Example #1
def test_physical_mapping():
    q = list(cirq.NamedQubit(f'q{i}') for i in range(6))
    Q = list(cirq.GridQubit(row, col) for row in range(2) for col in range(3))
    mapping = mcpe.QubitMapping(dict(zip(q, Q)))
    assert list(map(mapping.physical, q)) == Q
    assert cirq.ISWAP(q[1],
                      q[5]).transform_qubits(mapping.physical) == cirq.ISWAP(
                          Q[1], Q[5])
Example #2
 def __init__(self,
              circuit: cirq.Circuit,
              device_qubits: Optional[Iterable[cirq.GridQubit]],
              initial_mapping: Dict[cirq.Qid, cirq.GridQubit] = {},
              swap_factory: Callable[
                  [cirq.Qid, cirq.Qid],
                  List[cirq.Operation]] = generate_decomposed_swap):
     self.device_qubits = device_qubits
     self.dlists = mcpe.DependencyLists(circuit)
     self.mapping = mcpe.QubitMapping(initial_mapping)
     self.swap_factory = swap_factory
Example #3
def test_swap():
    q = list(cirq.NamedQubit(f'q{i}') for i in range(6))
    Q = list(cirq.GridQubit(row, col) for row in range(2) for col in range(3))
    mapping = mcpe.QubitMapping(dict(zip(q, Q)))

    mapping.swap_physical(Q[0], Q[1])
    g = cirq.CNOT(q[0], q[2])
    assert g.transform_qubits(mapping.physical) == cirq.CNOT(Q[1], Q[2])

    mapping.swap_physical(Q[2], Q[3])
    mapping.swap_physical(Q[1], Q[4])
    assert g.transform_qubits(mapping.physical) == cirq.CNOT(Q[4], Q[3])
Example #4
def test_mcpe_example_8():
    # This test is example 8 from the circuit in figure 9 of
    # https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8976109.
    q = list(cirq.NamedQubit(f'q{i}') for i in range(6))
    Q = list(cirq.GridQubit(row, col) for row in range(2) for col in range(3))
    mapping = mcpe.QubitMapping(dict(zip(q, Q)))
    dlists = mcpe.DependencyLists(
        cirq.Circuit(cirq.CNOT(q[0], q[2]), cirq.CNOT(q[5], q[2]),
                     cirq.CNOT(q[0], q[5]), cirq.CNOT(q[4], q[0]),
                     cirq.CNOT(q[0], q[3]), cirq.CNOT(q[5], q[0]),
                     cirq.CNOT(q[3], q[1])))

    assert dlists.maximum_consecutive_positive_effect(Q[0], Q[1], mapping) == 4
Example #5
def test_mcpe_example_9():
    # This test is example 9 from the circuit in figures 9 and 10 of
    # https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8976109.
    q = list(cirq.NamedQubit(f"q{i}") for i in range(6))
    Q = list(cirq.GridQubit(row, col) for row in range(2) for col in range(3))
    mapping = mcpe.QubitMapping(dict(zip(q, Q)))
    dlists = mcpe.DependencyLists(
            cirq.CNOT(q[0], q[2]),
            cirq.CNOT(q[5], q[2]),
            cirq.CNOT(q[0], q[5]),
            cirq.CNOT(q[4], q[0]),
            cirq.CNOT(q[0], q[3]),
            cirq.CNOT(q[5], q[0]),
            cirq.CNOT(q[3], q[1]),

    # At first CNOT(q0, q2) is the active gate.
    assert dlists.active_gates == {cirq.CNOT(q[0], q[2])}
    # The swaps connected to either q0 or q2 to consider are:
    #   (Q0, Q1), (Q0, Q3), (Q1, Q2), (Q2, Q5)
    # Of these, (Q0, Q3) and (Q2, Q5) can be discarded because they would
    # negatively impact the active CNOT(q0, q2) gate.
    assert mcpe.effect_of_swap((Q[0], Q[3]), (Q[0], Q[2])) < 0
    assert mcpe.effect_of_swap((Q[2], Q[5]), (Q[0], Q[2])) < 0
    # The remaining candidate swaps are: (Q0, Q1) and (Q1, Q2)
    # (Q0, Q1) has a higher MCPE, so it looks better to apply that one.
    assert dlists.maximum_consecutive_positive_effect(Q[0], Q[1], mapping) == 4
    assert dlists.maximum_consecutive_positive_effect(Q[1], Q[2], mapping) == 1
    mapping.swap_physical(Q[0], Q[1])

    # The swap-update algorithm would now advance beyond the front-most gates that
    # now satisfy adjacency constraints after the swap -- the CNOT(q0, q2) and
    # CNOT(q5, q2)
    assert dlists.active_gates == {cirq.CNOT(q[0], q[2])}
    assert dlists.active_gates == {cirq.CNOT(q[5], q[2])}

    # Now the active gate is g2 (which is CNOT(q0, q5))
    assert dlists.active_gates == {cirq.CNOT(q[0], q[5])}
    # For this active gate, the swaps to consider are:
    #   (Q0, Q1), (Q1, Q2), (Q1, Q4), (Q2, Q5), (Q4, Q5)
    # (Q0, Q1) can be discarded because it negatively impacts the active gate.
    assert mcpe.effect_of_swap((Q[0], Q[1]), (Q[1], Q[5])) < 0
    # Of the remaining candidate swaps, (Q0, Q4) has the highest MCPE.
    assert dlists.maximum_consecutive_positive_effect(Q[1], Q[2], mapping) == 1
    assert dlists.maximum_consecutive_positive_effect(Q[1], Q[4], mapping) == 3
    assert dlists.maximum_consecutive_positive_effect(Q[2], Q[5], mapping) == 2
    assert dlists.maximum_consecutive_positive_effect(Q[4], Q[5], mapping) == 2
Example #6
 def __init__(self,
              circuit: cirq.Circuit,
              device_qubits: Optional[Iterable[cirq.GridQubit]],
              initial_mapping: Dict[cirq.Qid, cirq.GridQubit] = {},
              swap_factory: Callable[
                  [cirq.Qid, cirq.Qid],
                  List[cirq.Operation]] = generate_decomposed_swap):
     self.device_qubits = device_qubits
     self.dlists = mcpe.DependencyLists(circuit)
     self.mapping = mcpe.QubitMapping(initial_mapping)
     self.swap_factory = swap_factory
     self.adjacent = {q: q.neighbors(device_qubits) for q in device_qubits}
     self.pairwise_distances = _pairwise_shortest_distances(self.adjacent)
     # Tracks swaps that have been made since the last circuit gate was
     # output.
     self.prev_swaps = set()