def box_type_1(self, X, Y, name, ident, box_width, box_height): """ Draw a rectangular box of box_width and box_height with name and ident, on sheet with (X,Y) as its center on the canvas Return midpts = N(x,y), S(x,y), E(x,y), W(x,y). """ boxW2 = box_width / 2 boxH2 = box_height / 2 x0, y0 = X - boxW2, Y - boxH2 # Top_left of box x1, y1 = X + boxW2, Y + boxH2 # Bottom_right of box width = x1 - x0 height = y1 - y0 box = gui.SvgRectangle(x0, y0, width, height) box.set_stroke(width=2, color='black') box.set_fill(color='yellow') box_name = gui.SvgText(X, Y, name) box_name.attributes['text-anchor'] = 'middle' box_id = gui.SvgText(X, Y + 15, str(ident)) box_id.attributes['text-anchor'] = 'middle' self.sheet.append([box, box_name, box_id]) mid_north = [X, Y - boxH2] mid_south = [X, Y + boxH2] mid_east = [X + boxW2, Y] mid_west = [X - boxW2, Y] return mid_north, mid_south, mid_east, mid_west
def box_type_1(self, X, Y, name): """ Draw a box with name on sheet around (X,Y) = Xcenter and Ycenter Return midpts = N(x,y), S(x,y), E(x,y), W(x,y) (X,Y) = center of box on canvas """ x0, y0 = X - self.boxW2, Y - self.boxH2 # TopLeft of box x1, y1 = X + self.boxW2, Y + self.boxH2 # BottomRight of box width = x1 - x0 height = y1 - y0 box = gui.SvgRectangle(x0, y0, width, height) box.set_stroke(width=2, color='black') box.set_fill(color='yellow') box_name = gui.SvgText(X, Y, name) box_name.attributes['text-anchor'] = 'middle' box_id = gui.SvgText(X, Y + 15, str(self.boxID)) box_id.attributes['text-anchor'] = 'middle' self.sheets[self.sheet_nr].append([box, box_name, box_id]) mid_north = [X, Y - self.boxH2] mid_south = [X, Y + self.boxH2] mid_east = [X + self.boxW2, Y] mid_west = [X - self.boxW2, Y] return mid_north, mid_south, mid_east, mid_west
def __init__(self, width, height): super(SvgPlot, self).__init__(width, height) self.width = width self.height = height self.polyList = [] self.font_size = 15 self.plot_inner_border = self.font_size self.textYMin = gui.SvgText(0, self.height + self.font_size, "min") self.textYMax = gui.SvgText(0, 0, "max")['font-size'] = gui.to_pix(self.font_size)['font-size'] = gui.to_pix(self.font_size) self.append([self.textYMin, self.textYMax])
def append_poly(self, polys): for poly in polys: self.append(poly) self.polyList.append(poly) poly.textXMin = gui.SvgText(0, 0, "actualValue") poly.textXMax = gui.SvgText(0, 0, "actualValue") poly.textYVal = gui.SvgText(0, 0, "actualValue")['font-size'] = gui.to_pix(self.font_size) poly.lineYValIndicator = gui.SvgLine(0, 0, 0, 0) poly.lineXMinIndicator = gui.SvgLine(0, 0, 0, 0) poly.lineXMaxIndicator = gui.SvgLine(0, 0, 0, 0) self.append([poly.textXMin, poly.textXMax, poly.textYVal, poly.lineYValIndicator, poly.lineXMinIndicator, poly.lineXMaxIndicator])
def RhombusPolygon(self, X, Y, strID, hor_size, vert_size): """ Draw a rhombus polygon with its center on position X,Y with its strID as text in the middle on sheet. """ x0, y0 = X - hor_size, Y # mid_west x1, y1 = X, Y - vert_size # mid_north x2, y2 = X + hor_size, Y # mid_east x3, y3 = X, Y + vert_size # mid_south ## sheet.create_polygon(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ## fill='#dfd', smooth=0, outline='black') ## sheet.create_text(X, Y, justify=CENTER, text=strID) polygon = SvgPolygon(4) polygon.set_stroke(width=2, color='black') poly_name = gui.SvgText(X, Y + 5, strID) poly_name.attributes['text-anchor'] = 'middle' self.sheets[self.sheet_nr].append([polygon, poly_name]) mid_north = [x1, y1] mid_south = [x3, y3] mid_east = [x2, y2] mid_west = [x0, y0] polygon.add_coord(*mid_north) polygon.add_coord(*mid_east) polygon.add_coord(*mid_south) polygon.add_coord(*mid_west) return mid_north, mid_south, mid_east, mid_west
