class Record(db.Model): __tablename__ = "records" id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) batch_id = db.Column(db.ForeignKey(, nullable=False) batch = db.relationship("Batch") rodne_cislo = db.Column(db.String(10), index=True, nullable=False) first_name = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False) last_name = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False) address = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False) city = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False) postal_code = db.Column(db.String(5), nullable=False) kod_pojistovny = db.Column(db.String(3), nullable=False) donation_count = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False) def __repr__(self): return f"<Record({}) {self.rodne_cislo} from Batch {self.batch}>" @classmethod def from_list(cls, list): return cls( batch_id=list[0], rodne_cislo=list[1], first_name=list[2], last_name=list[3], address=list[4], city=list[5], postal_code=list[6], kod_pojistovny=list[7], donation_count=list[8], )
class AwardedMedals(db.Model): __tablename__ = "awarded_medals" rodne_cislo = db.Column(db.String(10), index=True, nullable=False) medal_id = db.Column(db.ForeignKey( medal = db.relationship("Medals") # NULL means unknown data - imported from the old system awarded_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=True) __tableargs__ = (db.PrimaryKeyConstraint(rodne_cislo, medal_id),)
class Batch(db.Model): __tablename__ = "batches" id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) donation_center_id = db.Column(db.ForeignKey( donation_center = db.relationship("DonationCenter") imported_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False) def __repr__(self): return f"<Batch({}) from {self.imported_at}>"
class Record(db.Model): __tablename__ = "records" id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) batch_id = db.Column(db.ForeignKey(, ondelete="CASCADE"), nullable=False) batch = db.relationship("Batch") rodne_cislo = db.Column(db.String(10), index=True, nullable=False) first_name = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False) last_name = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False) address = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False) city = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False) postal_code = db.Column(db.String(5), nullable=False) kod_pojistovny = db.Column(db.String(3), nullable=False) donation_count = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False) def __repr__(self): return f"<Record({}) {self.rodne_cislo} from Batch {self.batch}>" @classmethod def from_list(cls, list): return cls( batch_id=list[0], rodne_cislo=list[1], first_name=list[2], last_name=list[3], address=list[4], city=list[5], postal_code=list[6], kod_pojistovny=list[7], donation_count=list[8], ) def as_original(self): fields = [ "rodne_cislo", "first_name", "last_name", "address", "city", "postal_code", "kod_pojistovny", "donation_count", ] line = ";".join([str(getattr(self, field)) for field in fields]) line += "\n" return line
class DonorsOverview(db.Model): __tablename__ = "donors_overview" rodne_cislo = db.Column(db.String(10), primary_key=True) first_name = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False) last_name = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False) address = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False) city = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False) postal_code = db.Column(db.String(5), nullable=False) kod_pojistovny = db.Column(db.String(3), nullable=False) donation_count_fm = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False) donation_count_fm_bubenik = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False) donation_count_trinec = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False) donation_count_mp = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False) donation_count_manual = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False) donation_count_total = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False) awarded_medal_br = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False) awarded_medal_st = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False) awarded_medal_zl = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False) awarded_medal_kr3 = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False) awarded_medal_kr2 = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False) awarded_medal_kr1 = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False) awarded_medal_plk = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False) note = db.relationship( "Note", uselist=False, primaryjoin="foreign(DonorsOverview.rodne_cislo) == Note.rodne_cislo", ) def __repr__(self): return f"<DonorsOverview ({self.rodne_cislo})>" @classmethod def refresh_overview(cls): cls.query.delete() db.session.execute( """INSERT INTO "donors_overview" ( "rodne_cislo", "first_name", "last_name", "address", "city", "postal_code", "kod_pojistovny", "donation_count_fm", "donation_count_fm_bubenik", "donation_count_trinec", "donation_count_mp", "donation_count_manual", "donation_count_total", "awarded_medal_br", "awarded_medal_st", "awarded_medal_zl", "awarded_medal_kr3", "awarded_medal_kr2", "awarded_medal_kr1", "awarded_medal_plk" ) SELECT -- "rodne_cislo" uniquely identifies a person. "records"."rodne_cislo", -- Personal data from the person’s most recent batch. "records"."first_name", "records"."last_name", "records"."address", "records"."city", "records"."postal_code", "records"."kod_pojistovny", -- Total donation counts for each donation center. The value in -- a record is incremental. Thus retrieving the one from the most -- recent batch that belongs to the donation center. Coalescing to -- 0 for cases when there is no record from the donation center. COALESCE( ( SELECT "records"."donation_count" FROM "records" JOIN "batches" ON "batches"."id" = "records"."batch_id" JOIN "donation_centers" ON "donation_centers"."id" = "batches"."donation_center_id" WHERE "records"."rodne_cislo" = "recent_records"."rodne_cislo" AND "donation_centers"."slug" = 'fm' ORDER