def test_json_messages(self): rpc = RpcProcessor() echo_func = RpcFunction(echo, 'echo', 'Returns what it was given', 'string', 'Same value as the first parameter') echo_func.add_param('string', 'message', 'Message to send back') rpc.add_function(echo_func) server = DummyServer(rpc, None) # JSON-RPC call with linebreak gets processed immediatelly server.data_received(b'{"method": "echo", "params": ["Hello Server"], "id": 1}\r\n') self.assertEqual(1, len(server.responses)) msgstr = server.responses[0].decode("utf-8") msg = json.loads(msgstr) self.assertEqual({"result": "Hello Server", "error": None, "id": 1}, msg) # if JSON is received in chunks the request must be processed after the linebreak server.data_received(b'{"method":') server.data_received(b' "echo", "params": ["Hello') server.data_received(b' Server"], "id": 2}\r\n{"method": "echo",') self.assertEqual(2, len(server.responses)) msgstr = server.responses[1].decode("utf-8") msg = json.loads(msgstr) self.assertEqual({"result": "Hello Server", "error": None, "id": 2}, msg) # completing the next message should work too server.data_received(b' "params": ["Hello Echo"], "id": 3}\r\n') self.assertEqual(3, len(server.responses)) msgstr = server.responses[2].decode("utf-8") msg = json.loads(msgstr) self.assertEqual({"result": "Hello Echo", "error": None, "id": 3}, msg)
def test_execute_basic_rpc_request(self): rpc = RpcProcessor() test_func = RpcFunction(test_function, 'test', 'Returns true', 'bool', 'Should be true') rpc.add_function(test_func) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "test", "params": [], "id": 1}') self.assertEqual(reply['error'], None) self.assertTrue(reply['result'])
def test_json_exception(self): rpc = RpcProcessor() error_func = RpcFunction(json_error, 'json_error', 'Raises JsonRpcError', 'bool', '') rpc.add_function(error_func) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "json_error", "params": [], "id": 1}') self.assertEqual(reply['result'], None) self.assertEqual(reply['error'], {'name': 'JsonRpcError', 'message': 'User error'})
def test_internal_exception(self): rpc = RpcProcessor() error_func = RpcFunction(internal_error, 'internal_error', 'Raises ValueError', 'bool', '') rpc.add_function(error_func) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "internal_error", "params": [], "id": 1}') self.assertEqual(reply['result'], None) self.assertEqual(reply['error'], {'name': 'InternalError', 'message': 'Internal error'})
def test_double_register_of_function(self): rpc = RpcProcessor() echo_func = RpcFunction(echo, 'echo', 'Returns what it was given', 'string', 'Same value as the first parameter') add_func = RpcFunction(add, 'echo', 'Returns the sum of the two parameters', 'int', 'Sum of a and b') rpc.add_function(echo_func) self.assertRaises(ValueError, rpc.add_function, add_func)
def test_type_checks(self): rpc = RpcProcessor() echo_func = RpcFunction(echo, 'echo', 'Returns what it was given', 'string', 'Same value as the first parameter') echo_func.add_param('string', 'message', 'Message to send back') rpc.add_function(echo_func) add_func = RpcFunction(add, 'add', 'Returns the sum of the two parameters', 'int', 'Sum of a and b') add_func.add_param('int', 'a', 'First int to add') add_func.add_param('int', 'b', 'Second int to add') rpc.add_function(add_func) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "echo", "params": [42], "id": 1}') self.assertEqual(reply['result'], None) self.assertEqual(reply['error'], {'name': 'TypeError', 'message':'echo: Expected value of type \'string\' for parameter \'message\' but got value of type \'int\''}) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "echo", "params": [[]], "id": 2}') self.assertEqual(reply['result'], None) self.assertEqual(reply['error'], {'name': 'TypeError', 'message':'echo: Expected value of type \'string\' for parameter \'message\' but got value of type \'array\''}) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "add", "params": [4, 8.9], "id": 3}') self.assertEqual(reply['result'], None) self.assertEqual(reply['error'], {'name': 'TypeError', 'message':'add: Expected value of type \'int\' for parameter \'b\' but got value of type \'float\''}) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "add", "params": [4, {"test": 8}], "id": 3}') self.assertEqual(reply['result'], None) self.assertEqual(reply['error'], {'name': 'TypeError', 'message':'add: Expected value of type \'int\' for parameter \'b\' but got value of type \'hash\''})
