Example #1
    def forward(self, x):
        c1 = self.block1(x)
        t = rm.max_pool2d(c1, filter=2, stride=2)
        c2 = self.block2(t)
        t = rm.max_pool2d(c2, filter=2, stride=2)
        c3 = self.block3(t)
        t = rm.max_pool2d(c3, filter=2, stride=2)
        c4 = self.block4(t)
        t = rm.max_pool2d(c4, filter=2, stride=2)
        c5 = self.block5(t)
        t = rm.max_pool2d(c5, filter=2, stride=2)

        t = self.center(t)
        t = rm.concat([t, c5])
        t = self.decoder_block5(t)
        t = rm.concat([t, c4])
        t = self.decoder_block4(t)
        t = rm.concat([t, c3])
        t = self.decoder_block3(t)
        t = rm.concat([t, c2])
        t = self.decoder_block2(t)
        t = rm.concat([t, c1])
        t = self.decoder_block1(t)

        t = self.final(t)

        return t
Example #2
    def forward(self, x):
        """Performs forward propagation.
        This function can be called using ``__call__`` method.
        See following example of method usage.

            x (ndarray, Node): Input image as an tensor.

            (Node): Returns raw output of yolo v1.
            You can reform it to bounding box form using the method ``get_bbox``.

            >>> import numpy as np
            >>> from renom_img.api.detection.yolo_v2 import Yolov2
            >>> x = np.random.rand(1, 3, 224, 224)
            >>> class_map = ["dog", "cat"]
            >>> model = Yolov2(class_map)
            >>> y = model.forward(x) # Forward propagation.
            >>> y = model(x)  # Same as above result.
            >>> bbox = model.get_bbox(y) # The output can be reformed using get_bbox method.


        assert len(self.class_map) > 0, \
            "Class map is empty. Please set the attribute class_map when instantiate model class. " +\
            "Or, please load already trained model using the method 'load()'."
        assert self.num_anchor > 0, \
            "Anchor list is empty. Please calculate anchor list using create_anchor function, before instantiate model class.  " +\
            "Or, please load already trained model using the method 'load()'."

            not self.train_whole_network or getattr(self, 'inference', False)))

        h, f = self._freezed_network(x)
        f = self._conv21(f)
        h = self._conv1(h)

        h = self._conv2(rm.concat(h,
                                  rm.concat([f[:, :, i::2, j::2] for i in range(2) for j in range(2)])))

        out = self._last(h)
        # Create yolo format.
        N, C, H, W = h.shape

        reshaped = out.reshape(N, self.num_anchor, -1, W * H)
        conf = rm.sigmoid(reshaped[:, :, 0:1]).transpose(0, 2, 1, 3)
        px = rm.sigmoid(reshaped[:, :, 1:2]).transpose(0, 2, 1, 3)
        py = rm.sigmoid(reshaped[:, :, 2:3]).transpose(0, 2, 1, 3)
        pw = rm.exp(reshaped[:, :, 3:4]).transpose(0, 2, 1, 3)
        ph = rm.exp(reshaped[:, :, 4:5]).transpose(0, 2, 1, 3)
        cl = rm.softmax(reshaped[:, :, 5:].transpose(0, 2, 1, 3))
        return rm.concat(conf, px, py, pw, ph, cl).transpose(0, 2, 1, 3).reshape(N, -1, H, W)
Example #3
    def forward(self, x):
        h = self.pool1(rm.leaky_relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x)), slope=0.1))
        h = self.pool2(rm.leaky_relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(h)), slope=0.1))
        h = rm.leaky_relu(self.bn3(self.conv3(h)), slope=0.1)
        h = rm.leaky_relu(self.bn4(self.conv4(h)), slope=0.1)
        h = self.pool3(rm.leaky_relu(self.bn5(self.conv5(h)), slope=0.1))
        h = rm.leaky_relu(self.bn6(self.conv6(h)), slope=0.1)
        h = rm.leaky_relu(self.bn7(self.conv7(h)), slope=0.1)
        h = self.pool4(rm.leaky_relu(self.bn8(self.conv8(h)), slope=0.1))
        h = rm.leaky_relu(self.bn9(self.conv9(h)), slope=0.1)
        h = rm.leaky_relu(self.bn10(self.conv10(h)), slope=0.1)
        h = rm.leaky_relu(self.bn11(self.conv11(h)), slope=0.1)
        h = rm.leaky_relu(self.bn12(self.conv12(h)), slope=0.1)
        h = rm.leaky_relu(self.bn13(self.conv13(h)), slope=0.1)
        high_resolution_feature = reorg(h) # 高解像度特徴量をreorgでサイズ落として保存しておく
        h = self.pool5(h)
        h = rm.leaky_relu(self.bn14(self.conv14(h)), slope=0.1)
        h = rm.leaky_relu(self.bn15(self.conv15(h)), slope=0.1)
        h = rm.leaky_relu(self.bn16(self.conv16(h)), slope=0.1)
        h = rm.leaky_relu(self.bn17(self.conv17(h)), slope=0.1)
        h = rm.leaky_relu(self.bn18(self.conv18(h)), slope=0.1)

