class xgboostTrainer(AbstractTrainer): """xgboostTrainer is designed for XGBOOST. """ def __init__(self, config, model): super(xgboostTrainer, self).__init__(config, model) self.xgb = __import__('xgboost') self.logger = getLogger() self.label_field = config['LABEL_FIELD'] self.xgb_model = config['xgb_model'] self.convert_token_to_onehot = self.config['convert_token_to_onehot'] # DMatrix params self.weight = config['xgb_weight'] self.base_margin = config['xgb_base_margin'] self.missing = config['xgb_missing'] self.silent = config['xgb_silent'] self.feature_names = config['xgb_feature_names'] self.feature_types = config['xgb_feature_types'] self.nthread = config['xgb_nthread'] # train params self.params = config['xgb_params'] self.num_boost_round = config['xgb_num_boost_round'] self.evals = () self.obj = config['xgb_obj'] self.feval = config['xgb_feval'] self.maximize = config['xgb_maximize'] self.early_stopping_rounds = config['xgb_early_stopping_rounds'] self.evals_result = {} self.verbose_eval = config['xgb_verbose_eval'] self.callbacks = None # evaluator self.eval_type = config['eval_type'] self.epochs = config['epochs'] self.eval_step = min(config['eval_step'], self.epochs) self.valid_metric = config['valid_metric'].lower() self.evaluator = ProxyEvaluator(config) # model saved self.checkpoint_dir = config['checkpoint_dir'] ensure_dir(self.checkpoint_dir) saved_model_file = '{}-{}.pth'.format(self.config['model'], get_local_time()) self.saved_model_file = os.path.join(self.checkpoint_dir, saved_model_file) def _interaction_to_DMatrix(self, dataloader): r"""Convert data format from interaction to DMatrix Args: dataloader (XgboostDataLoader): xgboost dataloader. Returns: DMatrix: Data in the form of 'DMatrix'. """ interaction = dataloader.dataset[:] interaction_np = interaction.numpy() cur_data = np.array([]) columns = [] for key, value in interaction_np.items(): value = np.resize(value, (value.shape[0], 1)) if key != self.label_field: columns.append(key) if cur_data.shape[0] == 0: cur_data = value else: cur_data = np.hstack((cur_data, value)) if self.convert_token_to_onehot == True: from scipy import sparse from scipy.sparse import dok_matrix convert_col_list = dataloader.dataset.convert_col_list hash_count = dataloader.dataset.hash_count new_col = cur_data.shape[1] - len(convert_col_list) for key, values in hash_count.items(): new_col = new_col + values onehot_data = dok_matrix((cur_data.shape[0], new_col)) cur_j = 0 new_j = 0 for key in columns: if key in convert_col_list: for i in range(cur_data.shape[0]): onehot_data[i, int(new_j + cur_data[i, cur_j])] = 1 new_j = new_j + hash_count[key] - 1 else: for i in range(cur_data.shape[0]): onehot_data[i, new_j] = cur_data[i, cur_j] cur_j = cur_j + 1 new_j = new_j + 1 cur_data = sparse.csc_matrix(onehot_data) return self.xgb.DMatrix(data=cur_data, label=interaction_np[self.label_field], weight=self.weight, base_margin=self.base_margin, missing=self.missing, silent=self.silent, feature_names=self.feature_names, feature_types=self.feature_types, nthread=self.nthread) def _train_at_once(self, train_data, valid_data): r""" Args: train_data (XgboostDataLoader): XgboostDataLoader, which is the same with GeneralDataLoader. valid_data (XgboostDataLoader): XgboostDataLoader, which is the same with GeneralDataLoader. """ self.dtrain = self._interaction_to_DMatrix(train_data) self.dvalid = self._interaction_to_DMatrix(valid_data) self.evals = [(self.dtrain, 'train'), (self.dvalid, 'valid')] self.model = self.xgb.train(self.params, self.dtrain, self.num_boost_round, self.evals, self.obj, self.feval, self.maximize, self.early_stopping_rounds, self.evals_result, self.verbose_eval, self.xgb_model, self.callbacks) self.model.save_model(self.saved_model_file) self.xgb_model = self.saved_model_file def _valid_epoch(self, valid_data): r""" Args: valid_data (XgboostDataLoader): XgboostDataLoader, which is the same with GeneralDataLoader. """ valid_result = self.evaluate(valid_data) valid_score = calculate_valid_score(valid_result, self.valid_metric) return valid_result, valid_score def fit(self, train_data, valid_data=None, verbose=True, saved=True, show_progress=False): # load model if self.xgb_model is not None: self.model.load_model(self.xgb_model) self.best_valid_score = 0. self.best_valid_result = 0. for epoch_idx in range(self.epochs): self._train_at_once(train_data, valid_data) if (epoch_idx + 1) % self.eval_step == 0: # evaluate valid_start_time = time() valid_result, valid_score = self._valid_epoch(valid_data) valid_end_time = time() valid_score_output = "epoch %d evaluating [time: %.2fs, valid_score: %f]" % \ (epoch_idx, valid_end_time - valid_start_time, valid_score) valid_result_output = 'valid result: \n' + dict2str( valid_result) if verbose: self.best_valid_score = valid_score self.best_valid_result = valid_result return self.best_valid_score, self.best_valid_result def evaluate(self, eval_data, load_best_model=True, model_file=None, show_progress=False): self.eval_pred = torch.Tensor() self.eval_true = torch.Tensor() self.deval = self._interaction_to_DMatrix(eval_data) self.eval_true = torch.Tensor(self.deval.get_label()) self.eval_pred = torch.Tensor(self.model.predict(self.deval)) batch_matrix_list = [[ torch.stack((self.eval_true, self.eval_pred), 1) ]] result = self.evaluator.evaluate(batch_matrix_list, eval_data) return result
