Example #1
def sixClasses(numImgs):
    # Classes of objects which are to be used
    classlist = [
    numCluster = 5000
    et = 7.5
    pt = 5.0
    etClassify = 7.5
    ptClassify = 5.0
    fDist = 0.0015
    nu = 0.5
    gamma = 1.0
    confThr = 0.00

    rec.logger.info("Training gleissenthalls six classes")
    rec.logger.info("SIFT parameters: edge threshold=%f, peak threshold=%f", et, pt)
    rec.logger.info("Number of clusters: %d", numCluster)
    rec.logger.info("SVM parameter: nu=%f, sigma(RBF-Kernel)=%f", nu, gamma)

    # Load images from folder structure
    trainImgs = im.loadImages("img/train/6classes", classlist, numImgs)
    testImgs = im.loadImages("img/test_big_images", classlist)
    trainLabel = im.loadLabels("img/train/6classes", classlist, numImgs)
    testLabels = im.loadLabels("img/test_big_images", classlist)

    # Train classifier
    learner = cl.Learner()
    learner.trainPerClass(trainImgs, trainLabel, numCluster, fDist, pt, et)

    c = cl.Classifier(learner)
    testDesc, _ = im.extractFeaturesPerClass(testImgs, testLabels, ptClassify, etClassify)
    tmpHistograms = cl._buildHistograms(learner.codebook, testDesc)
    orngHistograms = cl._convertToOrangeDataSet(tmpHistograms, learner.domain, testLabels)
    c.classificationAccuracy(orngHistograms, None, confThr, ptClassify, etClassify, nu, gamma, False)

    rec.logger.info("Classes: %s", learner.strClasses)
    rec.logger.info("\n" + str(c.confusion))
    rec.logger.info("\nAccuracy: %f CV: %f", c.clAccuracy, c.cvAccuracy)
Example #2
def calltech(numTrain, numTest, masterCBs, pNorm, numCluster):
    # Classes of objects which are to be used
    classlist = None
    # numCluster = 10000
    et = 5.0
    pt = 0.0
    etClassify = 10.0
    ptClassify = 2.5
    fDist = 0.0001
    nu = 0.5
    gamma = 2.0
    confThr = 0.00

    rec.logger.info("Training calltech")
    rec.logger.info("SIFT parameters: edge threshold=%f, peak threshold=%f", et, pt)
    rec.logger.info("Number of clusters: %d", numCluster)
    rec.logger.info("SVM parameter: nu=%f, sigma(RBF-Kernel)=%f", nu, gamma)

    # Load images from folder structure
    trainImgs = im.loadImages("256_ObjectCategories", classlist, numTrain)
    testImgs = im.loadImages("256_ObjectCategories", classlist, numTest, rev=True)
    trainLabel = im.loadLabels("256_ObjectCategories", classlist, numTrain)
    testLabels = im.loadLabels("256_ObjectCategories", classlist, numTest)

    # Train classifier
    learner = cl.Learner()
    learner.trainPerClass(trainImgs, trainLabel, numCluster, fDist, pt, et, masterCBs, pNorm)

    c = cl.Classifier(learner)
    testDesc, _ = im.extractFeaturesPerClass(testImgs, testLabels, ptClassify, etClassify)
    tmpHistograms = cl._buildHistograms(learner.codebook, testDesc)
    orngHistograms = cl._convertToOrangeDataSet(tmpHistograms, learner.domain, testLabels)
    c.classificationAccuracy(orngHistograms, None, confThr, ptClassify, etClassify, nu, gamma, False)

    rec.logger.info("Classes: %s", learner.strClasses)
    rec.logger.info("\n" + str(c.confusion))
    rec.logger.info("\nAccuracy: %f CV: %f", c.clAccuracy, c.cvAccuracy)
Example #3
def googleImages(numTrainImgs):
    # Classes of objects which are to be used
    classlist = None
    numCluster = 5000
    et = 5.0
    pt = 7.5
    etClassify = 7.5
    ptClassify = 5.0
    fDist = 0.0009
    nu = 0.5
    gamma = 2.0
    confThr = 0.00

    rec.logger.info("Training %i googleSimilarImages", numTrainImgs)
    rec.logger.info("SIFT parameters: edge threshold=%f, peak threshold=%f", et, pt)
    rec.logger.info("Number of clusters: %d", numCluster)
    rec.logger.info("SVM parameter: nu=%f, sigma(RBF-Kernel)=%f", nu, gamma)

    # Load images from folder structure
    trainImgs = im.loadImages("img/train/googleSimilarImages", classlist, numTrainImgs)
    testImgs = im.loadImages("img/test_big_images", classlist, 30)
    trainLabel = im.loadLabels("img/train/googleSimilarImages", classlist, numTrainImgs)
    testLabels = im.loadLabels("img/test_big_images", classlist, 30)

