def install_dependent_packages(packet: Packet, rate_limit: int, install_directory: str, metadata): from limit import Limiter, TokenBucket from registry import get_environment_keys disp = str(packet.dependencies).replace( "[", "").replace("]", "").replace("\'", "") write(f'{packet.display_name} has the following dependencies: {disp}', 'bright_yellow', metadata) continue_install = confirm( 'Would you like to install the above dependencies ?') if continue_install: write( f'Installing Dependencies For => {packet.display_name}', 'cyan', metadata) if len(packet.dependencies) > 1 and len(packet.dependencies) <= 5: write( f'Using Parallel Installation For Installing Dependencies', 'bright_green', metadata) packets = [] for package in packet.dependencies: res = utils.send_req_package(package) pkg = res keys = list(pkg.keys()) idx = 0 for key in keys: if key not in ['package-name', 'nightly', 'display-name']: idx = keys.index(key) break version = keys[idx] pkg = pkg[version] custom_dir = None if install_directory: custom_dir = install_directory + \ f'\\{pkg["package-name"]}' else: custom_dir = install_directory install_exit_codes = None if 'valid-install-exit-codes' in list(pkg.keys()): install_exit_codes = pkg['valid-install-exit-codes'] packet = Packet( package, res['package-name'], pkg['url'], pkg['file-type'], pkg['clswitch'], pkg['iswitches'], pkg['uswitches'], custom_dir, pkg['dependencies'], install_exit_codes, None, pkg['set-env'] if 'set-env' in list( pkg.keys()) else None, pkg['default-install-dir'] if 'default-install-dir' in list( pkg.keys()) else None, pkg['uninstall'] if 'uninstall' in list( pkg.keys()) else [], pkg['add-path'] if 'add-path' in list( pkg.keys()) else None, pkg['checksum'] if 'checksum' in list( pkg.keys()) else None, pkg['bin'] if 'bin' in list(pkg.keys()) else None, pkg['pre-update'] if 'pre-update' in list( pkg.keys()) else None, ) installation = utils.find_existing_installation( package, packet.json_name) if installation: write_debug( f'Aborting Installation As {packet.json_name} is already installed.', metadata) write_verbose( f'Found an existing installation of => {packet.json_name}', metadata) write( f'Found an existing installation {packet.json_name}.', 'bright_yellow', metadata) write_verbose( f'Package to be installed: {packet.json_name}', metadata) log_info( f'Package to be installed: {packet.json_name}', metadata.logfile) write_verbose( f'Finding closest match to {packet.json_name}...', metadata) log_info( f'Finding closest match to {packet.json_name}...', metadata.logfile) packets.append(packet) write_verbose( 'Generating system download path...', metadata) log_info('Generating system download path...', metadata.logfile) manager = ThreadedInstaller(packets, metadata) paths = manager.handle_multi_download() log_info('Finished Rapid Download...', metadata.logfile) log_info( 'Using Rapid Install To Complete Setup, Accept Prompts Asking For Admin Permission...', metadata.logfile) manager.handle_multi_install(paths) return else: write('Starting Sync Installation', 'bright_green', metadata) for package in packet.dependencies: res = utils.send_req_package(package) write( f'SuperCached [ {Fore.LIGHTCYAN_EX}{res["display-name"]}{Fore.RESET} ]', 'white', metadata) pkg = res[res['latest-version']] log_info( 'Generating Packet For Further Installation.', metadata.logfile) install_exit_codes = None if 'valid-install-exit-codes' in list(pkg.keys()): install_exit_codes = pkg['valid-install-exit-codes'] packet = Packet( res, res['package-name'], res['display-name'], pkg['url'], pkg['file-type'], pkg['clswitch'], pkg['iswitches'], pkg['uswitches'], install_directory, pkg['dependencies'], install_exit_codes, [], None, False, pkg['set-env'] if 'set-env' in list( pkg.keys()) else None, pkg['default-install-dir'] if 'default-install-dir' in list( pkg.keys()) else None, pkg['uninstall'] if 'uninstall' in list( pkg.keys()) else [], pkg['add-path'] if 'add-path' in list( pkg.keys()) else None, pkg['checksum'] if 'checksum' in list( pkg.keys()) else None, pkg['bin'] if 'bin' in list(pkg.keys()) else None, pkg['pre-update'] if 'pre-update' in list( pkg.keys()) else None, ) log_info( 'Searching for existing installation of package.', metadata.logfile) installation = utils.find_existing_installation( package, packet.json_name) if installation: write_debug( f'Found existing installation of {packet.json_name}.', metadata) write_verbose( f'Found an existing installation of => {packet.json_name}', metadata) write( f'Found an existing installation {packet.json_name}.', 'bright_yellow', metadata) continue if packet.dependencies: ThreadedInstaller.install_dependent_packages( packet, rate_limit, install_directory, metadata) write_verbose( f'Package to be installed: {packet.json_name}', metadata) log_info( f'Package to be installed: {packet.json_name}', metadata.logfile) write_verbose( 'Generating system download path...', metadata) log_info('Generating system download path...', metadata.logfile) download_url = packet.win64 log_info('Initializing Rapid Download...', metadata.logfile) # Downloading The File From Source write_debug( f'Downloading {packet.display_name} from => {packet.win64}', metadata) write_verbose( f"Downloading from '{download_url}'", metadata) log_info( f"Downloading from '{download_url}'", metadata.logfile) if rate_limit == -1: path = download_url, packet.json_name, metadata, packet.win64_type) else: log_info( f'Starting rate-limited installation => {rate_limit}', metadata.logfile) bucket = TokenBucket( tokens=10 * rate_limit, fill_rate=rate_limit) limiter = Limiter( bucket=bucket, filename=f'{tempfile.gettempdir()}\Setup{packet.win64_type}', ) from urllib.request import urlretrieve urlretrieve( url=download_url, filename=f'{tempfile.gettempdir()}\Setup{packet.win64_type}', reporthook=limiter ) path = f'{tempfile.gettempdir()}\Setup{packet.win64_type}' log_info('Finished Rapid Download', metadata.logfile) if metadata.virus_check: write('Scanning File For Viruses...', 'bright_cyan', metadata) utils.check_virus(path, metadata) write( f'Installing {packet.display_name}', 'cyan', metadata) log_info( 'Using Rapid Install To Complete Setup, Accept Prompts Asking For Admin Permission...', metadata.logfile) write_verbose('Creating registry start snapshot', metadata) log_info('Creating start snapshot of registry...', metadata.logfile) start_snap = get_environment_keys() write_debug( f'Installing {packet.json_name} through Setup{packet.win64_type}', metadata) log_info( f'Installing {packet.json_name} through Setup{packet.win64_type}', metadata.logfile) # Running The Installer silently And Completing Setup utils.install_package(path, packet, metadata) changes_environment = False if packet.shim: changes_environment = True for shim in packet.shim: replace_install_dir = '' if replace_install_dir = elif packet.default_install_dir: replace_install_dir = packet.default_install_dir shim = shim.replace( '<install-directory>', replace_install_dir).replace('<version>', packet.version) shim_name = shim.split( "\\")[-1].split('.')[0].replace('<version>', packet.version) write( f'Generating Shim For {shim_name}', 'cyan', metadata) utils.generate_shim( shim, shim_name, shim.split('.')[-1]) if packet.add_path: replace_install_dir = '' if replace_install_dir = elif packet.default_install_dir: replace_install_dir = packet.default_install_dir write( f'Appending "{packet.add_path.replace("<install-directory>", replace_install_dir)}" To PATH', 'bright_green', metadata) utils.append_to_path(packet.add_path.replace( '<install-directory>', replace_install_dir)) if packet.set_env: if isinstance(packet.set_env, list): for obj in packet.set_env: name = obj['name'] replace_install_dir = '' if replace_install_dir = elif packet.default_install_dir: replace_install_dir = packet.default_install_dir