class Trainer(AbstractTrainer): r"""The basic Trainer for basic training and evaluation strategies in recommender systems. This class defines common functions for training and evaluation processes of most recommender system models, including fit(), evaluate(), resume_checkpoint() and some other features helpful for model training and evaluation. Generally speaking, this class can serve most recommender system models, If the training process of the model is to simply optimize a single loss without involving any complex training strategies, such as adversarial learning, pre-training and so on. Initializing the Trainer needs two parameters: `config` and `model`. `config` records the parameters information for controlling training and evaluation, such as `learning_rate`, `epochs`, `eval_step` and so on. `model` is the instantiated object of a Model Class. """ def __init__(self, config, model): super(Trainer, self).__init__(config, model) self.logger = getLogger() self.learner = config['learner'] self.learning_rate = config['learning_rate'] self.epochs = config['epochs'] self.eval_step = min(config['eval_step'], self.epochs) self.stopping_step = config['stopping_step'] self.clip_grad_norm = config['clip_grad_norm'] self.valid_metric = config['valid_metric'].lower() self.valid_metric_bigger = config['valid_metric_bigger'] self.test_batch_size = config['eval_batch_size'] self.device = config['device'] self.checkpoint_dir = config['checkpoint_dir'] ensure_dir(self.checkpoint_dir) saved_model_file = '{}-{}.pth'.format(self.config['model'], get_local_time()) self.saved_model_file = os.path.join(self.checkpoint_dir, saved_model_file) self.weight_decay = config['weight_decay'] self.start_epoch = 0 self.cur_step = 0 self.best_valid_score = -1 self.best_valid_result = None self.train_loss_dict = dict() self.optimizer = self._build_optimizer() self.eval_type = config['eval_type'] self.evaluator = ProxyEvaluator(config) self.item_tensor = None self.tot_item_num = None def _build_optimizer(self): r"""Init the Optimizer Returns: torch.optim: the optimizer """ if self.learner.lower() == 'adam': optimizer = optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(), lr=self.learning_rate, weight_decay=self.weight_decay) elif self.learner.lower() == 'sgd': optimizer = optim.SGD(self.model.parameters(), lr=self.learning_rate, weight_decay=self.weight_decay) elif self.learner.lower() == 'adagrad': optimizer = optim.Adagrad(self.model.parameters(), lr=self.learning_rate, weight_decay=self.weight_decay) elif self.learner.lower() == 'rmsprop': optimizer = optim.RMSprop(self.model.parameters(), lr=self.learning_rate, weight_decay=self.weight_decay) elif self.learner.lower() == 'sparse_adam': optimizer = optim.SparseAdam(self.model.parameters(), lr=self.learning_rate) if self.weight_decay > 0: self.logger.warning( 'Sparse Adam cannot argument received argument [{weight_decay}]' ) else: self.logger.warning( 'Received unrecognized optimizer, set default Adam optimizer') optimizer = optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(), lr=self.learning_rate) return optimizer def _train_epoch(self, train_data, epoch_idx, loss_func=None, show_progress=False): r"""Train the model in an epoch Args: train_data (DataLoader): The train data. epoch_idx (int): The current epoch id. loss_func (function): The loss function of :attr:`model`. If it is ``None``, the loss function will be :attr:`self.model.calculate_loss`. Defaults to ``None``. show_progress (bool): Show the progress of training epoch. Defaults to ``False``. Returns: float/tuple: The sum of loss returned by all batches in this epoch. If the loss in each batch contains multiple parts and the model return these multiple parts loss instead of the sum of loss, it will return a tuple which includes the sum of loss in each part. """ self.model.train() loss_func = loss_func or self.model.calculate_loss total_loss = None iter_data = (tqdm( enumerate(train_data), total=len(train_data), desc=f"Train {epoch_idx:>5}", ) if show_progress else enumerate(train_data)) for