        ##### detection layer
        h = rm.leaky_relu(self.bn19(self.conv19(h)), slope=0.1)
        h = rm.leaky_relu(self.bn20(self.conv20(h)), slope=0.1)
        h = rm.concat(high_resolution_feature, h)
        h = rm.leaky_relu(self.bn21(self.conv21(h)), slope=0.1)
        h = self.conv22(h)

        return h
 def forward(self, x):
     hidden = self.input(x)
     hidden = rm.max_pool2d(hidden, stride=1, padding=1)
     layers = self.hidden._layers
     for i in range(self.blocks):
         offset = i * (self.depth * 2 + 1)
         for j in range(self.depth):
             sub = rm.relu(layers[offset + 2 * j](hidden))
             #print('{}.{} b {}'.format(i,j,sub.shape))
             sub = layers[offset + 2 * j + 1](sub)
             #print('{}.{} + {}'.format(i,j,sub.shape))
             if self.dropout:
                 sub = rm.dropout(sub)
             hidden = rm.concat(hidden, sub)
             #print('{}.{} = {}'.format(i,j,hidden.shape))
         offset = (i + 1) * (self.depth * 2 + 1) - 1
         hidden = layers[offset](hidden)
         #print('{}.{} - {}'.format(i,j,hidden.shape))
         hidden = rm.average_pool2d(hidden, stride=2, padding=1)
         #print('{}.{} > {}'.format(i,j,hidden.shape))
     x = rm.flatten(hidden)
     layers = self.fcnn._layers
     for i in range(len(layers[:-2])):
         x = rm.relu(layers[i](x))
         if self.dropout:
             x = rm.dropout(x, dropout_ratio=0.5)
     z_mean = layers[-2](x)
     z_log_var = layers[-1](x)
     return z_mean, z_log_var
Example #5
    def forward(self, x):
        t1 = rm.relu(self.batch_norm1_reduced(self.conv1_reduced(x)))
        t1 = rm.relu(self.batch_norm1_1(self.conv1_1(t1)))
        t1 = rm.relu(self.batch_norm1_2(self.conv1_2(t1)))

        t2 = rm.relu(self.batch_norm2(self.conv2(x)))

        t3 = rm.max_pool2d(x, filter=3, stride=2)
        return rm.concat([t1, t2, t3])
Example #6
def test_concat(node, x, use_gpu):
    node = Variable(node)

    assert np.allclose(rm.concat(node, x), np.concatenate((node, x), 1))

    def func(node, x):
        return sum(rm.concat(node, x))

    compare(func, node, node, x)
Example #7
    def forward(self, x):
        t1 = rm.relu(self.conv1(x))
        t2 = rm.relu(self.conv2_reduced(x))
        t2 = rm.relu(self.conv2(t2))
        t3 = rm.relu(self.conv3_reduced(x))
        t3 = rm.relu(self.conv3(t3))
        t4 = rm.max_pool2d(x, filter=3, stride=1, padding=1)
        t4 = rm.relu(self.conv4(t4))

        return rm.concat([t1, t2, t3, t4])
Example #8
    def forward(self, x):
        t1 = rm.relu(self.batch_norm1(self.conv1(x)))