def rhombus_polygon(self, X, Y, str_id, hor_size, vert_size): """ Draw a rhombus polygon. Horizontal size (-hor_size, +hor_size) and vertical size (-vert_size, +vert_size). with its center on position X,Y and with its str_id as text in the middle. """ x0, y0 = X - hor_size, Y # mid_west x1, y1 = X, Y - vert_size # mid_north x2, y2 = X + hor_size, Y # mid_east x3, y3 = X, Y + vert_size # mid_south polygon = SvgPolygon(4) polygon.set_stroke(width=2, color='black') poly_name = gui.SvgText(X, Y + 5, str_id) poly_name.attributes['text-anchor'] = 'middle' self.sheet.append([polygon, poly_name]) mid_north = [x1, y1] mid_south = [x3, y3] mid_east = [x2, y2] mid_west = [x0, y0] polygon.add_coord(*mid_north) polygon.add_coord(*mid_east) polygon.add_coord(*mid_south) polygon.add_coord(*mid_west) return mid_north, mid_south, mid_east, mid_west
def __init__(self, x_pos, y_pos, wide, high, *args, **kwargs): """ x_pos and y_pos are coordinates indicated by the pointer, generally at the center of the shown tape """ gui.SvgGroup.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.wide = wide self.high = high self.attributes['transform'] = 'translate(%s %s)' % (x_pos, y_pos) #it is used a subcontainer in order to show only a part of the entire tape self.subcontainer = gui.SvgSubcontainer(-self.wide, -self.high / 2, wide, high) self.subcontainer.set_viewbox(-self.wide / 2, -self.high / 2, wide, self.high) self.append(self.subcontainer) vertical_line_width = self.wide / 20 scale_vertical_line = gui.SvgLine(-self.wide / 2, -self.high / 2, -self.wide / 2, self.high) scale_vertical_line.set_stroke(vertical_line_width, 'lightgray') self.subcontainer.append(scale_vertical_line) self.pointer_line = gui.SvgLine(self.wide / 2, 0, -self.wide / 2, self.value * (self.high / 2)) self.pointer_line.set_stroke(self.wide / 14, 'lightgray') self.subcontainer.append(self.pointer_line) self.value_max = gui.SvgText(-self.wide / 2 + vertical_line_width, -self.high / 2, "10") self.value_max.attr_dominant_baseline = 'hanging' self.value_max.attr_text_anchor = 'start' self.value_max.set_fill('white') self.value_max.css_font_size = gui.to_pix(0.3 * self.wide) self.value_max.css_font_weight = 'bolder' #self.value_max.attributes['transform'] = 'translate(0 %s)'%(self.vh/2-0.11*self.vh) self.subcontainer.append(self.value_max) self.value_min = gui.SvgText(-self.wide / 2 + vertical_line_width, self.high / 2, "-10") self.value_min.attr_dominant_baseline = 'ideographic' self.value_min.attr_text_anchor = 'start' self.value_min.set_fill('white') self.value_min.css_font_size = gui.to_pix(0.3 * self.wide) self.value_min.css_font_weight = 'bolder' #self.value_min.attributes['transform'] = 'translate(0 %s)'%(self.vh/2-0.11*self.vh) self.subcontainer.append(self.value_min)
def set_value(self, value): if not self.get_app_instance(): return with self.get_app_instance().update_lock: self.values.add_coord(time.clock(), float(value)) try: plot = pygal.XY() pairs = [] for i in range(0, len(self.values.coordsX)): pairs.append([self.values.coordsX[i], self.values.coordsY[i]]) plot.add(self.epics_pv_name, pairs) self.add_child("chart", plot.render()) except Exception:['overflow'] = "visible" self.add_child("chart", gui.SvgText(10,10, "Install pygal to use this widget"))
