Example #1
    def test_spline_smoke(self):
        # smoke test to make Spline at least gives us something
        a = Spline(100, [2], [0.5], zgrad=False, microslab_max_thickness=1)

        s = self.left | a | self.right | self.solvent
        b = a.slabs(s)
        assert_equal(b[:, 2], 0)

        # microslabs are assessed in the middle of the slab
        assert_equal(b[0, 1], a(0.5 * b[0, 0], s))

        # with the ends turned off the profile should be a straight line
        assert_equal(a(50, s), 2.0)

        # construct a structure
        a = Spline(
            [2.0, 3.0, 4.0],
            [0.25] * 3,

        # s.solvent = None
        s = self.left | a | self.right | self.solvent
        # calculate an SLD profile
        # ask for the parameters
        for p in flatten(s.parameters):
            assert_(isinstance(p, Parameter))

        # s.solvent is not None
        s.solvent = self.solvent
        # calculate an SLD profile
Example #2
    def test_slab_addition(self):
        # The slabs method for the main Structure component constructs
        # the overall slabs by concatenating Component slabs. This checks that
        # the slab concatenation is correct.

        si = SLD(2.07)
        sio2 = SLD(3.47)
        polymer = SLD(1.5)
        d2o = SLD(6.36)
        d2o_layer = d2o(0, 3)
        polymer_layer = polymer(20, 3)
        a = Spline(400, [4, 5.9], [0.2, .4], zgrad=True)
        film = si | sio2(10, 3) | polymer_layer | a | d2o_layer

        structure = si(0, 0)
        for i in range(200):
            p = SLD(i)(i, i)
            structure |= p

        structure |= d2o(0, 3)

        slabs = structure.slabs()
        assert_equal(slabs[1:-1, 0], np.arange(200))
        assert_equal(slabs[1:-1, 1], np.arange(200))
        assert_equal(slabs[1:-1, 3], np.arange(200))
        assert_equal(slabs[-1, 1], 6.36)
        assert_equal(slabs[0, 1], 2.07)
        assert_equal(len(slabs), 202)
Example #3
def test_add_spline_save(qtbot, tmpdir):
    # test if we can add a spline to a model and save an experiment
    myapp, model = mysetup(qtbot)

    # get index of theoretical dataset --> structure --> slab1
    data_object_node = model.data_object_node("theoretical")
    model_node = data_object_node.child(1)
    assert isinstance(model_node, ReflectModelNode)

    structs = model_node.structures
    for struct in structs:
        assert isinstance(struct, Structure)

    structure_node = model_node.child(4)
    assert isinstance(structure_node, StructureNode)

    # selection_model = myapp.ui.treeView.selectionModel()
    # slab_node = structure_node.child(1)
    # selection_model.select(slab_node.index,
    #                        QtCore.QItemSelectionModel.Select)

    # add a Spline after the slab
    component = Spline(50, [-1.0, -1.0], [0.33, 0.33], name="spline")
    structure_node.insert_component(1, component)
    save_and_reload_experiment(myapp, tmpdir)
Example #4
    def test_spline_solvation(self):
        a = Spline(100, [2], [0.5], zgrad=False, microslab_max_thickness=1)

        front = SLD(0.1)
        air = SLD(0.0)
        s = front | self.left | a | self.right | self.solvent

        # assign a solvent
        s.solvent = air
        self.left.vfsolv.value = 0.5
        self.right.vfsolv.value = 0.5
        assert_equal(s.slabs()[1, 1], 0.75)
        assert_equal(s.slabs()[-2, 1], 1.25)

        assert_almost_equal(a(0, s), 0.75)
        assert_almost_equal(a(100, s), 1.25)

        # remove solvent, should be solvated by backing medium
        s.solvent = None
        assert_equal(s.slabs()[1, 1], 5.75)
        assert_equal(s.slabs()[-2, 1], 6.25)
        assert_almost_equal(a(0, s), 5.75)
        assert_almost_equal(a(100, s), 6.25)

        # reverse structure, should be solvated by fronting medium
        s.reverse_structure = True
        assert_equal(s.slabs()[1, 1], 1.3)
        assert_equal(s.slabs()[-2, 1], 0.8)
        # note that a(0, s) end becomes the end when the structure is reversed
        assert_almost_equal(a(0, s), 0.8)
        assert_almost_equal(a(100, s), 1.3)
Example #5
    def test_spline_no_knots(self):
        # try and make Spline with no knots
        a = Spline(100, [], [], zgrad=False, microslab_max_thickness=1)

        s = self.left | a | self.right | self.solvent
        b = a.slabs(s)
        assert_equal(b[:, 2], 0)