write( f'Setting Environment Variable {name}', 'bright_green', metadata) write_verbose( f'Setting Environment Variable {name} to {obj["value"].replace("<install-directory>", replace_install_dir)}', metadata) log_info( f'Setting Environment Variable {name} to {obj["value"].replace("<install-directory>", replace_install_dir)}', metadata.logfile) set_environment_variable( name, obj['value'].replace('<install-directory>', replace_install_dir)) else: name = packet.set_env['name'] replace_install_dir = '' if replace_install_dir = elif packet.default_install_dir: replace_install_dir = packet.default_install_dir write( f'Setting Environment Variable {name}', 'bright_green', metadata) write_verbose( f'Setting Environment Variable {name} to {packet.set_env["value"].replace("<install-directory>", replace_install_dir)}', metadata) log_info( f'Setting Environment Variable {name} to {packet.set_env["value"].replace("<install-directory>", replace_install_dir)}', metadata.logfile) set_environment_variable( name, packet.set_env['value'].replace('<install-directory>', replace_install_dir)) write_verbose( 'Creating Final Snapshot Of Environment Keys', metadata) final_snap = get_environment_keys() if final_snap.env_length > start_snap.env_length or final_snap.sys_length > start_snap.sys_length or changes_environment: write('The PATH environment variable has changed. Run `refreshenv` to refresh your environment variables.', 'bright_green', metadata) write_verbose( 'Successfully Verified Installation Of Packages', metadata) write( f'Successfully Installed {packet.display_name}', 'bright_magenta', metadata) log_info( f'Successfully Installed {packet.display_name}', metadata.logfile) utils.register_package_success( packet, install_directory, metadata) if metadata.reduce_package: os.remove(path) try: os.remove( Rf'{tempfile.gettempdir()}\downloadcache.pickle') except: pass log_info( 'Successfully Cleaned Up Installer From Temporary Directory And DownloadCache', metadata.logfile) write('Successfully Cleaned Up Installer From Temp Directory...', 'bright_green', metadata) write_verbose( 'Dependency successfully Installed.', metadata) log_info('Dependency successfully Installed.', metadata.logfile) else: os._exit(1)
def install( package_name: str, verbose: bool, debug: bool, no_progress: bool, no_color: bool, logfile: str, yes: bool, silent: bool, python: bool, install_directory: str, virus_check: bool, no_cache: bool, sync: bool, reduce: bool, rate_limit: int, node: bool, ): if logfile: logfile = logfile.replace('=', '') metadata = generate_metadata(no_progress, silent, verbose, debug, no_color, yes, logfile, virus_check, reduce) if logfile: logfile = logfile.replace('.txt', '.log') createConfig(logfile, logging.INFO, 'Install') if python: package_names = package_name.split(',') for name in package_names: handle_python_package(name, 'install', metadata) sys.exit() if node: package_names = package_name.split(',') for name in package_names: handle_node_package(name, 'install', metadata) sys.exit() super_cache = check_supercache_valid() if no_cache: super_cache = False status = 'Initializing' setup_name = '' keyboard.add_hotkey('ctrl+c', lambda: handle_exit(status, setup_name, metadata)) packages = package_name.strip(' ').split(',') if super_cache: res, time = handle_cached_request() else: status = 'Networking' write_verbose('Sending GET Request To /packages', metadata) write_debug('Sending GET Request To /packages', metadata) log_info('Sending GET Request To /packages', logfile) res, time = send_req_all() res = json.loads(res) update_supercache(res) del res['_id'] correct_names = get_correct_package_names(res) corrected_package_names = [] for name in packages: if name in correct_names: corrected_package_names.append(name) else: corrections = difflib.get_close_matches(name, correct_names) if corrections: if silent: click.echo( 'Incorrect / Invalid