Example #1
def clustering(size, target, rep0, rep1, rep2, struct, sent=False):
    width, height = size

    struct_size = (width - SPACING*2, BUFFER*2)
    struct_img = slocbox(struct_size, struct)
    struct_loc = (SPACING, SPACING)
    # FIXME: Is there a better way to more evenly space these?
    cluster_size = (int(width // 3.03) - SPACING, height - (struct_loc[1] + struct_size[1] + BUFFER))
    cluster_0_loc = (SPACING, height - (cluster_size[1] + BUFFER//2))
    cluster_1_loc = (SPACING + cluster_size[0] + cluster_0_loc[0], cluster_0_loc[1])
    cluster_2_loc = (SPACING + cluster_size[0] + cluster_1_loc[0], cluster_0_loc[1])
    if sent:
        cluster_0 = sent_box(rep0, cluster_size, target)
        cluster_1 = sent_box(rep1, cluster_size, target)
        cluster_2 = sent_box(rep2, cluster_size, target)
        cluster_0 = cluster_box(rep0, cluster_size, target)
        cluster_1 = cluster_box(rep1, cluster_size, target)
        cluster_2 = cluster_box(rep2, cluster_size, target)
    img = Image.new('RGBA', size=size, color=BLANK)
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
    rectround.rectangle(draw, size, fill=WHITE)
    img.paste(struct_img, struct_loc, struct_img)
    img.paste(cluster_0, cluster_0_loc, cluster_0)
    img.paste(cluster_1, cluster_1_loc, cluster_1)
    img.paste(cluster_2, cluster_2_loc, cluster_2)
    return img
Example #2
def cluster_box(rep, size, target, conf_color=None):
    width, height = size

    cardinality = rep[0]
    confidence = rep[1]
    tweet = rep[2]
    if not conf_color: conf_color = cluster_color(float(confidence))
    base_size = (width, height - BUFFER*2)
    base = Image.new('RGBA', base_size, color=BLANK)
    base_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(base)
    rectround.rectangle(base_draw, base_size, border=BLACK)
    base_loc = (0, BUFFER*2)
    tweet_size = (base_size[0] - BUFFER, base_size[1] - BUFFER)
    tweet_img = render_tweet(tweet, tweet_size)
    tweet_loc = (BUFFER // 2, BUFFER // 2)
    base.paste(tweet_img, tweet_loc)
    proportion = cardinality / len(sample(target))
    color = Color(rgb=(conf_color[0] / 255, conf_color[1] / 255, conf_color[2] / 255))
    color.luminance *= 0.66
    color.saturation *= 0.9
    card_loc = ((BUFFER*2, BUFFER // 2), (BUFFER*2 + (proportion * (width - BUFFER*4)), BUFFER*3//2))
    rect_color = (int(color.red * 255), int(color.green * 255), int(color.blue * 255))
    img = Image.new('RGBA', size=size, color=BLANK)
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
    rectround.rectangle(draw, size, fill=conf_color)
    draw.rectangle(card_loc, fill=rect_color)
    img.paste(base, base_loc, base)
    return img
Example #3
def summary_box(summary, size):
    width, height = size
    base_size = (width, height - BUFFER*3)
    base = Image.new('RGBA', base_size, color=BLANK)
    base_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(base)
    rectround.rectangle(base_draw, base_size, border=BLACK)
    base_loc = (0, BUFFER*3)
    summary_size = (base_size[0] - BUFFER*4, base_size[1] - BUFFER*4)
    summary_img = box(summary, summary_size)
    summary_loc = (BUFFER*2, BUFFER*2)
    base.paste(summary_img, summary_loc)
    notice_size = (width - BUFFER, BUFFER*2)
    notice_img = box('Here\'s a summary of what people are saying.', notice_size)
    notice_loc = (BUFFER, BUFFER // 2)
    img = Image.new('RGBA', size, color=BLANK)
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
    rectround.rectangle(draw, size)
    img.paste(notice_img, notice_loc)
    img.paste(base, base_loc, base)

    return img
Example #4
def slocbox(size, text):
    width, height = size

    text_size = (width - BUFFER*2, height - SPACING)
    text_img = box(text, text_size)
    text_loc = (BUFFER, SPACING//2)

    base = Image.new('RGBA', size, color=BLANK)
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(base)
    rectround.rectangle(draw, size)
    base.paste(text_img, text_loc, text_img)
    return base
Example #5
def graph_box(size):
    width, height = size
    sloc_size = (width - BUFFER*2, BUFFER*2)
    slocbox_0 = slocbox(sloc_size,
        'Below the summary are tweets representing different groups. The bar above each tweet reflects the size of the group it represents.')
    sloc_0 = (BUFFER, 0)
    cluster_size = (width // 2 - BUFFER, height//2)
    cluster_bar = colorbar(cluster_color, cluster_size, 'Low representation', 'High representation', 0, 1)
    cluster_loc = (BUFFER, SPACING*5)
    sent_size = (width // 2 - BUFFER, height//2)
    sent_bar = colorbar(sent_color, sent_size, 'Negative sentiment', 'Positive sentiment', -1, 1)
    sent_loc = (width - (cluster_size[0] + BUFFER), SPACING*5)
    base = Image.new('RGBA', size, color=BLANK)
    base_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(base)
    rectround.rectangle(base_draw, size)
    base.paste(cluster_bar, cluster_loc, cluster_bar)
    base.paste(sent_bar, sent_loc, sent_bar)
    base.paste(slocbox_0, sloc_0, slocbox_0)

    return base