def test_echo(self): rpc = RpcProcessor() echo_func = RpcFunction(echo, 'echo', 'Returns what it was given', 'string', 'Same value as the first parameter') echo_func.add_param('string', 'message', 'Message to send back') rpc.add_function(echo_func) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "echo", "params": ["Hello Server"], "id": 1}') self.assertEqual(reply['error'], None) self.assertEqual(reply['result'], "Hello Server")
def test_add(self): rpc = RpcProcessor() add_func = RpcFunction(add, 'add', 'Returns the sum of the two parameters', 'int', 'Sum of a and b') add_func.add_param('int', 'a', 'First int to add') add_func.add_param('int', 'b', 'Second int to add') rpc.add_function(add_func) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "add", "params": [4, 5], "id": 1}') self.assertEqual(reply['error'], None) self.assertEqual(reply['result'], 9)
def test_echo(self): rpc = RpcProcessor() echo_func = RpcFunction(echo, 'echo', 'Returns what it was given', 'string', 'Same value as the first parameter') echo_func.add_param('string', 'message', 'Message to send back') rpc.add_function(echo_func) reply = rpc.process_request( '{"method": "echo", "params": ["Hello Server"], "id": 1}') self.assertEqual(reply['error'], None) self.assertEqual(reply['result'], "Hello Server")
def test_notification(self): global notify_was_called rpc = RpcProcessor() notify_func = RpcFunction(notify, 'notify', 'Notification function', 'bool', 'Does not return because it is a notification') rpc.add_function(notify_func) self.assertFalse(notify_was_called) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "notify", "params": [], "id": null}') self.assertEqual(None, reply) self.assertTrue(notify_was_called)
def test_authcheck(self): rpc = RpcProcessor() func = RpcFunction(authcheck, 'authcheck', 'Returns rpcinfo content as string', 'string', 'Returns a string to prove we got the authentication information') func.require_rpcinfo() rpc.add_function(func) rpcinfo = {'authenticated': True, 'username': '******'} reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "authcheck", "params": [], "id": 1}', rpcinfo) self.assertEqual(reply['error'], None) self.assertEqual(reply['result'], 'Authenticated: True; Username: unittest')
def test_typed_arrays_with_custom_types(self): rpc = RpcProcessor() example_type = JsonHashType('Example', 'A named hash') example_type.add_field('somestr', 'string', 'Some string') example_type.add_field('someint', 'int', 'Some integer') func = RpcFunction(echo_array, 'echo_array', 'Expects an array of examples and returns it', 'array<Example>', 'Returns the array passed by the caller') func.add_param('array<Example>', 'examples', 'An array of integer values') rpc.add_custom_type(example_type) rpc.add_function(func) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "echo_array", "params": [[5, 6, 7]], "id": 1}') self.assertEqual(reply['error'], {'name': 'TypeError', 'message': "echo_array: Named hash parameter 'examples[0]' of type 'Example' requires a hash value but got 'int'"}) self.assertEqual(reply['result'], None) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "echo_array", "params": [[{"somestr": "str", "someint": 5}, {"somestr": "str", "someint": true}]], "id": 2}') self.assertEqual(reply['error'], {'name': 'TypeError', 'message': "echo_array: Expected value of type 'int' for parameter 'examples[1].someint' but got value of type 'bool'"}) self.assertEqual(reply['result'], None) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "echo_array", "params": [[{"somestr": "str1", "someint": 5}, {"somestr": "str2", "someint": 6}]], "id": 3}') self.assertEqual(reply['error'], None) self.assertEqual(reply['result'], [{'somestr': 'str1', 'someint': 5}, {'somestr': 'str2', 'someint': 6}])
