def test_pool(self): pool = InterruptiblePool(2) params = [1., 1.1] res =, params) self.assertAlmostEqual(res, [0.9950041652780258, 1.095870355119381], delta=1e-15)
def test_nopool(self): pool = InterruptiblePool(2) params = [1., 1.1] res = [runsim(params[0]), runsim(params[1])] self.assertAlmostEqual(res[0], 0.9950041652780258, delta=1e-15) self.assertAlmostEqual(res[1], 1.095870355119381, delta=1e-15) pool.close()
return 10. # At least one particle got ejected, returning large MEGNO. import rebound import numpy as np print simulation((7, 0.1)) Ngrid = 500 par_a = np.linspace(7., 10., Ngrid) par_e = np.linspace(0., 0.5, Ngrid) parameters = [] for e in par_e: for a in par_a: parameters.append((a, e)) from rebound.interruptible_pool import InterruptiblePool pool = InterruptiblePool() results =, parameters) results2d = np.array(results).reshape(Ngrid, Ngrid) #%matplotlib inline import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 5)) ax = plt.subplot(111) extent = [min(par_a), max(par_a), min(par_e), max(par_e)] ax.set_xlim(extent[0], extent[1]) ax.set_xlabel("semi-major axis $a$") ax.set_ylim(extent[2], extent[3]) ax.set_ylabel("inclination $i$") im = ax.imshow(results2d, interpolation="none", vmin=1.9,
colors = { 'whfast-nocor': "#00AA00", 'whfast': "#FF0000", 'mercury': "#6E6E6E", 'swifter-whm': "#444444", 'swifter-helio': "#AABBBB", 'swifter-tu4': "#FFAAAA", 'ias15': "g", 'janus': "#0000FF", } trials = 4 parameters = [(inte, i * trials + j, j) for i, inte in enumerate(integrators) for j in xrange(trials)] if len(sys.argv) != 2: pool = InterruptiblePool() print("Running %d simulations" % (len(parameters))) res = np.array(, parameters)).reshape(len(integrators), trials, 4, Ngrid)"res.npy", res) else: print("Loading %d simulations" % (len(parameters))) print(sys.argv[1]) res = np.load(sys.argv[1]) f, axarr = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(13, 4)) #extent=[res[:,:,0,:].min()/orbit, res[:,:,0,:].max()/orbit, 1e-16, 1e-9] extent = [ res[:, :, 0, :].min() / orbit, res[:, :, 0, :].max() / orbit, 1e-24, 1e-7 ]
'whfast-nocor': "#FF0000", 'whfast': "#00AA00", 'mercury': "#6E6E6E", 'wh': "b", 'swifter-whm': "#444444", 'swifter-helio':"#AABBBB", 'swifter-tu4': "#FFAAAA", 'ias15': "g", } trials = 4 parameters = [(inte,i*trials+j,j) for i,inte in enumerate(integrators) for j in xrange(trials)] if len(sys.argv)!=2: pool = InterruptiblePool() print "Running %d simulations" % (len(parameters)) res = np.array(,parameters)).reshape(len(integrators),trials,2,Ngrid)"res.npy",res) else: print "Loading %d simulations" % (len(parameters)) print sys.argv[1] res = np.load(sys.argv[1]) import matplotlib; matplotlib.use("pdf") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import ticker from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm f,axarr = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(13,4))
tmax = orbit*1e3 integrators = ["wh","swifter-whm","swifter-tu4","swifter-helio","mercury","whfast-nocor","whfast"] colors = { 'whfast-nocor': "#FF0000", 'whfast': "#00AA00", 'mercury': "#6E6E6E", 'wh': "b", 'swifter-whm': "#444444", 'swifter-helio':"#AABBBB", 'swifter-tu4': "#FFAAAA", 'ias15': "g", } parameters = [(inte,dt,i*len(dts)+j) for i,inte in enumerate(integrators) for j, dt in enumerate(dts)] if len(sys.argv)!=2: pool = InterruptiblePool(8) print "Running %d simulations" % (len(parameters)) res = np.array(,parameters)).reshape(len(integrators),len(dts),2)"res.npy",res) else: print "Loading %d simulations" % (len(parameters)) print sys.argv[1] res = np.load(sys.argv[1]) print res.shape import matplotlib; matplotlib.use("pdf") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import ticker from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
colors = { 'whfast-nocor': "#FF0000", 'whfast': "#00AA00", 'mercury': "#6E6E6E", 'wh': "b", 'swifter-whm': "#444444", 'swifter-helio': "#AABBBB", 'swifter-tu4': "#FFAAAA", 'ias15': "g", } parameters = [(inte, dt, i * len(dts) + j) for i, inte in enumerate(integrators) for j, dt in enumerate(dts)] if len(sys.argv) != 2: pool = InterruptiblePool(8) print "Running %d simulations" % (len(parameters)) res = np.array(, parameters)).reshape(len(integrators), len(dts), 2)"res.npy", res) else: print "Loading %d simulations" % (len(parameters)) print sys.argv[1] res = np.load(sys.argv[1]) print res.shape import matplotlib matplotlib.use("pdf") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import ticker