def default_icon(name, view_w=2, view_h=0.6): """ A simple function to make a default svg icon for the widgets such icons can be replaced later with a good one """ icon = gui.Svg(width=100,height=30) icon.set_viewbox(-view_w/2,-view_h/2,view_w,view_h) text = gui.SvgText(0,0,name)['font-size'] = "0.2px"['text-anchor'] = "middle" stroke_width = 0.01 rect = gui.SvgRectangle(-view_w/2+stroke_width,-view_h/2+stroke_width,view_w-stroke_width*2,view_h-stroke_width*2) rect.set_fill("none") rect.set_stroke(0.01,'black') icon.append([rect, text]) return icon
def test_init(self): widget = gui.SvgText(x=10, y=10, text='hello world') assertValidHTML(widget.repr())
def __init__(self, width, height, _min, _max): super(Gauge, self).__init__(width, height) self.width = width self.height = height self.min = _min self.max = _max self.scale_angle_range = math.pi * 2 - 1.0 self.scale_value_range = _max - _min self.base_angle = 0 #-self.scale_angle_range/2.0 self.radius = min(width, height) / 2.0 circle = gui.SvgCircle(width / 2.0, height / 2.0, self.radius) self.append(circle) circle.set_fill('gray') circle.set_stroke(1, 'lightgray') circle = gui.SvgCircle(width / 2.0, height / 2.0, self.radius * 92.0 / 100.0) self.append(circle) circle.set_fill('lightgray') circle.set_stroke(1, 'lightgray') font_size = self.radius * 10.0 / 100.0 xy = self.value_to_xy_tuple(_min, self.radius * 90.0 / 100.0) textMin = gui.SvgText(xy[0], xy[1], str(_min)) xy = self.value_to_xy_tuple(_max, self.radius * 90.0 / 100.0) textMax = gui.SvgText(xy[0], xy[1], str(_max))['font-size'] = gui.to_pix(font_size)['font-size'] = gui.to_pix(font_size)['text-anchor'] = "end"['text-anchor'] = "end" textMin.set_fill('red') textMax.set_fill('green') for i in range(0, 11): xy1 = self.value_to_xy_tuple( self.min + self.scale_value_range / 10 * i, self.radius * 92.0 / 100.0) xy2 = self.value_to_xy_tuple( self.min + self.scale_value_range / 10 * i, self.radius) tick = gui.SvgLine(xy1[0], xy1[1], xy2[0], xy2[1]) tick.set_stroke(2, 'white') self.append(tick) self.append(textMin) self.append(textMax) self.arrow = gui.SvgPolyline() self.arrow.add_coord(-self.radius * 20.0 / 100.0, 0) self.arrow.add_coord(-self.radius * 23.0 / 100.0, self.radius * 10.0 / 100.0) self.arrow.add_coord(0, 0) self.arrow.add_coord(-self.radius * 23.0 / 100.0, -self.radius * 10.0 / 100.0) self.arrow.add_coord(-self.radius * 20.0 / 100.0, 0)['fill'] = 'white' self.arrow.set_stroke(1.0, 'white') self.append(self.arrow) self.arrow_preview = gui.SvgPolyline() self.arrow_preview.add_coord(-self.radius * 10.0 / 100.0, 0) self.arrow_preview.add_coord(-self.radius * 13.0 / 100.0, self.radius * 5.0 / 100.0) self.arrow_preview.add_coord(0, 0) self.arrow_preview.add_coord(-self.radius * 13.0 / 100.0, -self.radius * 5.0 / 100.0) self.arrow_preview.add_coord(-self.radius * 10.0 / 100.0, 0)['fill'] = 'beige' self.arrow_preview.set_stroke(1.0, 'beige') self.append(self.arrow_preview) self.set_value(_min)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): gui.SvgSubcontainer.__init__(self, -self.vw / 2, -self.vh / 2, self.vw, self.vh, *args, **kwargs) self.attr_viewBox = "%s %s %s %s" % (-self.vw / 2, -self.vh / 2, self.vw, self.vh) self.group_pitch = gui.SvgGroup() self.group_pitch.css_transform = "rotate(0deg), translate(0, 0)" self.group_pitch.css_transform_box = "fill-box" self.group_pitch.css_transform_origin = "center" self.group_roll = gui.SvgGroup() self.group_roll.css_transform = "rotate(0deg), translate(0, 0)" self.group_roll.css_transform_box = "fill-box" self.group_roll.css_transform_origin = "50% 20%" self.group_roll.append(self.group_pitch) #horizon #background is static