def test_internal_exception(self): rpc = RpcProcessor() error_func = RpcFunction(internal_error, 'internal_error', 'Raises ValueError', 'bool', '') rpc.add_function(error_func) reply = rpc.process_request( '{"method": "internal_error", "params": [], "id": 1}') self.assertEqual(reply['result'], None) self.assertEqual(reply['error'], { 'name': 'InternalError', 'message': 'Internal error' })
def test_custom_types_with_typed_array_fields(self): rpc = RpcProcessor() example_type = JsonHashType('Example', 'A named hash') example_type.add_field('somestrs', 'array<string>', 'Some strings') example_type.add_field('someints', 'array<int>', 'Some integers') func = RpcFunction(echo_hash, 'echo_hash', 'Expects an Example hash and returns it', 'Example', 'Returns the hash passed by the caller') func.add_param('Example', 'examples', 'An example hash') rpc.add_custom_type(example_type) rpc.add_function(func) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "echo_hash", "params": [{"somestrs": "", "someints": ""}], "id": 1}') self.assertEqual(reply['error'], {'name': 'TypeError', 'message': "echo_hash: Expected value of type 'array<string>' for parameter 'examples.somestrs' but got value of type 'string'"}) self.assertEqual(reply['result'], None) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "echo_hash", "params": [{"somestrs": ["str1", "str2"], "someints": [1, 2, "test", 3]}], "id": 2}') self.assertEqual(reply['error'], {'name': 'TypeError', 'message': "echo_hash: Expected value of type 'int' for parameter 'examples.someints[2]' but got value of type 'string'"}) self.assertEqual(reply['result'], None) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "echo_hash", "params": [{"somestrs": ["str1", "str2"], "someints": [1, 2, 3]}], "id": 3}') self.assertEqual(reply['error'], None) self.assertEqual(reply['result'], {'somestrs': ['str1', 'str2'], 'someints': [1, 2, 3]})
def test_add(self): rpc = RpcProcessor() add_func = RpcFunction(add, 'add', 'Returns the sum of the two parameters', 'int', 'Sum of a and b') add_func.add_param('int', 'a', 'First int to add') add_func.add_param('int', 'b', 'Second int to add') rpc.add_function(add_func) reply = rpc.process_request( '{"method": "add", "params": [4, 5], "id": 1}') self.assertEqual(reply['error'], None) self.assertEqual(reply['result'], 9)
def test_notification(self): global notify_was_called rpc = RpcProcessor() notify_func = RpcFunction( notify, 'notify', 'Notification function', 'bool', 'Does not return because it is a notification') rpc.add_function(notify_func) self.assertFalse(notify_was_called) reply = rpc.process_request( '{"method": "notify", "params": [], "id": null}') self.assertEqual(None, reply) self.assertTrue(notify_was_called)
def test_wrong_number_of_params(self): rpc = RpcProcessor() echo_func = RpcFunction(echo, 'echo', 'Returns what it was given', 'string', 'Same value as the first parameter') echo_func.add_param('string', 'message', 'Message to send back') rpc.add_function(echo_func) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "echo", "params": ["Hello Server", 42], "id": 1}') self.assertEqual(reply['result'], None) self.assertEqual(reply['error'], {'name': 'ParamError', 'message': 'Expected 1 parameters for \'echo\' but got 2'}) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "echo", "params": [], "id": 2}') self.assertEqual(reply['result'], None) self.assertEqual(reply['error'], {'name': 'ParamError', 'message': 'Expected 1 parameters for \'echo\' but got 0'})