        t2 = rm.relu(self.batch_norm2_reduced(self.conv2_reduced(x)))
        t2_1 = rm.relu(self.batch_norm2_1(self.conv2_1(t2)))
        t2_2 = rm.relu(self.batch_norm2_2(self.conv2_2(t2)))
        t2 = rm.concat([t2_1, t2_2])

        t3 = rm.relu(self.batch_norm3_reduced(self.conv3_reduced(x)))
        t3 = rm.relu(self.batch_norm3_1(self.conv3_1(t3)))
        t3_1 = rm.relu(self.batch_norm3_2(self.conv3_2(t3)))
        t3_2 = rm.relu(self.batch_norm3_3(self.conv3_3(t3)))
        t3 = rm.concat([t3_1, t3_2])

        t4 = rm.max_pool2d(x, filter=3, stride=1, padding=1)
        t4 = rm.relu(self.batch_norm4(self.conv4(t4)))
        return rm.concat([
            t1, t2, t3, t4
 def forward(self, x):
     hidden = self.batch(x)
     hidden = rm.tanh(hidden)
     hidden = self.conv(hidden)
     if self.dropout:
         hidden = rm.dropout(hidden)
     hidden = rm.concat(x, hidden)
     if self.depth != 1:
         return self.under_model(hidden)
     return self.output(hidden)
Example #10
    def forward(self, x):
        t = rm.relu(self.batch_norm1(self.conv1(x)))
        t = rm.relu(self.batch_norm2(self.conv2(t)))
        t = rm.relu(self.batch_norm3(self.conv3(t)))

        t1 = rm.max_pool2d(t, filter=3, stride=2)
        t2 = rm.relu(self.batch_norm4(self.conv4(t)))

        t = rm.concat([t1, t2])

        t1 = rm.relu(self.batch_norm5_1_1(self.conv5_1_1(t)))
        t1 = rm.relu(self.batch_norm5_1_2(self.conv5_1_2(t1)))

        t2 = rm.relu(self.batch_norm5_2_1(self.conv5_2_1(t)))
        t2 = rm.relu(self.batch_norm5_2_2(self.conv5_2_2(t2)))
        t2 = rm.relu(self.batch_norm5_2_3(self.conv5_2_3(t2)))
        t2 = rm.relu(self.batch_norm5_2_4(self.conv5_2_4(t2)))
        t = rm.concat([t1, t2])

        t1 = rm.relu(self.batch_norm6(self.conv6(t)))
        t2 = rm.max_pool2d(t, filter=3, stride=2)
        return rm.concat([t1, t2])
    def _incorp_label(self, x, y, eps=1e-3):
        nb = len(x)

        def comp_fm(_dir, dp, idx_f, idx_m):
            def func(_dir, x):
                return -rm.sum(rm.log(
                        x+eps if _dir=='pos' else 1-x+eps))
            _f = func(_dir, dp[idx_f])/len(idx_f) if len(idx_f) else 0
            _m = func(_dir, dp[idx_m])/len(idx_m) if len(idx_m) else 0
            return self.fm_rate*_f + _m

        # generating pz & check positive judge
        full = int(nb*self.full_rate)
        perm = random.permutation(nb)
        pz_label = np.zeros((nb, self.label_dim+1))
        pz_f_idx, pz_m_idx = perm[full:], perm[:full]
        self.types[pz_f_idx] = self.label_dim
        pz_label[np.arange(nb), self.types] = 1
        self.pz = rm.concat(self.pz, pz_label)
        self.Dpz = self.dis(self.pz)
        self.real = comp_fm(
            'pos', self.Dpz, pz_f_idx, pz_m_idx