Package Name Entered. Aborting Installation.', fg='red')) log_info( 'Incorrect / Invalid Package Name Entered. Aborting Installation', logfile) handle_exit(status, setup_name, metadata) if yes: write(f'Autocorrecting To {corrections[0]}', 'green', metadata) log_info(f'Autocorrecting To {corrections[0]}', logfile) write(f'Successfully Autocorrected To {corrections[0]}', 'green', metadata) log_info(f'Successfully Autocorrected To {corrections[0]}', logfile) corrected_package_names.append(corrections[0]) else: write(f'Autocorrecting To {corrections[0]}', 'bright_magenta', metadata) write_verbose(f'Autocorrecting To {corrections[0]}', metadata) write_debug(f'Autocorrecting To {corrections[0]}', metadata) log_info(f'Autocorrecting To {corrections[0]}', logfile) if click.prompt( 'Would You Like To Continue? [y/n]') == 'y': package_name = corrections[0] corrected_package_names.append(package_name) else: sys.exit() else: write(f'Could Not Find Any Packages Which Match {name}', 'bright_magenta', metadata) write_debug(f'Could Not Find Any Packages Which Match {name}', metadata) write_verbose( f'Could Not Find Any Packages Which Match {name}', metadata) log_info(f'Could Not Find Any Packages Which Match {name}', logfile) write_debug(install_debug_headers, metadata) for header in install_debug_headers: log_info(header, logfile) index = 0 if not sync: if len(corrected_package_names) > 5: write( 'electric Doesn\'t Support More Than 5 Parallel Downloads At Once Currently. Use The --sync Flag To Synchronously Download The Packages', 'red', metadata) if len(corrected_package_names) > 1: packets = [] for package in corrected_package_names: pkg = res[package] custom_dir = None if install_directory: custom_dir = install_directory + f'\\{pkg["package-name"]}' else: custom_dir = install_directory packet = Packet(package, pkg['package-name'], pkg['win64'], pkg['darwin'], pkg['debian'], pkg['win64-type'], pkg['darwin-type'], pkg['debian-type'], pkg['custom-location'], pkg['install-switches'], pkg['uninstall-switches'], custom_dir) installation = find_existing_installation( package, packet.json_name) if installation: write_debug( f"Aborting Installation As {packet.json_name} is already installed.", metadata) write_verbose( f"Found an existing installation of => {packet.json_name}", metadata) write( f"Found an existing installation {packet.json_name}.", 'bright_yellow', metadata) installation_continue = click.prompt( f'Would you like to reinstall {packet.json_name} [y/n]' ) if installation_continue == 'y' or installation_continue == 'y' or yes: os.system(f'electric uninstall {packet.json_name}') os.system(f'electric install {packet.json_name}') return else: handle_exit(status, setup_name, metadata) write_verbose(f"Package to be installed: {packet.json_name}", metadata) log_info(f"Package to be installed: {packet.json_name}", logfile) write_verbose( f'Finding closest match to {packet.json_name}...', metadata) log_info(f'Finding closest match to {packet.json_name}...', logfile) packets.append(packet) if super_cache: write( f'Rapidquery Successfully SuperCached Packages in {round(time, 6)}s', 'bright_yellow', metadata) write_debug( f'Rapidquery Successfully SuperCached Packages in {round(time, 9)}s', metadata) log_info( f'Rapidquery Successfully SuperCached Packages in {round(time, 6)}s', logfile) else: write( f'Rapidquery Successfully Received packages.json in {round(time, 6)}s', 'bright_yellow', metadata) write_debug( f'Rapidquery Successfully Received packages.json in {round(time, 9)}s', metadata) log_info( f'Rapidquery Successfully Received packages.json in {round(time, 6)}s', logfile) write_verbose('Generating system download path...', metadata) log_info('Generating system download path...', logfile) manager = PackageManager(packets, metadata) paths = manager.handle_multi_download() log_info('Finished Rapid Download...', logfile) log_info( 'Using Rapid Install