Example #1
    def __init__(self, options, prefix=None):
        self._lock = threading.Lock()
        self.options = options
        self.checkpoints = None
        self.prefix = prefix or ''
        # XXX: The calc for limit is substantially smaller
        # The real MB value is 1024 * 1024 = 1048576
        self.limit = int(1000000 * options.cache_local_mb)
        self._value_limit = options.cache_local_object_max
        if options.cache_local_storage:
            self._bucket_type = options.cache_local_storage
        self.__bucket = None

        # The {oid: tid} that we read from the cache.
        # These are entries that we know are there, and if we see them
        # change, we need to be sure to update that in the database,
        # *even if they are evicted* and we would otherwise lose
        # knowledge of them before we save. We do this by watching incoming
        # TIDs; only if they were already in here do we continue to keep track.
        # At write time, if we can't meet the requirement ourself, we at least
        # make sure there are no stale entries in the cache database.
        self._min_allowed_writeback = OID_TID_MAP_TYPE()


        compression_module = options.cache_local_compression
            compression_markers = self._compression_markers[compression_module]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError("Unknown compression module")
            self.__compression_marker = compression_markers[0]
            self.__compress = compression_markers[1]
            if self.__compress is None:
                self._compress = None
Example #2
 def flush_all(self):
     with self._lock:
         self.__bucket = self._bucket_type(
         self.checkpoints = None
         self._min_allowed_writeback = OID_TID_MAP_TYPE()
Example #3
    def checkCurrentSerialInTransaction(self, oid, required_tid, transaction):
        if transaction is not self.transaction:
            raise StorageTransactionError(self, transaction)

        required_tid_int = bytes8_to_int64(required_tid)
        oid_int = bytes8_to_int64(oid)

        # If this transaction already specified a different serial for
        # this oid, the transaction conflicts with itself.
        required_tids = self.required_tids
        if not required_tids:
            required_tids = self.required_tids = OID_TID_MAP_TYPE()

        previous_serial_int = required_tids.get(oid_int, required_tid_int)
        if previous_serial_int != required_tid_int:
            raise TransactionConflictsWithItselfError(
                serials=(int64_to_8bytes(previous_serial_int), required_tid))

        newer_tid = self.shared_state.local_client.contains_oid_with_newer_tid(
            oid_int, required_tid_int)
        if newer_tid:
            raise CacheHasNewerTidError(oid=oid,

        required_tids[oid_int] = required_tid_int
Example #4
    def _find_changes_for_viewer(viewer, object_index):
        Given a freshly polled *object_index*, and the *viewer* that polled
        for it, build a changes iterator.

        Call this **before** updating the viewer's MVCC state, so that
        we know how far back we need to build the changes.

        Does not need to hold the lock, except that the index cannot be
        vacuumed until this process is complete (since we may need that for
        building changes).
        if viewer.highest_visible_tid is None or viewer.detached:
            # Snarf. Old state, and we probably lost track of changes.
            # Whelp, it needs to invalidate all its cached objects (so
            # we must return None), but it can still use our index and
            # poll state going forward; we don't need to go backwards.
                "Invalidating all persistent objects for viewer %r (detached? %s)",
                viewer, viewer.detached)
            return None

        # Somewhere in the index is a map with the highest visible tid
        # matching the last time this viewer polled. Everything from there
        # forward is a change
        # Note there could be no changes.
        last_poll_time = viewer.highest_visible_tid
        changes = OidTMap()
        change_dicts = []
        for m in object_index.maps:
            if m.highest_visible_tid == last_poll_time:

        while change_dicts:
            # In reverse order, capturing only the most recent change.
            # TODO: Except for that 'ignore_tid' passed to the viewer's
            # poll method, we could very efficiently do this with
            # OidTMap_multiunion with one call to C.

        return iteroiditems(changes)
Example #5
    def __init__(self, highest_visible_tid=0, complete_since_tid=None, data=()):
        assert complete_since_tid is None or highest_visible_tid >= complete_since_tid
        self.highest_visible_tid = highest_visible_tid
        self.complete_since_tid = complete_since_tid
        self.accepts_writes = True