        # generating qzx & check negative judge
        if y is None:
            y = np.zeros((nb, self.label_dim+1))
            y[:,-1] = 1
        qzx_f_idx = np.where(y[:,-1]==1)[0]
        qzx_m_idx = np.where(y[:,-1]==0)[0]
        _qzx = rm.concat(self.qzx, y)
        self.Dqzx = self.dis(_qzx)
        self.fake = comp_fm(
            'neg', self.Dqzx, qzx_f_idx, qzx_m_idx
        self.fake2pos = comp_fm(
            'pos', self.Dqzx, qzx_f_idx, qzx_m_idx
Example #12
    def forward(self, x):
        c1 = rm.relu(self.bn1_1(self.conv1_1(x)))
        t = rm.max_pool2d(c1, filter=2, stride=2)
        t = rm.dropout(t, 0.5)
        c2 = rm.relu(self.bn2_1(self.conv2_1(t)))
        t = rm.max_pool2d(c2, filter=2, stride=2)
        t = rm.dropout(t, 0.5)
        t = rm.relu(self.bn3_1(self.conv3_1(t)))
        c3 = rm.relu(self.bn3_2(self.conv3_2(t)))
        t = rm.max_pool2d(c3, filter=2, stride=2)
        t = rm.dropout(t, 0.5)
        t = rm.relu(self.bn4_1(self.conv4_1(t)))
        c4 = rm.relu(self.bn4_2(self.conv4_2(t)))
        t = rm.max_pool2d(c4, filter=2, stride=2)
        t = rm.dropout(t, 0.5)
        t = rm.relu(self.bn5_1(self.conv5_1(t)))
        t = rm.relu(self.bn5_2(self.conv5_2(t)))

        t = self.deconv1(t)[:, :, :c4.shape[2], :c4.shape[3]]
        t = rm.concat([c4, t])
        t = rm.relu(self.conv6(t))
        t = self.deconv2(t)[:, :, :c3.shape[2], :c3.shape[3]]
        t = rm.concat([c3, t])

        t = rm.relu(self.conv7(t))
        t = self.deconv3(t)[:, :, :c2.shape[2], :c2.shape[3]]
        t = rm.concat([c2, t])

        t = rm.relu(self.conv8(t))
        t = self.deconv4(t)[:, :, :c1.shape[2], :c1.shape[3]]
        t = rm.concat([c1, t])

        t = rm.relu(self.conv9(t))
        t = self.deconv5(t)[:, :, :c1.shape[2], :c1.shape[3]]
        t = rm.concat([c1, t])

        t = self.conv10(t)
        return t
Example #13
 def __new__(self, x, slice_size=1, axis=1):
     if axis is None:
         axis = 1
     assert len(x.shape) > 1
     input_length = x.shape[axis]
     maxes = []
     # TODO: Ensure that input_length is evenly divisible by _slice_size
     for u in range(input_length // slice_size):
         offset = u * slice_size
             rm.amax(x[:, offset:offset + slice_size],
     return rm.concat(*maxes, axis=axis)
Example #14
    def forward(self, x):
        t1 = rm.max_pool2d(x, filter=3, stride=2)

        t2 = rm.relu(self.batch_norm1_red(self.conv1_red(x)))
        t2 = rm.relu(self.batch_norm1(self.conv1(t2)))

        t3 = rm.relu(self.batch_norm2_red(self.conv2_red(x)))
        t3 = rm.relu(self.batch_norm2_1(self.conv2_1(t3)))
        t3 = rm.relu(self.batch_norm2_2(self.conv2_2(t3)))
        t3 = rm.relu(self.batch_norm2_3(self.conv2_3(t3)))

        return rm.concat([
            t1, t2, t3
Example #15
    def forward(self,x,action):
#         h=self.r(h)
#         h=self.d2(h)
#         h=self.r(h)

