Example #1
def main():
    for name in ("sp", "line", "depth", "mapping"):
        filename = curdir / "spectra_files" / "{0}.wdf".format(name)
        print("Testing: ", filename.as_posix())
        # if debug=True, debug information will show in stderr
        reader = WDFReader(filename, debug=True)
        # Explicitly print into stdout
Example #2
not background subtracion performed in this program


from renishawWiRE import WDFReader
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# input file path and file name
IN_PATH = r'Z:\Trumann\Renishaw\20210304 PVSe33'
FNAME = r'\PVSe33.4_3 Au side raman map0.wdf'

# import wdf file
filename = IN_PATH+FNAME
reader = WDFReader(filename)

# get x-axis of spectral data
    # keep in mind the units you specified for the measurement
    # here, raman shift (cm-1) was specified and would be the x-axis of the spectrum
shift = reader.xdata

# get the spectral data 
    # if .wdf file is a map, 'spectra' is 3D (y_pixel, x_pixel, intensity)
    # if .wdf file is spot, 'spectra' is 1D (intensity)
    # if .wdf file is aborted map, 'spectra' is 2D (y_pix*x_pix, intensity)
spectra = reader.spectra

# check the spectrum of the first pixel
    # this will not work if the map was aborted
first_pixel = spectra[0,0,:]