and occupy the entire attidute indicator self.horizon_background = gui.SvgRectangle(-self.vw / 2, -self.vh / 2, self.vw, self.vh) self.horizon_background.set_fill("rgb(0,100,255)") self.append(self.horizon_background) self.group_horizon_terrain = gui.SvgGroup() self.horizon_terrain = gui.SvgRectangle(-self.vw, 0, self.vw * 2, self.vh * 2) self.horizon_terrain.set_fill("rgb(53, 151, 0)") self.horizon_terrain.set_stroke(self.vh / 1000.0, "lightgray") self.group_horizon_terrain.append(self.horizon_terrain) self.append(self.group_horizon_terrain) #pitch angle indication self.group_pitch_indicator = gui.SvgGroup() self.group_pitch.append(self.group_pitch_indicator) self.generate_pitch_indicator() self.append(self.group_roll) #roll angle indication min_radius = self.vw * 0.45 mid_radius = self.vw * 0.48 max_radius = self.vw * 0.5 angle_min = -60 angle_max = 60 angle_step = 20 # was 5 for angle in range(angle_min, angle_max + angle_step, angle_step): r = min_radius if (angle % 10) == 0 else mid_radius x_min = math.cos(math.radians(angle + 90)) * r y_min = -math.sin(math.radians(angle + 90)) * r x_max = math.cos(math.radians(angle + 90)) * max_radius y_max = -math.sin(math.radians(angle + 90)) * max_radius hide_scale = abs(int(angle)) > self.pitch_roll_scale_limit line = gui.SvgLine(x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max) line.set_stroke(self.vw * 0.005, 'white' if not hide_scale else 'transparent') self.append(line) if (angle % 10) == 0: x_txt = math.cos( math.radians(angle + 90)) * (min_radius - 0.025 * self.vw) y_txt = -math.sin(math.radians(angle + 90)) * (min_radius - 0.025 * self.vw) txt = gui.SvgText(x_txt, y_txt, str(abs(int(angle)))) txt.attr_dominant_baseline = 'hanging' txt.attr_text_anchor = 'middle' txt.set_fill('white' if not hide_scale else 'transparent') txt.css_font_size = gui.to_pix(self.vw * 0.04) txt.css_font_weight = 'bolder' self.append(txt) self.group_roll_indicator = gui.SvgGroup() self.group_roll_indicator.css_visibility = 'visible' self.append(self.group_roll_indicator) #roll and bank indicator self.group_roll_and_bank_angle_indicator = gui.SvgGroup() self.roll_indicator = gui.SvgPolygon(3) self.roll_indicator.set_fill('red') self.roll_indicator.set_stroke(1, 'black') self.roll_indicator.add_coord(-0.04 * self.vw, -0.06 * self.vw) self.roll_indicator.add_coord(0.0 * self.vw, (-0.06 - 0.03) * self.vw) self.roll_indicator.add_coord(0.04 * self.vw, -0.06 * self.vw) self.group_roll_and_bank_angle_indicator.append(self.roll_indicator) self.bank_indicator = gui.SvgPolygon(4) self.bank_indicator.set_fill('transparent') self.bank_indicator.set_stroke(1, 'black') self.bank_indicator_width = 0.08 self.bank_indicator.add_coord( -(self.bank_indicator_width / 2.0) * self.vw, (-0.06 + 0.005) * self.vw) self.bank_indicator.add_coord( (self.bank_indicator_width / 2.0) * self.vw, (-0.06 + 0.005) * self.vw) self.bank_indicator.add_coord( (self.bank_indicator_width / 2.0) * self.vw, (-0.06 + 0.025) * self.vw) self.bank_indicator.add_coord( -(self.bank_indicator_width / 2.0) * self.vw, (-0.06 + 0.025) * self.vw) self.group_roll_and_bank_angle_indicator.append(self.bank_indicator) self.group_roll_and_bank_angle_indicator.attributes[ 'transform'] = "translate(0 %s)" % (-0.3 * self.vh) self.group_roll_indicator.append( self.group_roll_and_bank_angle_indicator) #airplaine indicator is steady thick = 0.02 * self.vw self.airplane_svg_left = gui.SvgPolygon(8) self.airplane_svg_left.set_fill('gray') self.airplane_svg_left.set_stroke(0.005 * self.vw, 