To Complete Setup, Accept Prompts Asking For Admin Permission...', logfile) manager.handle_multi_install(paths) return for package in corrected_package_names: pkg = res[package] packet = Packet(package, pkg['package-name'], pkg['win64'], pkg['darwin'], pkg['debian'], pkg['win64-type'], pkg['darwin-type'], pkg['debian-type'], pkg['custom-location'], pkg['install-switches'], pkg['uninstall-switches'], install_directory) installation = find_existing_installation(package, packet.json_name) if installation: write_debug( f"Aborting Installation As {packet.json_name} is already installed.", metadata) write_verbose( f"Found an existing installation of => {packet.json_name}", metadata) write(f"Found an existing installation {packet.json_name}.", 'bright_yellow', metadata) installation_continue = click.prompt( f'Would you like to reinstall {packet.json_name} [y/n]') if installation_continue == 'y' or installation_continue == 'y' or yes: os.system(f'electric uninstall {packet.json_name}') os.system(f'electric install {packet.json_name}') return else: handle_exit(status, setup_name, metadata) write_verbose(f"Package to be installed: {packet.json_name}", metadata) log_info(f"Package to be installed: {packet.json_name}", logfile) write_verbose(f'Finding closest match to {packet.json_name}...', metadata) log_info(f'Finding closest match to {packet.json_name}...', logfile) if index == 0: if super_cache: write( f'Rapidquery Successfully SuperCached {packet.json_name} in {round(time, 6)}s', 'bright_yellow', metadata) write_debug( f'Rapidquery Successfully SuperCached {packet.json_name} in {round(time, 9)}s', metadata) log_info( f'Rapidquery Successfully SuperCached {packet.json_name} in {round(time, 6)}s', logfile) else: write( f'Rapidquery Successfully Received {packet.json_name}.json in {round(time, 6)}s', 'bright_yellow', metadata) write_debug( f'Rapidquery Successfully Received {packet.json_name}.json in {round(time, 9)}s', metadata) log_info( f'Rapidquery Successfully Received {packet.json_name}.json in {round(time, 6)}s', logfile) write_verbose('Generating system download path...', metadata) log_info('Generating system download path...', logfile) start = timer() status = 'Download Path' download_url = get_download_url(packet) status = 'Got Download Path' end = timer() val = round(Decimal(end) - Decimal(start), 6) write(f'Electrons Transferred In {val}s', 'cyan', metadata) log_info(f'Electrons Transferred In {val}s', logfile) write('Initializing Rapid Download...', 'green', metadata) log_info('Initializing Rapid Download...', logfile) # Downloading The File From Source write_verbose(f"Downloading from '{download_url}'", metadata) log_info(f"Downloading from '{download_url}'", logfile) status = 'Downloading' if rate_limit == -1: path = download(download_url, no_progress, silent, packet.win64_type) else: bucket = TokenBucket(tokens=10 * rate_limit, fill_rate=rate_limit) limiter = Limiter( bucket=bucket, filename=f"{tempfile.gettempdir()}\Setup{packet.win64_type}", ) urlretrieve( url=download_url, filename=f"{tempfile.gettempdir()}\Setup{packet.win64_type}", reporthook=limiter) path = f"{tempfile.gettempdir()}\Setup{packet.win64_type}" status = 'Downloaded' write('\nFinished Rapid Download', 'green', metadata) log_info('Finished Rapid Download', logfile) if virus_check: write('Scanning File For Viruses...', 'blue', metadata) check_virus(path, metadata) write( 'Using Rapid Install, Accept Prompts Asking For Admin Permission...', 'cyan', metadata) log_info( 'Using Rapid Install To Complete Setup, Accept Prompts Asking For Admin Permission...', logfile) if debug: click.echo('\n') write_debug( f'Installing {packet.json_name} through Setup{packet.win64}', metadata) log_info(f'Installing {packet.json_name} through Setup{packet.win64}', logfile) start_snap = get_environment_keys() status = 'Installing' # Running The Installer silently And Completing Setup