    # Train classifier
    learner = cl.Learner()
    learner.trainPerClass(trainImgs, trainLabel, numCluster, fDist, pt, et)

    c = cl.Classifier(learner)
    testDesc, _ = im.extractFeaturesPerClass(testImgs, testLabels, ptClassify, etClassify)
    tmpHistograms = cl._buildHistograms(learner.codebook, testDesc)
    orngHistograms = cl._convertToOrangeDataSet(tmpHistograms, learner.domain, testLabels)
    c.classificationAccuracy(orngHistograms, None, confThr, ptClassify, etClassify, nu, gamma, False)

    rec.logger.info("Classes: %s", learner.strClasses)
    rec.logger.info("\n" + str(c.confusion))
    rec.logger.info("\nAccuracy: %f CV: %f", c.clAccuracy, c.cvAccuracy)
Example #4
    def trainPerClass(self, descOrImgs, labels, numCluster, fisherThreshold,
                      peakThreshold=None, edgeThreshold=None, masterCBs=1, pNorm=2.0, maxiter=0, numruns=20):
        Perform k-means clustering and vector quantize all features. 
        The codebook and the histograms of visual words are stored as members.
        If L{featOrImgs} is a list of images, SIFT features are extracted
        before all other operations are done.
        @param descOrImgs:    Either a sequence of SIFT descriptor arrays or an iterator of images.
        @type descOrImgs:     [numpy.ndarray] or [Image.Image]
        @param numCluster:    The number of clusters used for k-means clustering.
        @type numCluster:     int
        @param peakThreshold:   The peak threshold used during SIFT feature extraction.
                              This argument is ignored if L{featOrImgs} is a list of SIFT features.
        @type peakThreshold:    float

        @param edgeThreshold:   The edge threshold used during SIFT feature extraction.
                              This argument is ignored if L{featOrImgs} is a list of SIFT features.
        @type edgeThreshold:    float
        @param maxiter:       The maximum iterations of one k-means run. 
                              "0" means there is no iteration limit.
        @type maxiter:        int
        @param numruns:       The number of k-means runs.
        @type numruns:        int
        @param fisherThreshold:      The minimum distance two centroids need to have after clustering..
        @type fisherThreshold:    double
        if isinstance(descOrImgs, collections.Iterator):
            self.peakThreshold = peakThreshold
            self.edgeThreshold = edgeThreshold

            descOrImgs, _ = im.extractFeaturesPerClass(descOrImgs, labels, peakThreshold, edgeThreshold)

        elif not isinstance(descOrImgs, dict):
            raise TypeError("'descOrImgs' must be either an iterator or a dictionary.")

        starttime = time.time()

        self.fisherThreshold = fisherThreshold

        # Compute codebook from all sift descriptors of all images
        classes = _getAllClasses(descOrImgs.keys())
        self.strClasses = str(classes)
        self.codebook = self._clusterPerClass(descOrImgs, numCluster / len(classes),
                                              maxiter, numruns, fisherThreshold,

        # Get the histograms as a list of numpy arrays
        tempHistograms = _buildHistograms(self.codebook, descOrImgs)

        # Create orange domain
        histogramDomain = [orange.FloatVariable('a%i' % x) for x in xrange(numpy.size(self.codebook, 0))]
        classDomain = [orange.EnumVariable("class", values=orange.StringList(classes))]
        self.domain = orange.Domain(histogramDomain + classDomain)

        # Create orange exampleTable
        self.histograms = _convertToOrangeDataSet(tempHistograms, self.domain, labels)

        endtime = time.time()
        self.trainingTime = endtime - starttime
Example #5
def parameterGridSearch(

    trainLabels = im.loadLabels(trainPath, trainClasses, trainCount)

    trClasses = cl._getAllClasses(trainLabels)
    testLabels = im.loadLabels(testPath, trClasses, testCount)

    if ptTestRg is None and etTestRg is None:
        ptTestRg = [-1]
        etTestRg = [-1]

    for peakVal in ptRange:
        for edgeVal in etRange:

            # Extract SIFT features
            rec.logger.info("SIFT Training Parameter. Peak: %f Edge: %f", peakVal, edgeVal)
            trainImgs = im.loadImages(trainPath, trainClasses, trainCount)
            trainDescPerClass, numTrainDesc = im.extractFeaturesPerClass(trainImgs, trainLabels, peakVal, edgeVal)

            for clusterParam in clusterRange:
                for fDist in fisherRange:
                    learner = cl.Learner()
                    learner.peakThreshold = peakVal
                    learner.edgeThreshold = edgeVal
                    learner.numTrainingDesc = numTrainDesc

                    rec.logger.info("Cluster parameter. Cluster: %i MinDist %f", clusterParam, fDist)
                        learner.trainPerClass(trainDescPerClass, trainLabels, clusterParam, fDist, masterCBs=numMastCB)
                    except ValueError:
                        rec.logger.warning("Skipped this paramter set because there are not enough features.")

                    for p in ptTestRg:
                        for e in etTestRg:
                            if p == -1 and e == -1:
                                p = peakVal
                                e = edgeVal

                            rec.logger.info("SIFT Test Parameter. Peak: %f Edge: %f", p, e)
                            testImgs = im.loadImages(testPath, trClasses, testCount, False)
                            testDesc, numTestDesc = im.extractFeaturesPerClass(testImgs, testLabels, p, e)
                            tmpHistograms = cl._buildHistograms(learner.codebook, testDesc)
                            orngHistograms = cl._convertToOrangeDataSet(tmpHistograms, learner.domain, testLabels)

                            for n in nuRange:
                                for g in gammaRange:
                                    for ct in ctRange:
                                        c = cl.Classifier(learner)
                                        c.numTestDesc = numTestDesc
                                        c.peakThreshold = p
                                        c.edgeThreshold = e
                                            "SVM parameter. Nu: %f gamma %f," "Confidence Threshold: %f", n, g, ct
                                        _, _ = c.classificationAccuracy(orngHistograms, None, ct, p, e, n, g)

                                            "Ref count of classifier: %i, learner: %i",