = readfile.gen_random_solution() if not readfile.check_feasibility(current): continue if readfile.objective_function( best_solution) > readfile.objective_function(current): best_solution = current iteration = i print("iteration: ", iteration) return best_solution
def simulated_annealing(solution): #p of using opt2 p1 = 0.33 #p of using opt3 p2 = 0.33 print("SimAnn") init_temperature = 25 temperature = init_temperature cooling = 0.998 incumbent = list(solution) best = list(solution) for _ in range(10000): rand = random.random() rand2 = random.random() if rand >= 0 and rand <= p1: temp = opt2(incumbent) elif rand > p1 and rand <= p2 + p1: temp = opt3(incumbent) else: temp = insert1(incumbent) deltaE = readfile.objective_function( temp) - readfile.objective_function(incumbent) p_change = e * (-deltaE / temperature) if readfile.check_feasibility(temp): if deltaE < 0: incumbent = temp if readfile.objective_function( incumbent) < readfile.objective_function(best): best = list(incumbent) elif rand2 < p_change: incumbent = temp temperature *= cooling return best
def insert1(solution): best = list(solution) ex1 = random.choice(solution) while ex1 == 0: ex1 = random.choice(solution) temp = list(solution) temp = [x for x in temp if x != ex1] car = random.choice(range(1, readfile.num_vehicles + 1)) cars_possition = car_poss(temp, car) temp.insert(random.choice(cars_possition), ex1) cars_possition = car_poss(temp, car) temp.insert(random.choice(cars_possition), ex1) if readfile.check_feasibility(temp): best = temp return best
def move1(solution): new = readfile.gen_dummy_solution() car = random.choice(range(readfile.num_vehicles - 1)) + 1 if len(car_poss(solution, car)) <= 2: return solution for _ in range(6): temp = list(solution) car_positions = car_poss(temp, car) ex1 = temp.pop(random.choice(car_positions)) new_car_positions = car_poss(temp, car) temp.insert(random.choice(new_car_positions), ex1) if temp == solution: continue if readfile.check_feasibility(temp): new = temp return new
def swap_in_car(solution): new = readfile.gen_dummy_solution() temp = list(solution) best = list(new) car = random.choice(range(readfile.num_vehicles)) + 1 car_posstitions = car_poss(temp, car) better_number = 0 car_posstitions.pop() if len(car_posstitions) < 4: return temp for _ in range(100): temp = list(solution) try: ex1 = random.choice(car_posstitions) ex2 = random.choice(car_posstitions) temp[ex1], temp[ex2] = temp[ex2], temp[ex1] if readfile.check_feasibility(temp): if readfile.objective_function( temp) < readfile.objective_function(best): best = temp better_number += 1 if better_number >= 1: break except: print("feilet") return best
def opt3(solution): best = list(solution) ex1 = random.choice(solution) while ex1 == 0: ex1 = random.choice(solution) ex2 = random.choice(solution) while ex2 == 0 or ex2 == ex1: ex2 = random.choice(solution) ex3 = random.choice(solution) while ex3 == 0 or ex3 == ex2 or ex3 == ex1: ex3 = random.choice(solution) order = [ex1, ex2, ex3] random.shuffle(order) temp = switch(solution, order[0], order[1]) temp = switch(temp, order[1], order[2]) if readfile.check_feasibility(temp): best = temp return best
def simulated_annealing_new(solution, max_time): function_start = print("SimAnn NEW") positive_deltas = [] init_temperature = int temperature = int cooling = 0.998 incumbent = list(solution) best = list(solution) op_scores = {"opt2": 0, "opt3": 0, "insert": 0, "swap": 0} prev_op_scores = {"opt2": 0, "opt3": 0, "insert": 0, "swap": 0} op_usage = {"opt2": 0, "opt3": 0, "insert": 0, "swap": 0} all_found_solutions = [] #initial weights op_weights = [1] * 4 lookup_list = [0, 1, 2, 3] time_opt2 = 0 time_opt3 = 0 time_insert = 0 time_swap = 0 score_op2 = 0 score_opt3 = 0 score_insert = 0 score_swap = 0 for i in range(40000): op_number_to_op = {0: "opt2", 1: "opt3", 2: "insert", 3: "swap"} rand2 = random.random() current_op = random.choices(lookup_list, weights=op_weights, k=1) current_op_temp = current_op[0] current_op = current_op_temp current_op = op_number_to_op[current_op] if current_op == "opt2": start = temp = opt2_new(incumbent) deltaE = readfile.objective_function( temp) - readfile.objective_function(incumbent) op_usage["opt2"] += 1 if readfile.objective_function(temp) < readfile.objective_function( best): op_scores["opt2"] += 6 elif deltaE < 