BY "batches"."imported_at" DESC, "records"."donation_count" DESC LIMIT 1 ), 0 ) AS "donation_count_fm", COALESCE( ( SELECT "records"."donation_count" FROM "records" JOIN "batches" ON "batches"."id" = "records"."batch_id" JOIN "donation_centers" ON "donation_centers"."id" = "batches"."donation_center_id" WHERE "records"."rodne_cislo" = "recent_records"."rodne_cislo" AND "donation_centers"."slug" = 'fm_bubenik' ORDER BY "batches"."imported_at" DESC, "records"."donation_count" DESC LIMIT 1 ), 0 ) AS "donation_count_fm_bubenik", COALESCE( ( SELECT "records"."donation_count" FROM "records" JOIN "batches" ON "batches"."id" = "records"."batch_id" JOIN "donation_centers" ON "donation_centers"."id" = "batches"."donation_center_id" WHERE "records"."rodne_cislo" = "recent_records"."rodne_cislo" AND "donation_centers"."slug" = 'trinec' ORDER BY "batches"."imported_at" DESC, "records"."donation_count" DESC LIMIT 1 ), 0 ) AS "donation_count_trinec", COALESCE( ( SELECT "records"."donation_count" FROM "records" JOIN "batches" ON "batches"."id" = "records"."batch_id" JOIN "donation_centers" ON "donation_centers"."id" = "batches"."donation_center_id" WHERE "records"."rodne_cislo" = "recent_records"."rodne_cislo" AND "donation_centers"."slug" = 'mp' ORDER BY "batches"."imported_at" DESC, "records"."donation_count" DESC LIMIT 1 ), 0 ) AS "donation_count_mp", COALESCE( ( SELECT "records"."donation_count" FROM "records" JOIN "batches" ON "batches"."id" = "records"."batch_id" WHERE "records"."rodne_cislo" = "recent_records"."rodne_cislo" AND "batches"."donation_center_id" IS NULL ORDER BY "batches"."imported_at" DESC, "records"."donation_count" DESC LIMIT 1 ), 0 ) AS "donation_count_manual", -- The grand total of the donation counts. Sums the most recent -- counts from all the donation centers and the most recent manual -- donation count without a donation center. Not coalescing this -- one, because it is not possible for a person not no have any -- donation record at all. ( -- Sum all the respective donation counts including manual -- entries. SELECT SUM("donation_count"."donation_count") FROM ( SELECT ( -- Loads the most recent donation count for the -- donation center. SELECT "records"."donation_count" FROM "records" JOIN "batches" ON "batches"."id" = "records"."batch_id" WHERE "records"."rodne_cislo" = "recent_records"."rodne_cislo" AND ( -- NULL values represent manual entries and -- cannot be compared by =. "batches"."donation_center_id" = "donation_center_null"."donation_center_id" OR ( "batches"."donation_center_id" IS NULL AND "donation_center_null"."donation_center_id" IS NULL ) ) ORDER BY "batches"."imported_at" DESC, "records"."donation_count" DESC LIMIT 1 ) AS "donation_count" FROM ( -- All possible donation centers including NULL -- for manual entries. SELECT "donation_centers"."id" AS "donation_center_id" FROM "donation_centers" UNION SELECT NULL AS "donation_centers" ) AS "donation_center_null" -- Removes donation centers from which the person does -- not have any records. This removes the need for -- coalescing the value to 0 before summing. WHERE "donation_count" IS NOT NULL ) AS "donation_count" ) AS "donation_count_total", -- Awarded medals checks. Just simply query whether there is a -- record for the given combination of "rodne_cislo" and "medal". EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM "awarded_medals" JOIN "medals" ON "medals"."id" = "awarded_medals"."medal_id" WHERE "awarded_medals"."rodne_cislo" = "records"."rodne_cislo" AND "medals"."slug" = 'br' ) AS "awarded_medal_br", EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM "awarded_medals" JOIN "medals" ON "medals"."id" = "awarded_medals"."medal_id" WHERE "awarded_medals"."rodne_cislo" = "records"."rodne_cislo" AND "medals"."slug" = 'st' ) AS "awarded_medal_st", EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM "awarded_medals" JOIN "medals" ON "medals"."id" = "awarded_medals"."medal_id" WHERE "awarded_medals"."rodne_cislo" = "records"."rodne_cislo" AND "medals"."slug" = 'zl' ) AS "awarded_medal_zl", EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM "awarded_medals" JOIN "medals" ON "medals"."id" = "awarded_medals"."medal_id" WHERE "awarded_medals"."rodne_cislo" = "records"."rodne_cislo" AND "medals"."slug" = 'kr3' ) AS "awarded_medal_kr3", EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM "awarded_medals" JOIN "medals" ON "medals"."id" = "awarded_medals"."medal_id" WHERE "awarded_medals"."rodne_cislo" = "records"."rodne_cislo" AND "medals"."slug" = 'kr2' ) AS "awarded_medal_kr2", EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM "awarded_medals" JOIN "medals" ON "medals"."id" = "awarded_medals"."medal_id" WHERE "awarded_medals"."rodne_cislo" = "records"."rodne_cislo" AND "medals"."slug" = 'kr1' ) AS "awarded_medal_kr1", EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM "awarded_medals" JOIN "medals" ON "medals"."id" = "awarded_medals"."medal_id" WHERE "awarded_medals"."rodne_cislo" = "records"."rodne_cislo" AND "medals"."slug" = 'plk' ) AS "awarded_medal_plk" FROM ( SELECT "rodna_cisla"."rodne_cislo", ( -- Looks up the most recently imported batch for a given -- person, regardless of the donation center. This is used -- only to link the most recent personal data as the -- combination of "rodne_cislo" and "batch" is unique. SELECT "records"."id" FROM "records" JOIN "batches" ON "batches"."id" = "records"."batch_id" WHERE "records"."rodne_cislo" = "rodna_cisla"."rodne_cislo" ORDER BY "batches"."imported_at" DESC, "records"."donation_count" DESC LIMIT 1 ) AS "record_id" FROM ( -- The ultimate core. We need all people, not records or -- batches. People are uniquely identified by their -- "rodne_cislo". SELECT DISTINCT "rodne_cislo" FROM "records" ) AS "rodna_cisla" ) AS "recent_records" JOIN "records" ON "records"."id" = "recent_records"."record_id";""" ) db.session.commit()
class AwardedMedals(db.Model): __tablename__ = "awarded_medals" rodne_cislo = db.Column(db.String(10), index=True, nullable=False) medal_id = db.Column(db.ForeignKey( medal = db.relationship("Medals") __tableargs__ = (db.PrimaryKeyConstraint(rodne_cislo, medal_id),)