interpolation='nearest', cmap="RdYlGn", extent=extent) if first: cb1 = plt.colorbar(im1, ax=axarr[0]) cb1.solids.set_rasterized(True) cb1.set_label("MEGNO $\\langle Y \\rangle$") cb2 = plt.colorbar(im2, ax=axarr[1]) cb2.solids.set_rasterized(True) cb2.set_label("Lyapunov timescale [years]") plt.draw() pool = InterruptiblePool( ) # Number of threads default to the number of CPUs on the system def runSim(p): print("Running %d simulations." % len(p)) res = np.nan_to_num(np.array(, p))) for i, r in enumerate(res): resd[p[i]] = r # Setup grid and run many simulations in parallel a = np.array([7., 10.]) # range of saturn semi-major axis in AU e = np.array([0., 0.5]) # range of saturn eccentricity # Setup plots f, axarr = plt.subplots(2, figsize=(10, 8))
except rebound.Escape: return 10. # At least one particle got ejected, returning large MEGNO. import rebound import numpy as np print simulation((7,0.1)) Ngrid = 500 par_a = np.linspace(7.,10.,Ngrid) par_e = np.linspace(0.,0.5,Ngrid) parameters = [] for e in par_e: for a in par_a: parameters.append((a,e)) from rebound.interruptible_pool import InterruptiblePool pool = InterruptiblePool() results =,parameters) results2d = np.array(results).reshape(Ngrid,Ngrid) #%matplotlib inline import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7,5)) ax = plt.subplot(111) extent = [min(par_a),max(par_a),min(par_e),max(par_e)] ax.set_xlim(extent[0],extent[1]) ax.set_xlabel("semi-major axis $a$") ax.set_ylim(extent[2],extent[3]) ax.set_ylabel("inclination $i$") im = ax.imshow(results2d, interpolation="none", vmin=1.9, vmax=4, cmap="jet", origin="lower", aspect='auto', extent=extent) cb = plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax)
def test_pool(self): pool = InterruptiblePool(2) params = [1.,1.1] res =,params) self.assertAlmostEqual(res,[0.9950041652780258,1.095870355119381],delta=1e-15)
return pgraph def varpi_graph(vp1, vp2, times): plt.figure() plt.scatter(times, vp1, color='purple', s=10) plt.scatter(times, vp2, color='blue', s=10) plt.xlabel('Time (years)', fontsize=12) plt.ylabel('Pericentre Distance (m)', fontsize=12) scatter(times, vp1, color='purple', label='smaller planet varpi') scatter(times, vp2, color='blue', label='larger planet varpi') vpgraph = plt.savefig('sin,pericentre_distance_taupo=e={0}.pdf'.format( taues[1])) return vpgraph args = np.logspace(4, 8, 20) pool = InterruptiblePool(10), args) filenames = [] f = open('onlytaue,filenames.txt', 'w') for count in range(len(args)): filenames.append('onlytaue={0}.txt'.format(args[count])) print(filenames[count]) f.write(str(filenames[count])) f.write('\t') f.write(str(args[count])) f.write('\n') f.close()
return [rebound.get_megno(),1./(rebound.get_lyapunov()*2.*np.pi)] # returns MEGNO and Lypunov timescale in years ### Setup grid and run many simulations in parallel N = 100 # Grid size, increase this number to see more detail a = np.linspace(7.,10.,N) # range of saturn semi-major axis in AU e = np.linspace(0.,0.5,N) # range of saturn eccentricity parameters = [] for _e in e: for _a in a: parameters.append([_a,_e]) # Run simulations in parallel pool = InterruptiblePool() # Number of threads default to the number of CPUs on the system print("Running %d simulations on %d threads..." % (len(parameters), pool._processes)) res = np.nan_to_num(np.array(,parameters))) megno = np.clip(res[:,0].reshape((N,N)),1.8,4.) # clip arrays to plot saturated lyaptimescale = np.clip(np.absolute(res[:,1].reshape((N,N))),1e1,1e5) ### Create plot and save as pdf import matplotlib; matplotlib.use("pdf") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm # Setup plots f, axarr = plt.subplots(2,figsize=(10,10)) extent = [a.min(), a.max(), e.min(), e.max()] for ax in axarr: ax.set_xlim(extent[0],extent[1])
scatter(times[840:1000], phi6[840:1000], color = 'purple', label = '7:6') pgraph = plt.savefig('sin,resonance_angles_taupo=e={0}.pdf'.format(taues[1])) return pgraph def varpi_graph(vp1, vp2, times): plt.figure() plt.scatter(times, vp1, color = 'purple', s=10) plt.scatter(times, vp2, color = 'blue', s=10) plt.xlabel('Time (years)', fontsize = 12) plt.ylabel('Pericentre Distance (m)', fontsize = 12) scatter(times,vp1, color = 'purple', label = 'smaller planet varpi') scatter(times, vp2, color = 'blue', label = 'larger planet varpi') vpgraph = plt.savefig('sin,pericentre_distance_taupo=e={0}.pdf'.format(taues[1])) return vpgraph args = np.logspace(4,8,20) pool = InterruptiblePool(10),args) filenames=[] f=open('onlytaue,filenames.txt','w') for count in range(len(args)): filenames.append('onlytaue={0}.txt'.format(args[count])) print(filenames[count]) f.write(str(filenames[count])) f.write('\t') f.write(str(args[count])) f.write('\n') f.close()