        a = self.emb(action)
        a = self.r(a)
        a = self.ad1(a)
        a = self.r(a)
        h = rm.concat(h,a)
        return h
Example #16
 def forward(self, x):
     i = 0
     t = self.base[i](x)
     i += 1
     t = rm.relu(self.base[i](t))
     i += 1
     t = rm.max_pool2d(t, filter=3, stride=2, padding=1)
     for j in self.layer_per_block[:-1]:
         for k in range(j):
             tmp = t
             t = self.base[i](t)
             i += 1
             t = rm.concat(tmp, t)
         t = self.base[i](t)
         i += 1
     for j in range(self.layer_per_block[-1]):
         tmp = t
         t = self.base[i](t)
         i += 1
         t = rm.concat(tmp, t)
     t = rm.average_pool2d(t, filter=7, stride=1)
     t = rm.flatten(t)
     t = self.fc(t)
     return t
Example #17
 def forward(self, x, print_parameter=False):
     hidden = self.input(x)
     if print_parameter:
         print('{}'.format('-' * 20))
         print('check network')
         print('{}'.format('-' * 20))
     if self.dropout:
         hidden = rm.dropout(hidden)
     hidden = rm.max_pool2d(hidden, stride=1, padding=1)
     if print_parameter:
         print('{}'.format('-' * 20))
     layers = self.hidden._layers
     blocks = self.blocks if isinstance(self.blocks, int) else len(
     for i in range(blocks):
         offset = i * (self.depth * 2 + 1)
         for j in range(self.depth):
             sub = rm.leaky_relu(layers[offset + 2 * j](hidden))
             if print_parameter:
                 print('{}.{} b {}'.format(i, j, sub.shape))
             sub = layers[offset + 2 * j + 1](sub)
             if print_parameter:
                 print('{}.{} + {}'.format(i, j, sub.shape))
             if self.dropout:
                 sub = rm.dropout(sub)
             hidden = rm.concat(hidden, sub)
             if print_parameter:
                 print('{}.{} = {}'.format(i, j, hidden.shape))
         offset = (i + 1) * (self.depth * 2 + 1) - 1
         hidden = layers[offset](hidden)
         if print_parameter:
             print('{}.{} * {}'.format(i, j, hidden.shape))
         if self.dropout:
             if print_parameter:
             hidden = rm.dropout(hidden)
         hidden = rm.average_pool2d(hidden,
                                    stride=(1, 2) if self.keep_v else 2)
         if print_parameter:
             print('{}.{} @ {}'.format(i, j, hidden.shape))
             print('{}'.format('-' * 20))
     x = rm.flatten(hidden)
     if print_parameter:
         print('  >>>  {} prameters'.format(x.shape))
     return x
 def forward(self, x):
     layers = self.hidden._layers
     hidden = self.input(x)
     i = 0
     for _ in range(self.depth):
         main_stream = hidden
         hidden = layers[i](main_stream)
         i += 1
         hidden = rm.tanh(hidden)
         hidden = layers[i](hidden)
         i += 1
         if self.dropout:
             hidden = rm.dropout(hidden)
         hidden = rm.concat(main_stream, hidden)
     return self.output(hidden)
Example #19
    def forward(self, x):
        t1 = rm.average_pool2d(x, filter=3, padding=1)
        t1 = rm.relu(self.batch_norm1(self.conv1(t1)))

        t2 = rm.relu(self.batch_norm2(self.conv2(x)))

        t3 = rm.relu(self.batch_norm3_1(self.conv3_1(x)))
        t3 = rm.relu(self.batch_norm3_2(self.conv3_2(t3)))
        t3 = rm.relu(self.batch_norm3_3(self.conv3_3(t3)))

        t4 = rm.relu(self.batch_norm4_1(self.conv4_1(x)))
        t4 = rm.relu(self.batch_norm4_2(self.conv4_2(t4)))
        t4 = rm.relu(self.batch_norm4_3(self.conv4_3(t4)))
        t4 = rm.relu(self.batch_norm4_4(self.conv4_4(t4)))
        t4 = rm.relu(self.batch_norm4_5(self.conv4_5(t4)))
        return rm.concat([t1, t2, t3, t4])
 def forward(self, x):
     layers = self.hidden._layers
     hidden = self.input(self.active(self.input_batch(x)))
     for i in range(self.depth - 1):
         sub = self.active(layers[i * 2](hidden))
         sub = layers[i * 2 + 1](sub)
         if self.dropout:
             sub = rm.dropout(sub, dropout_ratio=0.2)
         hidden = rm.concat(hidden, sub)
     if self.multi_output:
         layers = self.output._layers
         outputs = []
         for i in range(self.output_shape[0]):
             hidden = self.active(layers[i * 2](hidden))
             outputs.append(layers[i * 2 + 1](hidden))
         return outputs
     return self.output(hidden)
    def forward(self, x, y=None, eps=1e-3):
        # x : input data
        # y : one-hot label data for categorical dist. or supporting dis.
        #     empty is not assignment
        # self.qzx : style z
        # self.rep : input data for decoding
        nb = len(x)