install_package(path, packet, metadata) status = 'Installed' final_snap = get_environment_keys() if final_snap.env_length > start_snap.env_length or final_snap.sys_length > start_snap.sys_length: write('Refreshing Environment Variables...', 'green', metadata) start = timer() log_info('Refreshing Environment Variables', logfile) write_debug( 'Refreshing Env Variables, Calling Batch Script At scripts/refreshvars.cmd', metadata) write_verbose('Refreshing Environment Variables', metadata) refresh_environment_variables() end = timer() write_debug( f'Successfully Refreshed Environment Variables in {round(end - start)} seconds', metadata) write(f'Successfully Installed {packet.display_name}!', 'bright_magenta', metadata) log_info(f'Successfully Installed {packet.display_name}!', logfile) if metadata.reduce_package: write('Successfully Cleaned Up Installer From Temp Directory...', 'green', metadata) os.remove(path) write_verbose('Installation and setup completed.', metadata) log_info('Installation and setup completed.', logfile) write_debug( f'Terminated debugger at {strftime("%H:%M:%S")} on install::completion', metadata) log_info( f'Terminated debugger at {strftime("%H:%M:%S")} on install::completion', logfile) closeLog(logfile, 'Install') index += 1 end = timer()
def test_get_environment_keys(self): ans = registry.get_environment_keys() self.assertIsNotNone(ans)
def install( package_name: str, verbose: bool, debug: bool, no_progress: bool, no_color: bool, logfile: str, yes: bool, silent: bool, python: bool, install_directory: str, virus_check: bool, no_cache: bool, sync: bool, reduce: bool, rate_limit: int, node: bool, vscode: bool, ): if logfile: logfile = logfile.replace('=', '') logfile = logfile.replace('.txt', '.log') createConfig(logfile, logging.INFO, 'Install') log_info('Generating metadata...', logfile) metadata = generate_metadata(no_progress, silent, verbose, debug, no_color, yes, logfile, virus_check, reduce, rate_limit) log_info('Successfully generated metadata.', metadata.logfile) if python: package_names = package_name.split(',') for name in package_names: handle_python_package(name, 'install', metadata) sys.exit() if node: package_names = package_name.split(',') for name in package_names: handle_node_package(name, 'install', metadata) sys.exit() if vscode: package_names = package_name.split(',') for name in package_names: handle_vscode_extension(name, 'install', metadata) sys.exit() log_info('Checking if supercache exists...', metadata.logfile) super_cache = check_supercache_valid() if super_cache: log_info('Supercache detected.', metadata.logfile) if no_cache: log_info('Overriding SuperCache To FALSE', metadata.logfile) super_cache = False log_info('Setting up custom `ctrl+c` shortcut.', metadata.logfile) status = 'Initializing' setup_name = '' keyboard.add_hotkey('ctrl+c', lambda: handle_exit(status, setup_name, metadata)) packages = package_name.strip(' ').split(',') if super_cache: log_info('Handling SuperCache Request.', metadata.logfile) res, time = handle_cached_request() else: spinner = halo.Halo(color='grey') spinner.start() log_info('Handling Network Request...', metadata.logfile) status = 'Networking' write_verbose('Sending GET Request To /packages', metadata) write_debug('Sending GET Request To /packages', metadata) log_info('Sending GET Request To /packages', metadata.logfile) res, time = send_req_all() res = json.loads(res) update_supercache(res) del res['_id'] spinner.stop() correct_names = get_correct_package_names(res) corrected_package_names = get_autocorrections(packages, correct_names, metadata) write_debug(install_debug_headers, metadata) for header in install_debug_headers: log_info(header, metadata.logfile) index = 0 if not sync: if len(corrected_package_names) > 5: log_info('Terminating installation!', metadata.logfile) write( 'electric Doesn\'t Support More Than 5 Parallel Downloads At Once