Example #1
 def test_parser_is_able_to_merge_expresion_result(self):
     """Parser must be able to merge expresion results into one dict."""
     final_output = {}
     part_output = {'a': 3}
     parser = Parser()
     parser.merge_output(final_output, part_output)
     assert final_output == part_output
Example #2
 def test_must_support_file_parsing(self):
     raw_data = u('8am - brekfast\n9am - work\n12am - lunch break\n')
     parser = Parser(
         SimpleExpression('hour', r'([12]?\d)(am|pm)', time_12_to_24)
     data = parser.parse_file(io.StringIO(raw_data))
     assert set(data['hour']) == {8, 9, 12}
Example #3
 def test_minimal_constructor(self):
     """Parser API has to be simple enough to construct it on a fly."""
     parser = Parser(
         SimpleExpression('hour', r'([12]?\d)(am|pm)', time_12_to_24)
     assert parser.line('1pm') == {'hour': 13}
     assert parser.line('10am') == {'hour': 10}
     assert parser.line('8pm') == {'hour': 20}
Example #4
 def test_multiple_values_should_be_concatinated_a_list(self):
     parser = Parser(
         SimpleExpression('hour', r'([12]?\d)(am|pm)', time_12_to_24)
     assert parser.line('1pm-4am') == {'hour': [13, 4]}