Example #1
# * Longitude
# The first line of the file is a header and should be discarded.
# The fields are seperated by commas and quoted with double quotes.

f = urlopen(CSV_URL)

count = 0

data = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
for row in data:
    count += 1
    if count == 1:
    repeater = Repeater(row[0])
    repeater.tx = float(row[3])
    repeater.rx = float(row[4])
    if row[10] != '':
        repeater.ctcss = float(row[10])
    if row[5] == "AV":
        repeater.mode = "FM"
    if row[5] == "DSTAR":
        repeater.mode = "DSTAR"
    if row[5] == "DMR":
        repeater.mode = "DMR"
    if row[5] == "DUALMODE":
        repeater.mode = "FM"
    repeater.locator = row[6]
    repeater.town = row[7]
    repeater.keeper = row[11]
    repeater.lat = row[12]
Example #2
geolocator = Nominatim()

repeater_rows = irts_soup.find_all('table')[0].find_all('tr')

count = 0

for row in repeater_rows:
    count = count + 1
    if count == 1:
        continue # Skip the header row
    fields = row.find_all('td')
    repeater = Repeater(fields[2].next_element.strip())
    if repeater.callsign[0:2] == "GB":
        continue # we get these anyway from ukrepeater
    repeater.rx = fields[1].next_element.next_element.next_element.strip()
    repeater.tx = fields[1].next_element.next_element.next_element.next_element.next_element.next_element.next_element.strip()
    activation = re.sub("\/", "", fields[3].next_element.strip())
    if activation == "Carrier":
        repeater.carrier = True
    elif activation == "1750Hz":
        repeater.burst = True
        repeater.ctcss = re.sub("Hz", "", activation)
    repeater.mode = "FM"
    repeater.town = fields[4].next_element.strip()
    location = geolocator.geocode(re.sub(",.*$", "", repeater.town) + ", Republic of Ireland", timeout=10)
    if location == None:
        continue # TODO need to get a better geocoding system, or actually pull out the ml
    repeater.lat = location.latitude                                     
    repeater.lon = location.longitude                                    
    repeater.locator = latlong_to_locator(repeater.lat, repeater.lon)
Example #3
    return '\n'.join(unique_repeaters)

# Assuming these four locations will result in a complete set
data = assemble_repeater_data(["JO41AD", "JO53BJ", "JO62FD", "JN59EH"])

# Clean it up a bit
data = data.replace('\r', '')
data = data.replace('°', ' ')

for row in csv.reader(data.split('\n'), delimiter=';'):
    if len(row) != 9:
    repeater = Repeater(row[0])
        repeater.tx = float(row[1].replace(',', '.'))
    except ValueError:
        # Some data is just wrong or malformatted
    if (row[2] != '') and (row[2] != 'Beacon'):
            repeater.rx = float(row[2].replace(',', '.'))
        except ValueError:
    if row[8] == 'DMR':  # Unfortunately, most will be missing this
        repeater.mode = row[8]
    if row[7] != '':
        repeater.ctcss = float(row[7].replace(',', '.'))
        repeater.mode = "FM"
    repeater.locator = row[3]
    # The fourth column is actually info, and *usually* has the town name.