def test_service_description(self): rpc = RpcProcessor() self.assertEqual(rpc.describe_service(), {'name': '', 'description': '', 'version': '', 'custom_fields': {}}) rpc.set_description("Example RPC Service", "This is an example service for ReflectRPC", "1.0", {'field1': 'test', 'field2': 42}) expected_desc = {'name': 'Example RPC Service', 'description': 'This is an example service for ReflectRPC', 'version': '1.0', 'custom_fields': {'field1': 'test', 'field2': 42} } self.assertEqual(rpc.describe_service(), expected_desc)
def test_method_as_rpc(self): obj = TestMethod() rpc = RpcProcessor() echo_func = RpcFunction(obj.echo, 'echo', 'Returns what it was given', 'string', 'Same value as the first parameter') echo_func.add_param('string', 'message', 'Message to send back') rpc.add_function(echo_func) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "echo", "params": ["Hello Server"], "id": 1}') self.assertEqual(reply['error'], None) self.assertEqual(reply['result'], "Hello Server") change_variable_func = RpcFunction(obj.change_variable, 'change_variable', 'Changes object attribute', 'bool', '') rpc.add_function(change_variable_func) self.assertFalse(obj.testvar) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "change_variable", "params": [], "id": 2}') self.assertEqual(reply['error'], None) self.assertEqual(reply['result'], None) self.assertTrue(obj.testvar)
def test_json_messages(self): rpc = RpcProcessor() echo_func = RpcFunction(echo, 'echo', 'Returns what it was given', 'string', 'Same value as the first parameter') echo_func.add_param('string', 'message', 'Message to send back') rpc.add_function(echo_func) server = DummyServer(rpc, None) # JSON-RPC call with linebreak gets processed immediatelly server.data_received( b'{"method": "echo", "params": ["Hello Server"], "id": 1}\r\n') self.assertEqual(1, len(server.responses)) msgstr = server.responses[0].decode("utf-8") msg = json.loads(msgstr) self.assertEqual({ "result": "Hello Server", "error": None, "id": 1 }, msg) # if JSON is received in chunks the request must be processed after the linebreak server.data_received(b'{"method":') server.data_received(b' "echo", "params": ["Hello') server.data_received(b' Server"], "id": 2}\r\n{"method": "echo",') self.assertEqual(2, len(server.responses)) msgstr = server.responses[1].decode("utf-8") msg = json.loads(msgstr) self.assertEqual({ "result": "Hello Server", "error": None, "id": 2 }, msg) # completing the next message should work too server.data_received(b' "params": ["Hello Echo"], "id": 3}\r\n') self.assertEqual(3, len(server.responses)) msgstr = server.responses[2].decode("utf-8") msg = json.loads(msgstr) self.assertEqual({"result": "Hello Echo", "error": None, "id": 3}, msg)
def test_type_checks_for_enums(self): rpc = RpcProcessor() enum = JsonEnumType('PhoneType', 'Type of a phone number') enum.add_value('HOME', 'Home phone') enum.add_value('WORK', 'Work phone') enum.add_value('MOBILE', 'Mobile phone') enum.add_value('FAX', 'FAX number') rpc.add_custom_type(enum) echo_enum_func = RpcFunction(echo_enum, 'echo_enum', 'Returns what it was given', 'PhoneType', 'Same value as the first parameter') echo_enum_func.add_param('PhoneType', 'type', 'Type of phone number') rpc.add_function(echo_enum_func) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "echo_enum", "params": [-1], "id": 1}') self.assertEqual(reply['result'], None) self.assertEqual(reply['error'], {'name': 'TypeError', 'message':"echo_enum: '-1' is not a valid value for parameter 'type' of enum type 'PhoneType'"}) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "echo_enum", "params": [4], "id": 2}') self.assertEqual(reply['result'], None) self.assertEqual(reply['error'], {'name': 'TypeError', 'message':"echo_enum: '4' is not a valid value for parameter 'type' of enum type 'PhoneType'"}) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "echo_enum", "params": ["BLABLA"], "id": 3}') self.assertEqual(reply['result'], None) self.assertEqual(reply['error'], {'name': 'TypeError', 'message':"echo_enum: 'BLABLA' is not a valid value for parameter 'type' of enum type 'PhoneType'"}) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "echo_enum", "params": [3], "id": 4}') self.assertEqual(reply['error'], None) self.assertEqual(reply['result'], 3) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "echo_enum", "params": ["MOBILE"], "id": 5}') self.assertEqual(reply['error'], None) self.assertEqual(reply['result'], 'MOBILE')