'black') self.airplane_svg_left.add_coord(-0.2 * self.vw, 0 * self.vw) #25x8 self.airplane_svg_left.add_coord(-0.40 * self.vw, 0 * self.vw) self.airplane_svg_left.add_coord(-0.40 * self.vw, thick) self.airplane_svg_left.add_coord(-0.2 * self.vw - thick, thick) self.airplane_svg_left.add_coord(-0.2 * self.vw - thick, thick + 0.08 * self.vw) self.airplane_svg_left.add_coord(-0.2 * self.vw, thick + 0.08 * self.vw) self.airplane_svg_left.add_coord(-0.2 * self.vw, 0.08 * self.vw) self.airplane_svg_right = gui.SvgPolygon(8) self.airplane_svg_right.set_fill('gray') self.airplane_svg_right.set_stroke(0.005 * self.vw, 'black') self.airplane_svg_right.add_coord(0.2 * self.vw, 0 * self.vw) #25x8 self.airplane_svg_right.add_coord(0.40 * self.vw, 0 * self.vw) self.airplane_svg_right.add_coord(0.40 * self.vw, thick) self.airplane_svg_right.add_coord(0.2 * self.vw + thick, thick) self.airplane_svg_right.add_coord(0.2 * self.vw + thick, thick + 0.08 * self.vw) self.airplane_svg_right.add_coord(0.2 * self.vw, thick + 0.08 * self.vw) self.airplane_svg_right.add_coord(0.2 * self.vw, 0.08 * self.vw) self.airplane_svg_center = gui.SvgRectangle(-0.02 * self.vw, -0.02 * self.vw, 0.04 * self.vw, 0.04 * self.vw) self.airplane_svg_center.set_fill('white') self.airplane_svg_center.set_stroke(0.005 * self.vw, 'lightgray') self.append([ self.airplane_svg_left, self.airplane_svg_right, self.airplane_svg_center ]) #self.generate_orientation_indicator() self.orientation_tape = OrientationTapeHorizontal( 0, 0.4 * self.vh, 0.8 * self.vw, 1.0 * self.vh) self.append(self.orientation_tape) self.set_skid_slip(0)
def __init__(self, x_pos, y_pos, wide, high, *args, **kwargs): """ x_pos and y_pos are coordinates indicated by the pointer, generally at the center of the shown tape """ gui.SvgGroup.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.wide = wide self.high = high self.attributes['transform'] = 'translate(%s %s)' % (x_pos, y_pos) #it is used a subcontainer in order to show only a part of the entire tape self.subcontainer = gui.SvgSubcontainer(-wide / 2, 0, wide, high) self.subcontainer.set_viewbox(-self.scale_length_visible / 2, 0, self.scale_length_visible, high * (high / wide)) self.append(self.subcontainer) #horizontal line along all the tape size self.group_orientation_indicator = gui.SvgGroup() line = gui.SvgLine(-self.scale_length / 2, 0, self.scale_length / 2, 0) line.set_stroke(0.005 * high, 'white') self.group_orientation_indicator.append(line) #creating labels labels = {0: 'N', 90: 'E', 180: 'S', 270: 'W'} labels_size = {0: 1.0, 90: 1.0, 180: 1.0, 270: 1.0} for i in range(0, 36 + 1, 2): if not (i * 10) in labels.keys(): labels[i * 10] = "%02d" % i labels_size[i * 10] = 0.7 for angle in range(int(-self.scale_length / 2), int(self.scale_length / 2) + 1): if angle % 360 in labels.keys(): x = angle y = 0.05 * self.high * labels_size[angle % 360] line = gui.SvgLine(x, 0, x, y) line.set_stroke(1, 'white') self.group_orientation_indicator.append(line) txt = gui.SvgText(x, y, labels.get(angle % 360, '')) txt.attr_dominant_baseline = 'hanging' txt.attr_text_anchor = 'middle' txt.set_fill('white') txt.css_font_size = gui.to_pix(7 * labels_size[angle % 360]) txt.css_font_weight = 'bolder' self.group_orientation_indicator.append(txt) self.subcontainer.append(self.group_orientation_indicator) #self.group_orientation_indicator.attributes['transform'] = 'translate(0 %s)'%(self.vh/2-0.11*self.vh) self.orientation_pointer = gui.SvgPolygon(3) self.orientation_pointer.set_fill('red') self.orientation_pointer.set_stroke(0.005 * self.scale_length_visible, 'black') self.orientation_pointer.add_coord(-0.01 * self.scale_length_visible, -0.02 * self.high) self.orientation_pointer.add_coord(0.0 * self.scale_length_visible, 0.0 * self.high) self.orientation_pointer.add_coord(0.01 * self.scale_length_visible, -0.02 * self.high) #self.orientation_pointer.attributes['transform'] = 'translate(0 %s)'%(self.vh/2-0.11*self.vh) self.append(self.orientation_pointer) self.orientation_value = gui.SvgText(0, -0.03 * high, "%d" % (self.orientation % 360)) self.orientation_value.attr_dominant_baseline = 'auto' self.orientation_value.attr_text_anchor = 'middle' self.orientation_value.set_fill('white') self.orientation_value.css_font_size = gui.to_pix( 0.03 * self.scale_length_visible) self.orientation_value.css_font_weight = 'bolder' #orientation_value.attributes['transform'] = 'translate(0 %s)'%(self.vh/2-0.11*self.vh) self.append(self.orientation_value)
def __init__(self, x_pos, y_pos, wide, high, left_side, scale_length, scale_length_visible, tape_white_min=0, tape_white_max=0, tape_green_min=0, tape_green_max=0, *args, **kwargs): """ x_pos and y_pos are coordinates indicated by the pointer, generally at the center of the shown tape """ gui.SvgGroup.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.scale_length = scale_length self.scale_length_visible = scale_length_visible self.wide = wide self.high = high self.indicator_size = self.wide * 0.2 self.left_side = left_side self.tape_white_min = tape_white_min self.tape_white_max = tape_white_max self.tape_green_min = tape_green_min self.tape_green_max = tape_green_max self.attributes['transform'] = 'translate(%s %s)' % (x_pos, y_pos) #it is used a subcontainer in order to show only a part of the entire tape self.subcontainer = gui.SvgSubcontainer(-wide if self.left_side else 0, -self.high / 2, wide, high) self.subcontainer.set_viewbox(-self.wide / 2, -self.scale_length_visible / 2, wide, self.scale_length_visible) self.append(self.subcontainer) self.group_indicator = gui.SvgGroup() self.group_scale = gui.SvgGroup() self.build_scale() self.group_indicator.append(self.group_scale) self.subcontainer.append(self.group_indicator) #self.group_indicator.attributes['transform'] = 'translate(0 %s)'%(self.vh/2-0.11*self.vh) self.pointer = gui.SvgPolygon(5) self.pointer.set_fill('black') self.pointer.set_stroke(0.02 * self.scale_length_visible, 'red') direction = (-1 if self.left_side else 1) pointer_x = 0 #(-self.wide if self.left_side else 0) pointer_width = self.wide self.pointer.add_coord(pointer_x, 0) self.pointer.add_coord(pointer_x + ((0.2 * self.wide) * direction), 0.2 * self.wide) self.pointer.add_coord(pointer_x + pointer_width * direction, 0.2 * self.wide) self.pointer.add_coord(pointer_x + pointer_width * direction, -0.2 * self.wide) self.pointer.add_coord(pointer_x + ((0.2 * self.wide) * direction), -0.2 * self.wide) #self.pointer.attributes['transform'] = 'translate(0 %s)'%(self.vh/2-0.11*self.vh) self.append(self.pointer) self.pointer_value = gui.SvgText( ((0 - self.indicator_size) if self.left_side else (self.wide - 0.05 * self.wide)), 0, "%d" % (self.value % 360)) self.pointer_value.attr_dominant_baseline = 'middle' self.pointer_value.attr_text_anchor = 'end' if self.left_side else 'end' self.pointer_value.set_fill('lime') self.pointer_value.css_font_size = gui.to_pix(0.3 * self.wide) self.pointer_value.css_font_weight = 'bolder' #self.pointer_value.attributes['transform'] = 'translate(0 %s)'%(self.vh/2-0.11*self.vh) self.append(self.pointer_value) if