        OidTMap.__init__(self, data)

        if self:
            # Verify the data matches what they told us.
            # If we were constructed with data, we must be complete.
            # Otherwise we get built up bit by bit.
            if DEBUG:
                assert self.complete_since_tid
            # If we had no changes, then either we polled for the same tid
            # as we got, or we didn't try to poll for changes at all.
            assert complete_since_tid is None or complete_since_tid == highest_visible_tid, (
                complete_since_tid, highest_visible_tid
Example #6
    def write_to_sqlite(self, connection):
        # pylint:disable=too-many-locals
        mem_before = get_memory_usage()

        cur = connection.cursor()

        db = Database.from_connection(connection)
        begin = time.time()

        # In a large benchmark, store_temp() accounts for 32%
        # of the total time, while move_from_temp accounts for 49%.

        # The batch size depends on how many params a stored proc can
        # have; if we go too big we get OperationalError: too many SQL
        # variables. The default is 999.
        # Note that the multiple-value syntax was added in
        # 3.7.11, 2012-03-20.
        with _timer() as batch_timer:
            stored_oid_tid = db.oid_to_tid
            fetch_current = time.time()
            count_written, _ = db.store_temp(

        # Take out (reserved write) locks now; if we don't, we can get
        # 'OperationalError: database is locked' (the SQLITE_BUSY
        # error code; the SQLITE_LOCKED error code is about table
        # locks and has the string 'database table is locked') But
        # beginning immediate lets us stand in line.
        # Note that the SQLITE_BUSY error on COMMIT happens "if an
        # another thread or process has a shared lock on the database
        # that prevented the database from being updated.", But "When
        # COMMIT fails in this way, the transaction remains active and
        # the COMMIT can be retried later after the reader has had a
        # chance to clear." So we could retry the commit a couple
        # times and give up if can't get there. It looks like one
        # production database takes about 2.5s to execute this entire function;
        # it seems like most instances that are shutting down get to this place
        # at roughly the same time and stack up waiting:
        # Instance | Save Time | write_to_sqlite time
        #     1    |   2.36s   |   2.35s
        #     2    |   5.31s   |   5.30s
        #     3    |   6.51s   |   6.30s
        #     4    |   7.91s   |   7.90s
        # That either suggests that all waiting happens just to acquire this lock and
        # commit this transaction (and that subsequent operations are inconsequential
        # in terms of time) OR that the exclusive lock isn't truly getting dropped,
        # OR that some function in subsequent processes is taking longer and longer.
        # And indeed, our logging showed that a gc.collect() at the end of this function was
        # taking more and more time:
        # Instance | GC Time  | Reported memory usage after GC
        #    1     |   2.00s  |     34.4MB
        #    2     |   3.50s  |     83.2MB
        #    3     |   4.94s  |    125.9MB
        #    4     |   6.44   |    202.1MB
        # The exclusive lock time did vary, but not as much; trim time
        # didn't really vary:
        # Instance |  Exclusive Write Time | Batch Insert Time | Fetch Current
        #    1     |   0.09s               |   0.12s           |   0.008s
        #    2     |   1.19s               |   0.44s           |   0.008s
        #    3     |   0.91s               |   0.43s           |   0.026s
        #    4     |   0.92s               |   0.34s           |   0.026s
        with _timer() as exclusive_timer:
            cur.execute('BEGIN IMMEDIATE')
            # During the time it took for us to commit, and the time that we
            # got the lock, it's possible that someone else committed and
            # changed the data in object_state
            # Things might have changed in the database since our
            # snapshot where we put temp objects in, so we can't rely on
            # just assuming that's the truth anymore.
            rows_inserted = db.move_from_temp()
            if self.checkpoints:

        # TODO: Maybe use BTrees.family.intersection to get the common keys?
        # Or maybe use a SQLite Python function?
        # 'DELETE from object_state where is_stale(zoid, tid)'
        # What's fastest? The custom function version would require scanning the entire
        # table; unfortunately this sqlite interface doesn't allow defining virtual tables.
        with _timer() as trim_timer:
            # Delete anything we still know is stale, because we
            # saw a new TID for it, but we had nothing to replace it with.
            min_allowed_writeback = OID_TID_MAP_TYPE()
            for k, v in self._min_allowed_writeback.items():
                if stored_oid_tid.get(k, MAX_TID) < v:
                    min_allowed_writeback[k] = v
            db.trim_to_size(self.limit, min_allowed_writeback)
            del min_allowed_writeback
        # Typically we write when we're closing and don't expect to do
        # anything else, so there's no need to keep tracking this info.
        self._min_allowed_writeback = OID_TID_MAP_TYPE()

        # Cleanups
        del cur
        db.close()  # closes the connection.
        del db
        del stored_oid_tid

        # We're probably shutting down, don't perform a GC; we see
        # that can get quite lengthy.

        end = time.time()
        stats = self.stats()
        mem_after = get_memory_usage()
            "Wrote %d items to %s in %s "
            "(%s to fetch current, %s to insert batch (%d rows), %s to write, %s to trim). "
            "Used %s memory. (Storage: %s) "
            "Total hits %s; misses %s; ratio %s (stores: %s)", count_written,
            connection, end - begin, fetch_current - begin,
            batch_timer.duration, rows_inserted,
            exclusive_timer.duration, trim_timer.duration,
            byte_display(mem_after - mem_before), self._bucket0, stats['hits'],
            stats['misses'], stats['ratio'], stats['sets'])

        return count_written
Example #7
class LocalClient(object):
    # pylint:disable=too-many-public-methods

    # Use the same markers as zc.zlibstorage (well, one marker)
    # to automatically avoid double-compression
    _compression_markers = {
        'zlib': (b'.z', zlib.compress),
        'bz2': (b'.b', bz2.compress),
        'none': (None, None)
    _decompression_functions = {b'.z': zlib.decompress, b'.b': bz2.decompress}

    _bucket_type = SizedLRUMapping

    def __init__(self, options, prefix=None):
        self._lock = threading.Lock()
        self.options = options
        self.checkpoints = None
        self.prefix = prefix or ''
        # XXX: The calc for limit is substantially smaller
        # The real MB value is 1024 * 1024 = 1048576
        self.limit = int(1000000 * options.cache_local_mb)
        self._value_limit = options.cache_local_object_max
        if options.cache_local_storage:
            self._bucket_type = options.cache_local_storage
        self.__bucket = None

        # The {oid: tid} that we read from the cache.
        # These are entries that we know are there, and if we see them
        # change, we need to be sure to update that in the database,
        # *even if they are evicted* and we would otherwise lose
        # knowledge of them before we save. We do this by watching incoming
        # TIDs; only if they were already in here do we continue to keep track.
        # At write time, if we can't meet the requirement ourself, we at least
        # make sure there are no stale entries in the cache database.
        self._min_allowed_writeback = OID_TID_MAP_TYPE()


        compression_module = options.cache_local_compression
            compression_markers = self._compression_markers[compression_module]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError("Unknown compression module")
            self.__compression_marker = compression_markers[0]
            self.__compress = compression_markers[1]
            if self.__compress is None:
                self._compress = None

    def size(self):
        return self.__bucket.size

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.__bucket)

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.__bucket)

    def _decompress(self, data):
        pfx = data[:2]
        if pfx not in self._decompression_functions:
            return data
        return self._decompression_functions[pfx](data[2:])

    def _compress(self, data):  # pylint:disable=method-hidden
        # We override this if we're disabling compression
        # altogether.
        # Use the same basic rule as zc.zlibstorage, but bump the object size up from 20;
        # many smaller object (under 100 bytes) like you get with small btrees,
        # tend not to compress well, so don't bother.
        if data and (len(data) >
                     100) and data[:2] not in self._decompression_functions:
            compressed = self.__compression_marker + self.__compress(data)
            if len(compressed) < len(data):
                return compressed
        return data

    def save(self, **sqlite_args):
        options = self.options
        if options.cache_local_dir and self.__bucket.size:
                conn = sqlite_connect(options, self.prefix, **sqlite_args)
                logger.exception("Failed to open sqlite to write")
                return 0

            with closing(conn):
                except CacheCorruptedError:
                    # The cache_trace_analysis.rst test fills
                    # us with junk data and triggers this.
                    logger.exception("Failed to save cache")
                    return 0
            # Testing: Return a signal when we tried to write
            # something.
            return 1

    def restore(self, row_filter=None):
        Load the data from the persistent database.

