def process_files(*args): conn = tinys3.Connection(os.environ.get('AWS_ACCESS_KEY'), os.environ.get('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'), default_bucket=os.environ.get('S3_BUCKET_NAME')) filename = args[0] url = "{}/{}".format(os.environ.get('S3_BUCKET_NAME'), filename) urllib.urlretrieve(url, filename) raw_name = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] Reconcile(args) freqSummation(args) with open("{}freqFile.txt".format(raw_name)) as f: lines = f.readlines() score_list = ast.literal_eval(lines[0]) total_freq = float(lines[1][:-2]) total_recon = float(lines[3]) total_cost = float(lines[2][:-2]) scoring = args[4] if scoring == "Frequency": score_method = "Frequency" elif scoring == "xscape": score_method = "Xscape Scoring" else: score_method = "Unit Scoring" results_list = [] for x, score in enumerate(score_list): tree = treelib1.read_tree("{}.tree".format(raw_name)) stree = treelib1.read_tree("{}{}.stree".format(raw_name, x)) brecon = phylo.read_brecon("{}{}.mowgli.brecon".format(raw_name, x), tree, stree) output = "{}{}.svg".format(raw_name, x) phylo.add_implied_spec_nodes_brecon(tree, brecon) transsvg.draw_tree(tree, brecon, stree, filename=output) conn.upload(output, open(output, 'rb'), content_type='image/svg+xml') percent = 100.0 * score / total_freq running_tot_score = sum(score_list[:x]) running_tot = min(100.0 * running_tot_score / total_freq, 100) results_list.append((score, percent, running_tot)) return {'results_list': results_list, 'raw_name': raw_name, 'dup': args[1], 'trans': args[2], 'loss': args[3], 'total_cost': total_cost, 'score_method': score_method, 'total_freq': total_freq, 'total_recon': total_recon}
def reconcile(carousel = None): """ Creates the results page using Master/Reconciliation and vistrans""" if request.method == 'POST': file = request.files['newick'] if file: filename = secure_filename(file.filename) Name = filename[:-7] os.system("mkdir "+Name) f = open(filename, 'w+') f.write( f.close() os.system("mv "+filename+" "+ Name) else: return render_template("documentation.html") if request.form['dup'] != '': Dup = request.form['dup'] else: Dup = 2 if request.form['trans'] != '': Trans = request.form['trans'] else: Trans = 3 if request.form['loss'] != '': Loss = request.form["loss"] else: Loss = 1 if request.form['switchhigh'] != '': switchHi = request.form['switchhigh'] else: switchHi = 4.5 if request.form['switchlow'] != '': switchLo = request.form['switchlow'] else: switchLo = 1.5 if request.form['losshigh'] != '': lossHi = request.form['losshigh'] else: lossHi = 3 if request.form['losslow'] != '': lossLo = request.form['losslow'] else: lossLo = 1 path2files = Name + '/' + Name # os.system("python") MasterReconciliation.Reconcile(['nothing', path2files+".newick", Dup, Trans, Loss, request.form["scoring"], switchLo, switchHi, lossLo, lossHi]) reconConversion.freqSummation(["nothing",path2files+".newick",Dup, Trans, Loss, request.form["scoring"], switchLo, switchHi, lossLo, lossHi]) with open(path2files + "freqFile.txt") as f: lines = f.readlines() scoreList = string2List(lines[0]) totalFreq = float(lines[1][:-2]) totalRecon = float(lines[3]) totalCost = float(lines[2][:-2]) if request.form['scoring'] == "Frequency": scoreMethod = "Frequency" elif request.form['scoring'] == "xscape": scoreMethod = "Xscape Scoring" else: scoreMethod = "Unit Scoring" carouselstr = "" carouselcap= "" staticString = "<h4>Duplication Cost:" + str(Dup) + ", Transfer Cost: " + \ str(Trans) + ", Loss Cost: " + str(Loss) + "<br>Maximum Parsimony Cost: " + \ str(totalCost) + "<br>Your scoring method: " + scoreMethod + ", Total Sum" + \ " of Scores: " + str(totalFreq) + "<br>Total Number of Optimal " + \ "Reconciliations: " + str(totalRecon) + "</h4>" for x in range(len(scoreList)): os.system("python -t " + path2files + ".tree -s " + path2files + \ str(x) + ".stree -b " + path2files + str(x) + ".mowgli.brecon -o " + \ path2files + str(x) + ".svg") score = scoreList[x] percent = 100.0*score/totalFreq if x ==0: runningTot = percent carouselstr +='<li data-target="#results" data-slide-to="0" ' + \ 'class="active"></li>' + "\n" carouselcap +="<div class='item active'><img src='/uploads/" + Name + \ str(x) + ".svg' alt='First slide' width='460' height='345'>" + \ "<div class='carousel-caption'><font color='black'><h3>" + \ "Reconciliation 1 of " + str(len(scoreList)) + "</h3><p>Score = " + \ str(score) + "<br>Percent of total = " + str(percent) + "%<br>Running" + \ " total = " + str(runningTot) + "%</font></p></div></div>" + "\n" os.system("cp /Users/Annalise/GitHub/CompBioSummer2015/" + \ str(path2files) + str(x) + '.svg ' + UPLOAD_FOLDER) else: runningTotScore = runningTotal(scoreList, x) runningTot = 100.0*runningTotScore/totalFreq if runningTot > 100: runningTot = 100 carouselstr +='<li data-target="#results" data-slide-to="' + str(x) + \ '"></li>' + "\n" carouselcap +="<div class='item'><img src='/uploads/" + Name + str(x) + \ ".svg' alt='First slide' width='460' height='345'>" + \ "<div class='carousel-caption'><font color='black'><h3>" + \ "Reconciliation " + str(x + 1) + " of " + str(len(scoreList)) + \ "</h3><p>Score = " + str(score) + " <br>Percent of total = " + \ str(percent) + "%<br>Running total = " + str(runningTot) + \ "%</font></p></div></div>" + "\n" os.system("cp " + path2files + str(x) + '.svg ' + UPLOAD_FOLDER) staticString = Markup(staticString) carouselstr = Markup(carouselstr) carouselcap = Markup(carouselcap) os.system("rm -r " + Name) return render_template("results.html", carouselstr = carouselstr, \ carouselcap = carouselcap, staticString = staticString)