self.tape_green_max > 0: green_and_red_tape_width = self.wide white_tape_width = 3 tape_green = gui.SvgRectangle( -self.wide / 2, -self.tape_green_max, green_and_red_tape_width, (self.tape_green_max - self.tape_green_min)) tape_green.set_fill('green') self.group_scale.add_child('tape_green', tape_green) if self.tape_white_max > 0: tape_white = gui.SvgRectangle( (self.wide / 2 - white_tape_width if self.left_side else -self.wide / 2), -self.tape_white_max, white_tape_width, (self.tape_white_max - self.tape_white_min)) tape_white.set_fill('white') self.group_scale.add_child('tape_white', tape_white) if self.tape_green_max > 0: tape_red = gui.SvgRectangle( -self.wide / 2, -self.scale_length, green_and_red_tape_width, (self.scale_length - self.tape_green_max)) tape_red.set_fill('red') self.group_scale.add_child('tape_red', tape_red)
def __init__(self, epics_pv_name='', min_value=0, max_value=100, *args, **kwargs): w = kwargs.get("style", {}).get("width", kwargs.get("width", 100)) h = kwargs.get("style", {}).get("height", kwargs.get("height", 100)) if 'width' in kwargs.keys(): del kwargs["width"] if 'height' in kwargs.keys(): del kwargs["height"] default_style = {'position': 'absolute', 'left': '10px', 'top': '10px'} default_style.update(kwargs.get('style', {})) kwargs['style'] = default_style super(EPICSValueGaugeWidget, self).__init__(w, h, *args, **kwargs) self.epics_pv_name = epics_pv_name #the indicator self.indicator = gui.SvgPolygon(_maxlen=4) self.indicator.set_stroke(width=0.001, color='red') self.indicator.set_fill('red') indicator_pin_radius = 0.05 self.indicator_pin = gui.SvgCircle(0, 0.5, indicator_pin_radius) self.indicator_pin.set_fill('black') #the value signs scale = max_value - min_value radius_min = 0.4 radius_max = 0.5 for i in range(0, 10): angle = math.pi / 9 * i #sign = gui.SvgLine(math.cos(angle)*radius_min, radius_max-math.sin(angle)*radius_min, math.cos(angle)*radius_max, radius_max-math.sin(angle)*radius_max) sign = gui.SvgLine( math.cos(angle) * (radius_min - 0.01 + 0.1 * (i + 1) / 10), radius_max - math.sin(angle) * (radius_min - 0.01 + 0.1 * (i + 1) / 10), math.cos(angle) * radius_max, radius_max - math.sin(angle) * radius_max) sign.set_stroke(0.01, 'black') self.append(sign) #subindicators value signs scale = max_value - min_value radius_min = 0.4 radius_max = 0.5 for i in range(0, 100): angle = math.pi / 99 * i #sign = gui.SvgLine(math.cos(angle)*radius_min, radius_max-math.sin(angle)*radius_min, math.cos(angle)*radius_max, radius_max-math.sin(angle)*radius_max) sign = gui.SvgLine( math.cos(angle) * (radius_min - 0.01 + 0.1 * (i + 10) / 100), radius_max - math.sin(angle) * (radius_min - 0.01 + 0.1 * (i + 10) / 100), math.cos(angle) * radius_max, radius_max - math.sin(angle) * radius_max) sign.set_stroke(0.002, 'black') self.append(sign) font_size = 0.1 self.text_min_value = gui.SvgText(-radius_max, 0.5 + font_size + 0.01, str(min_value))['font-size'] = gui.to_pix(font_size)['text-anchor'] = "start" self.text_max_value = gui.SvgText(radius_max, 0.5 + font_size + 0.01, str(max_value))['font-size'] = gui.to_pix(font_size)['text-anchor'] = "end" self.text_actual_value = gui.SvgText( 0, 0.5 + indicator_pin_radius + font_size + 0.01, str(max_value))['font-size'] = gui.to_pix(font_size)['text-anchor'] = "middle"['font-weight'] = 'bold' self.min_value = min_value self.max_value = max_value self.append([ self.indicator, self.indicator_pin, self.text_min_value, self.text_max_value, self.text_actual_value ]) self.set_viewbox(-0.5, 0, 1, 0.70) self.value = self.min_value