        If *row_filter* is given, it is a ``callable(checkpoints, row_iter)``
        that should return an iterator of four-tuples: ``(oid, key_tid, state, state_tid)``
        from the input rows ``(oid, state_tid, actual_tid)``. It is guaranteed
        that you won't see the same oid more than once.
        options = self.options
        if options.cache_local_dir:
                conn = sqlite_connect(options, self.prefix, close_async=False)
                logger.exception("Failed to read data from sqlite")
            with closing(conn):
                self.read_from_sqlite(conn, row_filter)

    def remove_invalid_persistent_oids(self, bad_oids):
        Remove data from the persistent cache for the given oids.
        options = self.options
        if not options.cache_local_dir:

        count_removed = 0
        conn = '(no oids to remove)'
        if bad_oids:
            conn = sqlite_connect(options, self.prefix, close_async=False)
            with closing(conn):
                db = Database.from_connection(conn)
                count_removed = db.remove_invalid_persistent_oids(bad_oids)
        logger.debug("Removed %d invalid OIDs from %s", count_removed, conn)

    def zap_all(self):
        _, destroy = sqlite_files(self.options, self.prefix)

    def _bucket0(self):
        # For testing only.
        return self.__bucket

    def key_weight(_):
        # All keys are equally weighted, and we don't count them.
        return 0

    def value_weight(value):
        # Values are the (state, actual_tid) pair, and their
        # weight is the size of the state
        return len(value[0] if value[0] else b'')

    def flush_all(self):
        with self._lock:
            self.__bucket = self._bucket_type(
            self.checkpoints = None
            self._min_allowed_writeback = OID_TID_MAP_TYPE()

    def reset_stats(self):

    def stats(self):
        return self.__bucket.stats()

    def __getitem__(self, oid_tid):
        return self(*oid_tid)

    def __call__(self, oid, tid1, tid2=None, _keys=None):
        # _keys is a hook for testing.
        decompress = self._decompress
        get = self.__bucket.get_from_key_or_backup_key

        with self._lock:
            if _keys is not None:
                res = get(*_keys)
                key1 = (oid, tid1)
                backup_key = (oid, tid2) if tid2 is not None else None
                res = get(key1, backup_key)

        # Finally, while not holding the lock, decompress if needed.
        # Recall that for deleted objects, `state` can be None.
        if res is not None:
            state, tid = res
            return decompress(state) if state else state, tid

    def __setitem__(self, oid_tid, state_bytes_tid):
        if not self.limit:
            # don't bother

        # This used to allow non-byte values, but that's confusing
        # on Py3 and wasn't used outside of tests, so we enforce it.
        # A state of 'None' happens for undone transactions.
        state_bytes, tid = state_bytes_tid
        assert isinstance(state_bytes,
                          bytes) or state_bytes is None, type(state_bytes)
        compress = self._compress
        cvalue = compress(state_bytes) if compress else state_bytes  # pylint:disable=not-callable

        if cvalue and len(cvalue) >= self._value_limit:
            # This value is too big, so don't cache it.

        with self._lock:
            self.__bucket[oid_tid] = (cvalue, tid)  # possibly evicts
            if tid > self._min_allowed_writeback.get(oid_tid[0], MAX_TID):
                self._min_allowed_writeback[oid_tid[0]] = tid

    def set_all_for_tid(self, tid_int, state_oid_iter):
        for state, oid_int, _ in state_oid_iter:
            self[(oid_int, tid_int)] = (state, tid_int)

    def __delitem__(self, oid_tid):
        with self._lock:
            del self.__bucket[oid_tid]
            if oid_tid[1] > self._min_allowed_writeback.get(
                    oid_tid[0], MAX_TID):
                self._min_allowed_writeback[oid_tid[0]] = oid_tid[1]