        # --- encoding phase --- 
        if 0:
            noise = random.randn(x.size).reshape(nb, x.shape[1])*0.03
            self._x = x+noise
            _x = x
        if self.mode=='clustering' or self.mode=='reduction':
            self.qzx, self.qyx = self.enc(_x)
            self.qzx = self.enc(_x)

        # --- decoding/reconstruction phase ---
        if self.mode=='clustering' or self.mode=='reduction':
            self.recon = self.dec(rm.concat(self.qzx, self.qyx))
            self.recon = self.dec(self.qzx)

        # --- reguralization phase --- 
        if self.mode == 'incorp_label':
            if self.mode == 'clustering':
                "categorical dist"
            elif self.mode == 'supervised':
            elif self.mode == 'dim_reduction':

        if self.mode == 'incorp_label':
            self._incorp_label(x, y, eps=eps)
            self.Dpz = self.dis(self.pz)
            self.Dqzx = self.dis(self.qzx)
            self.real = -rm.sum(rm.log(
                self.Dpz + eps
            self.fake = -rm.sum(rm.log(
                1 - self.Dqzx + eps
            self.fake2pos = -rm.sum(rm.log(
                self.Dqzx + eps
        if self.mode=='clustering' or self.mode=='reduction':
            _idx = np.where(y.sum(1)==1)[0]
            idx_ = np.where(y.sum(1)==0)[0]
            if len(_idx) > 0:
                self.Cy = self.cds(y)
                self.Cqyx = self.cds(self.qyx)
                self.Creal = -rm.sum(rm.log(
                    self.Cy[_idx] + eps
                if 0:
                    self.Cfake = -rm.sum(rm.log(
                        1 - self.Cqyx[_idx] + eps
                    self.Cfake = -rm.sum(rm.log(
                        1 - self.Cqyx + eps
                self.Cfake2 = -rm.sum(rm.log(
                    self.Cqyx[_idx] + eps
                self.Cfake = rm.Variable(0)
                self.Creal = rm.Variable(0)
                self.Cfake2 = rm.Variable(0)

        # --- sumalizing loss ---
        self.gan_loss = self.real + self.fake
        if self.mode=='clustering':
            if len(_idx) > 0:
                self.reconE = rm.mean_squared_error(
                    self.recon[idx_], x[idx_])
                self.reconE = rm.mean_squared_error(self.recon, x)
            self.reconE = rm.mean_squared_error(self.recon, x)
        self.real_count = (self.Dpz >= 0.5).sum()/nb
        self.fake_count = (self.Dqzx < 0.5).sum()/nb
        self.enc_loss = self.fake2pos
        if self.mode=='clustering' or self.mode=='reduction':
            if len(_idx) > 0:
                self.Creal_count = (self.Cy[_idx] >= 0.5).sum()/len(_idx)
                self.Cfake_count = (self.Cqyx[_idx] < 0.5).sum()/len(_idx)
                self.Creal_count = 0
                self.Cfake_count = 0
            self.CganE = self.Creal + self.Cfake
            self.CgenE = self.Cfake2

        return self.recon
Example #22
 def func(node):
     return sum(rm.concat(node, axis=axis))
Example #23
 def func(node, x):
     return sum(rm.concat(node, x))
Example #24
    def forward(self, x):
        n = x.shape[0]
        t = x
        # Vgg 3rd Block
        t = rm.relu(self.conv3_1(t))
        t = rm.relu(self.conv3_2(t))
        t = rm.relu(self.conv3_3(t))
        t = self.pool3(t)

        # Vgg 4th Block
        t = rm.relu(self.conv4_1(t))
        t = rm.relu(self.conv4_2(t))
        t = rm.relu(self.conv4_3(t))

        # Normalize and compute location, confidence and priorbox aspect ratio
        conv4_norm = self.norm(t)

        conv4_norm_loc = self.conv4_3_mbox_loc(conv4_norm)
        conv4_norm_loc_flat = rm.flatten(conv4_norm_loc.transpose(0, 2, 3, 1))
        conv4_norm_conf = self.conv4_3_mbox_conf(conv4_norm)
        conv4_norm_conf_flat = rm.flatten(conv4_norm_conf.transpose(
            0, 2, 3, 1))

        t = self.pool4(t)

