def _collapse_region_docs(cls, docs): ''' If the document is a hit then find parent region; pad all regions for build_info.''' hits = [doc for doc in docs if doc.type() == 'hits'] regions = [doc for doc in docs if doc.type() == 'region'] if len(hits) > 0: regions = Region.hits_to_regions(hits) return regions
def _collapse_region_docs(docs): ''' If the document is a hit then find parent region; pad all regions for build_info.''' hits = [doc for doc in docs if doc.type() == 'hits'] regions = [doc for doc in docs if doc.type() == 'region'] if len(hits) > 0: regions = Region.hits_to_regions(hits) for doc in hits: docs.remove(doc) regions = [Region.pad_region_doc(doc) for doc in regions] for doc in regions: if doc in docs: docs.remove(doc) docs.append(doc) return len(docs)
def get_overlapping_features(self, build, seqid, start, end): features = [] study_hits = self.get_overlapping_hits(build, seqid, start, end) if len(study_hits) == 0: return features regions = Region.hits_to_regions(study_hits) for doc in regions: doc = Region.pad_region_doc(doc) loc = doc.get_position(build=build).split(':') pos = loc[1].replace(',', '').split('-') feature = { 'name': doc.get_name(), 'id': doc.doc_id(), 'chr': loc[0], 'start': int(pos[0]), 'end': int(pos[1]) if len(pos) > 1 else int(pos[0]), 'strand': doc.get_strand_as_int(), 'attributes': {} } loci = doc.get_disease_loci() sub_features = [] for locus in loci: attributes = {} loc = locus.get_position(build=build).split(':') pos = loc[1].replace(',', '').split('-') sub_feature = { 'name': locus.get_name(), 'id': locus.doc_id(), 'chr': loc[0], 'start': int(pos[0]), 'end': int(pos[1]) if len(pos) > 1 else int(pos[0]), 'strand': locus.get_strand_as_int() } if hasattr(locus, "disease") and getattr(locus, "disease") is not None: attributes['disease'] = getattr(locus, "disease") sub_feature['attributes'] = attributes sub_features.append(sub_feature) feature['sub_features'] = sub_features features.append(ElasticObject(feature)) return features
def filter_queryset(self, request, queryset, view): ''' Override this method to request feature locations. ''' try: filterable = getattr(view, 'filter_fields', []) filters = dict([(k, v) for k, v in request.GET.items() if k in filterable]) query_str = filters.get('feature', 'PTPN22') build = self._get_build(filters.get('build', settings.DEFAULT_BUILD)) if query_str is None or query_str == '': return [ElasticObject(initial={'error': 'No feature name provided.'})] search_fields = ['id', 'symbol', 'dbxrefs.ensembl', 'region_name'] sources = ['start', 'stop', 'seqid', 'chromosome', 'disease_loci'] idxs = ElasticSettings.getattr('IDX') MARKER_IDX = '' if build == ElasticSettings.get_label('MARKER', label='build'): MARKER_IDX = 'MARKER' if MARKER_IDX == '': for idx in idxs: if 'MARKER' in idx: if build == ElasticSettings.get_label(idx, label='build'): MARKER_IDX = idx (idx, idx_type) = ElasticSettings.idx_names(MARKER_IDX, 'MARKER') (idx_r, idx_type_r) = ElasticSettings.idx_names('REGION', 'REGION') (idx_g, idx_type_g) = ElasticSettings.idx_names('GENE', 'GENE') idx += ',' + idx_r + ',' + idx_g idx_type += ',' + idx_type_r + ',' + idx_type_g equery = BoolQuery(must_arr=Query.query_string(query_str, fields=search_fields)) elastic = Search(search_query=ElasticQuery(equery, sources), size=10, idx=idx, idx_type=idx_type) docs = locs = [] for doc in docs: if isinstance(doc, RegionDocument): doc = Region.pad_region_doc(doc) loc = doc.get_position(build=build).split(':') pos = loc[1].replace(',', '').split('-') locs.append(ElasticObject( {'feature': query_str, 'chr': loc[0], 'start': int(pos[0]), 'end': int(pos[1]) if len(pos) > 1 else int(pos[0]), 'locusString': query_str+" ("+str(loc[1])+")"})) return locs except (TypeError, ValueError, IndexError, ConnectionError): raise Http404
def _collapse_region_docs(docs): ''' If the document is a hit then find parent region; pad all regions for build_info.''' hits = [doc for doc in docs if doc.type() == 'hits'] regions = [doc for doc in docs if doc.type() == 'region'] if len(hits) > 0: regions = Region.hits_to_regions(hits) for doc in hits: disease_locus = getattr(doc, "disease_locus") for region in regions: disease_loci = getattr(region, "disease_loci") if disease_locus in disease_loci: region.__dict__['_meta']['highlight'] = doc.highlight() docs.remove(doc) regions = [Region.pad_region_doc(doc) for doc in regions] for doc in regions: if doc in docs: docs.remove(doc) docs.append(doc) return len(docs)