    def invalidate_all(self, oids):
        with self._lock:
            min_allowed = self._min_allowed_writeback
            for oid, tid in self.__bucket.invalidate_all(oids):
                if tid > min_allowed.get(oid, MAX_TID):
                    min_allowed[oid] = tid

    def store_checkpoints(self, cp0, cp1):
        # No lock, the assignment should be atomic
        # Both checkpoints should be None, or the same integer,
        # or cp0 should be ahead of cp1. Anything else is a bug.
        assert cp0 == cp1 or cp0 > cp1
        cp = self.checkpoints = cp0, cp1
        return cp

    def get_checkpoints(self):
        return self.checkpoints

    def replace_checkpoints(self, old_checkpoints, desired_checkpoints):
        with self._lock:
            stored = self.get_checkpoints()
            if stored and stored != old_checkpoints:
                    "Checkpoints already shifted to %s, not replacing.",
                return None
            return desired_checkpoints

    def close(self):

    def items(self):
        return self.__bucket.items()

    def values(self):
        return self.__bucket.values()

    def updating_delta_map(self, deltas):
        return deltas

    def read_from_sqlite(self, connection, row_filter=None):
        import gc
        gc.collect()  # Free memory, we're about to make big allocations.
        mem_before = get_memory_usage()

        db = Database.from_connection(connection)
        checkpoints = db.checkpoints
        if checkpoints:

        self._min_allowed_writeback = db.oid_to_tid

        # XXX: The cache_ring is going to consume all the items we
        # give it, even if it doesn't actually add them to the cache.
        # It also creates a very large preallocated array for all to
        # hold the `total_count` of items. We don't want to read more
        # rows than necessary, to keep the delta maps small and to
        # avoid the overhead; we could pass the COUNT(zoid) to
        # `bulk_update`, and have our row iterable be a generator that
        # reads a row and breaks when it reaches the limit, but then
        # we have that whole preallocated array hanging around, which
        # is probably much bigger than we need. So we need to give an
        # accurate count, and the easiest way to do that is to materialize
        # the list of rows.
        # In practice, we can assume that the limit hasn't changed between this
        # run and the last run, so the database will already have been trimmed
        # to fit the desired size, so essentially all the rows in the database
        # should go in our cache.
        def fetch_and_filter_rows():
            # Do this here so that we don't have the result
            # in a local variable and it can be collected
            # before we measure the memory delta.
            # In large benchmarks, this function accounts for 57%
            # of the total time to load data. 26% of the total is
            # fetching rows from sqlite, and 18% of the total is allocating
            # storage for the blob state.
            # We make one call into sqlite and let it handle the iterating.
            # Items are (oid, key_tid, state, actual_tid). Currently,
            # key_tid == actual_tid
            items = db.list_rows_by_priority()
            # row_filter produces the sequence ((oid, key_tid) (state, actual_tid))
            if row_filter is not None:
                row_iter = row_filter(checkpoints, items)
                items = list(row_iter)
                items = [(r[:2], r[2:]) for r in items]

            # Look at them from most to least recent,
            # but insert them the other way.
            return items

        f = fetch_and_filter_rows.__wrapped__
        f.__name__ = f.__name__ + ':' + (str(row_filter) if row_filter
                                         is not None else '<no filter>')

        # In the large benchmark, this is 25% of the total time.
        # 18% of the total time is preallocating the entry nodes.

    def _newest_items(self):
        Return a dict {oid: entry} for just the newest entries.
        # In a very large cache, with absolutely no duplicates,
        # this accounts for 2.5% of the time taken to save.
        newest_entries = OID_OBJECT_MAP_TYPE()
        for entry in self.__bucket.entries():
            oid, _ = entry.key
            stored_entry = newest_entries.get(oid)
            if stored_entry is None:
                newest_entries[oid] = entry
            elif stored_entry.value[1] < entry.value[1]:
                newest_entries[oid] = entry
            elif stored_entry.value[1] == entry.value[1]:
                if stored_entry.value[0] != entry.value[0]:
                    raise CacheCorruptedError(
                        "The object %x has two different states for transaction %x"
                        % (oid, entry.value[1]))
        return newest_entries

    def _items_to_write(self, stored_oid_tid):
        # pylint:disable=too-many-locals
        all_entries_len = len(self.__bucket)