def test_invalid_json(self): rpc = RpcProcessor() echo_func = RpcFunction(echo, 'echo', 'Returns what it was given', 'string', 'Same value as the first parameter') echo_func.add_param('string', 'message', 'Message to send back') rpc.add_function(echo_func) server = DummyServer(rpc, None) # data with linebreak gets processed immediatelly server.data_received(b"data\r\n") self.assertEqual(1, len(server.responses)) # without linebreak it doesn't get processed server.data_received(b"data") server.data_received(b"data") server.data_received(b"data") self.assertEqual(1, len(server.responses)) # once the linebreak arrives data gets processed again server.data_received(b"\r\n") self.assertEqual(2, len(server.responses))
def test_describe_functions(self): rpc = RpcProcessor() echo_func = RpcFunction(echo, 'echo', 'Returns what it was given', 'string', 'Same value as the first parameter') echo_func.add_param('string', 'message', 'Message to send back') rpc.add_function(echo_func) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "__describe_functions", "params": [], "id": 1}') expected = [{ 'name': 'echo', 'description': 'Returns what it was given', 'result_type': 'string', 'result_desc': 'Same value as the first parameter', 'params': [{'name': 'message', 'type': 'string', 'description': 'Message to send back'}] }] self.assertEqual(reply['error'], None) self.assertEqual(reply['result'], expected) add_func = RpcFunction(add, 'add', 'Returns the sum of the two parameters', 'int', 'Sum of a and b') add_func.add_param('int', 'a', 'First int to add') add_func.add_param('int', 'b', 'Second int to add') rpc.add_function(add_func) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "__describe_functions", "params": [], "id": 2}') expected = [ { 'name': 'echo', 'description': 'Returns what it was given', 'result_type': 'string', 'result_desc': 'Same value as the first parameter', 'params': [{'name': 'message', 'type': 'string', 'description': 'Message to send back'}] }, { 'name': 'add', 'description': 'Returns the sum of the two parameters', 'result_type': 'int', 'result_desc': 'Sum of a and b', 'params': [ {'name': 'a', 'type': 'int', 'description': 'First int to add'}, {'name': 'b', 'type': 'int', 'description': 'Second int to add'} ] } ] self.assertEqual(reply['result'], expected)
def test_type_checks_for_fields_of_named_hashes(self): rpc = RpcProcessor() custom_type = JsonHashType('CustomHash', 'Dummy named hash for testing') custom_type.add_field('boolfield', 'bool', 'Some bool') custom_type.add_field('stringfield', 'string', 'Some string') custom_type.add_field('intfield', 'int', 'Some integer') custom_type.add_field('floatfield', 'float', 'Some float') custom_type.add_field('arrayfield', 'array', 'City') custom_type.add_field('hashfield', 'hash', 'City') rpc.add_custom_type(custom_type) rpc.enable_named_hash_validation() echo_hash_func = RpcFunction(echo_hash, 'echo_hash', 'Returns what it was given', 'hash', 'Same value as the first parameter') echo_hash_func.add_param('CustomHash', 'custom_hash', 'Some custom hash instance') rpc.add_function(echo_hash_func) # Call with an empty hash should get us an error mentioning the first missing field reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "echo_hash", "params": [{}], "id": 1}') self.assertEqual(reply['result'], None) self.assertEqual(reply['error'], {'name': 'TypeError', 'message': "echo_hash: Named hash parameter 