Example #1
def inputs(ctx, client, revision, paths):
    r"""Show inputs files in the repository.

    <PATHS>    Files to show. If no files are given all input files are shown.
    from renku.core.models.provenance.activities import ProcessRun

    graph = Graph(client)
    paths = set(paths)
    nodes = graph.build(revision=revision)

    commits = {node.commit for node in nodes}
    candidates = {(node.commit, node.path)
                  for node in nodes if not paths or node.path in paths}

    input_paths = set()

    for commit in commits:
        activity = graph.activities[commit]

        if isinstance(activity, ProcessRun):
            for usage in activity.qualified_usage:
                for entity in usage.entity.entities:
                    path = str((usage.client.path / entity.path).relative_to(
                    usage_key = (entity.commit, entity.path)

                    if path not in input_paths and usage_key in candidates:

    click.echo('\n'.join(graph._format_path(path) for path in input_paths))
    ctx.exit(0 if not paths or len(input_paths) == len(paths) else 1)
Example #2
def siblings(client, revision, paths):
    """Show siblings for given paths."""
    graph = Graph(client)
    nodes = graph.build(paths=paths, revision=revision)
    siblings_ = set(nodes)
    for node in nodes:
        siblings_ |= graph.siblings(node)

    paths = {node.path for node in siblings_}
    for path in paths:
Example #3
def outputs(ctx, client, revision, paths):
    r"""Show output files in the repository.

    <PATHS>    Files to show. If no files are given all output files are shown.
    graph = Graph(client)
    filter = graph.build(paths=paths, revision=revision)
    output_paths = graph.output_paths

    click.echo('\n'.join(graph._format_path(path) for path in output_paths))

    if paths:
        if not output_paths:

        from renku.core.models.datastructures import DirectoryTree
        tree = DirectoryTree.from_list(item.path for item in filter)

        for output in output_paths:
            if tree.get(output) is None:
Example #4
def outputs(ctx, client, revision, verbose, paths):
    r"""Show output files in the repository.

    <PATHS>    Files to show. If no files are given all output files are shown.
    graph = Graph(client)
    filter_ = graph.build(paths=paths, revision=revision)
    output_paths = {}

    for activity in graph.activities.values():
        if isinstance(activity, ProcessRun):
            for entity in activity.generated:
                if entity.path not in graph.output_paths:
                output_paths[entity.path] = Result(
                    path=entity.path, commit=entity.commit, time=activity.ended_at_time, workflow=activity.path

    if not verbose:
        click.echo("\n".join(graph._format_path(path) for path in output_paths.keys()))
        records = list(output_paths.values())
        records.sort(key=lambda v: v[0])
        HEADERS["time"] = "generation time"
        click.echo(tabulate(collection=records, headers=HEADERS))

    if paths:
        if not output_paths:

        from renku.core.models.datastructures import DirectoryTree

        tree = DirectoryTree.from_list(item.path for item in filter_)

        for output in output_paths:
            if tree.get(output) is None:
Example #5
def inputs(ctx, client, revision, verbose, paths):
    r"""Show inputs files in the repository.

    <PATHS>    Files to show. If no files are given all input files are shown.
    graph = Graph(client)
    paths = set(paths)
    nodes = graph.build(revision=revision)
    commits = {node.activity.commit if hasattr(node, "activity") else node.commit for node in nodes}
    commits |= {node.activity.commit for node in nodes if hasattr(node, "activity")}
    candidates = {(node.commit, node.path) for node in nodes if not paths or node.path in paths}

    input_paths = {}

    for commit in commits:
        activity = graph.activities.get(commit)
        if not activity:

        if isinstance(activity, ProcessRun):
            for usage in activity.qualified_usage:
                for entity in usage.entity.entities:
                    path = str((usage.client.path / entity.path).relative_to(client.path))
                    usage_key = (entity.commit, entity.path)

                    if path not in input_paths and usage_key in candidates:
                        input_paths[path] = Result(
                            path=path, commit=entity.commit, time=activity.started_at_time, workflow=activity.path

    if not verbose:
        click.echo("\n".join(graph._format_path(path) for path in input_paths))
        records = list(input_paths.values())
        records.sort(key=lambda v: v[0])
        HEADERS["time"] = "usage time"
        click.echo(tabulate(collection=records, headers=HEADERS))
    ctx.exit(0 if not paths or len(input_paths) == len(paths) else 1)
Example #6
def status(ctx, client, revision, no_output, path):
    """Show a status of the repository."""
    graph = Graph(client)
    # TODO filter only paths = {graph.normalize_path(p) for p in path}
    status = graph.build_status(revision=revision, can_be_cwl=no_output)

    if client.has_external_files():
            'Changes in external files are not detected automatically. To '
            'update external files run "renku dataset update -e".')

        click.echo('On branch {0}'.format(client.repo.active_branch))
    except TypeError:
        click.echo('Git HEAD is detached!\n'
                   ' Please move back to your working branch to use renku\n')
    if status['outdated']:
        click.echo('Files generated from newer inputs:\n'
                   '  (use "renku log [<file>...]" to see the full lineage)\n'
                   '  (use "renku update [<file>...]" to '
                   'generate the file from its latest inputs)\n')

        for filepath, stts in sorted(status['outdated'].items()):
            outdated = (', '.join('{0}#{1}'.format(
                click.style(graph._format_path(n.path), fg='blue', bold=True),
                _format_sha1(graph, n),
            ) for n in stts if n.path and n.path not in status['outdated']))

            click.echo('\t{0}: {1}'.format(
                click.style(graph._format_path(filepath), fg='red', bold=True),


        click.secho('All files were generated from the latest inputs.',

    if status['multiple-versions']:
            'Input files used in different versions:\n'
            '  (use "renku log --revision <sha1> <file>" to see a lineage '
            'for the given revision)\n')

        for filepath, files in sorted(status['multiple-versions'].items()):
            # Do not show duplicated commits!  (see #387)
            commits = {_format_sha1(graph, key) for key in files}
            click.echo('\t{0}: {1}'.format(
                click.style(graph._format_path(filepath), fg='blue',
                ', '.join(
                    # Sort the commit hashes alphanumerically to have a
                    # predictable output.


    if status['deleted']:
        click.echo('Deleted files used to generate outputs:\n'
                   '  (use "git show <sha1>:<file>" to see the file content '
                   'for the given revision)\n')

        for filepath, node in status['deleted'].items():
            click.echo('\t{0}: {1}'.format(
                click.style(graph._format_path(filepath), fg='blue',
                            bold=True), _format_sha1(graph, node)))


    ctx.exit(1 if status['outdated'] else 0)