        # Vgg 5th Block
        t = rm.relu(self.conv5_1(t))
        t = rm.relu(self.conv5_2(t))
        t = rm.relu(self.conv5_3(t))
        t = self.pool5(t)

        # Vgg 6, 7th Block
        t = rm.relu(self.fc6(t))
        t = rm.relu(self.fc7(t))
        # Confirmed here.

        # Normalize and compute location, confidence and priorbox aspect ratio
        fc7_mbox_loc = self.fc7_mbox_loc(t)
        fc7_mbox_loc_flat = rm.flatten(fc7_mbox_loc.transpose(0, 2, 3, 1))

        fc7_mbox_conf = self.fc7_mbox_conf(t)
        fc7_mbox_conf_flat = rm.flatten(fc7_mbox_conf.transpose(0, 2, 3, 1))

        t = rm.relu(self.conv8_1(t))
        t = rm.relu(self.conv8_2(t))
        # Normalize and compute location, confidence and priorbox aspect ratio
        conv8_mbox_loc = self.conv8_2_mbox_loc(t)
        conv8_mbox_loc_flat = rm.flatten(conv8_mbox_loc.transpose(0, 2, 3, 1))

        conv8_mbox_conf = self.conv8_2_mbox_conf(t)
        conv8_mbox_conf_flat = rm.flatten(conv8_mbox_conf.transpose(
            0, 2, 3, 1))

        t = rm.relu(self.conv9_1(t))
        t = rm.relu(self.conv9_2(t))
        # Normalize and compute location, confidence and priorbox aspect ratio
        conv9_mbox_loc = self.conv9_2_mbox_loc(t)
        conv9_mbox_loc_flat = rm.flatten(conv9_mbox_loc.transpose(0, 2, 3, 1))

        conv9_mbox_conf = self.conv9_2_mbox_conf(t)
        conv9_mbox_conf_flat = rm.flatten(conv9_mbox_conf.transpose(
            0, 2, 3, 1))

        t = rm.relu(self.conv10_1(t))
        t = rm.relu(self.conv10_2(t))

        conv10_mbox_loc = self.conv10_2_mbox_loc(t)
        conv10_mbox_loc_flat = rm.flatten(conv10_mbox_loc.transpose(
            0, 2, 3, 1))

        conv10_mbox_conf = self.conv10_2_mbox_conf(t)
        conv10_mbox_conf_flat = rm.flatten(
            conv10_mbox_conf.transpose(0, 2, 3, 1))

        t = rm.relu(self.conv10_1(t))
        t = rm.relu(self.conv10_2(t))

        conv11_mbox_loc = self.conv11_2_mbox_loc(t)
        conv11_mbox_loc_flat = rm.flatten(conv11_mbox_loc.transpose(
            0, 2, 3, 1))

        conv11_mbox_conf = self.conv11_2_mbox_conf(t)
        conv11_mbox_conf_flat = rm.flatten(
            conv11_mbox_conf.transpose(0, 2, 3, 1))

        mbox_loc = rm.concat([
            conv4_norm_loc_flat, fc7_mbox_loc_flat, conv8_mbox_loc_flat,
            conv9_mbox_loc_flat, conv10_mbox_loc_flat, conv11_mbox_loc_flat

        mbox_conf = rm.concat([
            conv4_norm_conf_flat, fc7_mbox_conf_flat, conv8_mbox_conf_flat,
            conv9_mbox_conf_flat, conv10_mbox_conf_flat, conv11_mbox_conf_flat

        mbox_loc = mbox_loc.reshape((n, -1, 4))
        mbox_conf = mbox_conf.reshape((n, -1, self.num_class))

        predictions = rm.concat([mbox_loc, mbox_conf], axis=2)
        return predictions
Example #25
 def forward(self, x, action):
     return self._l2(rm.concat(self._l1(x), action))
Example #26
def reorg(input):
    output1 = rm.concat(input[:, :, ::2, ::2], input[:, :, 1::2, ::2])
    output2 = rm.concat(input[:, :, ::2, 1::2], input[:, :, 1::2, 1::2])
    output = rm.concat(output1, output2)
    return output
Example #27
    def forward(self, x):
        n = x.shape[0]
        t = x
        t = self.pool3(
        t = rm.relu(