batch_idx, interaction in iter_data: interaction = self.optimizer.zero_grad() losses = loss_func(interaction) if isinstance(losses, tuple): loss = sum(losses) loss_tuple = tuple(per_loss.item() for per_loss in losses) total_loss = loss_tuple if total_loss is None else tuple( map(sum, zip(total_loss, loss_tuple))) else: loss = losses total_loss = losses.item( ) if total_loss is None else total_loss + losses.item() self._check_nan(loss) loss.backward() if self.clip_grad_norm: clip_grad_norm_(self.model.parameters(), **self.clip_grad_norm) self.optimizer.step() return total_loss def _valid_epoch(self, valid_data, show_progress=False): r"""Valid the model with valid data Args: valid_data (DataLoader): the valid data. show_progress (bool): Show the progress of evaluate epoch. Defaults to ``False``. Returns: float: valid score dict: valid result """ valid_result = self.evaluate(valid_data, load_best_model=False, show_progress=show_progress) valid_score = calculate_valid_score(valid_result, self.valid_metric) return valid_score, valid_result def _save_checkpoint(self, epoch): r"""Store the model parameters information and training information. Args: epoch (int): the current epoch id """ state = { 'config': self.config, 'epoch': epoch, 'cur_step': self.cur_step, 'best_valid_score': self.best_valid_score, 'state_dict': self.model.state_dict(), 'optimizer': self.optimizer.state_dict(), }, self.saved_model_file) def resume_checkpoint(self, resume_file): r"""Load the model parameters information and training information. Args: resume_file (file): the checkpoint file """ resume_file = str(resume_file) checkpoint = torch.load(resume_file) self.start_epoch = checkpoint['epoch'] + 1 self.cur_step = checkpoint['cur_step'] self.best_valid_score = checkpoint['best_valid_score'] # load architecture params from checkpoint if checkpoint['config']['model'].lower() != self.config['model'].lower( ): self.logger.warning( 'Architecture configuration given in config file is different from that of checkpoint. ' 'This may yield an exception while state_dict is being loaded.' ) self.model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) # load optimizer state from checkpoint only when optimizer type is not changed self.optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint['optimizer']) message_output = 'Checkpoint loaded. Resume training from epoch {}'.format( self.start_epoch) def _check_nan(self, loss): if torch.isnan(loss): raise ValueError('Training loss is nan') def _generate_train_loss_output(self, epoch_idx, s_time, e_time, losses): des = self.config['loss_decimal_place'] or 4 train_loss_output = 'epoch %d training [time: %.2fs, ' % ( epoch_idx, e_time - s_time) if isinstance(losses, tuple): des = 'train_loss%d: %.' + str(des) + 'f' train_loss_output += ', '.join(des % (idx + 1, loss) for idx, loss in enumerate(losses)) else: des = '%.' + str(des) + 'f' train_loss_output += 'train loss:' + des % losses return train_loss_output + ']' def fit(self, train_data, valid_data=None, verbose=True, saved=True, show_progress=False, callback_fn=None): r"""Train the model based on the train data and the valid data. Args: train_data (DataLoader): the train data valid_data (DataLoader, optional): the valid data, default: None. If it's None, the early_stopping is invalid. verbose (bool, optional): whether to write training and evaluation information to logger, default: True saved (bool, optional): whether to save the model parameters, default: True show_progress (bool): Show the progress of training epoch and evaluate epoch. Defaults to ``False``. callback_fn (callable): Optional callback function executed at end of epoch. Includes (epoch_idx, valid_score) input arguments. Returns: (float, dict): best valid score and best valid result. If valid_data is None, it returns (-1, None) """ if saved and self.start_epoch >= self.epochs: self._save_checkpoint(-1) for epoch_idx in range(self.start_epoch, self.epochs): # train training_start_time = time() train_loss = self._train_epoch(train_data, epoch_idx, show_progress=show_progress) self.train_loss_dict[epoch_idx] = sum(train_loss) if isinstance( train_loss, tuple) else train_loss training_end_time = time() train_loss_output = \ self._generate_train_loss_output(epoch_idx, training_start_time, training_end_time, train_loss) if verbose: # eval if self.eval_step <= 0 or not valid_data: if saved: self._save_checkpoint(epoch_idx) update_output = 'Saving current: %s' % self.saved_model_file if verbose: continue if (epoch_idx + 1) % self.eval_step == 0: valid_start_time = time() valid_score, valid_result = self._valid_epoch( valid_data, show_progress=show_progress) self.best_valid_score, self.cur_step, stop_flag, update_flag = early_stopping( valid_score, self.best_valid_score, self.cur_step, max_step=self.stopping_step, bigger=self.valid_metric_bigger) valid_end_time = time() valid_score_output = "epoch %d evaluating [time: %.2fs, valid_score: %f]" % \ (epoch_idx, valid_end_time - valid_start_time, valid_score) valid_result_output = 'valid result: \n' + dict2str( valid_result) if verbose: if update_flag: if saved: self._save_checkpoint(epoch_idx) update_output = 'Saving current best: %s' % self.saved_model_file if verbose: self.best_valid_result = valid_result if callback_fn: callback_fn(epoch_idx, valid_score) if stop_flag: stop_output = 'Finished training, best eval result in epoch %d' % \ (epoch_idx - self.cur_step * self.eval_step) if verbose: break return self.best_valid_score, self.best_valid_result def _full_sort_batch_eval(self, batched_data): interaction, history_index, swap_row, swap_col_after, swap_col_before = batched_data try: # Note: interaction without item ids scores = self.model.full_sort_predict( except NotImplementedError: new_inter = self.tot_item_num) batch_size = len(new_inter) new_inter.update(self.item_tensor[:batch_size]) if batch_size <= self.test_batch_size: scores = self.model.predict(new_inter) else: scores = self._spilt_predict(new_inter, batch_size) scores = scores.view(-1, self.tot_item_num) scores[:, 0] = -np.inf if history_index is not None: scores[history_index] = -np.inf swap_row = swap_col_after = swap_col_before = scores[swap_row, swap_col_after] = scores[swap_row, swap_col_before] return interaction, scores @torch.no_grad() def evaluate(self, eval_data, load_best_model=True, model_file=None, show_progress=False): r"""Evaluate the model based on the eval data. Args: eval_data (DataLoader): the eval data load_best_model (bool, optional): whether load the best model in the training process, default: True. It should be set True, if users want to test the model after training. model_file (str, optional): the saved model file, default: None. If users want to test the previously trained model file, they can set this parameter. show_progress (bool): Show the progress of evaluate epoch. Defaults to ``False``. Returns: dict: eval result, key is the eval metric and value in the corresponding metric value. """ if not eval_data: return if load_best_model: if model_file: checkpoint_file = model_file else: checkpoint_file = self.saved_model_file checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_file) self.model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) message_output = 'Loading model structure and parameters from {}'.format( checkpoint_file) self.model.eval() if eval_data.dl_type == DataLoaderType.FULL: if self.item_tensor is None: self.item_tensor = eval_data.get_item_feature().to( self.device).repeat(eval_data.step) self.tot_item_num = eval_data.dataset.item_num batch_matrix_list = [] iter_data = (tqdm( enumerate(eval_data), total=len(eval_data), desc=f"Evaluate ", ) if show_progress else enumerate(eval_data)) for batch_idx, batched_data in iter_data: if eval_data.dl_type == DataLoaderType.FULL: interaction, scores = self._full_sort_batch_eval(batched_data) else: interaction = batched_data batch_size = interaction.length if batch_size <= self.test_batch_size: scores = self.model.predict( else: scores = self._spilt_predict(interaction, batch_size) batch_matrix = self.evaluator.collect(interaction, scores) batch_matrix_list.append(batch_matrix) result = self.evaluator.evaluate(batch_matrix_list, eval_data) return result def _spilt_predict(self, interaction, batch_size): spilt_interaction = dict() for key, tensor in interaction.interaction.items(): spilt_interaction[key] = tensor.split(self.test_batch_size, dim=0) num_block = (batch_size + self.test_batch_size - 1) // self.test_batch_size result_list = [] for i in range(num_block): current_interaction = dict() for key, spilt_tensor in spilt_interaction.items(): current_interaction[key] = spilt_tensor[i] result = self.model.predict( Interaction(current_interaction).to(self.device)) if len(result.shape) == 0: result = result.unsqueeze(0) result_list.append(result) return, dim=0) def plot_train_loss(self, show=True, save_path=None): r"""Plot the train loss in each epoch Args: show (bool, optional): Whether to show this figure, default: True save_path (str, optional): The data path to save the figure, default: None. If it's None, it will not be saved. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt epochs = list(self.train_loss_dict.keys()) epochs.sort() values = [float(self.train_loss_dict[epoch]) for epoch in epochs] plt.plot(epochs, values) plt.xticks(epochs) plt.xlabel('Epoch') plt.ylabel('Loss') if show: if save_path: plt.savefig(save_path)