'custom_hash' of type 'CustomHash': Missing field 'boolfield'" }) # Call with an invalid field should return the corresponding error reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "echo_hash", "params": [{"boolfield": true, "stringfield": 5, "intfield": 5, "floatfield": 5.5, "arrayfield": [], "hashfield": {}}], "id": 2}') self.assertEqual(reply['result'], None) self.assertEqual(reply['error'], {'name': 'TypeError', 'message': "echo_hash: Expected value of type 'string' for parameter 'custom_hash.stringfield' but got value of type 'int'"}) # Call with a valid hash should return the same hash without error reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "echo_hash", "params": [{"boolfield": true, "stringfield": "test", "intfield": 5, "floatfield": 5.5, "arrayfield": [], "hashfield": {}}], "id": 3}') self.assertEqual(reply['error'], None) self.assertEqual(reply['result'], {"boolfield": True, "stringfield": "test", "intfield": 5, "floatfield": 5.5, "arrayfield": [], "hashfield": {}})
def test_basic_type_checks_for_named_hashes(self): rpc = RpcProcessor() address_type = JsonHashType('Address', 'Street address') address_type.add_field('firstname', 'string', 'First name') address_type.add_field('lastname', 'string', 'Last name') address_type.add_field('street1', 'string', 'First address line') address_type.add_field('zipcode', 'int', 'Zip code') address_type.add_field('city', 'string', 'City') rpc.add_custom_type(address_type) echo_hash_func = RpcFunction(echo_hash, 'echo_hash', 'Returns what it was given', 'hash', 'Same value as the first parameter') echo_hash_func.add_param('Address', 'address', 'Address hash') rpc.add_function(echo_hash_func) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "echo_hash", "params": ["String"], "id": 1}') self.assertEqual(reply['result'], None) self.assertEqual(reply['error'], {'name': 'TypeError', 'message': "echo_hash: Named hash parameter 'address' of type 'Address' requires a hash value but got 'string'"}) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "echo_hash", "params": [{"firstname": "first", "lastname": "last", "street1": "", "zipcode": 56732, "city": ""}], "id": 2}') self.assertEqual(reply['error'], None) self.assertEqual(reply['result'], { 'firstname': 'first', 'lastname': 'last', 'street1': '', 'zipcode': 56732, 'city': '', }) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "echo_hash", "params": [{"firstname": "first", "lastname": "test", "street1": "", "zipcode": 56732, "city": "", "number": 42}], "id": 3}') self.assertEqual(reply['result'], None) self.assertEqual(reply['error'], {'name': 'TypeError', 'message': "echo_hash: Named hash parameter 'address' of type 'Address': Unknown field 'number'" })
def test_typed_arrays_basic(self): rpc = RpcProcessor() func = RpcFunction(echo_array, 'echo_array', 'Expects an array of ints and returns it', 'array<int>', 'Returns the array passed by the caller') func.add_param('array<int>', 'numbers', 'An array of integer values') rpc.add_function(func) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "echo_array", "params": [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ,7, 8, 9]], "id": 1}') self.assertEqual(reply['error'], None) self.assertEqual(reply['result'], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) # test what happens if we send a non-array type reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "echo_array", "params": [5], "id": 2}') self.assertEqual(reply['error'], {'message': "echo_array: Expected value of type 'array<int>' for parameter 'numbers' but got value of type 'int'", 'name': 'TypeError'}) self.assertEqual(reply['result'], None) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "echo_array", "params": [[1, 2, "invalid string", 9]], "id": 3}') self.assertEqual(reply['result'], None) self.assertEqual(reply['error'], {'name': 'TypeError', 'message': "echo_array: Expected value of type 'int' for parameter 'numbers[2]' but got value of type 'string'"})