Currently. Use The --sync Flag To Synchronously Download The Packages', 'red', metadata) if len(corrected_package_names) > 1: packets = [] for package in corrected_package_names: pkg = res[package] custom_dir = None if install_directory: custom_dir = install_directory + f'\\{pkg["package-name"]}' else: custom_dir = install_directory packet = Packet(package, pkg['package-name'], pkg['win64'], pkg['win64-type'], pkg['custom-location'], pkg['install-switches'], pkg['uninstall-switches'], custom_dir, pkg['dependencies']) installation = find_existing_installation( package, packet.display_name) if installation: write_debug( f'Aborting Installation As {packet.json_name} is already installed.', metadata) write_verbose( f'Found an existing installation of => {packet.json_name}', metadata) write( f'Found an existing installation {packet.json_name}.', 'bright_yellow', metadata) installation_continue = click.confirm( f'Would you like to reinstall {packet.json_name}') if installation_continue or yes: os.system(f'electric uninstall {packet.json_name}') os.system(f'electric install {packet.json_name}') return else: handle_exit(status, setup_name, metadata) write_verbose(f'Package to be installed: {packet.json_name}', metadata) log_info(f'Package to be installed: {packet.json_name}', metadata.logfile) write_verbose( f'Finding closest match to {packet.json_name}...', metadata) log_info(f'Finding closest match to {packet.json_name}...', metadata.logfile) packets.append(packet) write_verbose('Generating system download path...', metadata) log_info('Generating system download path...', metadata.logfile) manager = PackageManager(packets, metadata) paths = manager.handle_multi_download() log_info('Finished Rapid Download...', metadata.logfile) log_info( 'Using Rapid Install To Complete Setup, Accept Prompts Asking For Admin Permission...', metadata.logfile) manager.handle_multi_install(paths) return for package in corrected_package_names: pkg = res[package] log_info('Generating Packet For Further Installation.', metadata.logfile) packet = Packet(package, pkg['package-name'], pkg['win64'], pkg['win64-type'], pkg['custom-location'], pkg['install-switches'], pkg['uninstall-switches'], install_directory, pkg['dependencies']) log_info('Searching for existing installation of package.', metadata.logfile) installation = find_existing_installation(package, packet.json_name) if installation: write_debug(f'Found existing installation of {packet.json_name}.', metadata) write_verbose( f'Found an existing installation of => {packet.json_name}', metadata) write(f'Detected an existing installation {packet.json_name}.', 'bright_yellow', metadata) installation_continue = click.confirm( f'Would you like to reinstall {packet.json_name}') if installation_continue or yes: os.system(f'electric uninstall {packet.json_name}') os.system(f'electric install {packet.json_name}') return else: handle_exit(status, setup_name, metadata) if packet.dependencies: install_dependent_packages(packet, rate_limit, install_directory, metadata) write_verbose(f'Package to be installed: {packet.json_name}', metadata) log_info(f'Package to be installed: {packet.json_name}', metadata.logfile) write_verbose(f'Finding closest match to {packet.json_name}...', metadata) log_info(f'Finding closest match to {packet.json_name}...', metadata.logfile) if index == 0: if super_cache: write_verbose( f'Rapidquery Successfully SuperCached {packet.json_name} in {round(time, 6)}s', metadata) write_debug( f'Rapidquery Successfully SuperCached {packet.json_name} in {round(time, 6)}s', metadata) log_info( f'Rapidquery Successfully SuperCached {packet.json_name} in {round(time, 6)}s', metadata.logfile) else: write_verbose( f'Rapidquery Successfully Received {packet.json_name}.json in {round(time, 6)}s', metadata) write_debug( f'Rapidquery Successfully Received {packet.json_name}.json in {round(time, 6)}s', metadata) log_info( f'Rapidquery