        # Tune quickly to the newest entries, materializing the list
        # TODO: Should we consolidate frequency information for the OID?
        # That can be expensive in the CFFI ring.
        newest_entries = self._newest_items()

        # Only write the newest entry for each OID.

        # Newly added items have a frequency of 1. They *may* be
        # useless stuff we picked up from an old cache file and
        # haven't touched again, or they may be something that
        # really is new and we have no track history for (that
        # would be in eden generation).
        # Ideally we want to do something here that's similar to what
        # the SegmentedLRU does: if we would reject an item from eden,
        # then only keep it if it's better than the least popular
        # thing in probation.
        # It's not clear that we have a good algorithm for this, and
        # what we tried takes a lot of time, so we don't bother.
        # TODO: Finish tuning these.

        # But we have a problem: If there's an object in the existing
        # cache that we have updated but now exclude, we would fail to
        # write its new data. So we can't exclude anything that's
        # changed without also nuking it from the DB.

        # Also, if we had a value loaded from the DB, and then we
        # modified it, but later ejected all entries for that object
        # from the cache, we wouldn't see it here, and we could be
        # left with stale data in the database. We must track the
        # (oid, tid) we load from the database and record that we
        # should DELETE those rows if that happens.
        # This is done with the __min_allowed_writeback dictionary,
        # which we mutate here: When we find a row we can write that meets
        # the requirement, we take it out of the dictionary.
        # Later, if there's anything left in the dictionary, we *know* there
        # may be stale entries in the cache, and we remove them.

        pop_min_required_tid = self._min_allowed_writeback.pop
        get_min_required_tid = self._min_allowed_writeback.get  # pylint:disable=no-member
        get_current_oid_tid = stored_oid_tid.get
        min_allowed_count = 0
        matching_tid_count = 0
        # When we accumulate all the rows here before returning them,
        # this function shows as about 3% of the total time to save
        # in a very large database.
        with _timer() as t:
            for oid, entry in newest_entries.items():
                # We must have something at least this fresh
                # to consider writing it out
                actual_tid = entry.value[1]
                min_allowed = get_min_required_tid(oid, -1)
                if min_allowed > actual_tid:
                    min_allowed_count += 1

                # If we have something >= min_allowed, but == this,
                # it's not worth writing to the database (states should be identical).
                current_tid = get_current_oid_tid(oid, -1)
                if current_tid >= actual_tid:
                    matching_tid_count += 1

                yield (oid, actual_tid, entry.value[0], entry.frequency)

                # We're able to satisfy this, so we don't need to consider
                # it in our min_allowed set anymore.
                # XXX: This isn't really the right place to do this.
                # Move this and write a test.
                pop_min_required_tid(oid, None)

        removed_entry_count = matching_tid_count + min_allowed_count
            "Consolidated from %d entries to %d entries "
            "(rejected stale: %d; already in db: %d) in %s", all_entries_len,
            len(newest_entries) - removed_entry_count, min_allowed_count,
            matching_tid_count, t.duration)

    def write_to_sqlite(self, connection):
        # pylint:disable=too-many-locals
        mem_before = get_memory_usage()

        cur = connection.cursor()

        db = Database.from_connection(connection)
        begin = time.time()

        # In a large benchmark, store_temp() accounts for 32%
        # of the total time, while move_from_temp accounts for 49%.

        # The batch size depends on how many params a stored proc can
        # have; if we go too big we get OperationalError: too many SQL
        # variables. The default is 999.
        # Note that the multiple-value syntax was added in
        # 3.7.11, 2012-03-20.
        with _timer() as batch_timer:
            stored_oid_tid = db.oid_to_tid
            fetch_current = time.time()
            count_written, _ = db.store_temp(

