Example #1
 def set_pos(self):
     """ Choose a spawn point for the zombie. """
     pos = rect.Pos(random.random(),
                    random.choice([-self.radius, 1 + self.radius]))
     # pos = rect.Pos(0.5, 0.5)
     if random.choice([True, False]):
         self.pos = rect.Pos(pos.y, pos.x)
         self.pos = pos
Example #2
 def __init__(self):
     self.pos = rect.Pos(0.5, 0.5)  # Multiplied by screen width.
     self.radius = 0.02  # Multiplied by screen width.
     self.velocity = 0.15  # Screen widths per second.
     self.running_time = None
     self.hand_offset = rect.Pos(0.6, 0.41)  # Multiplied by the radius.
     self.gun = pistol.Pistol()
     self.max_health = 100
     self.health = self.max_health
Example #3
 def set_point2(self, main):
     """ Set self.point2 - just another point on the path the bullet would travel. """
     dx = math.sin(main.game.player.rotation)
     dy = math.cos(main.game.player.rotation)
     multiplier = 1.4
     self.point2 = rect.Pos(self.point1.x + dy * multiplier,
                            self.point1.y + dx * multiplier)
Example #4
 def reset_point2(self, main):
     """ If a zombie is hit, make the pistol shot end at that zombie. """
     dx = math.sin(main.game.player.rotation)
     dy = math.cos(main.game.player.rotation)
     distance = math.sqrt((self.point1.x - self.zombie.pos.x)**2 +
                          (self.point1.y - self.zombie.pos.y)**2)
     multiplier = distance / (dx**2 + dy**2)
     self.point2 = rect.Pos(self.point1.x + dy * multiplier,
                            self.point1.y + dx * multiplier)
 def mouse_pos(self, main, scale_down=False):
     """ Get the mouse position on the game window. """
     mouse_pos_tup = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
     mouse_pos = rect.Pos(mouse_pos_tup[0], mouse_pos_tup[1])
     mouse_pos.x -= main.game_window_offset.x
     mouse_pos.y -= main.game_window_offset.y
     if scale_down:
         mouse_pos.x /= main.game_window_width
         mouse_pos.y /= main.game_window_width
     return mouse_pos
 def set_window(self, size=rect.Size(800, 600)):
     """ Set self.window to a new window of dimentions size (and self.full_window_rect)
     Set self.game_window to a square surface to be centred on the main window. """
     self.full_window = pygame.display.set_mode(size.get_values(),
     self.full_window_size = size
     self.game_window_width = min([size.w, size.h])
     self.game_window = pygame.Surface((self.game_window_width, ) * 2)
     self.game_window_offset = rect.Pos(
         x=(self.full_window_size.w - self.game_window_width) / 2,
         y=(self.full_window_size.h - self.game_window_width) / 2)
 def show_health_bar(self, main):
     """ Show a little health bar above the characters head.
     Gets values from self.max_health and self.health. """
     bar_width = self.radius * 2
     bar_height = bar_width * 0.2
     health_per = max(self.health, 0) / self.max_health
     bar_pos = rect.Pos(self.pos.x - bar_width / 2,
                        self.pos.y - self.radius - bar_height * 2)
     bar_pos = bar_pos.scale_for_window(main)
     bar_width *= main.game_window_width
     bar_height *= main.game_window_width
     pygame.draw.rect(main.game_window, (200, 0, 0),
                      (bar_pos[0], bar_pos[1], bar_width, bar_height))
         main.game_window, (0, 200, 0),
         (bar_pos[0], bar_pos[1], bar_width * health_per, bar_height))
Example #8
 def move(self, main):
     """ Move the character based on WASD input. """
     keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
     movement = rect.Pos(0, 0)
     if keys[pygame.K_w]:
         movement.y -= 1
     if keys[pygame.K_s]:
         movement.y += 1
     if keys[pygame.K_a]:
         movement.x -= 1
     if keys[pygame.K_d]:
         movement.x += 1
     self.last_movement = movement
     multiplier = 1 - abs(0.29289 * int(movement.x and movement.y))
     self.pos.x += movement.x * main.dtime * self.velocity * multiplier
     self.pos.y += movement.y * main.dtime * self.velocity * multiplier
 def show_clip(self, main):
     """ Show a bar in the top right of the screen, representing bullets in the gun. """
     bar_height = main.game_window_width // 20
     bar_width = bar_height * 5
     clip_per = max(self.player.gun.clip, 0) / self.player.gun.clip_size
     bar_pos = rect.Pos(
         main.full_window_size.w - bar_width - bar_height * (2 / 5),
         bar_height * (2 / 5))
     if self.player.gun.reloading:
         bar_fill = bar_width - bar_width * (self.player.gun.reloading /
         bar_fill = bar_width * clip_per
     pygame.draw.rect(main.full_window, (0, 0, 0),
                      (bar_pos.x, bar_pos.y, bar_width, bar_height))
     pygame.draw.rect(main.full_window, (150, 150, 150),
                      (bar_pos.x, bar_pos.y, round(bar_fill), bar_height))
Example #10
    def show(self, main):
        """ Show the gun. """
        image = main.images["guns"]["pistol"]["pistol"]
        image_size = rect.Size(pygame_rect=image.get_rect())

        scale = (2 * self.width * main.game_window_width *
                 main.game.player.radius) / image_size.h
        image_size.w *= scale
        image_size.h *= scale

        scaled_image = pygame.transform.scale(image,
        rotated_image = pygame.transform.rotate(
            scaled_image, -math.degrees(main.game.player.rotation))

        hand_pos = main.game.player.hand_pos()
        hand_pos.scale_up(main.game_window_width, main.game_window_width)
        rotated_size = rect.Size(pygame_rect=rotated_image.get_rect())
        image_pos = rect.Pos(hand_pos.x - rotated_size.w / 2,
                             hand_pos.y - rotated_size.h / 2)

        main.game_window.blit(rotated_image, image_pos.get_rounded_values())
 def __init__(self):
     self.radius = 0.05
     self.pos = rect.Pos(0.5, 0.5)
     self.rotation = 0
     self.max_health = 10
     self.health = self.max_health