        # Normalize and compute location, confidence and priorbox aspect ratio
        conv4_norm = self.norm(t)
        #conv4_norm = t
        conv4_norm_loc = self.conv4_3_mbox_loc(conv4_norm)
        conv4_norm_loc_flat = rm.flatten(conv4_norm_loc)
        conv4_norm_conf = self.conv4_3_mbox_conf(conv4_norm)
        conv4_norm_conf_flat = rm.flatten(conv4_norm_conf)
        conv4_priorbox = self.conv4_3_priorbox(conv4_norm)

        t = self.pool4(t)

        t = self.pool5(

        t = rm.relu(self.fc6(t))
        t = rm.relu(self.fc7(t))

        # Normalize and compute location, confidence and priorbox aspect ratio
        fc7_mbox_loc = self.fc7_mbox_loc(t)
        fc7_mbox_loc_flat = rm.flatten(fc7_mbox_loc)

        fc7_mbox_conf = self.fc7_mbox_conf(t)
        fc7_mbox_conf_flat = rm.flatten(fc7_mbox_conf)
        fc7_priorbox = self.fc7_priorbox(t)

        t = rm.relu(self.conv8_2(rm.relu(self.conv8_1(t))))
        # Normalize and compute location, confidence and priorbox aspect ratio
        conv8_mbox_loc = self.conv8_2_mbox_loc(t)
        conv8_mbox_loc_flat = rm.flatten(conv8_mbox_loc)

        conv8_mbox_conf = self.conv8_2_mbox_conf(t)
        conv8_mbox_conf_flat = rm.flatten(conv8_mbox_conf)
        conv8_priorbox = self.conv8_2_priorbox(t)

        t = rm.relu(self.conv9_2(rm.relu(self.conv9_1(t))))
        # Normalize and compute location, confidence and priorbox aspect ratio
        conv9_mbox_loc = self.conv9_2_mbox_loc(t)
        conv9_mbox_loc_flat = rm.flatten(conv9_mbox_loc)

        conv9_mbox_conf = self.conv9_2_mbox_conf(t)
        conv9_mbox_conf_flat = rm.flatten(conv9_mbox_conf)
        conv9_priorbox = self.conv9_2_priorbox(t)

        t = rm.relu(self.conv10_2(rm.relu(self.conv10_1(t))))
        conv10_mbox_loc = self.conv10_2_mbox_loc(t)
        conv10_mbox_loc_flat = rm.flatten(conv10_mbox_loc)

        conv10_mbox_conf = self.conv10_2_mbox_conf(t)
        conv10_mbox_conf_flat = rm.flatten(conv10_mbox_conf)
        conv10_priorbox = self.conv10_2_priorbox(t)

        t = rm.average_pool2d(t)
        t = rm.flatten(t)

        pool11_mbox_loc_flat = self.pool11_mbox_loc(t)

        pool11_mbox_conf_flat = self.pool11_mbox_conf(t)
        pool11_reshaped = t.reshape((t.shape[0], 256, 1, 1))
        pool11_priorbox = self.pool11_priorbox(pool11_reshaped)

        mbox_loc = rm.concat([
            conv4_norm_loc_flat, fc7_mbox_loc_flat, conv8_mbox_loc_flat,
            conv9_mbox_loc_flat, conv10_mbox_loc_flat, pool11_mbox_loc_flat
        mbox_conf = rm.concat([
            conv4_norm_conf_flat, fc7_mbox_conf_flat, conv8_mbox_conf_flat,
            conv9_mbox_conf_flat, conv10_mbox_conf_flat, pool11_mbox_conf_flat

        mbox_priorbox = np.concatenate([
            conv4_priorbox, fc7_priorbox, conv8_priorbox, conv9_priorbox,
            conv10_priorbox, pool11_priorbox

        num_boxes = mbox_loc.shape[-1] // 4
        mbox_loc = mbox_loc.reshape((n, 4, num_boxes))
        mbox_conf = mbox_conf.reshape((n, self.num_class, num_boxes))

        predictions = rm.concat([
            mbox_loc, mbox_conf,
            np.broadcast_to(mbox_priorbox.transpose((0, 2, 1)),
                            (mbox_conf.shape[0], mbox_priorbox.shape[2],
        return predictions