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(RegionView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) region = kwargs['region'] if 'region' in kwargs else self.request.GET.get('r') if region is None: messages.error(self.request, 'No region given.') raise Http404() if"[p|q]\d+", region.lower()) is None: regionDocs = Region.loci_to_regions([region.lower()]) if len(regionDocs) == 0: messages.error(self.request, 'No region found.') raise Http404() region = regionDocs[0].doc_id() return RegionView.get_region(self.request, region, context)
def region_page(request, region): ''' Renders a region page. ''' if region is None: messages.error(request, 'No region given.') raise Http404() query = ElasticQuery(Query.ids(region.split(','))) elastic = Search(query, idx=ElasticSettings.idx('REGION', 'REGION'), size=5) res = if res.hits_total == 0: messages.error(request, 'Region(s) '+region+' not found.') elif res.hits_total < 9: names = ', '.join([getattr(doc, 'region_name') for doc in]) REGIONS = [Region.pad_region_doc(doc) for doc in] context = {'features': REGIONS, 'title': names} return render(request, 'region/index.html', context, content_type='text/html') raise Http404()
def get_region(cls, request, region, context): if region is None: messages.error(request, 'No region given.') raise Http404() query = ElasticQuery(Query.ids(region.split(','))) elastic = Search(query, idx=ElasticSettings.idx('REGION', 'REGION'), size=5) res = if res.hits_total == 0: messages.error(request, 'Region(s) '+region+' not found.') elif res.hits_total < 9: context['features'] = [Region.pad_region_doc(doc) for doc in] fids = [doc.doc_id() for doc in] criteria_disease_tags = RegionView.criteria_disease_tags(request, fids) context['criteria'] = criteria_disease_tags context['title'] = ', '.join([getattr(doc, 'region_name') for doc in]) return context raise Http404()
def filter_queryset(self, request, queryset, view): ''' Override this method to request feature locations. ''' try: filterable = getattr(view, 'filter_fields', []) filters = dict([(k, v) for k, v in request.GET.items() if k in filterable]) ftype = filters.get('ftype').upper() build = self._get_build(filters.get('build', settings.DEFAULT_BUILD)) if ftype is None or ftype == '': return [ElasticObject(initial={'error': 'No feature type provided.'})] idx = 'REGION' if ftype == 'ASSOC_SNP' else ftype idx_type = 'STUDY_HITS' if idx == 'REGION' else ftype print(idx_type) doc_class_str = ElasticSettings.get_label(idx, idx_type, label='class') doc_class = import_string(doc_class_str) if doc_class_str is not None else None if ftype == 'REGION': features = doc_class.get_overlapping_features(build, filters.get('chr').replace('chr', ''), filters.get('start'), filters.get('end')) return features if ftype == 'ASSOC_SNP': hits = doc_class.get_overlapping_hits(build, filters.get('chr').replace('chr', ''), filters.get('start'), filters.get('end')) features = Region.get_immune_snps(hits) return features sources = ['start', 'stop', 'seqid', 'chromosome', 'strand', 'biotype', 'giestain', 'name', 'symbol', 'id', 'ref', 'alt'] seqid_param = 'seqid' end_param = 'stop' start_param = 'start' if ftype == 'GENE': seqid_param = 'chromosome' elastic = Search.range_overlap_query(filters.get('chr').replace('chr', ''), filters.get('start'), filters.get('end'), idx=ElasticSettings.idx(idx, idx_type), size=10000, seqid_param=seqid_param, end_param=end_param, start_param=start_param, field_list=sources) docs = features = [] for doc in docs: if isinstance(doc, RegionDocument): doc = Region.pad_region_doc(doc) loc = doc.get_position(build=build).split(':') pos = loc[1].replace(',', '').split('-') attributes = {} feature = { 'name': doc.get_name(), 'id': doc.doc_id(), 'chr': loc[0], 'start': int(pos[0]), 'end': int(pos[1]) if len(pos) > 1 else int(pos[0]), 'strand': doc.get_strand_as_int() } if hasattr(doc, "biotype") and getattr(doc, "biotype") is not None: attributes["biotype"] = getattr(doc, "biotype") if hasattr(doc, "giestain") and getattr(doc, "giestain") is not None: attributes["stain"] = getattr(doc, "giestain") if hasattr(doc, "ref") and hasattr(doc, "alt") and getattr(doc, "ref") is not None and getattr(doc, "alt") is not None: attributes["alleles"] = getattr(doc, "ref")+"/"+getattr(doc, "alt") feature['attributes'] = attributes features.append(ElasticObject(feature)) return features except (ConnectionError) as err: logger.error(err) raise Http404