Example #1
def search_section(request, query, project_slug=None, version_slug=LATEST,
    """Search for a section of content

    When you search, you will have a ``project`` facet, which includes the
    number of matching sections per project. When you search inside a project,
    the ``path`` facet will show the number of matching sections per page.

    :param request: Request instance
    :param query: string to use in query
    :param project_slug: :py:class:`Project` instance
    :param version_slug: :py:class:`Project` version instance
    :param taxonomy: search taxonomy
    kwargs = {}
    body = {
        "query": {
            "bool": {
                "should": [
                    {"match_phrase": {
                        "title": {
                            "query": query,
                            "boost": 10,
                            "slop": 2,
                    {"match_phrase": {
                        "content": {
                            "query": query,
                            "slop": 5,
        "facets": {
            "project": {
                "terms": {"field": "project"},
                "facet_filter": {
                    "term": {"version": version_slug},
        "highlight": {
            "fields": {
                "title": {},
                "content": {},
        "fields": ["title", "project", "version", "path", "page_id", "content"],
        "size": 10  # TODO: Support pagination.

    if project_slug:
        body['filter'] = {
            "and": [
                {"term": {"project": project_slug}},
                {"term": {"version": version_slug}},
        body['facets']['path'] = {
            "terms": {"field": "path"},
            "facet_filter": {
                "term": {"project": project_slug},
        # Add routing to optimize search by hitting the right shard.
        kwargs['routing'] = project_slug

    if path:
        body['filter'] = {
            "and": [
                {"term": {"path": path}},

    if path and not project_slug:
        # Show facets when we only have a path
        body['facets']['path'] = {
            "terms": {"field": "path"}

    before_section_search.send(request=request, sender=PageIndex, body=body)

    return SectionIndex().search(body, **kwargs)
Example #2
def search_section(request,
    """Search for a section of content

    When you search, you will have a ``project`` facet, which includes the
    number of matching sections per project. When you search inside a project,
    the ``path`` facet will show the number of matching sections per page.

    :param request: Request instance
    :param query: string to use in query
    :param project_slug: :py:class:`Project` instance
    :param version_slug: :py:class:`Project` version instance
    :param taxonomy: search taxonomy
    kwargs = {}
    body = {
        "query": {
            "bool": {
                "should": [
                        "match_phrase": {
                            "title": {
                                "query": query,
                                "boost": 10,
                                "slop": 2,
                        "match_phrase": {
                            "content": {
                                "query": query,
                                "slop": 5,
        "facets": {
            "project": {
                "terms": {
                    "field": "project"
                "facet_filter": {
                    "term": {
                        "version": version_slug
        "highlight": {
            "fields": {
                "title": {},
                "content": {},
        ["title", "project", "version", "path", "page_id", "content"],
        "size": 10  # TODO: Support pagination.

    if project_slug:
        body['filter'] = {
            "and": [
                    "term": {
                        "project": project_slug
                    "term": {
                        "version": version_slug
        body['facets']['path'] = {
            "terms": {
                "field": "path"
            "facet_filter": {
                "term": {
                    "project": project_slug
        # Add routing to optimize search by hitting the right shard.
        kwargs['routing'] = project_slug

    if path:
        body['filter'] = {
            "and": [
                    "term": {
                        "path": path

    if path and not project_slug:
        # Show facets when we only have a path
        body['facets']['path'] = {"terms": {"field": "path"}}

    before_section_search.send(request=request, sender=PageIndex, body=body)

    return SectionIndex().search(body, **kwargs)
Example #3
def search_section(
    Search for a section of content.

    When you search, you will have a ``project`` facet, which includes the
    number of matching sections per project. When you search inside a project,
    the ``path`` facet will show the number of matching sections per page.

    :param request: Request instance
    :param query: string to use in query
    :param project_slug: :py:class:`Project` instance
    :param version_slug: :py:class:`Project` version instance
    :param taxonomy: search taxonomy
    kwargs = {}
    body = {
        'query': {
            'bool': {
                'should': [
                        'match_phrase': {
                            'title': {
                                'query': query,
                                'boost': 10,
                                'slop': 2,
                        'match_phrase': {
                            'content': {
                                'query': query,
                                'slop': 5,
        'facets': {
            'project': {
                'terms': {
                    'field': 'project'
                'facet_filter': {
                    'term': {
                        'version': version_slug
        'highlight': {
            'fields': {
                'title': {},
                'content': {},
        ['title', 'project', 'version', 'path', 'page_id', 'content'],
        'size': 10,  # TODO: Support pagination.

    if project_slug:
        body['filter'] = {
            'and': [
                    'term': {
                        'project': project_slug
                    'term': {
                        'version': version_slug
        body['facets']['path'] = {
            'terms': {
                'field': 'path'
            'facet_filter': {
                'term': {
                    'project': project_slug
        # Add routing to optimize search by hitting the right shard.
        kwargs['routing'] = project_slug

    if path:
        body['filter'] = {
            'and': [
                    'term': {
                        'path': path

    if path and not project_slug:
        # Show facets when we only have a path
        body['facets']['path'] = {
            'terms': {
                'field': 'path'

    before_section_search.send(request=request, sender=PageIndex, body=body)

    return SectionIndex().search(body, **kwargs)