0: op_scores["opt2"] += 2 elif temp not in all_found_solutions: op_scores["opt2"] += 1 all_found_solutions.append(temp) end = time_opt2 += (end - start).total_seconds() elif current_op == "opt3": start = temp = opt3_new(incumbent) deltaE = readfile.objective_function( temp) - readfile.objective_function(incumbent) op_usage["opt3"] += 1 if readfile.objective_function(temp) < readfile.objective_function( best): op_scores["opt3"] += 6 elif deltaE < 0: op_scores["opt3"] += 2 elif temp not in all_found_solutions: op_scores["opt3"] += 1 all_found_solutions.append(temp) end = time_opt3 += (end - start).total_seconds() elif current_op == "insert": start = temp = insert1_new(incumbent) deltaE = readfile.objective_function( temp) - readfile.objective_function(incumbent) op_usage["insert"] += 1 if readfile.objective_function(temp) < readfile.objective_function( best): op_scores["insert"] += 6 elif deltaE < 0: op_scores["insert"] += 2 elif temp not in all_found_solutions: op_scores["insert"] += 1 all_found_solutions.append(temp) end = time_insert += (end - start).total_seconds() else: start = temp = swap_in_car(incumbent) deltaE = readfile.objective_function( temp) - readfile.objective_function(incumbent) op_usage["swap"] += 1 if readfile.objective_function(temp) < readfile.objective_function( best): op_scores["swap"] += 6 elif deltaE < 0: op_scores["swap"] += 2 elif temp not in all_found_solutions: op_scores["swap"] += 1 all_found_solutions.append(temp) end = time_swap += (end - start).total_seconds() if i == 100: if op_usage["opt2"] == 0: op_usage["opt2"] = 1 if op_usage["opt3"] == 0: op_usage["opt3"] = 1 if op_usage["insert"] == 0: op_usage["insert"] = 1 if op_usage["swap"] == 0: op_usage["swap"] = 1 prev_op_scores = dict(op_scores) score_op2 += op_scores["opt2"] score_opt3 += op_scores["opt3"] score_insert += op_scores["insert"] score_swap += op_scores["swap"] op_scores = {"opt2": 0, "opt3": 0, "insert": 0, "swap": 0} op_usage = {"opt2": 0, "opt3": 0, "insert": 0, "swap": 0} elif i % 100 == 0 and i != 0: #print(i, " op scores: ", op_scores, " op weights: ", op_weights ) if op_usage["opt2"] == 0: op_usage["opt2"] = 1 if op_usage["opt3"] == 0: op_usage["opt3"] = 1 if op_usage["insert"] == 0: op_usage["insert"] = 1 if op_usage["swap"] == 0: op_usage["swap"] = 1 op_weights[0] = (0.8 * prev_op_scores["opt2"]) + ( 0.2 * (op_scores["opt2"] / op_usage["opt2"])) op_weights[1] = (0.8 * prev_op_scores["opt3"]) + ( 0.2 * (op_scores["opt3"] / op_usage["opt3"])) op_weights[2] = (0.8 * prev_op_scores["insert"]) + ( 0.2 * (op_scores["insert"] / op_usage["insert"])) op_weights[3] = (0.8 * prev_op_scores["swap"]) + ( 0.2 * (op_scores["swap"] / op_usage["swap"])) weights_sum = sum(op_weights) min_weight = weights_sum * 0.1 if min_weight < 0.01: min_weight = 0.01 if op_weights[0] < min_weight: op_weights[0] = min_weight if op_weights[1] < min_weight: op_weights[1] = min_weight if op_weights[2] < min_weight: op_weights[2] = min_weight if op_weights[3] < min_weight: op_weights[3] = min_weight score_op2 += op_scores["opt2"] score_opt3 += op_scores["opt3"] score_insert += op_scores["insert"] score_swap += op_scores["swap"] prev_op_scores = dict(op_scores) op_scores = {"opt2": 0, "opt3": 0, "insert": 0, "swap": 0} op_usage = {"opt2": 0, "opt3": 0, "insert": 0, "swap": 0} if i <= 100: p_change = 0.8 if deltaE > 0: positive_deltas.append(deltaE) elif i == 101: if len(positive_deltas) != 0: init_temperature = mean(positive_deltas) else: init_temperature = 1000 temperature = init_temperature p_change = e * (-deltaE / temperature) else: p_change = e * (-deltaE / temperature) if readfile.check_feasibility(temp): if deltaE < 0: incumbent = temp if readfile.objective_function( incumbent) < readfile.objective_function(best): best = list(incumbent) elif rand2 < p_change: incumbent = temp if i > 100: temperature *= cooling current_time = time = (current_time - function_start).total_seconds() if time >= max_time: return best #print("time opt2: ", time_opt2, " time opt3: ", time_opt3, " time insert: ", time_insert, " time swap: ", time_swap) #print("scoreopt2: ", score_op2, " scoreopt3: ", score_opt3, " scoreinsert: ", score_insert, "scoreswap: ", score_swap) #print("value: ", time_opt2/score_op2, " ", time_opt3/score_opt3, " ", time_insert/score_insert, " ", time_swap/score_swap) return best