        # microslabs are assessed in the middle of the slab
        assert_equal(b[0, 1], a(0.5 * b[0, 0], s))

        # with the ends turned off the profile should be a straight line
        assert_equal(a(50, s), 2.0)

        q = np.linspace(0.01, 0.5, 1001)
Example #6
    def test_left_right_influence(self):
        # make sure that if the left and right components change, so does the
        # spline
        a = Spline(100, [2], [0.5], zgrad=False, microslab_max_thickness=1)

        s = self.left | a | self.right | self.solvent

        # change the SLD of the left component, spline should respond
        self.left.sld.real.value = 2.0
        assert_almost_equal(a(0, s), 2)

        # check that the spline responds if it's a vfsolv that changes
        self.left.vfsolv.value = 0.5
            Structure.overall_sld(self.left.slabs(), self.solvent)[0, 1], 6.0)
        assert_almost_equal(a(0, s), 6.0)

        # check that the right side responds.
        self.right.sld.real.value = 5.0
        assert_almost_equal(a(100, s), 5.0)

        # the spline should respond if the knot SLD's are changed
        a.vs[0].value = 3.0
        assert_almost_equal(a(50, s), 3.0)

        # spline responds if the interval knot spacing is changed
        a.dz[0].value = 0.9
        assert_almost_equal(a(90, s), 3.0)
Example #7
    def test_spline_repeat(self):
        # can't have two splines in a row.
        a = Spline(100, [2], [0.5], zgrad=False, microslab_max_thickness=1)

        s = self.left | a | a | self.right | self.solvent

        from pytest import raises
        with raises(ValueError):
Example #8
    def test_spine_interfaces(self):
        a = Spline(100, [2, 3], [0.3, 0.3],

        s = self.left | a | self.right | self.solvent

        # this is a check to ensure that:
        # 1) _micro_slabs is being called by Structure.slabs()
        # 2) _micro_slabs works correctly when a Spline is being used.
        #    Spline.interfaces should be `None`, which should expanded from
        #    that default in _micro_slabs to `[Erf] * len(Structure.slabs())`.
        s[-1].interfaces = Linear()
        assert_equal(len(s._micro_slabs()), len(s.slabs()))

        # should be able to set all the interfaces in Spline to Linear.
        a.interfaces = Linear()
        a.interfaces = [Linear()]
Example #9
    def test_repr(self):
        # make sure that if the left and right components change, so does the
        # spline
        a = Spline(100, [2, 3, 4], [0.1, 0.2, 0.3],

        s = self.left | a | self.right | self.solvent

        # should be able to repr the whole lot
        q = repr(s)
        r = eval(q)
        assert_equal(r.slabs(), s.slabs())
Example #10
    def test_pickle(self):
        a = Spline(100, [2, 3], [0.3, 0.3],

        s = self.left | a | self.right | self.solvent

        # cause the spline to be evaluated
        assert a._Spline__cached_interpolator["interp"] is not None

        pkl = pickle.dumps(s)
        r = pickle.loads(pkl)
        assert isinstance(r, Structure)
Example #11
    def component(self):
        # return a SplineComponent
        dz = []
        vs = []
        extent = self.extent.value()

        for i in range(self.knots.rowCount()):
            dz.append(float(self.knots.item(i, 0).text()))
            vs.append(float(self.knots.item(i, 1).text()))

        return Spline(extent,
Example #12
def test_add_spline_save(qtbot, tmpdir):
    # test if we can add a spline to a model and save an experiment
    myapp, model = mysetup(qtbot)

    # get index of theoretical dataset --> structure --> slab1
    data_object_node = model.data_object_node('theoretical')
    model_node = data_object_node.child(1)
    structure_node = model_node.child(3)

    # selection_model = myapp.ui.treeView.selectionModel()
    # slab_node = structure_node.child(1)
    # selection_model.select(slab_node.index,
    #                        QtCore.QItemSelectionModel.Select)

    # add a Spline after the slab
    component = Spline(50, [-1., -1.], [0.33, 0.33], name='spline')
    structure_node.insert_component(1, component)
    save_and_reload_experiment(myapp, tmpdir)
Example #13
def make_model(names, bs, thicks, roughs, fig_i, data, show=False, mcmc=False):
    extent = sum(
        thicks[:, 0])  # (float or Parameter) – Total extent of spline region
    vs = array(
      0]  #(Sequence of float/Parameter) – the real part of the SLD values of each of the knots.
    dz = cum_sum(
        array(thicks[:, 0])
    )  #(Sequence of float/Parameter) – the lateral offset between successive knots.
    name = "number of nots " + str(len(names))  #(str) – Name of component
    component = Spline(extent, vs, dz, name)
    front = SLD(0)
    front = front(0, 0)
    back = SLD(0)
    back = back(0, 0)
    structure = front | component | back
    model = ReflectModel(structure, bkg=3e-6, dq=5.0)
    objective = Objective(model, data, transform=Transform('logY'))
    fitter = CurveFitter(objective)
    return structure, fitter, objective, fig_i + 1