return d def delete_object_by_name(rpcinfo, name): conn, d = get_db_connection() d.addCallback(lambda _: conn.runOperation("DELETE FROM jsonstore WHERE obj_name=%s", (name, ))) def return_result(data): conn.close() return True return d # Create service object jsonrpc = RpcProcessor() jsonrpc.set_description("JSON Store Service", "JSON-RPC service for storing JSON objects in a PostgreSQL database", reflectrpc.version) # Register functions get_object_func = RpcFunction(get_object, 'get_object', 'Gets a JSON object by its UUID', 'hash', 'JSON object') get_object_func.add_param('string', 'uuid', 'UUID of the JSON object to retrieve') get_object_func.require_rpcinfo() jsonrpc.add_function(get_object_func) get_object_by_name_func = RpcFunction(get_object_by_name, 'get_object_by_name', 'Gets a JSON object by its name', 'hash', 'JSON object') get_object_by_name_func.add_param('string', 'name', 'Name of the JSON object to retrieve') get_object_by_name_func.require_rpcinfo() jsonrpc.add_function(get_object_by_name_func)
def test_enum_type_check_in_add_function(self): rpc = RpcProcessor() echo_enum_func = RpcFunction(echo_enum, 'echo_enum', '', 'PhoneType', '') self.assertRaises(ValueError, rpc.add_function, echo_enum_func) echo_enum_func = RpcFunction(echo_enum, 'echo_enum', '', 'int', '') echo_enum_func.add_param('PhoneType', 'phonetype', '') self.assertRaises(ValueError, rpc.add_function, echo_enum_func) rpc = RpcProcessor() echo_enum_func = RpcFunction(echo_enum, 'echo_enum', '', 'PhoneType', '') enum = JsonEnumType('PhoneType', 'Type of a phone number') rpc.add_custom_type(enum) try: rpc.add_function(echo_enum_func) except ValueError:"add_function raised unexpected exception!") rpc = RpcProcessor() echo_enum_func = RpcFunction(echo_enum, 'echo_enum', '', 'int', '') echo_enum_func.add_param('PhoneType', 'phonetype', '') enum = JsonEnumType('PhoneType', 'Type of a phone number') rpc.add_custom_type(enum) try: rpc.add_function(echo_enum_func) except ValueError:"add_function raised unexpected exception!")
def test_hash_type_check_in_add_function(self): rpc = RpcProcessor() echo_hash_func = RpcFunction(echo_hash, 'echo_hash', '', 'Address', '') self.assertRaises(ValueError, rpc.add_function, echo_hash_func) echo_hash_func = RpcFunction(echo_hash, 'echo_hash', '', 'hash', '') echo_hash_func.add_param('Address', 'address', '') self.assertRaises(ValueError, rpc.add_function, echo_hash_func) rpc = RpcProcessor() echo_hash_func = RpcFunction(echo_hash, 'echo_hash', '', 'Address', '') address = JsonHashType('Address', '') rpc.add_custom_type(address) try: rpc.add_function(echo_hash_func) except ValueError:"add_function raised unexpected exception!") rpc = RpcProcessor() echo_hash_func = RpcFunction(echo_hash, 'echo_hash', '', 'hash', '') echo_hash_func.add_param('Address', 'address', '') address = JsonHashType('Address', '') rpc.add_custom_type(address) try: rpc.add_function(echo_hash_func) except ValueError:"add_function raised unexpected exception!")
def test_nested_named_hash_validation(self): rpc = RpcProcessor() type1_type = JsonHashType('Type1', 'First type in the hierarchy') type1_type.add_field('somestr', 'string', 'Some string') type1_type.add_field('type2', 'Type2', 'Embedded Type2') type2_type = JsonHashType('Type2', 'Second type in the hierarchy') type2_type.add_field('someint', 'int', 'Some int') type2_type.add_field('type3', 'Type3', 'Embedded Type3') type3_type = JsonHashType('Type3', 'Third type in the hierarchy') type3_type.add_field('somebool', 'bool', 'Some bool') rpc.add_custom_type(type1_type) rpc.add_custom_type(type2_type) rpc.add_custom_type(type3_type) echo_hash_func = RpcFunction(echo_hash, 'echo_hash', 'Returns what it was given', 'hash', 'Same value as the first parameter') echo_hash_func.add_param('Type1', 'value', 'Type1 one Named Hash') rpc.add_function(echo_hash_func) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "echo_hash", "params": [{"somestr": "mystr"}], "id": 