async def testemony(): while True: try: memes_submissions = reddit.subreddit(f'{random.choice(choices)}').hot() ss1 = memes_submissions = reddit.subreddit(f'{random.choice(choices)}').top(limit=100000) post_to_pick = random.randint(1, 100000) for i in range(0, post_to_pick): submission = next(x for x in memes_submissions if not x.stickied) channel = client.get_channel(750511185568464926) s1 = next(x for x in ss1 if not x.stickied) await channel.send(s1.title + "\n" + s1.url) await channel.send(submission.title + "\n" + submission.url) c = requests.get('') cum = json.loads(c.text) await channel.send(cum["url"]) b = requests.get('*****b') bj = json.loads(b.text) await channel.send(bj["url"]) hn = requests.get('') j = json.loads(hn.text) await channel.send(j["url"]) m = requests.get('') md = json.loads(m.text) await channel.send(md["url"]) p = requests.get('') ps = json.loads(p.text) await channel.send(ps["url"]) u = requests.get('') uf = json.loads(u.text) await channel.send(uf["url"]) y = requests.get('') yr = json.loads(y.text) await channel.send(yr["url"]) continue except StopIteration: continue except ValueError: continue except: continue else: continue
def cs40_Enter_Subreddit(reddit): # connect to the debate thread print('Entering cs40...........') try: subreddit = reddit.subreddit('csci040temp') except Exception: print('Exception found') return else: print('Entered cs40') return subreddit
async def meme(ctx): subreddit = reddit.subreddit("cleanmemes") all_subs = [] top = for submission in top: all_subs.append(submission) random_sub = random.choice(all_subs) name = random_sub.title url = random_sub.url em = discord.Embed(title=name, color=0xffff00) em.set_image(url=url) await
async def trap(self, ctx): async with memes_submissions = reddit.subreddit('traphentai').hot() post_to_pick = random.randint(1, 100) for i in range(0, post_to_pick): submission = next(x for x in memes_submissions if not x.stickied) memeembed = discord.Embed(title=submission.title, memeembed.set_image(url=submission.url) await ctx.send(embed=memeembed)
async def dmanime(ctx): await ctx.message.delete() async with memes_submissions = reddit.subreddit('Anime').hot() post_to_pick = random.randint(1, 100) for i in range(0, post_to_pick): submission = next(x for x in memes_submissions if not x.stickied) memeembed = discord.Embed( title=submission.title, ) memeembed.set_image(url=submission.url) await
async def hentai(self, ctx): async with memes_submissions = reddit.subreddit( f'{random.choice(choices)}').hot() post_to_pick = random.randint(1, 100) for i in range(0, post_to_pick): submission = next(x for x in memes_submissions if not x.stickied) memeembed = discord.Embed( title=submission.title, timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(1599119820)) memeembed.set_image(url=submission.url) await ctx.send(embed=memeembed)
def cs40_Post_Submission(subreddit): # Extra 6 print('Posting Submissions...........') politic_submissions = list(reddit.subreddit('politics').new(limit=None)) politic_submission = random.choice(politic_submissions) politic_submission.comments.replace_more(limit=None) s = "Done Submission" try: subreddit.submit("From Hoang's bot_1: " + politic_submission.title, url=politic_submission.url) except Exception as exception: if cs40_exception_handling(exception): return s else: pass else: print('Submitted!') time.sleep(5) return s
from sources import full_day_sources, update_titles from time import sleep #AUDIO'S GETTING CUT OFF AT THE END OF THE VIDEO #SOMETIMES I NEED TO ENTER MY RECOVERY EMAIL WHEN LOGGING INTO YOUTUBE #STANDARD GARBAGE MEME CHANNELS HAVE A BACKGROUND THATS NOT JUST BLACK, MAKE A BETTER ONE #IDK IF THIS IS POSSIBLE NOW THAT I'M DOING GIFS AND STUFF THOUGH #THE FRAMERATE OF ONE OF THE VIDEOS WAS 50 FPS, FIND A WAY TO MAKE EVERY VIDEO ONLY 25 FPS #yeah I don't really care about this one for source in full_day_sources(): sub = subreddit(source.subreddit) "getting top of the day links..." posts = [post for post in'day') if not post.is_sticky][:3] print 'downloading {0} links'.format(len(posts)) all_media = save_media(posts, 'media') print "got {0} pieces of media".format(len(all_media)) print "getting song..." song = get_song('dubstep') print song print "making video..." vid = vid_from_media("videos\\" + source.title + '.mp4', all_media, song.file_path(), source.text, 8) print "uploading video..." upload(vid, "Song: " + str(song), source.tags) update_titles(source.title) print "sleeping for like 20 mins..." sleep(60*20)