Example #1
 def __init__(self, lines, drawtype='box',
              minspanx=None, minspany=None, useblit=False,
              lineprops=None, rectprops=None, spancoords='data',
              button=None, maxdist=10, marker_props=None,
              interactive=False, state_modifier_keys=None):
     self.verbose = True
     self.lines = flatten(lines)
     ax = self.lines[0].axes
     RectangleSelector.__init__( self, ax, self.select_lines, drawtype,
                                     minspanx, minspany, useblit,
                                     lineprops, rectprops, spancoords,
                                     button, maxdist, marker_props,
                                     interactive, state_modifier_keys)
     hprops = dict(linewidth=10, alpha=0.5, linestyle='-') # marker='s'
     self.selection = [ np.zeros(l.get_xdata().shape, bool) 
                         for l in self.lines ]
     #Create Line2D for highlighting selected sections
     self.highlighted = []
     for line in self.lines:
         hline, = ax.plot([], [], color=line.get_color(), **hprops)
         self.highlighted.append( hline )
         self.artists.append( hline )       #enable blitting for the highlighted segments
Example #2
 def get_part(mapping, event):
     part = getattr(mapping[event.artist], event.part)
     if event.part in ('stems','caps'):
         artists = getattr(part, event.partxy)
         artists = part
     yield from flatten([artists])
Example #3
 def __init__(self, lines):
     self.lines = flatten(lines)
     self.ax = ax = self.lines[0].axes
     self.figure = fig = ax.figure
     ConnectionMixin.__init__(self, fig)
     #save the background after the first draw
     saving = True
     #create the position markers
     self.markers, = ax.plot([], [], **self.marker_props)
Example #4
def multirange(*shape):
    N, dl = flatten(shape)
    return np.tile(range(dl), (N,1))