1}') self.assertEqual(reply['error'], {'message': "echo_hash: Named hash parameter 'value' of type 'Type1': Missing field 'type2'", 'name': 'TypeError'}) self.assertEqual(reply['result'], None) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "echo_hash", "params": [{"somestr": "mystr", "type2": {"someint": 5}}], "id": 2}') self.assertEqual(reply['error'], {'name': 'TypeError', 'message': "echo_hash: Named hash parameter 'value.type2' of type 'Type2': Missing field 'type3'"}) self.assertEqual(reply['result'], None) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "echo_hash", "params": [{"somestr": "mystr", "type2": {"someint": 5, "type3": {"somebool": 8}}}], "id": 3}') self.assertEqual(reply['error'], {'message': "echo_hash: Expected value of type 'bool' for parameter 'value.type2.type3.somebool' but got value of type 'int'", 'name': 'TypeError'}) self.assertEqual(reply['result'], None) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "echo_hash", "params": [{"somestr": "mystr", "type2": {"someint": 5, "type3": {"somebool": true}}}], "id": 4}') self.assertEqual(reply['error'], None) self.assertEqual(reply['result'], { 'somestr': 'mystr', 'type2': { 'someint': 5, 'type3': {'somebool': True} } })
def fast_operation(): return 41 def deferred_error(): def calc_result(value): raise JsonRpcError("You wanted an error, here you have it!") return task.deferLater(reactor, 0.1, calc_result, None) def deferred_internal_error(): def calc_result(value): return 56 / 0 return task.deferLater(reactor, 0.1, calc_result, None) jsonrpc = RpcProcessor() jsonrpc.set_description("Concurrency Example RPC Service", "This service demonstrates concurrency with the Twisted Server", "1.0") slow_func = reflectrpc.RpcFunction(slow_operation, 'slow_operation', 'Calculate ultimate answer', 'int', 'Ultimate answer') jsonrpc.add_function(slow_func) fast_func = reflectrpc.RpcFunction(fast_operation, 'fast_operation', 'Calculate fast approximation of the ultimate answer', 'int', 'Approximation of the ultimate answer') jsonrpc.add_function(fast_func) error_func = reflectrpc.RpcFunction(deferred_error, 'deferred_error', 'Raise a JsonRpcError from a deferred function', 'int', 'Nothing of interest') jsonrpc.add_function(error_func)
def test_type_checks_enums_in_named_hashes(self): rpc = RpcProcessor() enum = JsonEnumType('PhoneType', 'Type of a phone number') enum.add_value('HOME', 'Home phone') enum.add_value('WORK', 'Work phone') enum.add_value('MOBILE', 'Mobile phone') enum.add_value('FAX', 'FAX number') rpc.add_custom_type(enum) custom_hash = JsonHashType('CustomHash', 'Dummy named hash for testing') custom_hash.add_field('phonetype', 'PhoneType', 'Type of phone number') rpc.add_custom_type(custom_hash) echo_hash_func = RpcFunction(echo_hash, 'echo_hash', 'Returns what it was given', 'hash', 'Same value as the first parameter') echo_hash_func.add_param('CustomHash', 'custom_hash', 'Some custom hash instance') rpc.add_function(echo_hash_func) rpc.enable_named_hash_validation() reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "echo_hash", "params": [{"phonetype": "TEST"}], "id": 1}') self.assertEqual(reply['result'], None) self.assertEqual(reply['error'], {'name': 'TypeError', 'message': "echo_hash: 'TEST' is not a valid value for parameter 'custom_hash.phonetype' of enum type 'PhoneType'"}) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "echo_hash", "params": [{"phonetype": []}], "id": 2}') self.assertEqual(reply['result'], None) self.assertEqual(reply['error'], {'name': 'TypeError', 'message': "echo_hash: Enum parameter 'custom_hash.phonetype' requires a value of type 'int' or 'string' but type was 'array'"}) reply = rpc.process_request('{"method": "echo_hash", "params": [{"phonetype": "HOME"}], "id": 3}') self.assertEqual(reply['error'], None) self.assertEqual(reply['result'], {'phonetype': 'HOME'})