        # Take out (reserved write) locks now; if we don't, we can get
        # 'OperationalError: database is locked' (the SQLITE_BUSY
        # error code; the SQLITE_LOCKED error code is about table
        # locks and has the string 'database table is locked') But
        # beginning immediate lets us stand in line.
        # Note that the SQLITE_BUSY error on COMMIT happens "if an
        # another thread or process has a shared lock on the database
        # that prevented the database from being updated.", But "When
        # COMMIT fails in this way, the transaction remains active and
        # the COMMIT can be retried later after the reader has had a
        # chance to clear." So we could retry the commit a couple
        # times and give up if can't get there. It looks like one
        # production database takes about 2.5s to execute this entire function;
        # it seems like most instances that are shutting down get to this place
        # at roughly the same time and stack up waiting:
        # Instance | Save Time | write_to_sqlite time
        #     1    |   2.36s   |   2.35s
        #     2    |   5.31s   |   5.30s
        #     3    |   6.51s   |   6.30s
        #     4    |   7.91s   |   7.90s
        # That either suggests that all waiting happens just to acquire this lock and
        # commit this transaction (and that subsequent operations are inconsequential
        # in terms of time) OR that the exclusive lock isn't truly getting dropped,
        # OR that some function in subsequent processes is taking longer and longer.
        # And indeed, our logging showed that a gc.collect() at the end of this function was
        # taking more and more time:
        # Instance | GC Time  | Reported memory usage after GC
        #    1     |   2.00s  |     34.4MB
        #    2     |   3.50s  |     83.2MB
        #    3     |   4.94s  |    125.9MB
        #    4     |   6.44   |    202.1MB
        # The exclusive lock time did vary, but not as much; trim time
        # didn't really vary:
        # Instance |  Exclusive Write Time | Batch Insert Time | Fetch Current
        #    1     |   0.09s               |   0.12s           |   0.008s
        #    2     |   1.19s               |   0.44s           |   0.008s
        #    3     |   0.91s               |   0.43s           |   0.026s
        #    4     |   0.92s               |   0.34s           |   0.026s
        with _timer() as exclusive_timer:
            cur.execute('BEGIN IMMEDIATE')
            # During the time it took for us to commit, and the time that we
            # got the lock, it's possible that someone else committed and
            # changed the data in object_state
            # Things might have changed in the database since our
            # snapshot where we put temp objects in, so we can't rely on
            # just assuming that's the truth anymore.
            rows_inserted = db.move_from_temp()
            if self.checkpoints:

        # TODO: Maybe use BTrees.family.intersection to get the common keys?
        # Or maybe use a SQLite Python function?
        # 'DELETE from object_state where is_stale(zoid, tid)'
        # What's fastest? The custom function version would require scanning the entire
        # table; unfortunately this sqlite interface doesn't allow defining virtual tables.
        with _timer() as trim_timer:
            # Delete anything we still know is stale, because we
            # saw a new TID for it, but we had nothing to replace it with.
            min_allowed_writeback = OID_TID_MAP_TYPE()
            for k, v in self._min_allowed_writeback.items():
                if stored_oid_tid.get(k, MAX_TID) < v:
                    min_allowed_writeback[k] = v
            db.trim_to_size(self.limit, min_allowed_writeback)
            del min_allowed_writeback
        # Typically we write when we're closing and don't expect to do
        # anything else, so there's no need to keep tracking this info.
        self._min_allowed_writeback = OID_TID_MAP_TYPE()

        # Cleanups
        del cur
        db.close()  # closes the connection.
        del db
        del stored_oid_tid

        # We're probably shutting down, don't perform a GC; we see
        # that can get quite lengthy.

        end = time.time()
        stats = self.stats()
        mem_after = get_memory_usage()
            "Wrote %d items to %s in %s "
            "(%s to fetch current, %s to insert batch (%d rows), %s to write, %s to trim). "
            "Used %s memory. (Storage: %s) "
            "Total hits %s; misses %s; ratio %s (stores: %s)", count_written,
            connection, end - begin, fetch_current - begin,
            batch_timer.duration, rows_inserted,
            exclusive_timer.duration, trim_timer.duration,
            byte_display(mem_after - mem_before), self._bucket0, stats['hits'],
            stats['misses'], stats['ratio'], stats['sets'])

        return count_written
Example #8
 def _read_oids_and_tids_from_db_to_map(self):
     cur = self.connection.execute('SELECT zoid, tid FROM object_state')
     with closing(cur):
         return OID_TID_MAP_TYPE(cur.fetchall())