Example #1
    def opt_Iext(self, lc_bound_):
        find lca and lcb values that minimize intensity
        :param lc_bound_: float
            half the range to restrict the search
        :return: tuple
            (lca, lcb) at extinction
        # set_lc(self.mmc, 0.25, self.PROPERTIES['LCA'])
        # set_lc(self.mmc, 0.5, self.PROPERTIES['LCB'])

        set_lc_state(self.mmc, self.PROPERTIES['State0'])

        # do not sample over a half wave.  Restrict to +- 0.25 around starting
        i_ext_ = self.optimize_grid_search(0.01, 0.5, 0.25, 0.75, lc_bound_)

        define_lc_state(self.mmc, self.PROPERTIES, self.PROPERTIES['State0'])
        lca_ext_ = get_lc(self.mmc, self.PROPERTIES['LCA'])
        lcb_ext_ = get_lc(self.mmc, self.PROPERTIES['LCB'])
        return [lca_ext_, lcb_ext_, i_ext_]
Example #2
    def opt_I1(self):
        no optimization performed for this.  Simply apply swing and read intensity
        This is the same as "Ielliptical"
        :return: float
            mean of image

        set_lc(self.mmc, self.lca_ext + self.swing, self.PROPERTIES['LCA'])
        set_lc(self.mmc, self.lcb_ext, self.PROPERTIES['LCB'])

        define_lc_state(self.mmc, self.PROPERTIES, self.PROPERTIES['State1'])

        image = SnapAndRetrieve.snap_and_retrieve(self.entry_point)
        # image = snap_and_get_image(self.entry_point)

        self.i_ref = np.mean(image)
        return [
            get_lc(self.mmc, self.PROPERTIES['LCA']),
            get_lc(self.mmc, self.PROPERTIES['LCB'])
Example #3
    def opt_I4(self, lca_bound, lcb_bound):



        set_lc(self.mmc, self.lca_ext - self.swing, self.PROPERTIES['LCA'])
        set_lc(self.mmc, self.lcb_ext, self.PROPERTIES['LCB'])

        intensity = self.optimize_brent(lca_bound, lcb_bound,
                                        self.l_elliptical, 1)

        define_lc_state(self.mmc, self.PROPERTIES, self.PROPERTIES['State4'])

        return [
            get_lc(self.mmc, self.PROPERTIES['LCA']),
            get_lc(self.mmc, self.PROPERTIES['LCB']), self.i_ref + intensity
Example #4
    def optimize_brent(self, lca_bound_, lcb_bound_, reference, num_iter):
        call scipy.optimize on the opt_lc function with arguments
        each iteration loop optimizes on LCA and LCB once, in sequence
        Bounds are around CURRENT LCA/LCB values

        :param lca_bound_: float
            half the range to restrict the search for LCA
        :param lcb_bound_: float
            half the range to restrict the search for LCB
        :param reference: float
            optimize difference between opt_lc output and this value
        :param num_iter: int
            number of LCA-LCB cycles
        # if lca_bound_ < 0.01 or lca_bound_ > 1.6:
        #     raise ValueError("lc_bound must be within the allowed LC range [0.01, 1.6]")
        # if lcb_bound_ < 0.01 or lcb_bound_ > 1.6:
        #     raise ValueError("lc_bound must be within the allowed LC range [0.01, 1.6]")

        for i in range(num_iter):
            print("lca lcb iteration # " + str(i))
            current_lca = get_lc(self.mmc, self.PROPERTIES['LCA'])
            current_lcb = get_lc(self.mmc, self.PROPERTIES['LCB'])

            # check that bounds don't exceed range of LC
            lca_lower_bound = 0.01 if (
                current_lca - lca_bound_) <= 0.01 else current_lca - lca_bound_
            lca_upper_bound = 1.6 if (
                current_lca + lca_bound_) >= 1.6 else current_lca + lca_bound_

            lcb_lower_bound = 0.01 if current_lcb - lcb_bound_ <= 0.01 else current_lcb - lcb_bound_
            lcb_upper_bound = 1.6 if current_lcb + lcb_bound_ >= 1.6 else current_lcb + lcb_bound_

            # optimize lca
            xopt = optimal value of LC
            fval = output of opt_lc (mean intensity)
            ierr = error flag
            numfunc = number of function calls
            xopt0, fval0, ierr0, numfunc0 = optimize.fminbound(
                args=(self.PROPERTIES['LCA'], 'mean', reference),
            print("\tlca = " + str(xopt0))
            print("\tdifference intensity = " + str(fval0))

            # optimize lcb
            xopt1, fval1, ierr1, numfunc1 = optimize.fminbound(
                args=(self.PROPERTIES['LCB'], 'mean', reference),
            print("\tlcb = \t" + str(xopt1))
            print("\tdifference intensity = \t" + str(fval1))
        return fval1
Example #5
    def optimize_grid_search(self, a_min, a_max, b_min, b_max, lc_bound):
        do a standard grid search to optimize LCA and LCB
        :param a_min:
        :param a_max:
        :param b_min:
        :param b_max:
        min_int = 65536
        better_lca = -1
        better_lcb = -1

        # coarse search
        for lca in np.arange(a_min, a_max, 0.1):
            for lcb in np.arange(b_min, b_max, 0.1):
                set_lc(self.mmc, lca, self.PROPERTIES['LCA'])
                set_lc(self.mmc, lcb, self.PROPERTIES['LCB'])

                # todo: add if conditional to emit or not to emit?
                current_int = np.mean(
                # current_int = np.mean(snap_and_get_image(self.entry_point))

                if current_int < min_int:
                    better_lca = lca
                    better_lcb = lcb
                    min_int = current_int
                    print("update (%f, %f, %f)" %
                          (min_int, better_lca, better_lcb))

        print("coarse search done")
        print("better lca = " + str(better_lca))
        print("better lcb = " + str(better_lcb))
        print("better int = " + str(min_int))

        best_lca = better_lca
        best_lcb = better_lcb

        # fine search using grid search
        # for lca in np.arange(better_lca - 0.02, better_lca + 0.02, 0.002):
        #     for lcb in np.arange(better_lcb - 0.02, better_lcb + 0.02, 0.002):
        #         lca = 0.01 if lca <= 0.01 else lca
        #         lca = 1.6 if lca >= 1.6 else lca
        #         lcb = 0.01 if lcb <= 0.01 else lcb
        #         lcb = 1.6 if lcb >= 1.6 else lcb
        #         set_lc(lca, PROPERTIES['LCA'])
        #         set_lc(lcb, PROPERTIES['LCB'])
        #         current_int = np.mean(snap_and_retrieve())
        #         if current_int < min_int:
        #             best_lca = lca
        #             best_lcb = lcb
        #             min_int = current_int
        #             print("update (%f, %f, %f)" % (min_int, best_lca, best_lcb))

        # fine search using brent's
        set_lc(self.mmc, best_lca, self.PROPERTIES['LCA'])
        set_lc(self.mmc, best_lcb, self.PROPERTIES['LCB'])
        min_int = self.optimize_brent(lc_bound, lc_bound, self.I_black, 3)

        best_lca = get_lc(self.mmc, self.PROPERTIES['LCA'])
        best_lcb = get_lc(self.mmc, self.PROPERTIES['LCB'])

        print("fine search done")
        print("best lca = " + str(best_lca))
        print("best lcb = " + str(best_lcb))
        print("best int = " + str(min_int))

        return min_int