Successfully Received {packet.json_name}.json in {round(time, 6)}s', metadata.logfile) write_verbose('Generating system download path...', metadata) log_info('Generating system download path...', metadata.logfile) if not metadata.silent: if not metadata.no_color: if super_cache: print( f'SuperCached', Fore.GREEN + '=>' + Fore.RESET, '[', Fore.CYAN + f'{packet.display_name}' + Fore.RESET + ' ]') else: print( f'Recieved => [', Fore.CYAN + f'{packet.display_name}' + Fore.RESET + ' ]') else: print(f'Found => [ {packet.display_name} ]') start = timer() status = 'Download Path' download_url = get_download_url(packet) status = 'Got Download Path' end = timer() log_info('Initializing Rapid Download...', metadata.logfile) # Downloading The File From Source write_debug( f'Downloading {packet.display_name} from => {packet.win64}', metadata) write_verbose(f"Downloading from '{download_url}'", metadata) log_info(f"Downloading from '{download_url}'", metadata.logfile) status = 'Downloading' if rate_limit == -1: start = timer() path, cached = download(download_url, packet.json_name, metadata, packet.win64_type) end = timer() else: log_info(f'Starting rate-limited installation => {rate_limit}', metadata.logfile) bucket = TokenBucket(tokens=10 * rate_limit, fill_rate=rate_limit) limiter = Limiter( bucket=bucket, filename=f'{tempfile.gettempdir()}\Setup{packet.win64_type}', ) urlretrieve( url=download_url, filename=f'{tempfile.gettempdir()}\Setup{packet.win64_type}', reporthook=limiter) path = f'{tempfile.gettempdir()}\Setup{packet.win64_type}' status = 'Downloaded' log_info('Finished Rapid Download', metadata.logfile) if virus_check: write('Scanning File For Viruses...', 'blue', metadata) check_virus(path, metadata) if not cached: write( '\nUsing Rapid Install, Accept Prompts Asking For Admin Permission...', 'cyan', metadata) else: write( 'Using Rapid Install, Accept Prompts Asking For Admin Permission...', 'cyan', metadata) log_info( 'Using Rapid Install To Complete Setup, Accept Prompts Asking For Admin Permission...', metadata.logfile) write_debug( f'Installing {packet.json_name} through Setup{packet.win64_type}', metadata) log_info( f'Installing {packet.json_name} through Setup{packet.win64_type}', metadata.logfile) start_snap = get_environment_keys() status = 'Installing' # Running The Installer silently And Completing Setup install_package(path, packet, metadata) status = 'Installed' final_snap = get_environment_keys() if final_snap.env_length > start_snap.env_length or final_snap.sys_length > start_snap.sys_length: write('Refreshing Environment Variables...', 'green', metadata) start = timer() log_info( 'Refreshing Environment Variables At scripts/refreshvars.cmd', metadata.logfile) write_debug( 'Refreshing Env Variables, Calling Batch Script At scripts/refreshvars.cmd', metadata) write_verbose('Refreshing Environment Variables', metadata) refresh_environment_variables() end = timer() write_debug( f'Successfully Refreshed Environment Variables in {round(end - start)} seconds', metadata) write(f'Successfully Installed {packet.display_name}!', 'bright_magenta', metadata) log_info(f'Successfully Installed {packet.display_name}!', metadata.logfile) if metadata.reduce_package: os.remove(path) try: os.remove(Rf'{tempfile.gettempdir()}\downloadcache.pickle') except: pass log_info( 'Successfully Cleaned Up Installer From Temporary Directory And DownloadCache', metadata.logfile) write('Successfully Cleaned Up Installer From Temp Directory...', 'green', metadata) write_verbose('Installation and setup completed.', metadata) log_info('Installation and setup completed.', metadata.logfile) write_debug( f'Terminated debugger at {strftime("%H:%M:%S")} on install::completion', metadata) log_info( f'Terminated debugger at {strftime("%H:%M:%S")} on install::completion', metadata.logfile) closeLog(metadata.logfile, 'Install') index += 1 end = timer()